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Sepsis-Induced Brain Dysfunction

C. Guidoux, T. Sharshar, and D. Annane

The central nervous system (CNS) controls a wide range of physiological func-
tions [1, 2] that are crucial to maintain homeostasis and to orchestrate the host
response to stress at behavioral, neuroendocrine, and autonomic levels [2]. Interac-
tions between the immune system and the CNS are considered to play a major role
in the host response in septic shock. It is well established that brain centers involved
in neuroendocrine [3] and autonomic control, wakefulness, awareness, and behav-
ior are signaled during sepsis. This signaling, which involves various inammatory
mediators and neurotransmitters, can foster an adaptive response, optimizing the
host response to stress, but also a maladaptive one, through inappropriate activity
or damage to these centers. It has been shown that encephalopathy, and neuroen-
docrine or autonomic dysfunction, occur frequently during septic shock and may
contribute to organ dysfunction and death.

Sepsis is dened as infection with systemic inammation, consisting of two or
more of the following: increased or decreased temperature, increased or decreased
leukocyte count, tachycardia, and rapid breathing [4]. Septic shock is sepsis with
hypotension that persists after resuscitation with intravenous uid. Normally, the
immune and neuroendocrine systems control the local inammatory process to
eradicate pathogens. When this local control mechanism fails, systemic inamma-
tion occurs, allowing the progression from infection to sepsis, severe sepsis, and
septic shock.

Cerebral Mechanisms Involved During Sepsis

Brain Structures
Multiple brain structures orchestrate the responses to a stressful challenge (Fig. 1).
The systemic response to infection depends on a complex, organized, and co-
herent interaction between immune, autonomic, neuroendocrine, and behavioral
systems [3, 5, 6]. The main brain structures involved in this response are, briey:
408 C. Guidoux, T. Sharshar, D. Annane

Fig. 1. Brain structures involved in the response to inammation. PVN: parvocellular nucleus;
SON: supraoptic nucleus; CRF: corticotropin releasing factor; VP: vasopressin; ACTH: adrenocor-
ticotropin hormone; CVO: circum ventricular ovale; BBB: blood-brain barrier; AP: area postrema;
PB: parabrachial nucleus; NTS: nucleus tractus solitarius; Nam: nucleus ambiguus

1. The medullary autonomic nuclei (i. e., solitary tract nuclei, the dorsal motor
nucleus of the vagus, and the nucleus ambiguus), which control parasym-
pathetic output directly and sympathetic activity indirectly, through the
intermedio-lateral cell column in the thoracic spinal cord. These nuclei are
controlled by the parabrachial nuclei, A5 cell group, and the area postrema,
which are located in the brainstem and control the medullary autonomic nu-
2. The reticular formation which contains various nuclei that are the core of
the specic neurotransmitter network involved in the control of sleep and
arousal. Thus, midbrain raphe nuclei, the basal Meynert nuclei, and the locus
coeruleus are the core of the serotonergic, cholinergic, and noradrenergic
networks. The locus coeruleus is connected to the hypothalamus and to the
medullar autonomic nuclei.
3. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The hypothalamic paraventricular
and supraoptic nuclei play an important role in the stress response as they
synthesize and release corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) and vasopressin.
These hypothalamic nuclei are linked directly or indirectly to the brainstem
nuclei, locus coeruleus, and the amygdala, which is located in the hippocampus
and connected to the limbic system [3].
Sepsis-Induced Brain Dysfunction 409

Neuroendocrine Mechanisms
The stress response includes, among others, activation of the reninangiotensin
system and activation of the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenocortical axis. A typical
neuroendocrine response is characterized by [3]:

within seconds, an increase in the secretion of catecholamines (epinephrine and

norepinephrine) from the sympathetic nervous system and adrenal medulla,
the release of CRF and vasopressin from parvicellular neurons into the portal
circulation, and the secretion of oxytocin from the neural lobe of the pituitary
510 seconds later, the secretion of pituitary ACTH
a few seconds later, decreased secretion of pituitary gonadotropins and increased
secretion of prolactin and growth hormone (in primates) from the anterior
pituitary, as well as increased secretion of renin and glucagon from the kidneys
and pancreas, respectively.
a few minutes later, an increase in the plasma levels of glucocorticoids and
inhibition of the secretion of gonadal steroids.
Various neuropeptides and neurotransmitters regulate the stress response in
a coordinated way, each following a particular time course and being specic for
a given stressor. These neuropeptides comprise in the main vasopressin, serotonin,
norepinephrine, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, neuropeptide Y, substance P,
and estrogen.

The Immune System

The immune system can be considered as a diffuse sensory system, which informs
the brain of the presence of microorganism constituents or inammation through
three main pathways: [27]:

1. cerebral structures which are deprived of the blood-brain barrier so that

microorganisms and inammatory components can easily diffuse into the
brain. These structures are the circumventricular organs, which include, at
the level of the fourth ventricle, the area postrema, and at the level of the third
ventricle, the median eminence, neurohypophysis, pineal gland, subfornical
organ, and lamina terminalis. These structures are strategically located as they
are very close to the autonomic or neuroendocrine centers.
2. the vagus nerve, which acts as a reex loop as it senses peripheral inam-
mation (presumably through cytokine receptors on the nerve surface), con-
veys immune-related information to the medulla, and then suppresses the
inammatory response at the site of infection (through nicotinic acetylcholine
receptors on the monocyte surface).
3. endothelial activation and leakage, which enables release or passive diffusion
of mediators.
410 C. Guidoux, T. Sharshar, D. Annane

The brain is, therefore, physiologically signaled during sepsis because it is

reached by constituents of microorganisms and inammatory mediators and be-
cause it is able to detect these molecules through specic receptors. Physiologically,
there is in fact a sort of inammatory signal (so-called migratory pattern of brain
activation) that is characterized by expression of mediators and their receptors,
and that originates from vagus nerve nuclei, from the blood-brain barrier-deprived
structures, or from activated endothelial cells, and spreads to deeper brain areas
controlling neuroendocrine and autonomic functions, involving both glial cells
and neurons. Alteration of the blood-brain barrier, which may occur during sep-
sis, favors brain edema and inammation.

Blood-brain Barrier
The blood-brain barrier is a diffusion barrier [8], controlling entry of plasma
substances. It is composed of endothelial cells, astrocyte end-feet, and pericytes.
The tight junctions between the cerebral endothelial cells form a diffusion barrier,
which selectively excludes most blood-borne substances from entering the brain.
Diffuse endothelial activation or panendothelitis is a hallmark of septic shock.
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and pro-inammatory cytokines induce expression of
CD40 [9], and of adhesion molecules by endothelial cells from human brain. They
also cause transcriptional activation of the cyclooxygenase 2 gene and stimula-
tion of the IB-/nuclear factor-B (NF-B) pathway. Although brain endothelial
cells do not express surface CD14, LPS triggers the mitogen-activated protein ki-
nase (MAPK) cascade through soluble CD14. LPS-activated brain endothelial cells
exhibit interleukin (IL)-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- receptors; produce
IL-1, TNF-, and IL-6; and exhibit endothelial and inducible nitric oxide synthase
(NOS). These mediators are able to interact with surrounding brain cells, relay-
ing the inammatory response into the brain. Septic shock-induced endothelial
activation may result in alteration in the blood-brain barrier and cerebrovascular
dysfunction, an effect which is attenuated by glial cells, dexamethasone, or NOS
inhibition. Nevertheless, contradictory results have been obtained in animal and
human studies that have assessed cerebral blood ow, endothelial reactivity, and
oxygen consumption during sepsis.

Inammatory signals may result in neuronal and glial apoptosis [10]. Indeed,
TNF- and NO, which are expressed in the brain during sepsis, are pro-apoptotic
factors. Apoptotic neurons and microglial cells have been found in neuroendocrine
and autonomic nuclei of patients who have died from septic shock. The intensity
of apoptosis is correlated with iNOS expression in endothelial cells. This result
suggests that sepsis-induced activation of astro- and microglia in the brain and
subsequent production of NO initiates apoptosis and necrosis of neurons and
glial cells. However, it cannot be inferred that apoptosis is detrimental, even if it
Sepsis-Induced Brain Dysfunction 411

has been reported that it correlates with antemortem duration of hypotension in

humans. For example, neuronal cytochrome C, which is a pro-apoptotic factor,
might favor survival of rats with sepsis. Further studies are needed to assess the
mechanisms and consequences of apoptosis and the pathogenic role of NO and
other inammatory mediators in sepsis-related encephalopathy, neuroendocrine
and autonomic dysfunction. It remains speculative to claim that strategies based
on NO inhibition or apoptosis prevention will be neuroprotective.

In a prospective autopsy study of 23 patients who had died from septic shock [11],
various lesions were found, including ischemia (in all cases), hemorrhage (in
26% of cases), micro-thrombi (in 9%), micro-abscesses (in 9%) and multifocal
necrotizing leukoencephalopathy (in 9%), which were associated with both local
expression and high circulating levels of pro-inammatory cytokines. The latter
nding demonstrates that the brain can be damaged through pure inammatory
processes during septic shock and not only through ischemia or coagulation dis-
turbances. However, the incidence and features of brain lesions in the ante-mortem
period and in patients surviving septic shock remain to be explored.

Clinical Features: Sepsis-associated Encephalopathy

Sepsis and its complications are the leading causes of mortality accounting for 10
to 50% of intensive care unit (ICU) deaths [12]. The characterization of inam-
matory cascades leading to multiple organ failure (MOF) and ultimately death has
attracted much interest. Studies have mostly focused on peripheral organs such
as the lung, liver, gut, and kidney, and much less on the brain whose role in the
pathophysiological mechanisms of shock is far from fully understood.
Septic encephalopathy is the clinical manifestation of sepsis- or SIRS (systemic
inammatory response syndrome)-related brain dysfunction [13]. It is the most
common cause of encephalopathy in the critically ill. The severity of encephalopa-
thy correlates with the severity of illness, as assessed by the Acute Physiology and
Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score or organ failure scores and mortality.
Septic encephalopathy is an independent predictor of death.
The most immediate complication of septic encephalopathy is impaired con-
sciousness, and the patient may require ventilation. The etiology of septic en-
cephalopathy involves disruption of the blood-brain barrier as a result of the
interaction of inammatory mediators with the cerebrovascular endothelium, ab-
normal neurotransmitter composition of the reticular activating system, impaired
astrocyte function and neuronal degeneration, reduced cerebral blood ow and
oxygen extraction, and cerebral edema.
412 C. Guidoux, T. Sharshar, D. Annane

Septic patients often develop encephalopathy, dened as a deterioration in mental
status or level of consciousness. This encephalopathy may occur without evidence
of bacterial blood stream invasion. Wilson and Young [14] prefer the term sepsis-
associated encephalopathy rather than septic encephalopathy, as it suggests
a diffuse cerebral dysfunction induced by the systemic response to infection with-
out clinical or laboratory evidence of direct infection of the CNS, whereas the latter
signies a cerebral infection.

Clinical Features
Sepsis associated encephalopathy can be classied as early or late [1], depending
on whether it occurs before or after development of MOF. Hepatic and renal failure
may obviously exacerbate the brain dysfunction in advanced sepsis.
Neurological symptoms range, according to severity, from uctuating con-
fusion, inattention and inappropriate behavior, to delirium and then deteriora-
tion in conscious level or coma. Motor signs such as asterixis, myoclonus, or
tremor, are rarely observed and more frequent in metabolic than in septic-
encephalopathy. More common is paratonic rigidity, which is a velocity depen-
dent resistance to passive movements and requires moving the limbs rapidly in or-
der to demonstrate it.
Seizures are uncommon in sepsis-associated encephalopathy and the cranial
nerves are usually spared [14]. Neuroimaging is mandatory if focal neurological
signs are present as they are exceptional in septic encephalopathy and suggest
a cerebral lesion.

Different scores can be used to assess the severity of encephalopathy induced by
sepsis. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is certainly the most used [15] and is useful
as it clearly correlates with mortality [16]. As the GCS score drops from 15 to
below 8, the mortality rate increases from 16% to 63%. However, we believe that
the Confusion Assessment Method for Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU) is more
sensitive than the GCS to detect brain dysfunction, especially in mechanically
ventilated patients.

Electroencephalogram and Somatosensory Evoked Potentials
Electroencephalogram (EEG) is better than GCS for detecting sepsis-associated
encephalopathy [17], as it may reveal mild diffuse reversible slowing in patients
with normal neurological examination. Five classes of progressively worsening
Sepsis-Induced Brain Dysfunction 413

EEG pattern have been identied: 1 = normal EEG; 2 = excessive theta; 3 =

predominant delta; 4 = triphasic waves; 5 = suppression or burst suppression.
The mortality rate is proportional to the severity of the EEG abnormality, ranging
from 0 to 67% as EEG abnormalities progress from class 1 to 5. The bispectral index
(BIS) of the EEG (a statistically derived variable that allows an easier interpretation
of the EEG) might be useful for assessment of neurological status in non-sedated
critically ill patients [18]. The main limitation of the EEG is that it cannot detect
brain dysfunction in sedated patients.
In contrast, somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) are not affected by sedative
drugs [19]. An increase in subcortical and cortical peak latencies of SEPs has
been reported in patients with SIRS related or not to sepsis. The impairment of
subcortical and cortical pathways was correlated with severity of illness, but did
not differ between patients with severe sepsis and those with septic shock. In
a pig model of pancreatitis-related SIRS [20], SEP amplitude attenuation preceded
hemodynamic SIRS criteria by at least four hours.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

No study has determined whether septic encephalopathy is associated with actual
radiographic lesions. Computed tomography (CT) scan is limited for this purpose,
with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) being a better tool for screening early
abnormalities. Indeed, the new sequences, such as diffusion-weight and apparent
diffusion coefcients, are highly sensitive. The main limitation is that unstable and
mechanically ventilated patients need to be transported to the MRI room.

Biological Investigations
Cerebrospinal uid (CSF) analysis is generally normal, except for an inconstant
elevation in protein concentration. Neurone-specic enolase, a marker of brain
injury, may be of some prognostic value in septic shock [21].

Sepsis is often associated with CNS dysfunction that is frequently unrecognized.
This dysfunction is not due to direct infection of the CNS, so is better termed
sepsis-associated encephalopathy. An altered mental status may be present in the
early stage of sepsis, even preceding common clinical signs of sepsis. EEG and other
neurophysiologic techniques may help to detect sub-clinical alterations and to es-
tablish clinical outcome. The pathophysiological mechanism of sepsis-associated
encephalopathy is not perfectly understood and is very likely multifactorial, in-
volving direct toxicity of microorganisms or byproducts, and the effects of inam-
matory mediators, metabolic alterations, and impaired cerebral circulation. There
are no specic or symptomatic treatments for sepsis-associated encephalopathy.
414 C. Guidoux, T. Sharshar, D. Annane


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