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3126 IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-lOl, No.

9 September 1982



G. C. Verghese 1. J. Perez-Arriaga F. C. Schweppe

IEEE Member IEEE Member IEEE Fellow

Electric Power Systems Engineering Laboratory

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Abstract - Selective Modal Analysis (or SMA) is number of troublesome oscillating modes is usually
a physically motivated framework for understanding, a small fraction of the very many modes of behavior
simplifying and analyzing complicated linear time- of the system; often, just one mode is of interest.
invariant (or LTI) models of dynamic systems [1,2,3]. h o
SMA allows one to focus on any prespecified dynamic nw e und oo toe the ex ite ofoflanope
now well understood to be the existence an ope-
pattern of interest
pattrn o in te
intrestin the moel. particular,'
model. Inn paticuar, rain codto thti.ntbentesal
. .
One can eff iciently and accurately compute the ~~~~~~~~rating
condition that Is unstable in the small.
oigenevcanuefficent agendvaccuraofthel
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the natural modes tdes The
de onset o ofemt nov power
spontaneous olna oscillations
systemeairi n
of interest and their sensitivities, and also deter- dessnot way, as shown in[ ea smaviprtur-
mine physically meaningful reduced order models con- bation
bation bavo
behavior of thower
of theconditionsyte ite in the vicinity
tamingt thesefnatural
tainng mode. sMA
teseaturl moes. iclr
MA iis pariculrly of a given operating power system
can therefore be ty
suitable for dealing with compoit models,e. described to first order by a set of LTI differential
model s cons isting of several dynamic subsystems eutin ntesaesaefr
interrelated by static constraints. An introduction q
to the basic concepts of SMA pertinent to the appli- x = Ax + Bu (1)
cations being considered here is presented in the
companion paper [3]. This paper concerns the appli- where the state vector x represents the perturbation
cation of SMA to the Dynamic Stability problem in of the system state from its nominal value at the
electric power systems; it is shown how SMA is well chosen operating condition, and the vector u repre-
suited to meet the demanding requirements of Dynamic sents perturbations of "inputs" such as load power
Stability analysis. This is illustrated in [3] with demands. The numerical values of the constant
examples, including a 60-machine model of a dynamic matrices A and B depend on the operating condition
instability occurrence in an actual power system. as well as on the system parameters. Describing
system dynamics in the vicinity of the specified
1. DYNAMIC STABILITY: INTRODUCTION AND REVIEW operatinc condition now reduces to the conceptually
simple task of evaluating the modal structure of
(1), i.e., the eigenstructure of the matrix A. The
A paradigm for many of the large-scale issues procedure now commonly followed involves computa-
involved in dealing with electric power systems is tion of the complete eigenstructure of A, and of
provided by the so-called Dynamic Stability problen. its variations with changes in selected system
Dynamic Stability concerns the dynamic behavior of conditions and parameters. Studies have repeatedly
the power system under small perturbations about shown the adequacy of model (1) in providing
some operating condition, and more specifically the reasonable qualitative and quantitative understand-
phenomenon of slow and poorly damped, or sustained, ing of observed incidents of dynamic instability;
or even diverging power oscillations. The oscilla- reference [5] is a recent example.
tions may occur between one or a few machines and A consiZderabl e amount of effort has been ex-
the rest of the system ("local oscillations"), or pended in research work and on-site studies for
between large groups of machines ("generalized t
tackl ing the complex problems of tuning voltage
oscillations"); the latter typically occur in theto exciters to
0.1 to 0.5 Hz range, the former in the 1 to 2 Hz stabilize achine systems th efforth
range. An important point to be noted is that the succeeded nustabiliing man Trbsoefpor
succeeded i n stabili|zi|ng many troubl esome-power
system configurations and has also resulted in a
fairly sound body of theoretical and practical
knowledge, see [6]. In theory, the eigenstructure
and sensitivity information can be made the basis
for choosinq proper operating conditions and system
82 WM 071-9 A paper recommended and approved by the parameters, see [7]. In practice, however, most of
IEEE Power System Engineering Commnittee of the IEEE these approaches to power system stabiliTzation via
Power Engineering Society for presentation at the IEEE excitation control, for controllers currently being
PE5v1982 Winter Meeting, New York, New York, January 31- imzplemented or in operation, are l imited to rather
February 5, 1982. Manuscript submitted August 31, 1981; crude models of either the power system external
made available for printing November 4, 19.81. to the power plant being control led (and therefore

0018-9510/82/0900-3126$00.75 ) 1982 IEEE


lack coordination) or of the entire system (thus synchronous machines), with functions of the Laplace
lacking accuracy). They also lack adaptability to operator s appearing in the place of constant co-
changing operati'ng conditions. These shortcomings efficients. The resul'tant algebraic equation in s
stand in the way of a truly comprehensive approach is then solved iteratively to yield the desired
to the Dynamic Stability problem. This has been eigenvalue. The approach is interesting, and bears
empirically shown by the reoccurrence of dynamic some relationship to SMA. Several objections, how-
instability in systems already heavily equipped ever, may be raised. The iterative technique can
with stabilizers, as'documented in [8]. More ad- only deal with one eigenvalue at a timne, which leads
vanced approaches are mostly of an academic nature, to difficulties in the iterative algorithm when
see [9]. tracking eigenvalues in clustered groups. The struc-
Any comprehensive practical approach to the ture of the reduced model is constrained to be that
Dynamic Stability problem has to deal with the in- of the classical electromechanical model; it will be
escapable size and complexity of the system (1) in seen later that this will not usually be adequate
any realistic model. An accurate study of Dynamic for dynamically unstable modes, thereby hindering
Stab i Ility requ i res initial modeli ng of exten- the convergence of the iterative algorithm. It is
sive portions of the system being studied (because not clear from the paper whether the authors have
generalized oscillations are not physically localized) an efficient procedure to compute their reduced
and of the many disparate system components and pro- operational transfer matrix. If they do not, the
cesses that appear significantly involved. As a computational savings might be wiped out by the need
result, the matrix A in (1) can easily have dimen- for updating this matrix for each eigenvalue and
sions in the thousands, and determination of the iteration. No theoretical basis (convergence con-
eigenstructure, even as an off-line task at the ditions, etc.) for the method is presented, which
planning level, involves formidable difficulty and make's this method also appear heuristic and ad hoc.
cost. (The standard eigenanalysis algorithm needs It is bel ieved that SMA provides a conceptually and
of the order of n3 operations when applied to an computationally sounder and more comprehensive
n x n matrix.) framework than the above' mentioned approaches.
1.3 Organization of the Paper
1.2 Review of Some Prior Work'' *
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
A careful analysis of the abundant literature lows. The SMA theory pertinent to Dynamic Stability
on this topic reveals that the current state-of-the- analysis is briefly reviewed in Section 2, including
art falls short of providing a comprehensive approach a detailed discussion of composite models. Section 3
to the Dynamic Stabi l ity problem. However, two concerns the application of SMA to Dynamic Stability.
fairly recent approaches will now be discussed in Reference is made to specific examples, in particular
more detail since they have some points of contact to the results of the analysis of the realistic
with the method to be presented' in-this paper, namely 177th order model described more fully in the com-
Selective Modal Analysis (or SMA). The method in [4] panion paper [31.
exploits knowledge of the frequency range of interest ~~~~~1.
(0.1 Hz to 2 Hz), unlike. the complete eigenstructure
computation. A frequency-doma'in model of the linear- 2.1 Summary of Basic Concepts
ized system is used to calculate the speed pertur- S M
bation phasor at a selected generator (one believed - work for accte efficient and physicall-ased
significantly involved in the mode- of interest) when m aaccurate, eff ici ent and phys ical ly-based
the generator is excited by an exponential . pertur- ~~~~modeling and anlysis of selected l portions.of
- the
structure and behavior of 1linear time'-invariant
bation torque at. a- complex
. frequency; the torque- (
~~~~~~~(orLTI) systems. A heuristic introduction to SM1A
to-speed transfer function is modeled' as a second-
-is presented in the companion paper 13]'. Referenc'es
order system whose poles are then chosen to match
the calculated speed response to the torque excita- [1,2] offer Here a rigorous and far material
more complete
in [3] des-
tion. The calculated locations may be used to cription.
b c r the pertinent will
. . pole
> concizsely:Vrev
~~~~~~~~be iewed and add;it ional1 resul1ts' con-
update the excitatilon frequency and move closer to .
a resonance condition, thereby iteratively improving cerning
c composite models
w wi1l 1be presented.,
b pend
estimates of the modes. The mode patterns or eigen- Consider the problem of accurate determination
vectors are estimated from the relative magnitudes of the eigenstructure (i.e. eigenvalues, eigenvec-
of system variables at the resonance. The method tors and their sensitivities with respect to system
is reasonable but quite ad hoc in several respects: parameters) of a group of h selected modes (or SM)
it does not guarantee that the modes of interest of the undriven N-th order system
will be identified; its accuracy is uncertain; sen- * A (2)
sitivity calculations in this framework would appear
to require repeated solution; and the formulation that are primarily associated with a dynamic pattern
itself is rather specialized. The emphasis in [4] of interest.Number these as the first h modes.
on concentrating the analysis on a portion of the Let the state x in (2), after possible permu-
complete dynamic spectrum and on the associated
model structure is however germane to the philosophy tation of variables, be partitioned as
underlying SMA. F All A1 rr]
In [10] the linearized power system model is t~1A
z = F 2(
A- z
formulated in the frequency domain and rearranged LziL21 22j z
so that i ts structure is that of the so-cal led
classical electromechanical model (swing eqs. and where r is a subset of n state variables (n.>h) ,
constant-voltage-behind-reactance models for the the relevant states, that is considered to be

significantly involved in the SM, and z is the re-

maining subset of ir=N-n less relevant states. 9Q;vV ei (
- ~~~~~~r(t)
v2 ,(9)
The association of modes with states may be i-l
heuristically established from a basic understanding
of the system. This relationship, however, can be where vri is the partition of v. correspohding to
stated precisely by means of the participation matrix the r states, and 2T, i=l,..., h are arbitrary
P, see [11,12], defined as constants, can be exactly reproduced by a constant
matrix M that satisfies the linear system of equa-
=lPki= {ki vkil (4) tions
where Vki (wk.) is the k-th entry of the i-th right M[vrl ..
Vrh]= [H l)Vrl*H(Xh)VrhI (10)
(left) eigenvector v. (w.) of A, defined by The resulting reduced order model (or ROM)
AvY = v.A. ' v; *O , (5) ir(t) = (A 1 + M) =ARF(t) , (11)

wTA = A.w. , wT0O

(6) where r represents an approximation
contains the eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of
to r, exactly

where A. is the i-th eigenvalue; the eigenvectors the hSM. Other properties of the ROM (11) are:
are normalized such that (i) It is not affected by any variable trans-
T formation (of the original system) of the form
W.V. = if i= j ; 0 otherwise. (7) rr
(Superscript T denotes the transpose of the asso- T (12)
ciated vector or matrix.) L LTa Tbj LzJ
The entries of P are termed the participation
factors of the system and are dimensionless (i.e.
where Tbb is nonsingular.
independent of the choice of units);- . the magnitude
. . (I I)0 The model ordet reduction process may be
of p . precisely measures the relative participation carried out so as not to alter any relationship in
of of
tkt k-th state
e variable in
stat vaial in the i-th mode,.....and
th'e i.t mode, and the original model (2) that involves only r states,
thus preserving this part of the original system
vice versa. The participation factors can be used
to define the subset r in (3), as will be explained
shortly. (iii) The system matrix A +M is real if any
Note that (3) defines a distinction' between complex mode in the h SM is accompanied by its con-
relevant dynamics and less relevant dynamics in (1), jugate.
as illustrated in Fig. 1. Assume temporarily that (iv) When h= I an obvious solution to (10) is
the eigenstructure of the SM is known. The follow-
ing procedure singles out the relevant dynamics in M . H(A) (13)
a direct manner, while the less relevant dynamics is yIelding=
collapsed in a way that leaves the eigenstructure r A(A)r = [A
+ H(A)]F ' (14)
of the h SM intact. R 11
which can be alterhatively formulated as

X A A (15)

This corresponds, in a detailed block diagram re-
presentation of the system, to "freezing" the less
RELEVA T DYNAMICS _ relevant portions of the block diagram at their
constant values for s=A, where s is the Laplace
A 12 S A 21 I operator. This property may also allow one to de-
termine A R (X) in symbol ic form based on physical
I i |T grounds, as wi 1 1 be seen later.
When A, vri, i=1,... h in (10) are not
|I known a priori, a natural iterative procedure that
LE$S RELEVANT DYNAMICS I is suggested by (10) can be used to determine the
L._1 ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _JSM and (11). At the j-th stage one performs an
eigenanalysis of All + M. where i+lM is a solution
Fig. 1 The Relevant and Less Relevant Dynamics of
First note that the effect of the less rele- M[vrl.. h]-[H(JAl) .vlu.H(A;h) ivrh] (16)
vant dynamics. transfer function an o~0. =,.,hcnb bandfo
H(s 12 22s A A2 (8) eigenanalysis of Al1.
If convergent, this algorithm
must converge to h ei genval1ues/vectors of A.
for input signals containing only the h SM

For h= 1 and when (13) is chosen, the local where x2., uq9 and y2 are column vectors of dimensions
ratio of convergence p. of the algorithm is given by N2, pg and respectively for Q= 1,2,... ,L.
Pki -T
x x XrXp7 =Av +3
X.____ k WV. (7 i-th DYNAMIC SUBSYSTEM
lim j+ it Bu
X ki zinzm y1 :Cj xi + Di uL
k=n+l k
(where the notation should by now be clear). Pi is
called the participation ratio of the r states in the Ye Ut =1,2 ...,L
i-th mode. The algorithm thus converges locally if
and only if IPl l>. STATIC NETWORK: u -
The role of the participation factors in de-
fining the relevant states r when h= 1 is thus clear:
a good choice of r is one for which IPi is large. Fig. 2 Composite Model
For h> I it has been heuristically inferred from
experience in the application of the algorithm that The composite formulation (20) contains more
the participation ratios still provide useful indi- structural information than the associated global
catiTons of which states a re relevant : good conver- model (2), and SMA can take advantage of this addi-
gence properties are attained when (i) the partici- tional information. Once the choice of relevant
pation ratios for at least the n modes of A that states has been made as usual, (20) becomes
are closest to the eigenstructure of A1 are large 1 A A r B
(|p|>>l); (ii) the participation ratios for the 2 112 122 Q 9
remaining modes are small (|pI<<1); a gap region, = j.
not necessarily strictly empty, between both groups Z A2 A22
of values of IPI should be apparent; (iii) all the _ j
h SM belong to the first group, with none of them
falling in the above gap.
It must be noted that complete eigenanalysis of r
the full system matrix A is required for determining C _
the participation matrix P. Obviously one cannot Y 2 t 9(
always count on a perfect knowledge of P for select- 1 J 2a
ing the relevant states r in practical applications
of SMA. Section 3.2 elaborates on this point and
shows how the selection of the r states can be made where x= z and r2. and z are column vectors of
i n Dynam ic StabilI i ty modelIs. _
dimensions n2. and N2-n2 respectively, for 2= 1,2,..
The sensitivity aTi of the eigenvalue Xi with ..L. Here the distinction between relevant and
respect to a parameter Tn in A can be computed as less relevant states is explicit at subsystem level.
The associated global formuation can be directly
3' _ - P written from (21) as
i an = P; - OTil 8)
- A T -:1
cz. w [A (n)+H(Xi,n)Iv.I
and has the interpretation of being the sensitivity A +B1 (IJDd)'JCl A12+B1 (JDd 2
computed from the ROM (14) while ignoring the direct d d d d d d
dependence on n of the X in H(A). +B (I-JD 1JJ2I
AA21 ++B 2(I-JDd') 1JC AA22+B2(Jd) Z
Li (22)
2.2 Composite Models d d d dd
Many large physical systems can be formulated
in a natural way as a collection of L dynamic sub- where [ AIA diag{[.] }, rT= [rrT.. rTI
systems (see Fig. 2).
=AX + B u and T [z{.1.zL
2.2. 2.2.1
2.= 1,2, . . . ,L, (20a) The composite formulation can be exploited to
y = C x2 +D u2. ease the computation of H(X) for a given X. This
calculation is repeatedly needed in the iterative
that are interconnected by static constraints algorithm (16). Model order reduction can be per-
formed at subsystem level, yielding the reduced
1t IYll ~~~~~~~composite formulation
uA_( yAJ.120b) jQ.= AR F2. + BR 2.}
IUL YLJ > Q= 1,2, ,L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(23a)
- YQ~~~~~~~~~~~2= CR r2+DR uQ

J= - (23b) are properly used, Approximations to the computa-

where tion of H(X) from (8) or from (24) and (14) can be
A =A +A (At )1A21 (23c) devised bas'ed on the above assumption, see [1].

BR B1I + A12 (l -A22 )B22 (23d) 3.1 Models

Q Q Figure 3 shows one possible block diagram fora
C = C A+ C )-1A
(kI - (23e) power plant model, suitable for Dynamic Stability
Rg 1g 2g 22 21 analysis. Here the variables are the real (P) and
+ C2 (AI -A22 )B2
-l reactive (Q) power out of the generator, its termi-
D- D (23f) nal voltage magnitude (Vt) and angle (a), the angu-
QQ Q Q lar displacement (6) and velocity (w) of the rotor,
and the global ROM (14) where the mechanical power into the shaft (P ), the air-
gap electric power (PE) and some measure of the vol-
AR (A) = AR + BR (I - J DR ) J CR tage applied to the field winding (EFD).
Rd Rd Rd Rd
=A R + B R J(I - D R J) CR (24)
d d d d
The following possibilities for further compu- Machine
tational simplification can be mentioned: p
(i) Consider the case where only Lo out of all[I-G QE[ s
the L dynamic subsystems are significantly involved FD
in the SM. Then the composite formulation allows us P
to completely collapse the dynamics of the less in- Prime WE -ntX
volved subsystems (since none of their state vari- w + I-a E
ables is considered to be relevant), so (23a) ls
r = AR r + B u

Rg 9+ DR B%U}'t
=l2,..L (25a) F

YQ GQt Q= LO + 1,.*., L (25b)
where C Fig. 3 Power Plant Block Diagram
G9 R ( ) B R ' (25c) The transfer functions GE , GM, GI, GR and Gp for the
different components may contain any desired level
and the contribution of the less involved subsystems of detail.
can be incorporated into the static constraints (23b).
The model for a system of power plants of the
(ii) If, due to the nature of the system and a above form, interconnected by a transmission net-
sui table choice of states, work, is naturally formulated in the composite form
Ba 2 0 and/or C 2 = 0 (26) (20), where
~~~~~~~~T=[6,,T~T ~T ,T T=
y~[~,x T=[Q
then the computation of A (X) in (24) is greatly ,XE M R ,
simplified. R and J is the so-called Jacobian of the network.
Note also from (22) that (26) implies A22 Figures in the range of 15 to 20 states' per power
is block diagonal, with L blocks corresponding plant may be considered typical of the level of
to the L dynamic subsystems. In this case the modeli ng detai'l that may be needed in a Dynamic
direct computation of H(A) from (8) may become Stability'study. (There is still no consensus on
attractive. this issue, see [4, 51.) Here it wi ll be assumed
(Tii) It may be the case that, even if A22 is for simplicity that the loads are modeled as constant
not strictly block diagonal, there is a negl igible impedances, but load dynamic models can be incor-
contribution from the off-block-diagonal entries of porated into (20).
A22 to the eigenstructure of the h SM. This will1 Models of widely different orders have been
occur whenever the direct interaction between 'the analyzed for Dynamic Stabilit-yusing the SMA approach,
less relevant portions of the dynamic subsystems [1i,3], with the largest being a 60-machine power
(i.e., interaction that takes place directly through system ldel that is successful'ly used in [5] to
the algebraic constrai'nts and not via the relevant descrTbe an actual dynamic stability incdent.
portions of the subsystems) ois of ittle relevance
to the h SM'. will Modelse nofwdely dferevnt Stersh
Note that the above assumption is a plau- The starting point in the selection of the re~
sible one whenever the selected relevant dynamics levant states is the definit'ion of the h selected
substantially captures the interactions of interest natural modes (SM). In Dynamic I Stabi ity studies
between the subsystems. This is to be expected in we are interested in those ightly damped, oscil la-
most practical cases where the principles of SMA' tor modes in the frequency range of 0.1 to 2 Hz

that are associated with power oscillations. 6,w set. Hence some augmentation of the 6,w set of
A good basis for selecting a suitable set of relevant states will in general be needed in order
relevant states is the participation matrix P. The to properly analyze the critical modes. The above
usefulness of P in the identification of dynamic statements have been numerically corroborated in
patterns has been tested in numerous examples, see practice, see [1, 3].
[3], and does not seem to be affected by the order When the participation matrix P is not available,
of the model. Since any procedure that uses P the cri teri a to be used i n the sel ect.ion of r wi ll
requires complete eigenanalysis of the full-order strongly depend on the a priori information about
system matrix, such methods are restricted in prac- the system, since knowledge regarding the existence
tice to situations where such computational cost is of critical modes, or their approximate natural
justifiable. For instance, when we are trying to frequencies, or regarding the most involved units
understand the structure of a nominal model of a might be available. In the absence of such a priori
system that is going to operate for (and to be ana- information, a sensible criterion for augmenting r
lyzed for) a large set of slightly different oper- consists of examining the results of a couple of
ating conditions, one may permit a single computa- iterations of the SMA iterative algorithm with
tion of the complete eigenstructure of the nominal rT=[6T,WT]. Slow convergence to a lightly damped
model; structural insights obtained from this case mode(s) may indicate dynamic instability. The most
may then be applied to slightly different operating involved units can be pinpointed with the matrix P
conditions. Note also that for purposes of just of the reduced model and the relevant set r can be
selecting relevant state variables it is typically augmented with non-6,w states from these units (this
enough to have an approximate knowledge of P. approach has been successfully tested on the 60-
machine model, see [3]). If numerous units appear
A fact that has been observed in all the power to be significantly involved in the critical mode(s)
system models studied so far is that the set of re- then eigenvalue sensitivities can be used to deter-
levant states r that is suggested by the participa- mine the units and components requiring augmentation.
tion matrix P always includes the w and 6 states of How to efficiently evaluate these sensitivities will
all the machines and, sometimes, a few more states. shortly be shown.
If rT=[6T,JT] (where now 6 and w are vectors with as It must be noted that the 6,w set will in ge-
many entries as there are machines), then the eigen- neral be a small fraction of the total number of
values of the resulting A1l matrix in general, but states in the model. Further reduction of the di-
not always, yield good approximations to the fre- mension of r might be achieved if coherent groups
quencies (imaginary parts) of the swing modes. The of generators for the h SM are identified, see [1].
term "swing modes" is loosely used here to describe Then one generator from each group can be chosen as
those natural modes of the system that are heavily reference and the remaining 6,w states transformed
associated with intermachine power oscillations. into 6k S7ref' Q 17ef'
W The initial relevant set
One or more of these modes are always involved in r now will only consist of the 6,w states for the
any Dynamic Stability problem. The distinction be- reference machines.
tween swing and nonswing modes is not always clear, The standard SMA algorithm described by (16)
however, see [3]. has been successfully appl ied to several power sys-
It is commonly assumed that an approximation tem models of widely different orders, see [ ,3].
to the swing modes is provided by the classical The results for the dynamically unstable 177th order
electromechanical model of the power system (the model are particularly interesting and have been
block diagram in Fig. 3 reduces to the inertia reported in detail in the companion paper [31.
equations and a constant-voltage-behind-reactance Excellent convergence properties of the algorithm
static electric machine model). There are good have been obtained whenever the selction of rele-
reasons to maintain that the partition of the system vant states compl ied with the previously stated
matrix A of a detailed power system model, when rules.
rT=[6T,WT] is chosen, closely approximates the
system matrix of the classical electromechanical 3.3 Order Reduction at Subsystem Level
model, see [1]. It has been shown that the distinc- It will now be shown how the model reduction
tion between both matrices is only due to the diffe- represented by (15) can be in fact carried out by
rences between the effective stator winding reac- manipulation of the block diagram of the power plant
tances used in more detailed models and the transient (Fig. 3), thus avoiding the computations in (23)
reactance used in the classical model. Moreover, and yielding a particularly meaningful ROM.
the machine stator reactances in (22) occur in com-
bination with the generally larger network reactances
in J. It may then be argued that eigenanalysis of
Fiprst the overallttransfer function of the
power plant will be written in a way that facilitates
All will provide a reasonably good approximation to the identification and understanding of the contri-
the frequencies of the swing modes. bution of the different power plant components.
T T T From the prime mover and the swing (inertia) equa-
One should not conclude, however, that r =[6,w] tions one easily obtains
in generanl i s the right choice for analysis of Dy-
namic Stabil ity. A typical feature of dynamic in- t = Gxls,s E(7
stabi l ity phenomena i s that the "swing modes" of
interest (the unstable and the very l ightly damped
ones) are s igni ficantly affected by system compo- 6 = - ( (28)
nents (exc itation control s, governors, etc .) whoseS
associated state variables are not included in the

whe re G G
G (s) G=- 1s G =_ IDG() D-
(29)( TS+W0 W TS+w D G +G
T is the machine inertia, Dw represents otherwise (33b)
unaccounted for torque and w is the no- wwhere aall1 the remai|ni|ng Laplace operators
~ ~ explicitly shown. The state space model
have been
The above equations can be combined with the
synchronous machine model 1 0o 1 0 1FP
-- 1- - -~~
~~P _. +.l
oavtj =GE4
GE GE3 |I |Q |
GE2 GE6 ( 30)O j I IJG) Q[

7 EE8 E9
J tl
to give L 1 1 L
P+G E4PP+G E5 Q+G E6EFD+ sw (P E
G -p) (31) G ER6GPP JGE4+G
c Q
where the contribution to at that results from the (34)
difference between P and P (in a model where the
induced voltages associated with stator flux link- A G
= (35)
ages are ignored the difference is due to the stator is consistent with (33). This is the desired ROM
ohmic losses only) is explicitly shown. After some at subsystem level. Note that in practice 6 and Xj
manipulation (31) becomes are almost identical to 6 and u and also that (34)
o=(s GW+GE4
+ )P exactly yields (33). It can also be checked that
R~-otPL the subsystem reduction equations (23) directly
+ (G E5+ G ER6GE2 G R+ G aQL ) Q (32a) result in (34).
E5 ER6 E2
atQL''~ The reduced order formulatTon (34) is very
where simple to compute and can be used to efficiently
G ERi =A G Ei /(l- G GRR (33) perform the reduction of the t-th power plant model
E3 at subsystem level whenever rT=[6 It must be ,,W9J.
and GaPL and GonL are small correction terms account- noted that the procedure just described is by no
ing for the difference between P and PE (ohmic means limited to the case where 6 and w are the re-
losses). This equation thus shows the relationship levant states and it has actually been appl ied for
between the inputs P, Q and the output Ol. other choices of r see [2]. It should be remem-
The same procedure can be followed with the
bered that the perftormance of the SMA algorithm
does not depend on whether the reduction is per-
oututvaialetobformed at subsystem or global level.
t =(G ERI GER3GGP+ GVPL)P+ (GER2 + G VQL) Q (32b) An important aspect of symbol ic reduced formu-
lations such as (34) is that they greatly facilitate
where G and GvQL account for the small difference the understanding of the model behavior. Reduced
efore. Note that the global transfer plant models as in (34) together with the network
function equations (32) for the power plant make equations yield a mechanical model of the standard
explicit the contribution from each component type
(namely inertia, prime mover, voltage regulator, [ O I]
stabilizer and synchronous machine). 1 || (36)
Model order reduction at subsystem level is .
easily performed from (32). For instance, let Ls
r= [6p, i]. Then from (15) and from the above
procedure for obtaining (32) it is clear that all where K and K Dare the matrices of X-dependent syn-
the component blocks G G G, G, etc. in (32), chronizing (spring) and damping coefficients, res-
except for G , must become Vrozen at their values pectively.
for s= X. TWus (32) becomes It can then be said from inspection of (34),
l+sG ER6 GP
G (36) that the prime mover appears in the role of
{ I22 +GDsG +
E4 +GER6GElGR +GaPL p providing "generalized" damping action. As GM is a
complex number, both synchronizing and damping
o O M effects will result, with the relative importance
of each one for a g iven mode being ascerta ined from
+ (GE5+ GER6GE2GR+GGQ) Q (33a) the value of GMGk) itself. The role of the remain-
etQL ~~~~~~ingpower plant components can al so be roughly
assessed in a s imi lar manner.

r =[6T ,wT] y ields a ROM in the form of ( 36) that

Note that the SMA iterative algorithm whenever

exactly contains any desi'red number h. n of swing may include the limits on the available control pa-
modes. In particular, for h= n the uniquely deter- rameters and some minimum damping requirement for
mined, real, reduced system matrix All exactly any eigenvalue of the system. The objective might
contains all the swing modes of the system. be to somehow minimize the amount of control action.
Sensitivity analysis concerning the influence As indicated previously, the control may be imple-
of a particular component of a given power plant on mented in two or more echelons, if necessary, until
a particular mode is greatly facilitated by the sym- all critical modes are eliminated.
bolic formulation (34). Note that each power plant It must be realized that the basic philosophy
is represented by the numerical value of its trans- behind the proposed approach is also meaningful in
fer function for s= X (for instance, the complex the context of off-line operation and planning
number Gpz(X) represents the stabilizer of the Q-th studies, as for instance in assessing the Dynamic
power plant). This simplifies the sensitivity ana- Stability characteristics of new power system con-
lysis and the eventual control design effort (which figurations resulting from addition of generation
now does not have to account for the individual and/or transmission facilities.
sensitivities with respect to all the internal pa-
rameters of the stabilizer, for instance, but only IV. CONCLUSIONS
for providing the correct gain and phase at the It is our main conclusion that SMA has much
given frequency A). potential to be made the basis for a comprehensive
Although the above ideas have been illustrated approach to the Dynamic Stability problem: SMA-based
with a particular choice of state and input/output algorithms can accept very high order models, accu-
power plant variables, extensions to other formu- rately and efficiently compute the poorly damped
lations are conceptually as direct. The influence modes and their sensitivities, determine the system
of the formulation on the computational efficiency components most involved in these critical modes,
of the SMA procedures should not however be ignored, and feedcthis information to an adaptive control
see [1] scheme designed around such information. Critical
aspects of SMA have been successfully tested on a
3.4 Notes for a Real-Time Control Strategy 60-machine model of a dynamically unstable condition
for Dynamic Stability in an actual power system.
Our conception of a comprehensive approach to Realization of this SMA potential still requires
the Dynamic Stability problem requires that it in- some research in order to assess the computational
volve at least the following elements: (i) a linear- efficiency of SMA procedures more precisely. Other
ized model of the power system, updated as necessary aspects still requiring further consideration in-
and containing all the potentially relevant compo- clude the choice of the most adequate model formu-
nents in detail; (ii) an accurate and efficient lation and the elaboration and testing of a prac-
method of assessing the Dynamic Stability status of tical set of rules for the selection of the rele-
the system based upon the above model; (iii) a simple, vant states when the participation matrix is not
reliable, effective and adaptive control strategy available.
that is based upon the information made available
by the above-mentioned method of analysis.
Research is in progress concerning the appli-
cation of SMA to other power system problems. This
Broad guidelines for designing a comprehensive includes using the participation matrix for identi-
analysis and control scheme for Dynamic Stability fying coherent groups of generators (to be employed
will now be discussed. This scheme corresponds to in the elaboration of dynamic equivalents for
a central supervisory type of control, see [11, that Transient Stability studies), and also the appli-
is based upon information that can be made available cation of the SMA theory on reduced input/output
by SMA techniques. Essential elements of this characterization of LTI systems, see [1, 2] , for
approach are: determining modal dynamic equivalents for different
(a) Regular (or immediate on entry into an types of stability analysis.
emergency state) determination of the Dynamic Sta- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
bility status of the system. Efficient use of a
priori information (measurements, recurrent critical Support for this work has come partially fromr
modes, etc.). Determination of the level and type the Electric Power Research Institute, under Contract
of involvement of each power plant in the critical RP 1764-8, monitored by Dr. Neal Balu, and, in case
mode(s). of the second author, from the ITP Foundation in Spain.
(b) An information flow that exploits the Dr. Stephen Umans helped with modeling issues.
decomposition characteristics of the SMA procedures, REFERENCES
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