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Template Naming:

Version 7.0.10 and higher supports template naming.

To change how your templates should be named follow the steps below.
* You must be using VStype for this option to be available

1. Click Settings from the toolbar.

2. Select Options.
3. Select the word proccessor tab
4. at the template file name drop down box select the field names you would like to use as your template name.

For example to use a template name with worktype and account fields seperated by a hyphen you would select
<<WorkType>>-<<Account>>.doc in the template name field.
* Note: you must manually type in the Hypen and the .doc extension at the end of the file name.

VoiceScribe Typing Module Documentation:

VoiceScribe Typing Module for Word (VS Type) provides an interface between Word and VoiceScribe. When a job
is selected in VoiceScribe, VS Type brings up the corresponding document in Word automatically. If the document
does not exist, VS Type will create it. VS Type can use templates to create the document or it can bring up a blank
document and load some demographic information into this new document. A template is simply a Word
document. You create it by using Word and saving it as a .doc file. Templates should be saved into the Template
folder in your VoiceScribe folder. If you accepted the Setup defaults, this folder is C:\Program
Files\VoiceScribe\Template. If this folder does not exist, you can create it using Windows Explorer.

How VS Type Determines Which Template To Use

VS Type will look for a template named <Work Type>.doc. This <Work Type> data is part of the job demographics
and is generally set by the dictator (or it is set for the dictator by the dictation recorder). If you are receiving work
type 6 and want to use a template, you would name your template 6.doc. If VS Type receives a job with work type
6, it will look in the Template folder for 6.doc. If it finds it, VS Type creates a new document based on the template
it basically copies the template document. If 6.doc is not found, VS Type creates a new document and puts
some demographic data in this new document without any formatting.

If you want to break down the work types a bit further, you can create folders in the Template folder for each
dictator, named with the Dictator ID. If you have a template specific to Dictator ID 41, create a folder named 41.
VS Type will look there first for a matching <Work Type>.doc file.

To summarize, VS Type does the following when it needs to create a new document:
1) Look in the Template\<Dictator ID> folder for a file named <Work Type>.doc. If it finds a file with this name, it
makes a copy of the file and loads it into Word.
2) If no matching template is found in Step 1, VS Type looks in the Template folder for a file named <Work
Type>.doc. If it finds a file with this name, it makes a copy of the file and loads it into Word.
3) If no matching template is found in Step 1 or Step 2, VS Type creates a blank document and loads some non-
formatted demographic information into the new document.

Note that if you receive a job with work type 6 for dictator 41, and the file 6.doc exists in both Template\41 and
Template, VS Type will use the first one that it looks for (Step 1 above). In this case the Tempate\41\6.doc would
be copied and loaded into Word.

Automatically Loading Demographic Data Into Your Template

Once a template document is found, copied, and loaded into Word, VS Type will try to load the demographic data
for the current job into your template by using Word Bookmarks. For each bookmark defined in a template, VS
Type sees if it matches a standard field name. If it does, the data associated with that field is placed at the
bookmark location. If the bookmark does not have a standard name, VS Type will try to match it with a field from
the Additional Info section of the .txt file. Not all .txt files will have this section, which is typically populated by
VoiceWare Server via Additional Information Queries. .Txt file entries are .ini-style pairs. The left-hand side is the
field name, followed by an equals sign, and then the data for the field. For example, PatientSSN=000224444 could
be a line in the Additional Info section of the .txt file. If there were a bookmark named PatientSSN, the data
000224444 would be placed at that bookmark location.
The following fields are standard:
1) PatientName
2) PatientID
3) JobNumber
4) DoctorID
5) DoctorName
6) DateDictated
7) CurrentDate
8) LocationCode
9) LocationName
10) Department
11) DepartmentName
12) WorkType
13) WorkTypeName
14) Account
15) AccountName
16) UserField1
17) UserField2
18) UserField3

*****Note to add a bookmark in more than one place in the document you must follow the bookmark name with a
_1 and above
Doctorname This is the first Bookmark
Doctorname_1 This is the second Bookmark
DoctorName_2 This is the Third Bookmark

You can use up to _99 on the Bookmarks

Date Formatting in VSType:

Version 3.0.30 and higher of VSType lets you create and apply formats to the data fields.

To create a format:
1) Click the Settings toolbar icon in VS Type
2) Click New in the Bookmark Field Formats section
3) Type the name of the format - it should be one word using characters only - and click OK
4) Type the format itself. Formats are described below

To apply the format to a bookmark field:

1) Rename/insert bookmark by appending _fmt<Format Name> to the bookmark name. For example, if you
created a Bookmark Field Format called FullDate and you wanted the FullDate format applied to the DateDictated
field, you would create a bookmark named DateDictated_fmtFullDate.

Date and time formats:

m - month (1-12)
mmm - abbreviated month in string format (Nov, Dec, etc.)
mmmm - full month in string format (November, December, etc.)
d - day of month (1-31)
yy - 2 digit year
yyyy - 4 digit year
h - hour (0-23 unless ampm specified, then (1-12))
n - minute
s - second
ampm - if specified hour will be (1-12) and either AM or PM will be added to the date
A/P or a/p to show only the A or P in the AM/PM fields A/P show A or P a/p shows a or p

Note: to add a leading zero to the fields above, repeat the format character. If the date is November 4, 2005,
format mm/dd/yyyy would produce 11/04/2005 and format m/d/yyyy would produce 11/4/2005.

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