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Nicole Murray Trauma Psychologist 9/8/17

Trauma psychologists asses patients who have suffered a

life-changing injury (Cronicles). These can include severe
injury, abuse history, death of a loved one, experience with
crime, or experience with war (Cronicles). The psychologist will
use trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy (Cronicles).
They will design treatment plans for each client, and make
changes to them when needed. A trauma psychologist is also
expected to keep up with current research to make sure all
treatments are based on evidence, and are consistent with the
most up to date trauma treatment knowledge (Cronicles). The
education level that is needed for this job is a PhD in
psychology (University). This education level is helpful because
during graduate school and PhD training, there are specific
classes designed to teach PTSD, trauma cased in military
conflicts, and trauma-related drug issues (University).
To help get me to my dream position, I am majoring in
psychology for my bachelor degree. I am taking psychology
classes to help get my degree. I am trying to practice trait
skills that are needed for a psychologist. You need patience,
listening skills, judgement power, intuitiveness, and inner
strength (LexisNexis). All this is needed to be a psychologist,
because you can work with ages from six and up (LexisNexis).
Emotional maturity is a great trait to have as well. You should
also have empathy. You need to be able to make unbiased
judgements. No one elses opinion should cloud your mind, as
long as you know you are making the right decision.
A psychologist will typically make $80,230 (Labor). If this
is what I made, I would try to pay my bills first. I would be
paying of a lot of student loans, so that would be one of the
priorities. Of course, I would be paying my bill for my living
arrangement, my car bill, insurance, and all the essentials. My
money would also be going towards other things too. If I would
throw a party, not much of my money would be going towards it.
This is only because I wouldnt really invite lots of people,
only the ones I hang out with. We would most likely just end up
going out to eat, then going to my house to eats lots of snacks,
and watch a movie. I tend to eat a lot too. I would probably
have a very large grocery bill.

1. I would be willing to spend $200 when throwing a

birthday party
2. The most I would be willing to spend each month on a car
payment is $450

Nicole Murray Trauma Psychologist 9/8/17


Massachusetts - May 2016 OES State Occupational Employment and

Wage Estimates. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics,
The Job Description of a Trauma Patient Psychologist., Huston Cronicle,
FAQ'S Psychology. Education Requirements to Be a Psychologist,
Capella University,
LexisNexis Academic. LexisNexis Academic & Library
Solutions, LexisNexis, 6 Sept. 2012,


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