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Marketplace Pvt Ltd

Real Estate Transac8ons,
Mumbai, India

Months to Minutes

Mon to Min
are there any?

Mon to Min
You (Property Developers) do not fear death
INEFFICIENCY . You think this makes you strong. It makes
you weak. How can you move faster than possible, ght
longer than possible without the most powerful impulse of BLIND
the CAPITAL MARKETS spirit: the fear of death PRISONER
Long sales cycle, (price distor<on) escalates the cost of the project and the burden of
extra interest payment to the end consumer
(i) Escalate Price/Transfer Builder Charges to insure against price rise
(ii) Poor price discovery during land bank purchase & using govt unapologe8c debt to
fund the misplaced premium while buying

I wish I could ditch the broker, no control over my sales cycle, Ah idea my
own sales & marke<ng team

(i) Pass escalated costs to end customer

(ii) Inept sales team, consumer feels the bias of single product
Mon to Min
Long Turn Around Time ?

Poor/Misguided Price Discovery ?

High Transac8onal Cost?

Opaque Nego8a8on Parlance?

Sta8c Non Intui8ve Search?

Stale Property Lis8ngs?

History has been. go with the conscious
eort to build the design constructs/framework for

Mon to Min
Theyre (PROPERTY BROKERs) only as good as the world
allows them to be. Ill show you. When the chips are down,
these civilized people(BROKERs), theyll eat each other.


(i) Lack of Client Trust due to Hands in Glove suspicion
(ii) Shrinking number of Deals
(iii) Declining Margins

Value crea<on role has been watered down
to mere service providers (internet onslaught)
(i) [Whimsical & Historical] Price Discovery
(ii) Inventory Discovery & Site Visits
(ii) Stop Gap Nego8ator & Agreement maker

Long unpaid prospec<ng cycles Broker

(i) Spoils the margin of the business
(ii) Exponen8al eort gone waste
(ii) Fights, Allega8ons & Treachery in Broker

Mon to Min
Theatricality and decep8on, powerful agents for
the unini<ated
Real Estate Lis<ng Yellow Pages Unreal indices ? BANE
(Incomplete representa8on of Deal life (Erroneous and no real 8me benchmark
cycle & no transac8onal elements) for market par8cipants)

Feature based web plaWorms,
augmented mobile apps
( No mobile 1st approach)

Sta<c, Unveried & Stale
(Poor User Experience)
Sta<c Non Intui<ve Filter
based Searches
(Depth rst Search instead
of Breadth rst search)

the unini<ated

these players have mistaken the consumer as

for too long Mon to Min
I seek the means (NMPL) to ght injus8ce CHAOS,
to turn fear (INEFFICENCY) against those who prey
on the fearful POOR MARKET DESIGN.
Nexchanges Marketplace
(Real Estate Transac8ons)

Time for a
new Paradigm

A NASDAQ type Exchange plaform for trading (Non

Fungible) Real Estate Assets using Subjec8ve
Matching Engines.

Mon to Min
People STAKEHOLDERs are dying FRUSTRATED , Alfred.
What would you have me do?
Nego<a<on Parlance BATMAN
- Dual Conversa8on (Online, Oine)
- Historical version controlled T&Cs
- Reverse Auc8on by Service Providers
(Loans, Insurance, etc)
Discovery (Flat Inventory: No - Advisor Consulta8on
Blind Spots)
- Ownership Valida8on through Peer
Cura8on Mul< Party Parallel Nego<a<on
- Broker Network as backbone -Annonymized Indices based on Odds &
Progress of Trade
- Crowd sourced broker knowledge to
-No gejng blinded by a last minute counter
Map Architecture, Buildings &
Dynamic Locality Info

Digital Trustless Escrows Clearing
& Se\lement
-For trustless orchestra8on of - Seile Earnest Deposits, Brokerages,
stakeholders without repudia8on
Balance Payments among stake holders

based on deal outcome

-Facilita8ng Earnest Money Deposits &
Brokerages Mon to Min
Endure, Master Wayne. Take it. Theyll hate you for it
(BUSINESS PROPOSITION), but thats the point of CHANGE
Batman , he can it can be the outcast. He It (BUSINESS
PROPOSITION) can make the choice that no one else can
make, the right choice ALFRED

CHANGE the industry paradigm of real estate asset class

Non-Fungible to Near-Fungible from Illiquid to Liquid
by execu8ng the idea of Electronic Exchanges
to trade real estate

Mon to Min
Those mob fools want you gone so they can get
back to the way things were. But I know the
truth: theres no going back. Youve electronic
markets have changed thingsforeverobserve JOKER
q Concepts of Sharing Economy
q Society moving towards a Decentralized Society
q Challenging Archaic Regulatory Frameworks
q Bitcoin & Crypto Currency Revolu8on
In India:
q Interbank Mobile Payment Services
q Aadhar Card (Iden8ty Mapping)
q Mobile First Economy (en8re comp genera8on has been jumped)
q Convenience Living ( Fast, Impa8ent Habits)

q Need for more direct inclusion of Real Estate in the Capital Markets
System Mon to Min
You must become more than just a man in
the mind of your opponent COMPETITORs

EXCHANGES (HUNGRY for new Products (Asset Classes) RA's AL GHUL

to add in their PorWolio
1) Power Exchanges ( IEX, PXIL)
2) Commodity Exchanges (CME, MCX)
3) Stock Exchanges ( NASDAQ, S&P500, BSE, NSE)
4) Ad Exchanges: RTB (AdECN, DoubleClick,OpenX )
5) Crypto Currency Exchanges( MtGOX, BITFINEX)
6) Carbon Credits ( CTx)
7) Real Estate: REITs

Old League Present Compe<tors(Classied/
1) 1st Genera8on: Craiglist, MLS, Magicbricks, 99Acres, OLX
2) 2nd Genera8on: Hotpads, Trulia, Zillow, 42Floors,,

Mon to Min
You thought we could be decent men in an
indecent 8me! But you were they say we
may be wrong. The world is cruel & we might
1) Haphazard/Incomplete Adop<on
of Market Par8cipants on the Plaform

2) Risk of se\ling for mediocrity
by becoming another ME-TOO plaform of online classieds under
the pressure of REVENUEs

3) (Technology Design)
Bejng on the Bitcoin & Blockchain technology for Unit of Accounts

4) Need for Strong Cura<on

to maintain high quality consumer experience on the plaform

Mon to Min
you care about is MONEY. The city world
a beier class of criminal (Real Estate
PlaWorm). And Im we are gonna give
it t o them! JOKER
SOURCE1: Revenue Per Transac8on (Commission)

SOURCE2: Annual Subscrip8on Revenue (For
banks, mortgage agents, Data & News Agencies

SOURCE3: Freemium Model (Subscrip8on Fee for

Advanced Features)

SOURCE4: Crowd Sourcing for New Versions /

Features of the App

Mon to Min
Some men arent looking for anything logical, like
MONEY. They cant be bought, bullied, reasoned or
nego8ated with. Some men just want to watch
the world CHANGE for the GOOD burn . ALFRED

The three Co-founders started

Black & White Aventura in 2011.

Real Estate Transac8ons

Mon to Min
Achievements of BWA:

Audited by a CA.

Cumula8ve revenue of (21 Million INR / $3,50,000) - Balance Sheet Duly

100% YOY growth in revenues over 3 years. Choose to reinvest retained

earnings every year for a larger play instead of taking home any prots.
Setup 2 opera8onal oces at Bandra & Powai (Mumbai) covering 8
regions of the City.
Completed 250+ Transac8ons with a team size of 20 Plus Employees. (40
Employees Churned 8ll date, the Airi8on could not deter the 100%
Braced challenges like: Building Systems from scratch, Working Capital
issues, Valley of Death (Nov 2012) etc.
Received 75+ Client Recommenda8ons on social media plaforms
(Available on our Pinterest handle)
Covered by two leading Web Startup Journals Yourstory & Intuit SMB on
the merit of our business numbers (no luxury of PR)

Opera8ons bootstrapped for 3 years.

Mon to Min
Now, our opera8on is small, but there's a lot of poten8al
for "aggressive" expansion. So, which one of you ne
gentlemen would like to join our team? Oh, there's only
one spot open right now, so we're gonna have...TRY-

Mon to Min
Why so serious?


Mon to Min
Do you wanna know how I got these
Q1. You seem to be forgejng the big daddy who is trying to
keep you o the streets, the BATMAN the Vigilante
Regulatory Authori<es Theyll hunt you, They'll condemn
you. Set the dogs on you?
REPLY. Decentralized p2p systems. Designed to operate in
Regulatory Vacuum. No Centralized Stake holder considered
in system design.

Q2. Dont talk like one of them. Youre not! Even if youd like
to be. To them, youre just a freak exchange plaWorm, like
me!....I meanNo shares to trade, what is the matching
engine going to crunch?

REPLY. (Subjec<ve Vs Objec<ve ) Matching Engines

Mon to Min
Keep the Ques8ons Going You see madness as
you know is like gravity. all it takes is a liile push

Q5. Property is a STATE Subject, I dont see the execu8on JOKER

SCALING from state to state, country to country?
REPLY. The Design shall be Independent of Local Laws &
Regula<ons. The Basic process of buying, selling and ren8ng a
property remain the same worldwide

Q6. Why not eliminate the Broker completely from the Plaform?
REPLY. Numerous Advantages:
- Strong Cura8on on the Plaform
- Brokers role changes to that of a sta8c Service Provider
- Faster Adop8on of the Plaform
- Piggybacking on the Exis8ng network of Service Providers

Mon to Min
You know what I've no8ced? Nobody panics when things go
"according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! Gordon's
(Governments & Regulatory agencies) got plans. You know,
they're schemers, trying to control our worlds.
Introduce a liile anarchy (Decentraliza8on), Upset the
established order, & everything becomes chaos. Oh, and
you know the thing about chaos? It's fair (Open & Free

Mon to Min
People need drama8c
examples to shake them out
of apathy and I cant do that
as Bruce Wayne Gloried
Craiglist, as a man Im esh
and blood. I can be ignored. I
can be destroyed, but as a Thank You for
symbol (Exchange), I can be Par8cipa8ng !!
incorrup8ble. I can be

Mon to Min
Key Features:
Property Indices for Price Discovery- Mapping Real Time Demand & Supply
and Ask-Bid Order Books
Probability Odds Index- Mul8 Party Parallel Nego8a8on. Gives each customer
his odds of closing a trade even before gejng into nego8a8ons with the
counter party. These odds are dynamic and are calculated in real 8me. They
depend on posi8ons taken by each user in the contextual network (my
compe88on & my counterpar8es).
Loan & Insurance Syndica8on (Reverse Auc8on)
Trustless Crypto Escrows to maintain transac8on sanc8ty, allowing stake
holders to meet in the real world and complete transac8ons as per local laws
& regula8ons as a mere formality.
Bitcoin Blockchain to maintain Unit of Accounts and for sanc8ty of Order &
Trade Books.
Exchange as a Service (ExaS) - Using Assis8ve Clustering for Presenta8on of
Informa8on. Users can plug in into any of the exis8ng clusters to ini8ate a
Mobile Only Approach

Piggy Backing on Network of Service Providers

Counter Cura8on by Peers Mon to Min

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