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Final Exam in Reading and Writing G-II

For the following statements below, follow these instructions.

1. Write True if the answer is true and False if the answer is false.
2. Correct False statements by writing down the correct answer on the line provided below the

1. Persuasive letters are used for everyday business such as sales pitches or for reporting
poor service. (Answer: Persuasive letters aim to convince readers to perform a particular course of action.
Answer may vary depending on which part of the statement eg. Persuasive letter, everyday business, sales
pitch they decide to correct.)

2. Neutral letters end in possible alternatives to a bad news. (Answer: Negative letters
may provide an alternative to the problem or bad news)

3. Negative letters should state the bad news first before giving the reasons behind it.
(Answer: Negative letters should give the reason behind the bad news before giving the news.)

4. Guffey (2007) provided a simple pattern of organizing letters. (True)

5. Extracurricular recognition is a part of school experiences such as clubs, projects,

sports etc., that one needs to describe in a resume. (Answer: Extracurricular recognition should be given
a short description for readers to let them know when you won it.)
6. Enrichment activities show that you are a well-rounded person in your resume. (True)

7. When we transfer to another jobs, take further studies, participate in activities, and
upgrade your skill set, we need to update our resume. Persuasive letters are used for everyday business
such as sales pitches or for reporting poor service. (True)

8. When a writer categorizes paragraphs into information to explain, persuasion to

convince, and speculation to suggest possibilities, he might want to tackle the cause and effect of an event
using casual analysis. (True)

9. A single cause can usually happen from multiple effects. (True)

10. When a person is trying to clarify a misinterpreted or misused conventional

understanding of words that person is trying to give the true meaning of a word. (True)

11. When we denote a word, we usually give the secondary meaning of it based on
personal or consensual experiences. (Answer: When we connote a word, we usually give the secondary
meaning of it based on personal or consensual experiences)

12. The third person POV is generally used to convey the narrator as an omniscient and
dispassionate observer. (True)

13. When writing the body of the letter, it should contain essential highlights that benefit
the organization once they hire you. (True)
14. A job application letter is sometimes called the front letter. (Answer: A job
application letter is sometimes called the cover letter. )

15. When a person always assumes that this particular event always results in that
particular event, he is committing a logical fallacy known as propter hoc, ergo propter hoc. (True)

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