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Check any facts or figures within the story- Fake news stories often exaggerate facts and figures to give the
story a bigger impact on the audience. This could often give the story a less believable feel as the information
might not fit well with the story.

Look for the same story being reported through other news outlets- If a news story is significant, it is often
reported through many different news outlets. Checking other sources can be an effective way of confirming
whether a story is fake or genuine.

Check how detailed the story is - This method can confirm suspicions of a fake story but can sometimes be of
little help if this step is used first. A vague story could be a sign of it being fake due to lack of information but it
may also mean that the story is real but still emerging, meaning many details are left unknown.

Assess the reliability of the source- Ask yourself a few questions about the source. Have previous reports been
true? Is it a widely known source? Has it been identified as fake by others?

Finally, use your common sense- If the story seems too unrealistic, there is a good chance that it is fake.
Finding flaws in the story and using your own common sense can help you work out if a story is fake.

Fake news is a growing concern and, as we have found out, can be extremely convincing for many people. As
this issue, and all of its additional dangers, increases, we believe by following the steps above should help with
recognising when they are reading fake news and ultimately the reduction in the number of people who believe
those types of news stories.

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