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High School Homeschool Tutorial Psychology Instructional Design

Tracy Vazquez

Trevecca Nazarene University


Homeschool tutorials and cooperatives have become more prevalent as homeschooling

has become more popular all over the United States. Tutorials provide small classes, activities,

service opportunities, social interaction, and class options that parents may not be able to provide

like technical writing, advanced sciences, and electives. Many tutorials use curriculum designed

for Christian or public school or even homeschool materials specifically written for individual

instruction. Since tutorials meet only once a week, generally, instructors must provide students

with the majority of work and testing to complete at home. Planning and executing can be

challenging for instructors using curriculum that is not conducive to learning in a tutorial setting.

The desired goals for designing this high school psychology course are to provide an

academically rigorous course that offers a Christian worldview in contrast to the secular ideas

presented. It is important that it engage learners as well as prompt discussion, research and

experimentation. It should also maintain all of the content necessary for students who complete

the course successfully to take the AP or CLEP test if they so choose.

A rigorous psychology course using discussion, research, and experimentation along with

relevant audio-visual enhancement in rigorous psychology course presented from a Christian

worldview that is organized for the unique learning style of a tutorial is desired, but

unfortunately, the course is dry, difficult to understand, and is not motivating students to excel.

The organization of the material is not conducive to one class per week with adequate

independent learning at home.

With limited choices for curriculum that is organized with the tutorial class in mind, it is

unlikely that this course can be improved without designing more effective instructional material

that is organized and specifically created for the cooperation of the tutorial classroom along with

home study. The benefits of designing a tutorial psychology course include increased learning

and retention, preparation for a secular psychology class in college, the option of taking the AP

or CLEP test for college credit, less time spent modifying curriculum to fit tutorial, and increased


Primary Audience

Tutorial students

Secondary Audience

Homeschool students

General Learner Characteristics

Age: 15-18

Gender: 60% female, 40% male

Education: completed 9th grade

Read at 8th grade level or above

College Prep.

Entry Characteristics Prerequisite knowledge:

Must have completed technical writing

Must have completed one lab science

Attitudinal and motivational characteristics:

Most have chosen to take the course

Most, if not all, are on a college prep track

Learners see instruction as useful for high school credit

Learners see instruction as potential college credit if CLEP test is passed

Prior experience:

Extremely limited knowledge of the content


The scope of the instruction are the topics listed in the book, AP Psychology Crash Course,

that are included on the AP Psychology Test. They are the following: the history and approaches

of psychology; research methods; biological basis of behavior; states of consciousness; sensation

and perception; learning; cognition; motivation and emotion; developmental psychology;

personality; testing and individual differences; abnormal behavior and treatment; social

psychology (4). I would also include world views behind psychological theory; critical thinking,

and problem solving using the scientific method

I believe my instruction can resolve the problems described because I possess first-hand

knowledge of the shortcomings of the current materials and can successfully create a program

that will meet instructional needs as well as the needs of the tutorial instructor. I further assert

that including various learning techniques such as critical thinking activities, discussion,

research, and experimentation as well as reading the text, watching videos on the subject matter,

and writing responses.

To measure if learning has occurred, periodic evaluation through testing on the material

and instruction will be necessary throughout the school year. Student grades at the close of the

school year as well as direct student feedback in the form of a survey will also provide

information as to the success of the new course. These will also inform me as to adjustments that

can be made to further improve the instruction.

Sources cited:

Krieger, Larry. (2012) AP Psychology Crash Course. New Jersey: Research and

Association, Inc.

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