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Chinese Patent Remedies for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Hom e > Exam ination and Diagnos is > Unde rs tanding TCM Spe cialtie s
> Women Specialty > Pre m e ns trual Syndrom e (PM S) > TCM Tre atm e nt
M odalitie s for Pre m e ns trual Syndrom e > Chinese Patent Remedies

Treatment modalities : I. Using Chinese Herbs to Regulate Periods | II. Herbal

Prescriptions | III. Acupuncture | IV. Auricular Acupuncture Therapy | V.
Massage Therapy | IV. External Remedies | IV. Chinese Patent Remedies

Chine se Pate nt Re me die s

Patent herbal medicines are very popular in

the Chinese community; everyone buys over-
the-counter preparations f or minor ailments or
as adjuncts in serious diseases, just like
Western readymade remedies f or colds, f lu
and pain. Some of the medicines date back
thousands of years, w ith the f ormulae
caref ully balanced in quality and quantity to
accentuate its health restorative actions w hile
reducing side eff ects.

Many patent TCM medicines, w hich come f rom

all over China, are of ten made f rom classic
f ormulas handed dow n f or generations and
are marketed under the name of the original
f ormula. If you know the name of the f ormula,
it is easy to f ind the appropriate patent Chinese patent drug s
medicine regardless of the manuf acturer.
These eff ective, less costly and readily
available remedies can easily be f ound in

Individuals w ho have serious conditions should alw ays consult health

prof essionals bef ore taking any other medicines. How ever, f or common ailments
or conditions that are not proving eff ective by allopathic remedies, these medicines
are w orth trying.

Below are the samples of patent medicines f or suff erers of PMS. These classic
prescriptions f orm the basic components in clinical applications.


Pinyin Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan
English name The Free and Easy Wanderer Plus
Actions Soothe the liver, f ortif y the spleen, nourish the blood and restore
normal menstruation
Breast sw elling and tenderness, mood sw ings, headache,
dizziness and abdominal bloating
Caution Pregnancy and digestive problems


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Chinese Patent Remedies for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Pinyin Qi Ju Di Huang Wan
English name Six Rehmannia Pills Plus Wolf berry and Chrysanthemum
Actions Enrich yin and depress f ire
Indicated Irritability, dizziness, headache, blurred vision, absent-
syndrome mindedness, insomnia, ear ringing, night sw eats, abdominal
pattern cramps and lumbar soreness
Caution Diarrhea


Pinyin Ba Zhen Wan
English name Eight Treasures Pills
Actions Replenish the blood and qi (vital energy)
General w eakness, pale complexion, dizziness, headache, poor
appetite, palpitation and heavy menses
Caution Fever and digestive w eakness


Pinyin Ling Gui Zhu Gan Wan
English name Poria, Cinnamon, Largehead Atractylodes and Liquorice Pills
Actions Tonif y the kidneys and spleen to promote urination and digestion
Indicated Puff y f ace and limbs, lightheadedness, chill, f atigue, sleepiness,
syndrome poor appetite, diarrhea, abdominal bloating, soreness in the back
pattern and limbs.
Caution Yin de ficie ncy and dehydration

Although diff erent medicines contain the same herbal ingredients, one should
alw ays buy a product made by reputable manuf acturers. As preparation of
Chinese herbal products rely on special skills, a diff erence in manuf acture can
have subtle diff erences in eff ects. (See " The e ffe ct of dual m odulation") The
individual should also read the labels caref ully or ask advice f rom the pharmacy
bef ore taking them.


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