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`Cladogram Story

This is the story of evolution of the teeth in fabrica domain. In the angustus
kingdom, our story starts with Angustus Album, a plastic white tooth. It later
speciated into Manibus Aurantiaco thru Allopatric Speciation. Some animals
migrated into an area where there were orange grasses. The white was to bright and
was more noticeable when the animals would feed in the grasses. It then separated,
thu sympatric speciation, into a grey plastic (Angustus Griseo), because some the
animals would start to feed later at night.

The plastic wasn't hard enough for some animals who had migrated to a new
land. They needed to eat meat and harder types of plants. They needed rounded
metal teeth. However, all of them adapted in different ways according to their
individual environment (Geographic isolation). Some of the teeth had a hollowed
inside to help scoop up water (Rotundum Cavas). Others had hexagonal shapes to
help grind up food (Sexangulae Iusto). There were also locking teeth so they
locked into organisms better and didn't let them fall out (Sexangulae Proteci).
Some animals developed a dome in order to scoop up water (Sexangulae Densis).
One specie developed a flat tooth in in order to impress possible mates (Behavioral
Isolation). A open ring shaped tooth was developed in certain areas by chance
(Rotundum Parentibus). Some teeth had wings so that there could be more space
between the teeth (Rotundum Alas). In general, a circular disk with a hollow center
was the preferred tooth for the area, due to its effectiveness in fighting (Rotundum
Diametro, Rotundum Idem) Another form had rubber so the animals could get a
better grip on there food.

Things were going well for the animals that had these teeth. However, a
disastrous event occurred in one continent where the animals were living. There
was a major drought causing much of the plant like causing them to eat more
animals . Now, it was necessary to have a sharp point in order to spear their food.
There were also arched teeth that were formed to enable the animal to have 2
layers of teeth in the mouth (Brevis Arcuatum). Next there were ones with uneven
tips to give the animal the possibility to eat a greater variety of food. (Brevis
Inaequale). More species developed of which here are some examples (Motion
towards screen. Scroll thru the next 4 slides) here were also ones that had smaller
heads to maximize space to have a greater number of teeth. Metallic gray helped
camouflage during the night, there were also long and thin teeth based on the kind
of food they were eating.

Lastly there was a group that developed groves in their teeth. There animals
that had hooks that helped them grab their food. There were also ones that were
attached to the animal by a flat groove, square groove, and star groove (Caput-
Ductus, Quadratum, Stella). These magnum were also fatter, shorter, and therefore
more durable teeth. Also, The stricta had tight grooves for grinding up soft food.
Uneven tips in the impar helped with keeping variety in the mouth. Lastly tersus
invented the toothbrush making some of the teeth smell cleaner than the others.`

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