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Nosodes, Homeopathy and Autism

Nosodes, Homeopathy and Autism

by Deborah Olenev, C.C.H. RSHom (NA)
October 28, 2005
There have been some questions about homeopathy and nosodes in the Homeopathy for Special
Needs group and I would like to share some of my thoughts on this topic with you. I will go into
detail about two of the most commonly used nosodes in homeopathy below: Carcinosin and
Samuel Hahnemann the founder of homeopathy, discovered nosodes and their power in very much
the same way I did. Nosodes are remedies derived from disease substances. For many years he
prescribed constitutional remedies, such as Lycopodium, Sulphur, Calcarea carbonica and so forth,
but in certain cases the remedies failed to work, despite his belief that they were well chosen. I had
the same experience.
Then he tried to figure out how come this was happening. After twelve years of studying disease, he
wrote a book called Chronic Diseases, in which he explains his theory of miasms. Miasms are
enormous genetic predispositions to disease, which we have all inherited. He believed that the
presence of these miasmatic taints was standing in the way of the constitutional remedies working
as well as they could, and recommended using nosodes intercurrently during constitutional
His understanding was that there were three principal miasms: Psora, or the itch miasm, which
originates from suppressing an itch; the Sycotic or gonorrhea miasm, which comes from suppressed
gonorrhea. The outward manifestation of this miasm is the wart; and the Syphlitic miasm, which
comes from suppressed syphilis. The outward manifestation would be ulcers.
The Psoric miasm, on its own produces no structural changes in the body. The nosode for the psoric
miasm is Psorinum. The Psoric miasm is the largest of the miasms, and everybody on earth partakes
of this miasm. The principal remedies of the Psoric miasm are: Lycopodium, Sulphur and Calcarea
The nosode, which is at the heart of the Sycotic miasm is Medorrhinum. Medorrhinum is
characterized by overgrowth of tissue, and excesses in everything. This miasm needs to be present in
order for a person to have cancer. Lower down in the article, I talk extensively about this nosode.
Medorrhinum is definitely a remedy to be considered for autism, and a frequently indicated remedy
in general.
The nosode, which is at the heart of the Syphilitic miasm is Syphilinum. This remedy is not as
prevalent in society as the others I have mentioned. It is, however, the most destructive. It also
needs to be present for cancer, which is what we call a tri-miasmatic disease, meaning that Psora,
Sycosis and Syphilis are present in people who have this disease. Seasonal allergies are also
considered tri-miasmatic conditions. This remedy could also be considered for autism. Remedies in
this miasm that are well-known for autism are: Bufo, Baryta carbonica, Alumina, Mercurius,
Tuberculinum, Syphilinum and Sulphur. As you can see there are many remedies that are in more
than one miasm. For example Tuberculinum is both tubercular and syphilitic, and Sulphur is both
syphilitic and psoric.
The Tubercular miasm is a cross between the Psoric miasm and the Syphilitic miasm, and the nosode
at the heart of the Tubercular miasm is Tuberculinum. Tuberculosis was quite prevalent in the last
several centuries. People who need Tuberculinum have a love of travel, and often suffer from
diseases of the lungs. I associate this remedy with the age of exploration, when explorers set off to
look for uncharted territory and new worlds. Tuberculinum, Phosphorous, Baryta phosphorica,
Calcarea phosphorica and Zincum metallicum are remedies of the Tubercular miasm that definitely
should be thought of for autism. There is a very good book called The Homeopathic Treatment of
Children, by Paul Herscu, and I use him as a reference for some of the symptoms I have listed below
when I describe the nosodes. He has excellent chapters there on some of the remedies I am
discussing here, particularly Tuberculinum. He considers this one of the main remedies for autistic
children, and I can confirm this from my own experience.
Carcinosin is the main remedy of the Cancer miasm. Hahnemann did not call cancer a miasm. Rajan
Sankaran, an Indian homeopath, recently identified ten miasms, whereas Hahnemann thought there
were only three, and he believed the others were combinations of these. Other remedies in the
cancer miasm that could be thought of for autism are Tarentula, Agaricus and Baryta carbonica and
Bufo. Some of these may be listed under other miasms as well. Agaricus is a remedy that definitely
should be thought of for Autism. Tarentula is not listed for autism, but is listed for hyperactivity.
I will elaborate more on two of the principle nosodes used in homeopathy below.
During this eleven years I have prescribed nosodes many hundreds of times, and I have come to
understand them and their uses. The first nosode that I really became familiar with was Carcinosin,
and I have written a few articles about this remedy, which you can find in my website. I will quote
from an article I wrote in a newsletter about five years ago.
Carcinosin is a remedy that homeopaths see often indicated nowadays, and I consider it to be the
most frequently indicated nosode for our age. Nosodes are remedies that come from disease
substances. This particular nosode comes from breast cancer.
My feeling is that people develop Carcinosin symptoms and characteristics as an adaptation to
modern life. This remedy resembles and has points of contact with so many remedies. It is like Grand
Central Station in New York City, a place where so many paths cross and link. We are taught to think
of Carcinosin if there are symptoms for more than one remedy in the case, and if there are glaring
inconsistencies in what looks like a solid case for a remedy.
For example if everything looks like its pointing in the direction of Natrum muriaticum, but the
person loves consolation and has a desire to travel, I could prescribe Carcinosin instead, because
these characteristics do not belong to Natrum muriaticum, but are a part of Carcinosin.
Carcinosin also embodies many of the ideals of modern society, such as perfectionism and
fastidiousness. Workers who pay close attention to detail are highly valued. Doing the right thing at
all times is the ideal we are taught to emulate. It is interesting how one sees this come out in very
small children to an exaggerated degree. So much can be said about this remedy, but in the interest
of space, I will list the most prominent symptoms.
Mind Symptoms
Addictive tendency (coffee, cigarette, chocolate, etc.)
Ailments from nightwatching (or caring for the sick)
Ailments from suppressed anger
Anxiety about health (of oneself and loved ones)
Anxiety about time
Deep depression; suicidal depression; depression with a family history of cancer
Desire for consolation
Desire to travel
Early sexual activity or drug use
Fastidious or Perfectionistic
Fear of abandonment
Fear of cancer, fear of AIDS, fear of germs,
Fear of crowds
Fear of dogs/animals, also love of animals
Fear of emotional pain
Fear of failure
Fear of heights
Fear of the medicine
Fear of narrow spaces (claustrophobia)
Feeling like I am not good enough
Feeling like there is something I have done to cause my health problems
History of abuse; history of sexual abuse
History of anorexia or bulimia
History of domination by others
Long history of unhappiness
Love of dance
Love of reading; love of reading medical books
Love of thunderstorms, and or fear of them
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Over responsible, strong sense of duty, loyalty
Prolonged unhappiness due to other peoples
Shyness from childhood
General symptoms
Better by the seashore (love of the ocean)
Better from exertion (exercise)
Characteristic low time is 2 to 3 p.m.
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic fatigue after an influenza
Chronic insomnia (sleep problems in children)
Eczema of children and adults
Love of the sun
Many brown spots, moles, or cherry angiomas (little red spots) on the body
Food preferences
Desire for: Berries, butter, chocolate, eggs, fruit (or
aversion to fruit), ice cream, potatoes, soup,
smoked meats (hot dogs, beef jerky, salami)
I have observed the health problems of children of all ages where there is a family history of cancer,
and usually these are the children with the most health and behavioral problems. Usually present
will be eczema almost from birth, early ear infections, asthma, hayfever, many allergies, and sleep
problems of all sorts. There can also be a history of bad reactions to vaccines. The books describe a
cafe au lait complexion, and blue color to the whites of the eyes. Children who need Carcinosin often
have many fears, and one of the deepest fears is of abandonment.
I have often observed extreme clinginess and separation anxiety in children with a family history of
cancer. They can be jealous of siblings, and want the parents undivided attention, because of the
fear of death and abandonment. These are the children who have to follow the parents into the
bathroom, or will stand wailing at the door.
Another characteristic of these children is eating problemsoften there will be a very narrow range
of foods that they will eat. For example, hamburger only the way McDonalds cooks it. Feeding these
kids can be a torture for the family. They absolutely refuse to taste anything new.
Temper tantrums are a constant reality, as are frequent illnesses. As soon as the child gets over one
illness a new one starts. The child also may not develop immunity to a disease that she has had, so
she may get chicken pox twice. A history of whooping cough despite vaccination is often also
present. A history of frequent high fevers is another clue to this remedy.
Anorexia and bulimia, as well as a feeling that I am not good enough often starts as the child enters
the teen years. The youngster wants to be the perfect child (to win the love of the parents). Often
with the encouragement of society and the parents, they way overextend themselves. So we have
kids who get straight As, are never late to school, who take gymnastics or ballet or karate four days
a week, plus drama class, and volunteer on weekends to wash pets at the local pet store. They never
have any down time, and dont know what it is to relax. They are tormented by anxiety, by the need
to perform, the need to produce, the need to prove themselves.
Often they burn outsometimes it can be by the time they hit the second grade. Some can hold on
until the freshman year of college or later, but at some point a breakdown of health can be in the
Other things one often sees is a long history of unhappiness. This can be from any cause and it can
start from early childhood. Often the individual will claim to be unhappy not from anything that they
have done, but from what other people have done to them. There will frequently be a history of
domination by a parent, or an abusive sibling. Often a history of sexual abuse, or alcohol in the
family is also present, which creates suppressed anger and humiliation.
In cancer families there will also often be a history of early responsibility. I warn parents to guard
their children from this as much as they can, because this is a big predisposing cause for cancer. The
children are not allowed to be children and are forced to grow up too quickly. The stress of that
responsibility at such a young age can put on a cancer layer.
I have used the term cancer families several times and I want to clarify what I mean by this. I have
read that in only ten percent of cancers is there a family history of cancer, so why is cancer so
pervasive and why do cancer characteristics show up in children where there is no family history of
cancer. I believe the reason for this is that all our actions, thoughts, deeds, conditioning and
behavior has an impact on our genes and alters them constantly.
It is absolutely remarkable when I see babies under two years of age who have an obsession with
time and watchesand I have seen thisand this has been in families where there is no family history
of cancer. As much as possible I encourage the parents of children to try to reduce the impact of
time awareness on their children. I encourage them to keep clocks and watches to a minimum in the
house, and to avoid telling the child we are going to be late. I helped two children with eczema
based on this symptom of obsession with time.
The next big symptom is perfectionism and fastidiousness. One of the big dangers here is that it
takes enormous expenditures of time and energy and resources to create and maintain this
perfection. It depletes the vital force. Secondly, the focus of attention moves from the interior life to
the exterior world. The healthier way is to maintain a sharp focus inside and a soft focus outside. I
tell people that as they get healthier inside, they will naturally (or they should train themselves to)
become more relaxed about the exterior environment, and to develop a higher tolerance for
One thing I have noticed is that having all these cancer characteristics does not necessarily mean
that the individual will suffer from ill health. I have seen many elderly people who have been
relatively healthy all their lives, despite all these cancer characteristics. By the same token I have
seen many children where there is no family history of cancer, who suffer ill health almost from the
first breath they take. Life and health are truly a mystery. I believe that inherent vital energy has an
I would like to share some of my theories with you about how cancer characteristics manifest in ill
health at different stages of life. I believe that the manifestations are different, but the disease,
which is essentially of a spiritual nature is really one. A time line would look like this:
Babiessevere colic, separation anxiety, insomnia, eating disorders, eczema, frequent ear infections,
high fevers, fearfulness.
Toddler years and uptemper tantrums, eating disorders, separation anxiety, ear infections,
asthma, frequent colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, fevers, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, fears.
Teen yearsanorexia, bulimia, early sexual behavior, early drug use, addictive tendency kicks in,
anxiety, over-responsibility.
Adult yearsfull range of disease manifestations.
I believe in a cause and effect relationship when it comes to cancer, but we have to know what to
look for as cause. I have listed many symptoms that show the predisposition to cancer. Societys
conditioning and many of the beliefs and values that we hold dear may be a contributing cause of
cancer. The values that we are taught to cherish can lead to ill health when taken to extremes. We
learn from our mothers and grandmothers to worry and be anxious about family members. We are
taught loyalty at all costs. Orderliness, cleanliness and promptness are held up as high ideals. Are
these values really good for our health? Are naturalness, spontaneity, simplicity, and ease of living
sacrificed to these ideals? I hope that this article will stimulate thinking and self-examination.
Medorrhinum is a very important remedy to consider for Autism. It is also a magnificent remedy for
hormonal problems, and affects the generative organs very strongly. It is one of the best remedies
for severe menstrual cramps and other problems connected with the menstrual cycle. It is the first
remedy we consider in homeopathy for recurrent urinary tract infections. The remedy also affects
the musculo-skeletal and nervous systems very profoundly. Some of the mental symptoms of
Medorrhinum are:
Either extreme extroversion, or extreme introversion.
Exreme shifts in mood, from very sweet to rages and tantrums.
The word Extreme is the hallmark of Medorrhinum.
Early experimentation with drugs and alcohol.
Early sexual experiences.
High energy at night. Medorrhinums are night people.
Difficult concentration.
Dyslexia. Makes mistakes in speaking and writing. Memory problems.
Aggressive behavior, such as fighting and hitting.
Enjoys watching scary or violent movies.
Love of animals and cruelty to animals.
Self-mutilating behaviors.
Risk taking behaviors.
Some of Medorrhinums fear are:
Of someone following behind them.
A fear of being exposed.
Fear of being alone in the dark.
Fear of ghosts.
Fear of large bodies of water.
Fear of animals.
Medorrhinum has many symptoms associated with food and eating, such as:
craving for oranges or citrus fruits and juices, a craving for carbonated drinks or sodas, and desire for
unripe fruit.
craving or aversion to eggplant
a desire for ice and or chewing on ice
craving for ice cream
aversion for vegetables or very finicky eating.
a tendency to skip meals, esp. breakfast
eating very late in the day
There are often clues to Medorrhinum in the physical appearance , though there may also be
nothing distinguishing:
the tendency to have many warts, moles, skin tags, lipomas and vitligo
red rash of the buttocks
unusually died hair tattoos and multiple peircings.
Overtly sexual dress
The Goth look
Sleeping in the knee chest position.
Uncovering the feet at night.
Medorrhinums are often night people. They may become hyperactive at night, or have very irregular
sleep patterns, such as frequently staying up all night. There is often an inability to maintain a
balanced eating, sleep or work schedule.
A love of dance, partying and the night life is also frequently seen. Medorrhinum is often needed for
the teenage rebel, who disobeys his or her parents, has difficulty in school, and perhaps gets
involved with marijuana and other drug use. The addictive tendency is very high. Medorrhinum
children often feel boredom in school, and suffer from learning difficulties.
Medorrhinum is one of the most commonly used remedies for children with behavioral problems,
and sleeping and eating disorders Aggressive tendencies can be very high, and a cruel streak can also
be present, which often appears as cruelty to animals, though they can also love animals. These are
usually very high maintenance children, with frequent illnesses and poor health from infancy.
There can be a confusion about the sexual orientation, and Medorrhinums are often gay or bisexual.
They can have a very high sex drive, or go to the opposite extreme and be celibate for years.
People who need Medorrhinum often have a love of the ocean, and can feel better at the seaside.
Cities along the coast, such as Santa Cruz and Capitola are often populated with them.
Medorrhinum should be thought of for people who take things to extremes, this can be extremely
positive or extremely negative. It is as commonly seen in the extreme extrovert as in the extreme
introvert. You can have one child in the family who is an extreme extrovert and wants to be partying
all the time, and have nothing to do with the family; and the other child can be an extreme introvert
who refuses to go out and has no friends outside of the family. This remedy can help bring balance
to both children, who are displaying different aspects of Medorrhinum.
From my experience a majority of the people who need the remedy Carcinosin, also need
Medorrhinum, and usually symptoms for both remedies exist simultaneously in the case. It is often
difficult to know which remedy to begin with. In the case of teenagers I often prefer to begin with
Medorrhinum, to protect against a full-blown Medorrhinum picture coming out once the Carcinosin
layer has been removed.
Medorrhinum is a massive remedy, which is possibly needed by a large percentage of mankind.
When syphilis and gonorrhea are treated with antibiotics or other means in allopathic medicine, the
genetic taint is not eradicted from the system, and it causes alterations in the genes, which are
passed on to the offspring. Homeopathy offers a means of preventing this unfortunate scenario,
which has generation-wide consequences.
My belief when treating children, or anyone for that matter, is that the childs
symptoms are an expression of some substance in nature, which plays itself out
through his or her being. My job, as the homeopath, is to watch, observe and
study the child so that I can pick up clues as to what that substance is. The
child cannot disguise what he needs. He is screaming for it in every action
that he takes, in his mental state, in his physical symptoms and in the way he
eats. There is no one who is abandoned by nature and left without something
that will have a remedial effect. Even people who have serious deformities and
mental impairments can benefit hugely from homeopathy.
As a mother of three children, I know how important it is to heal yourselves,
your children and your families. This has been the driving force that propelled
me to study and learn homeopathy. I know as a mother, there is nothing I would
not do to heal the people I love. Nowadays the umbrella of my love extends to everybody. The
whole world is my family, and with a strong connection to the divine I am not alone in doing my
work. God bless all of you.
To reach me you can send me an e-mail at or call me at 650-569-6219.
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
59 Paul Avenue
Mountain View,
Phone: 650-569-6219
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Deborah Olenev
October 3, 2016 at 2:06 pm (UTC -7)
Dear Moumina,
I am sorry for my delay in responding. I hope the patient that you gave Tuberculinum 200C to has
recovered from the initial reaction and feeling much better now. If the exhaustion persisted, I would
retake the case at this point and see if there is a remedy that covers the current symptoms better.
I generally am cautious when prescribing nosodes. I always try to see if another remedy may fit the
case better, and only use nosodes if necessary.
I wish you and your client all the best.
In love and service,

September 9, 2016 at 2:23 pm (UTC -7)
I really liked the article am out the nosodes. Boericke and other homeopaths warn to give
tuberkulinum as it can be dangerous to certain patients. What can happen and what can one do if
something is happening which doesnt look right. I gave a 8 year old child yesterday tuberkulinum c
200 for hyperactivity and concentration problems and other tub,symptoms. But after he went home
he was totally exhausted and just wants to sleep a lot, no real appetite, headache and burning
sensation in stomach. Still today sleep a lot and just feeling heavy and lame. Can this come from the
remedy. He had a burn accident 3 years ago ,shoulder, neck and part of arm burned from hot oil.
Thanks for answering.

Deborah Olenev
April 5, 2016 at 5:58 pm (UTC -7)
Dear Iris,
Thank you for your question about homeopathy for your son. I am a classical homeopath, which
means I prescribe only one remedy at a time, and I only repeat the remedy if the symptoms that had
improved by the time of the first follow up at seven weeks begin to relapse. I select the remedy and
the potency of the remedy very carefully.
I know that vaccine clearing is very popular these days, and giving multiple remedies. I personally do
not do this. I really am a believer in homeopathic philosophy and methodology as taught by Samuel
Hahnemann, and I endeavor to be true to the founder of this beautiful system of medicine.
I believe in rational, careful and gentle prescribing, which Hahnemann held up as an ideal Others will
prescribe their own way and according to what they believe, and I cannot comment on that.
If you would like to work with me please complete the pediatric questionnaire, which you can find
on the website and e-mail it back to me. You can also see my fee schedule on the website. Internet
consultations are only for established clients who have a quick question that does not require much
work to answer.
I wish you success in bringing your son to health.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)

March 31, 2016 at 5:43 am (UTC -7)
I like your article, it explains a lot!
Now it makes me wonder
My son is 4 years old diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our homeopath is currently
prescribing him a lot of remedies at the same time we are doing vaccines cleaning and besides that
he takes other 12 remedies, some of them are 200C prescribed twice a week each. Now that I read
your article and comments I am worried that its too much he had improvements during the
treatment, but also a lot of aggravation.
He doesnt fit a specific remedy or so said our previous homeopath, that gave us
carcinosinum(1M). The kid had a looooot of aggravation from it so the doctor freaked out, told us to
stop giving it, and recommended a diferent homeopath( from a different city), with more autism
I am not at ease with giving him so many remedies at once, and with a lot of repetition what if its
doing him mire harm than good? what do you recommend? Do you think you could do a payed
consult for my son by e-mail? Im interested in you oppinion for a remedy for him I feel like I shoud
do more for him
Thank you so much!

Deborah Olenev
March 3, 2016 at 3:10 pm (UTC -7)
Dear Dawn,
One has to be very careful when using Belladonna, because it can cause these mental symptoms, like
hallucinations and wild behavior. The dosing method that your homeopath recommended is way too
A single dose of a 200C remedy can hold for months, and even years. Eight months is about average
for the 200C. This frequent repetition is just not appropriate for homeopathy. Samuel Hahnemann,
the founder of homeopathy, taught that one should never repeat the same remedy without altering
it slightly. I accomplish this by dissolving the remedy in water, and varying the amount of water I use
for each repetition. I usually add 2 ounces each time I repeat. I also always succuss when I give a new
It is true that sometimes one needs to repeat during an acute illness, but when prescribing a 200C
dose that is rarely the case, and even with a 30C I would be very cautious about repeating during an
In classical homeopathy we are taught never to repeat a remedy unless the remedy has gone
through an initial reaction phase, you have experienced an amelioration of symptoms, and then the
symptoms have started to return for awhile. When the symptoms have returned, you know that the
dose is no longer active and it is safe to repeat.
If your son has another high fever episode in the future, you may want to consider giving him
Calcarea carbonica. Belladonna is used if there is only one high fever incident. If it is a repeating
thing, we are taught to consider Calcarea carbonica, or study the case carefully and see if another
remedy is indicated.
I am happy to hear that your son is feeling well now.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)O

Deborah Olenev
March 3, 2016 at 2:55 pm (UTC -7)
Dear Zora,
I am sorry you have had such a strong reaction to the Psorinum? Since I am not familiar with your
case, I cannot make any suggestions. If your homeopath feels Tarentula Hispanica is a good remedy
the conservative approach of giving one dose and watching and waiting is a wise one.
I do not believe there should be a negative interaction between the Psorinum and Tarentula, if they
were both selected based on homeopathic indications.
I hope you feel better soon.

February 29, 2016 at 11:00 pm (UTC -7)
Thank you for fantastic article. Can you tell me, please, if you have in front of you, person who
recently been treated with Psorinum (last single dose was before 10 days) and apeare violence and
self-destructive behaviour. Can be now be given Tarantula Hispanica 6c only one dose and weight to
see what remedy is doing? I am afraid, could these two remedy can interact and make problem? My
homeopath prescribe it, but I want to see what you will say.Thank you so much!

February 19, 2016 at 10:46 am (UTC -7)
Hi Deborah
A month ago, I dry dosed my 7 year old son 200c (5 pills 3 times per day) belladonna to treat a high
fever and severe headache on its second day. I stopped after the 2nd day of dosing, as that night he
freaked me out, when he woke up, and with eyes wide open was growling and laughing hysterically
with outstretched, stiffened arms. I had to get him to focus on his surroundings, to calm him out of
it. I guess each dose of 5 pills I gave him was effectively 1m in dosage, but this is what wAs instructed
by the homeopath (?). He is now fine, but is there anything I should be cautious of in the future
besides never using this remedy again?! Ps. He has never hallucinated before! And his fever was high
but not danger high.

Deborah Olenev
April 17, 2015 at 6:24 pm (UTC -7)
Dear Ganesh,
I would recommend to use a 30C potency, unless you are certain about the prescription, and you
have many years of experience with homeopathy. Also I would not prescribe the remedy without
the guidance of a homeopath who can help you with case management. If you do prescribe a 30C,
do not repeat, and evaluate after seven weeks to see what the remedy is doing. Good luck with
In love and service,

Ganesh Nikade
April 17, 2015 at 4:58 am (UTC -7)
As you have mentioned about using nosodes in children what is your preferred potency.Is it safe for
children to be prescribed the nosodes in 30c or 1m, since nosodes in lower potencies are not
advisable. please throw some light.

Deborah Olenev
December 26, 2014 at 2:55 pm (UTC -7)
Dear Uzair,
Thank you for your blog comment. One of the indications for Carcinosin is that you see indications
for several constitutional remedies in the case, but none of them fits perfectly. In addition to that
you should have some Carcinosin symptoms present, such as the fastidiiousness, perfectionism,
desire to dance, desire to travel and so forth to prescribe this remedy. Carcinosin is triasmatic, but so
are most of the constititutional remedies. I would not use Carcinosin to antidote another remedy.
I do not think in terms of miasms these days. Rather, I look at symptoms and search for a remedy
that covers the totality of the symptoms, and I keep concepts of miasms out of my head. When I am
thinking too much from my head and from concepts, I am not working intuitively and coming from
the heart. I hope this answer helps.
In love and service,

December 7, 2014 at 6:57 am (UTC -7)
you have mentioned in carcinosin when the symptoms were indicated in 2 remedies. then we think
about carcinosin .is carcinosin trimiastic or psora sycotic.should we use carcinosin in antidoting
sulphur when clear nux vomica symptoms were present and syphilis and sycosis is also present.
because nux is not trimiastic. plz comment

Deborah Olenev
October 24, 2014 at 10:49 am (UTC -7)
Dear Erica,
Yes, homeopathic remedies can absolutely cause side effects. What is supposed to happen when you
take homeopathic remedies, that are well prescribed and repeated with great care, is that the
remedy looks for the symptoms that are in your repertoire and brings them up for treatment. I call
that period of time when it is looking for the symptoms the reaction period. On a single dose 30C or
200C potency of the remedy that reaction period is three weeks on average. On a 1M dose of the
remedy the reaction period is six weeks in duration on average.
One should not evaluate the response to a 30C, 200C or 1M potency remedy until the reaction
period is over and enough time has elapsed so that you can see the amelioration from the remedy. If
you evaluate during the reaction period you will not have a clear picture of whether the remedy is
benefiting or not. In an acute situation you should give the remedy about 48 hours to show that it is
having some benefit. If you do not see positive changes at that point, you can reconsider your
prescription. In a very acute situation with rapidly changing symptoms, you have to respond to the
A 1M potency of a remedy is very high and should be used with extreme care and never repeated
during an acute situation, and probably should not even be prescribed in an acute situation, because
it is just too powerful and the reaction period is just too long.
In the case of your daughter, she is proving the Belladonna. What this means is that she is
experiencing the classic symptoms of Belladonna, which you enumerated. The homeopathic materia
medica has been built on provings. This is the way we learn the action of the remedies. In your
daughters case this is an accidental proving, because she did not volunteer for the experiment.
When you administer a remedy of such high strength as the 1M, it will bring anyone who takes it
under its influence, whether the remedy is indicated or not. This is one of the reasons that the
provings are done with low potency remedies, up to the 30C traditionally. This brings up the
question of whether proving symptoms are side effects of the remedy or not. They are effects of the
remedy. If the symptoms you experience are not yours, then they are side effects.
Now the question arises what do you do for your daughter, who is experiencing these sides effects,
after the very inappropriate repetition of a high potency remedy in an acute situation or in any
situation. A 1M dose should NEVER be repeated (at least until the remedy has run its entire course,
meaning: the reaction time has been experienced, the amelioration time has been experienced, a
relapse of symptoms has been experienced that is going on for a while, indicating that the previous
dose has worn out). A 1M dose can hold for many years.
Again, going back to what to do for your daughter. I would suggest finding out what her original
symptoms were prior to her having been given the Belladonna, and then administering this remedy.
Another thing that can be tried is giving your daughter a 30C dose of Belladonna first, because this
may cut down the intensity of the overreaction.
I am very sorry this has happened to your family. There is a lot of confusion around posology in
homeopathy. CEASE therapy practitioners are administering remedies in ascending potencies very
rapidly for the purposes of detoxing from allopathic medications. This method of administering
remedies is contrary to classical homeopathy, but they claim it works. My concern is that it is not
safe. People do not understand the tremendous power of homeopathy to do good when used with
good education, good judgment and good experience, and its equally tremendous power to do
harm, when used with poor education, poor judgment and poor experience.
I hope your daughter recovers soon, and thank you very much for posting your question.
Warm regards,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)

Erica Robillard
October 23, 2014 at 8:07 pm (UTC -7)
Can homeopathic remedies cause side effects? My current homeopath says no. However, we
experienced an incident with my 5 year old after rapid-dosing Belladonna 1M. She had at least 10
doses. She became confused & unresponsive, with dilated-pupils, blurred vision & increased heart
rate. We were rapid dosing the remedy for fever. I have read that Belladonna can cause these side
effects. Can you confirm?

July 15, 2014 at 5:45 am (UTC -7)
I heard about Miasms first time in my life at
miasms-in-homeopathy/Now again reading about Miasms at this site is convincing me enough to
take a in-depth study in Miasms and chronic diseases.

Deborah Olenev
April 30, 2013 at 12:38 pm (UTC -7)
Dear Lynne,
Thank you very much for you comment on Nosodes, Homeopathy and Autism. I am happy that it
gave you some practical information to help you with your patients and your son.
Warm regards,

Lynne Shrubb, Homeopath

April 26, 2013 at 2:30 am (UTC -7)
I have been practising homeopathy in Cheltenham for the last 3 years (Glos, UK) and I wish to thank
you for providing a practical overview of Medorrhinum because it helps me not only with 2 of my
current patients but also with my son (19yrs) who fits the majority of your Med description almost
word for word. We are always told not to treat your own family and now I can see why! Best
regards, Lynne Shrubb, LHC, MARH, RHom

January 20, 2013 at 11:39 am (UTC -7)
Thank you, Deborah, for clearing that up! Your approach sounds so sensible.
My sister can drink coffee all day long, even right before bed, and still go right to sleep. If I, on the
other hand, drink regular coffee, I get the shakes. If I have even one cup in early afternoon, I wont
sleep that night. I drink de-caf only. From your post, it sounds as though de-caf is ok since it doesnt
really affect people. Is that right?
I cant thank you enough for posting such important information on the net for us all to read. Your
articles are a godsend for those of us who really need help for our loved ones and ourselves. I wish
everyone knew how amazing homeopathy is (and wish I knew more myself!)
Warm regards,

Deborah Olenev
January 15, 2013 at 3:15 pm (UTC -7)
Dear Linda,
Thank you for your question. Homeopaths have different opinions when it comes to the question
about coffee antidoting remedies. I have never seen a remedy be antidoted by coffee. What I ask
people is how do they normally react to coffee. If they feel fine and it has minimal to no affect on
them, I recommend keeping the coffee consumptom as low as they can. If people are sensitive to
coffee, I request that they abstain from it and drink tea or hot water instead.
Some homeopaths believe that the taboo against coffee started from a misunderstanding, confusing
the remedy coffea tosta (roasted coffee berries), or Coffea cruda (unroasted coffee) which can
antidote remedies,with regular coffee.
I have never heard it mentioned that coffee can antidote specific remedies, such as nosodes like
I hope I have answered your question.
Warm regards,

Linda S
January 14, 2013 at 4:05 pm (UTC -7)
Hello again, Ms. Olenev,
Could you please tell me your opinion on whether drinking coffee antidotes nosodes, especially
Medorrhinum? Some homeopaths say to stay away from coffee during treatment, others say to just
not drink very much of it. Im so confused!
Thank you,

Linda S
January 14, 2013 at 3:46 pm (UTC -7)
Thank you for providing such great info for all of us to read! Scientists are just now beginning to
understand how and why homeopathy works. For example, doctors used to think lupus and Lou
Gehrigs Disease are autoimmune diseases. But scientists Lida Matman and Trevor Marshall have
found that they are, in fact, caused by extremely tiny, microscopic bacteria. And Dr. Hahnemann
figured out how to get these miserable, stealth bacteria out of the body by using the vibrations in
his medicines. Truly remarkable.

October 30, 2012 at 5:37 am (UTC -7)
Dear Ms.Olenev,
God Bless you. You are truely a humanitarian. I am an avionic engineer turned Homeopath(no formal
education, but book read knowledge). I have been practicing homeopathy with a qualified doctor
since 12 years. Witnessed a number of mirraculus cures. Your article has inspired and encouraged
me to a great extent. Thank you so much dear. God Bless you abundantly.

Deborah Olenev
October 8, 2012 at 10:38 am (UTC -7)
Dear Manisha,
Your question is an excellent one. Can we discard one clue and depend on many other similarities.
I believe that the answer to this is yes. You do not have to have all the keynote symptoms of a
remedy present when you prescribe it. I have prescribed Causticum and Thuja, two well known
remedies that are supposed to have warts in their symptomatology, to people who do not have
warts, but have symptoms indicating this remedy, with success..
Also from my experience people can respond well to a range of remedies and not just only to one
remedy (as homeopathic dogma states). So your client may need Medorrhinum as an intercurrent
nosode in the case, and may then show symptoms of an underlying remedy once the Medorrhinum
has been prescribed. The Medorrhinum can do a lot of positive clearing work, which will benefit the
client, but may not be the last remedy the client needs, but just another good remedy in a
sequence of remedies needed along the life long road of healing. I wish you all the best.

b. kanagaraj
March 22, 2012 at 10:28 pm (UTC -7)
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much more of such articles from you site which is not available from you site. Pl. provide more of
study materials
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Clyde Style
May 1, 2010 at 1:13 am (UTC -7)
I feel like Im always looking for interesting things to read about a variety of topics, but I manage to
include your site among my reads every day because you have interesting entries that I look forward
to. Heres hoping theres a lot more top-notch material coming!

Francine Albertson
April 9, 2010 at 9:10 pm (UTC -7) Link to this comment
This is a wonderful article Ms. Olenev. I have a young son diagnosed with PDD NOS and I am seeking
a new homeopath to work with us. I am currently giving my son Carcinocin (on the advice of my
current homeopath), but its very frustrating when I cant communicate with her as often as needed.
I must say that my son has responded well to it, but I need somene like you to help direct our
treatments. Furthermore, my current homeopath didnt agree with me when I had mentioned
several months ago that my son displayed xteristics of both Carcinocin and Medorrhinum. It was
after I mentioned your article, she changed her mind. Unfortunately, this is not reassuring to me and
I know that my son can recover from this with the right approach and homeopath. Can you help us?

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