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Ada Roche

Praxis Core Exam Breakdown

Exam Requirements

The Education Department for the State of Nevada requires students/educators to

complete and pass the Praxis Core Exam before one can take any education courses at

UNLV, NSC, or UNR to continue your Bachelors degree in Education. The below

information shows my scores for the Praxis Core for Math, Reading, and Writing.

Exam Preparation

I have only done some Math preparation as I had a summer Math class and had a

program that I used and currently am using to improve my Math skills. I did not prepare

for the Reading and Writing portion. I did go into those sections blind and unknowing as

to what things would look like. The links on the requirements and information was nice,

but again, this is the first time doing this practice and it showed.

Exam Results

My total score for the Core Math was51%, which means that I Need

Improvement. I need the most improvement in the areas of Algebra/Functions, Statistics

and Probability as I only received scores of 35% and 36% respectively. In the Number

and Quantity section I am Borderline with a score of 70%. Lastly, my score of 54% in

Geometry indicates I need improvement as well. I will definitely need to take more time

to study and practice for the official Praxis Core Exam.

For the Core Reading my total score was 36%, Substantial Improvement Need.

My score in the Key Ideas and Details was a 26% and my Craft, Structure and Language

Skills was 38% which both fall in the Substantial Improvement Need range. The

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas score was 42% as a Improvement Needed. Again,

I will need to slow down and read, take my time and execute better in this whole content


For the Core Writing my total score was 68% Borderline. My score of 64% in

the Language and Research Skills for Writing shows Improvement Need in that area.

The Text Types, Purposes and Production was a 27% for a Substantial Improvement

Needed. Alas, the record is playing the same song again and I need to take time to get

into a study habit and get a better grasp of the content.

Future Exam Preparation

I will definitely take this practice exam as a big wakeup call and get myself study

material and guides. I need to reach out and get formal tutoring, along with formal Core

Review classes. I want to build my confidence in the English language in reading and

comprehension. I scored the lowest in those areas and will build upon my Math as well.

With time will come comfort and my abilities will improve no different than exercising.

Just need to build my base and go up from there in all the areas.

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