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Seven Tips for Spectacular Sex & Outrageous Orgasms

With Fun & Easy Exercises

by Sheri Winston CNM RN BSN LMT

Teacher & Counselor of Wholistic Sexuality,
Founder of the Center for the Intimate Arts
Empowering Erotic Education

Do you know how to have spectacular prolonged orgasms every time you have sex?
When you read this you will!
Copyright 2008 by Sheri Winston and the Center for the Intimate Arts. All rights reserved.
Orgasmic Abundance
A free e-book offered by Sheri Winston & The Center for the Intimate Arts

Empowering Erotic Education
Womens Anatomy of Arousal Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure
Winner of the 2010 Book of the Year Award from the
American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists
In-Person & On-line Classes & Workshops
Intensives & Retreats
Library of Interesting and Informative Articles
Private Consultations
And More

Sheri Winston CNM, BSN, RN, LMT

Teacher & Counselor of Wholistic Sexuality, Founder of the Center for the Intimate Arts

Copyright 2008 by Sheri Winston and the Center for the Intimate Arts. All rights reserved.
Orgasmic Abundance
1. Bounteous Breath
Breath is basic. You dont have to remember any complicated esoteric formulas or worry if youre
doing it wrong. You certainly wont forget to do it at all. Breath happens. And, if you want to
increase and deepen your arousal and expand your orgasms, all you need to do is enhance whatever
your breath is already doing by itself. Just do a little more. Breathe a little faster, draw it in a little
deeper, let it out a bit longer, or open your chest and belly more. Enhance your breathing and youll
augment your arousal and your climax will be bigger and better.

Basic Breath Practices

Simple Basic Breath
Breathe in and out through an open mouth; use loosely pursed lips
for the inhale and a loose mouth for the exhale. Practice awareness
of your breath as you do this.

Breath Awareness Practice

The next time youre having solo-sex, attend to the way you already
breathe while in the various stages of your journey. Then, begin to
augment whatever you are already doing. Breathe a bit faster, or
draw it in deeper. Play with ways to enhance your natural patterns.

Accelerating Breath - To raise the energy and build arousal

Start with slow deep breaths. Breathe all the way down into your
Illustration by Baruffi belly. Gradually deepen the breath and increase the pace, still
trying to pull the breath down into your belly. Keep getting faster.
Finally practice a deep rapid pant. Notice how you feel as you breathe faster. Slow down when you
need to and let your breath calm down. Practice cycles of firing your breath up and cooling it down.

Opening The Tube To connect your top and bottom

Breathe through an open mouth, using loosely pursed lips for the inhale and a loose mouth for the
exhale. Imagine your mouth and throat as a loose open tube. Imagine the tube extends all the way
through center of your whole body, from mouth to crotch. Imagine your breath flowing in your
mouth and out your bottom, then in your bottom and out your mouth. See if you can feel as if your
whole internal channel is breathing. Breathing in through your nose is OK, too, although try to keep

Copyright 2008 by Sheri Winston and the Center for the Intimate Arts. All rights reserved.
using your opened mouth for the exhale. Try your inhale with both nose and mouth and see which
works better for you.

2. Celebration of Sounds
Sound inhibition is the enemy of freeing your orgasm so to escalate your experience, open your
mouth and let the sounds out. You dont have to raise the roof or frighten the horses, just dont be

Start small by making your breath audible. Play with making soft, sexy sounds as you proceed
through your arousal journey. Expand your sound repertoire as you become more comfortable with
your sound ability. Moan, coo, sigh and whimper and youll enhance your experience. Allow yourself
to have fun releasing your soundtrack of pleasure.

Use sound (and breath, of course) when you start coming and just dont stop. Allow the sound to roll
out of your open mouth along with the orgasmic wave. When youre coming, keep your sounds going
and your orgasm will keep on going, too!

Sound Practices
Simple Sound
Begin by making your breath audible. Take a deep breath in and let it out with a sigh. Play with the
breathing patterns and game from the last section, now experiment with adding various sounds.
Notice what happens.

Play with making various vowel sounds. Try quiet, medium and loud. Make then short or long,
repeat or vary the sound. Put on music and make sounds along with it. Have fun playing with sound.

Narrate Your Pleasure

The next time youre having sex, eating yummy food, delighting in water or getting a massage,
make sounds of pleasure. Play with different types of sound, exploring sighs, moans, purrs and the
whole range of possibilities. Notice how the experience changes when you allow your sound to
emerge. You can start with small sounds and expand to big, bold sounds as you feel more

Copyright 2008 by Sheri Winston and the Center for the Intimate Arts. All rights reserved.
3. Flex Your Floor
Inside the bottom of your body lies a hammock of muscles that surround your genitalia and
associated organs called the pelvic floor muscles PFM, aka the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles. These
muscles are an essential sexual energy intensifier. Every time you grasp and release these muscles,
youre squeezing, rubbing and fondling your sexy bits. Essentially, youre playing with yourself
without using your hands, which is convenient because during sex your hands are often busy
elsewhere. The pelvic floor muscles also act as a trampoline for sexual energy that rebounds it all
around your body, spreading your arousal and magnifying its intensity. They propel the arousal
energy like a pump and bounce it like a trampoline.

Again, there is no one right way to play with your pelvic floor muscles, so experiment with lots of
different actions. Squeeze, pull up, cinch together, flutter, vibrate, push, hold and release them as
you see fit. Just get them involved and youll heighten your excitement, experience easier arousal
and extend your orgasm.

Pelvic Floor Practices

Basic Pelvic Muscle Pump
Tighten the whole group of PFM muscles by pulling them together and up, then release. After you
have that down, start to coordinate your PFM with your breath. Tighten with inhale. Release with
exhale. Try the reverse pattern to see which is more natural for you. Remember, there is no one
right way!
Hold It
Tighten with inhale. Hold for 5 seconds. Release with exhale. Try
holding longer as you get stronger.

Sexual Breathing
Imagine breathing through your bottom (genitals or perineum)
as you pump your PFMs.
Pelvic Floor Muscles by Sheri Winston

Pulsing (Fluttering)
Tighten and release as fast as possible. After practicing this movement, try adding it to your orgasm
and see what happens.

4. Shake Your Booty

Rocking your hips is the basic mammal mating motion so utilize that ancient pathway and pump
your pelvis. Even a small pelvic tilting motion will activate a basic sex reflex that enhances your
turn-on and will increase your climax. Imagine your spine is a snake and undulate away. To really

Copyright 2008 by Sheri Winston and the Center for the Intimate Arts. All rights reserved.
get the sexual energy flowing, shake your booty and pump it up! Let your thrusting animal out and
youll propel your orgasm sky-high. Rock your roll!

Pelvic Rock Practices

Pelvic Warm-up
Dance to percussive upbeat music for 5-10 minutes, with lots of
hip action. Shake your booty.

Pelvic Rock
Practice a basic Pelvic Rock. If youre standing, have your knees
be loose and unlocked. If lying on your back, have your knees
bent and feet flat on the floor.
Do a gentle pelvic tilt with a small relaxed motion. The key here
is to just pivot at the hip joint and to avoid a big thrust. Get a
rhythmic easy, loose pelvic swing going.

Bacchante by William Etty

Working It All
Now, one at a time, add the other elements. First coordinate your breath with the pelvic rock. Then
add sound. Then try to do the PFM pump, breath, sound and pelvic rock all together. The more you
practice, the easier it gets!

Recumbent Pelvic Rock

Lay down with your knees up and your feet flat on the floor. Tilt your pelvis up, letting your back
flatten down to the floor and then gently arch away while letting your pelvis rock back down. Keep it
relaxed and gentle. You can let your knees gently open and close. Now coordinate with your sound
and breath. Lastly, add your PFM muscles to the game.

5. Say Yes!
These first four tips develop skills that primarily utilize the toolkit of your body. This tip uses your
mind skills, since that really is your primary sexual organ. Give yourself permission to feel more, do
more, explore and go further, deeper and wilder then you ever have. Free your mind and the rest
will cum along.

Copyright 2008 by Sheri Winston and the Center for the Intimate Arts. All rights reserved.
When playing with your new skills, resistance, fear, anxiety and propriety will likely arise so fend
them off by repeatedly giving yourself permission to feel all of the pleasure that youre capable of
and to be a wildly free sexual being.

Give yourself permission, over and over, to release, to let go of inhibitions, to push yourself into new
territory. Say, Yes to pleasure, Yes to getting wilder, YES to going further then you thought
you could. When you start to come, dont let limiting beliefs stop you. Say, Yes to allowing yourself
to keep going, and you will.

Mind Practices
Yes, YES, YES!!!
Notice your thoughts during your sexual play. When you hear yourself saying, No, I cant or, I
shouldnt note it, without judgment. Then re-write your own programming by providing a new
pattern. With your own internal voice, state three positive affirmations. Affirmations are always
stated in positive terms in the present and doing so three times helps get the message through. So,
exercise your positivity muscle. Say, in three ways, Yes, I can, Yes, I do, YES, I will

Illustration by Deveria


6. Personal Solo Practice

Practice makes access. Repeating behavior and action is how you learn. Like driving a car or playing
a musical instrument, you need to practice to get good at any learned skills, including and perhaps
especially, at sex.

As with music making, you need to be proficient with your own equipment before you can play
beautiful duets. Solo practice is what gives you the foundational skills that you need to make sex
with a partner a gloriously hot collaboration. So, I encourage you to play your own instrument and

Copyright 2008 by Sheri Winston and the Center for the Intimate Arts. All rights reserved.
become fluent in the language of your sexual self. That doesnt mean you should play with your
partner, just that you must also cultivate your own abilities, by yourself.

When you practice, you lay down a neural groove, a mind-body pattern that forms an embodied
trail. The more you traverse that path, the easier it gets. And, when you use your breath, sound and
movement skills repeatedly, they become automatic. As your abilities become habitual, you become
increasingly orgasmically proficient. So practice, lots and lots! It may not get you to Carnegie Hall,
but it will get you where you want to go.

7. Play & Experiment

These tips are based on things that work well for most humans most of the time. And, you are
utterly unique. So, remember, there is no one right way to have sex or become mega-orgasmic.
There are many ways and myriad paths to expanded sexuality. Dont get stuck thinking about
whether youre doing it right or wrong. Instead, notice what works and what doesnt.

Take these ideas into the laboratory of your life and play with them. Do your own experiments and
pay attention to what transpires. Try variations on each theme and notice where it takes you.
Explore and see what arises. Be your own scientist and observe what happens when you do it one
way or another. Discover what works for you and then see if you can expand upon that. Try
everything once or better yet, several times and attend to the results. Combine skills and notice how
they enhance each other. Be creative and remember to play!

Education of Cupid by Boucher

Copyright 2008 by Sheri Winston and the Center for the Intimate Arts. All rights reserved.
Sex is something that is both inherent and learned. These tips help you explore the ancient original
template and learn new skills on top of that foundation. Your opportunity is to explore and
experiment, to practice and re-program. Practice your skills at any time and be sure to practice
them sometimes during your solo sex play (and partner play, too!). The immediate reward will be
evident as your pleasure ability catapults and catalyzes you. Bigger, better orgasms are only one of
the many benefits of becoming a virtuoso of your own sexuality.

Outrageous orgasms are a great place to start your expanded sexuality journey. We hope you
enjoyed this E-book, compliments of Sheri Winston, transformation catalyst, juicy goddess and
teacher of the intimate arts and that its given you some fun and useful tools. Come visit The Center
for the Intimate Arts for empowering erotic education, information, articles, newsletter and so much
more! And, if you want to learn directly from Sheri, we invite you to join her on-line or in-person
classes about Wholistic Sexuality and read her award-winning book, Womens Anatomy of Arousal
Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure.
Empowering Erotic Education

Womens Anatomy of Arousal Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure

Winner of the 2010 Book of the Year Award from the
American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists
In-Person & On-line Classes & Workshops
Intensives & Retreats
Library of Interesting and Informative Articles
Private Consultations
And More

Sheri Winston CNM, BSN, RN, LMT

Teacher & Counselor of Wholistic Sexuality, Founder of the Center for the Intimate Arts

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without express written permission of the author.

Copyright 2008 by Sheri Winston and the Center for the Intimate Arts. All rights reserved.

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