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Manatee County Audubon Society

We are committed to protecting the environment in our community, our state and our country.

Felts thriving but needs ‘elbow grease’ page 2

Audubon Assembly Dr. Hodgson to speak at October 15 meeting

October 23-24
in St. Petersburg The guest speaker at the
October 15 meeting of
Attend if you can Manatee Audubon will
be Dr. Ann B. Hodgson,
Celebrated oceanographer right, a certified wildlife
Sylvia Earle, who traces biologist and profes-
sional wetland scientist
her fascination with the sea in wildlife management.
back to the days she lived in She will talk about re-
Clearwater, will be the key- storing local islands
note speaker at the Audu- to natural habitat. See
page 3 for details.
bon Assembly on October
23-24 in St. Petersburg at
the Hilton Carillon.

Dr. Earle’s extensive work President’s letter from Barbara Singer

underwater has made her
acutely aware
Our unsung heroes could use your help
of the ocean’s As President I want to thank a few of those I call the Unsung Heroes of Manatee Audubon. These
potential and heroes and others make my job less stressful and your experience more meaningful.
of its decline.
“I see it in so Carol Webster is the first who comes to mind. Carol coordinates the monthly volunteers who host
many places,” at Felts Audubon Preserve on Open House days. We have never had to worry about an Open House
she says. “For going without a host. Other heroes are those who volunteer to host at Felts through the summer
example, in Clearwater, months, from May through October, in 90 degree heat.
Florida, where I grew up,
the water isn’t clear any- Then on to the matter of finances. When Lucette Wombacher goes on vacation, we all panic. She
more.” handles all our banking and bill paying, records all transactions and creates budgets for both Felts
Audubon Preserve and our membership. Besides all that, she does the taxes and prepares financial
The Assembly brings to- reports to National Audubon. Her monthly volunteer hours are more than that of a part-time job.
gether conservation leaders
and scientists—as well as Next there is my right arm, Molly McCartney. Not only does she create a monthly newsletter that
policy makers, and busi- we should all be proud of, she has also designed the Annual Brochure and is now working with me
ness people from across to create an electronic newsletter that you won’t forget. Without Molly’s expertise and dedication,
Florida to discuss strategies we wouldn’t have the professional image we now enjoy.
to protect our coasts, birds,
and wildlife, and secure our These folks and others give unconditionally of their time to make Manatee County Audubon So-
quality of life. The program ciety an exceptional organization. Now as I look around what do I see but a whole group that can
also offers expert-led and give these folks some help by donating three to four hours a month. Please come to them or to me
self-guided field trips. and ask “what can I do to help”? If you are not able to do that, at least tell them how much you ap-
preciate what they contribute.
You can register for Audu-
bon Assembly online at For upcoming events see page 4
Page 2

Felts is thriving but needs volunteers

By Lucette Wombacher, treasurer
Those of you who have been away most of the summer will notice some changes at Felts
Look back Audubon Preserve. Despite the rampant growth that accompanies the rainy season, the trails
are open and nicely groomed, thanks to our new tractor and the dedication of Fred Allen. Due
at our history to a break-in over the summer, which was discovered before anything was stolen, additional
By Don Bansen, MCAS Historian security measures have been installed in the storage barn, including an alarm system. So far
there have been no repeat incidents.
Friday April 24, 1985, saw Bra-
denton Mayor Bill Evers reading
a proclamation on the Courthouse The butterfly garden planted on Earth Day is thriving with minimal maintenance, and it is full
steps designating the city as a bird of butterflies. The Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have also discovered it.
sanctuary. Robert McNesky, presi-
dent of Manatee County Audubon Preparation work has begun on a new wildflower meadow at the north end. The area will
Society, joined the mayor along be tilled and planted in January. In the meantime, the St. Augustine grass in that area is being
with about a dozen members of the mowed and sprayed.
Audubon Club and Lisa Shock-
nesse, who was holding a Red- Summer is the quiet time at the preserve, with fewer bird species and also fewer human
tailed Hawk. visitors. However, there were two new sightings in August, an Eastern Kingbird and Northern
Rough-winged Swallows. This brings our unofficial species count to 126. We hope to have a
A local attorney, Thomas W. Stew- new official total in January.
art, assisted us, without charge,
in making us a corporation. This We have some urgent needs for volunteers for non-physical tasks. We need someone to take
enabled us to obtain a commer- over the gathering and compiling of checklists at the Felts Preserve. You can either pass the
cial bulk mailing permit and, at information on to a board member once a month to write up a summary for the newsletter, or
a later date, formal recognition
write the summary and give it to our newsletter editor yourself. Whatever you are comfortable
from the Internal Revenue Ser-
with. We can mail you the completed checklists if picking them up at the bird blind is a prob-
vice as a tax-exempt organization,
lem. Contact any board member if you can take on this task.
which allowed us to obtain a much
less costly non-profit bulk mailing
rate. By-laws were written and ad- If you have visited Felts recently, you probably noticed that the bird feeders are often empty.
opted in February 1985. We need to address this immediately or we will not get our usual wealth of winter birds at the
bird blind. We need a committee to keep the feeders full, a coordinator and some worker bees.
Developer Pat Neal was a state If you can help, please contact a board member.
senator in November 1985 when
he addressed the MCAS meet-
ing at the Manatee River Garden
Preserve Felts with more ‘elbow grease’
By Arlene Flisik, vice president
Club. Neal hired MCAS president
McNesky as an environmental Felts does not exist in isolation. The surrounding land either is or was agricultural; or is or as-
consultant when he started the pires to be residential. Native groundcover has disappeared. Replacing it are often aggressive
Perico Bay Club. This raised a exotic plants - non-native species that thrive in disturbed conditions which our native plants
cloud of criticsm of McNesky due aren’t accustomed to - and soon they overrun the place.
to the possibility of a conflict of
interest. The local papers carried They are encroaching throughout our property. Some were already there, courtesy of people
numerous articles about this ar- who dumped unwanted houseplants on our ground before we owned it. And often wind, birds
rangement. or other animals drop seeds. You get rid of them either manually (including equipment if nec-
essary) or via herbicides. If you don’t get them out and keep at it, they come right back.
Audubon member Irene Mur-
phy of Holmes Beach received We try the old-fashioned way, every month: pull and dig. It’s not enough. Why? Too few
an award for collecting the most come out to help, and it’s usually the same people every time.
stamps in the state for the Birds of
Prey Center. We use herbicides. As little as possible. The most benign of them - but herbicides nonthe-
less. It doesn’t make us happy, and various members rightly scold us. They have no place in a
In the 1985 Christmas Bird natural ecosystem, of course. But if we didn’t use any, we’d soon have something that didn’t
Count in Bradenton, 27 observ-
resemble native Florida at all.
ers reported spotting a total of
122 species and 28,109 birds.
You hold the key. Our membership is over 350. Some of our members undoubtedly are physi-
cally limited. Many aren’t. We need you. Hope to see you at Felts on our next workday - Sat-
urday, October 31, 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
Page 3
Manatee Auduboners to meet October 15 at Palmetto Methodist
The Manatee County Audubon Society will have its first membership meeting of the year at
7:30 p.m. Thursday October 15 at its new location at the First United Methodist Church of
Two important
Palmetto, 330 11th Avenue West, Palmetto. Meetings
Our speaker will be Dr. Ann B. Hodgson talking about restoring local islands. Dr. Hodg- Coming up
son is Audubon of Florida’s Gulf Coast Science Coordinator and Sanctuaries Manager. She
guides the ornithological and colonial waterbird research program for the Florida Coastal
By Arlene Flisik, vice president
Islands Sanctuaries program, which manages over 50 colonies along the Gulf Coast, and the
historic Palm Beach County sanctuaries jointly with the Audubon Society of the Everglades. If you don’t go to Audubon As-
She has authored over 20 professional papers and numerous technical reports, and is immedi- sembly (see related article on page
ate past vice president of the Florida Ornithological Society. 1), or if you do go and are so im-
pressed with one of the speakers
that you want to hear him again
Junior Auduboners gather for first session at Felts -OR if you are just plain inter-
ested in our environment enough
Article by Steve Black and photo by Bob Wombacher to learn more about how our
We had seven Junior Audubon- state’s wetlands keep disappeaing
ers, ages 6 to 11, along with with the blessing of our watchdog
three parents at our first meeting agencies--then come to Manatee’s
on September 5 at Felts Audubon 15th annual Environmental Sum-
Preserve. All the kids came from mit, Tuesday 6:30 p.m. October 27
Karen Fraley’s Spring Break at Palma Sola Botanical Park. It
Camp. After a lesson in how to begins with potluck supper (bring
use binoculars, we took a trip a side dish to share).
around the property looking at
the Butterfly Garden, marveling Then, Craig Pittman, investigative
at the caterpillars and the but- reporter, and co-author Matthew
Waite, will discuss findings that
terflies. We next visited the Bird
went into their recently published
Blind where the kids helped fill
book, “Paving Paradise.” After-
the feeders. The rest of the time
ward, attendees have a chance to
was spent exploring the preserve. brainstorm on how this was al-
All of the kids have a great deal lowed to happen and what can be
of curiosity, and they are interest- done about it now.
ed in every insect and frog they
see. Most of the kids wanted to We need a presumptive headcount
stay longer. At right Steve Black to help us prepare. Please register
oversees the activities of three Ju- at 792-8314 by October 23. For
nior Auduboners. further information, call there, or
contact me at 746-1991. MCAS is
Register soon for Everglades birding trip a co-sponsor.

This three-day two-night trip to Everglades National Park, January 15-17, promises to be a Additionally, the Public Interest
birding extravaganza. Using vans, we will bird down U.S. 41 on Friday January 15, hitting Committee of the Environmen-
Everglade City, Fakahatchee State Preserve and many other birding sites. We will overnight tal and Land Use Law Section of
in Florida City and spend Saturday January 16 stopping at all the great birding spots in the the Florida Bar will conduct a
Everglades. Sunday January 17 we will finish in the Everglades and possibly make a stop at workshop on “Understanding the
Mary Krome Park before heading home. Trip leaders will be Barbara Singer, 504-0228, and Land Use Approval Process and
Steve Black, 376-0110. Trip includes transportation, lodging, two breakfasts, two lunches and How to Effectively Participate”
entry fees. Total cost $225 double occupancy; single occupancy $295. Deposit of $50 due with on Wednesday November 4, 2 to 5
registration. No refunds after December 31. Send your deposit with registration to MCAS, P.O. p.m., Bayfront Community Center,
Box 14550, Bradenton FL 34280-4550. Sarasota.

We need some members to attend.

Name ______________________________________________________________________
I won’t always do this for MCAS.
Call Manasota-88 (941-966-0659)
for details.
Phone _____________________ Email___________________________________________
Photo by Lucette Wombacher
Auduboner Carol Web-
Manatee County Audubon Society ster, left, coordinates
P.O. Box 14550 the monthly volunteers
Bradenton FL 34280-4550 who host Open House
days at Felts Audu-
October 2009 Newsletter bon Preserve on the
first Saturday of each
month. “We never have
Welcome New Members to worry that an Open
Cameron Cox House will be without
Shawna and Rob Malecki a host,” says president
Joy Goodspeed Barbara Singer, be-
cause Carol is so de-
pendable. Here Carol
The membership fee to join MCAS is $15
per year for a household. You can mail points to where she
your check to us at the address listed once spotted what she
above or you can pay in person at one of believes was a bobcat
our monthly meetings. You can also buy a on one of the trails at
$15 membership for a friend or relative the 27-acre preserve.
as a gift -- or just because you want to do
something nice for a special person. The
birds would appreciate your support.
Send your items for the newsletter to Molly McCartney
at or call 778-3228

Upcoming Events Sign up now for our newsletter

Saturday 10/10 We are working to deliver every future edition of the newsletter electronically and in
Honeymoon Island and Dunedin Ham- color and we need your help. That means we need your email address if we don’t already
mock City Park. Steve Black, 376-0110, have it. This month we are sending the printed black-and-white version of the newsletter
leads trip to bird barrier island that boasts
to everyone in order to explain how to receive future newsletters.
nature trails and bird observation areas. $5
charge per car. Dunedin Hammock Park
has nature trails and an observation plat- •If you are not sure you have provided us with your email address, go to our website
form. Depart Main Post office at 7 a.m. and enter your email address at Join Our Email List.
Thursday 10/15 •If you are a National Audubon only member, you will only receive the newsletter if you
Monthly Meeting
First United Methodist Church provide your email address and request the electronic version. If you would like to receive
330 11th Avenue West, Palmetto a print version, you will need to join as a local member. Either can be done at our website
Friday-Saturday 10/23-10/24
Audubon Assembly, St. Petersburg. •If you are a local MCAS member and we do not have an email address for you, we will
For information, go to
continue to mail you a printed black-and-white newsletter until you provide your email
address and indicate your preference for electronic delivery. If we have your email ad-
dress but you prefer to continue receiving the printed newsletter, fill out the following
Saturday 10/31
Workday Felts Preserve form and mail it to us as soon as possible: MCAS, P. O. Box 14550, Bradenton, Fl.
8 a.m. to noon 34280-4550.

Saturday 11/7 _______ Yes, please continue to mail the printed black-and-white-newsletter to me.
Open House Felts Preserve
8 a.m. to noon
David Williamson leads trip to Robinson
Preserve, Manatee County’s newest pre- Address________________________________________________________________
serve in West Bradenton. Depart Main
Post Office at 8 a.m.
City, State, Zip__________________________________________________________

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