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Supply Response and Demand for Basic Grains

in El Salvador

Rigoberto A. Lopez
Hugo H. Ramos

As in many developing nations, basic grains in El Sal- Introduction

vador have a critical importance in the rural economy
and in the daily diet. Information on price elasticities El Salvador has experienced the most significant
of supply and demand can be crucial for better informed advances in economic growth and urban poverty re-
policy making. This article pre-tests for the suitability of duction in Central America in the 1990s, although
price expectation models and then estimates a market in many respects the rural sector has been left be-
model for each grain. Empirical results point out strong hind. Of particular importance to the economic
inelasticities in demand and supply for all grains. For health of the rural sector is the basic grain subsec-
maize and red beans (but not for sorghum and rice), low tor (maize, beans, rice, and sorghum) because it
degrees of partial adjustment indicate their high tenden- uses approximately 70% of agricultural land and
cy to continue cultivation in spite of adverse economic these grains constitute the staple diet of the Sal-
conditions. 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. vadorian population.
In spite of the importance of basic grains both in
agricultural production and in food consumption,
there is lack of knowledge as to how changes in
prices and other factors affect their production and
Correspondence to: Rigoberto Lopez, Department of Agricultural and consumption. Lacking supply and demand function
Resource Economics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269- estimates, policy decisions are often taken exclu-
4021. E-mail: sively on the basis of political pressures from inter-

The authors are grateful to the managers of the CrecerEl Salvador Project under partnership between Chemonics International in Washington,
DC, and the US Agency for International Development/El Salvador. Special thanks to Ligia Luna of USAID/El Salvador for her
support of the work presented here. Thanks also to the technical staff of the OAPA and DGEA units of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock
for their assistance in data collection and model development. The authors, however, are solely responsible for the content of the
paper and any remaining errors.

Rigoberto Lopez is Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Connecticut.
Hugo Ramos is a consultant with Chemonics International, San Salvador, El Salvador.

Agribusiness, Vol. 14, No. 6, 475481 (1998)

1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0742-4477/98/060475-07

Lopez and Ramos

est groups. The threat of price increases and the grain, cost of production, and area planted in the
subsequent complaint of consumers voiced by polit- preceding year. Because the cost production series
ical parties opposed to the government motivates reported by the Ministry of Agriculture (MAG) is
the decision to intervene in the markets by import- incomplete, with apparent inconsistencies across
ing grain. Very often these decisions result in over- the years under study, the wage rate applicable to
supply, driving prices down to the detriment of pro- basic grains was used as an index of these costs.1
ducers, where as decisions were to be based on This is not an unreasonable substitution because la-
quantitative estimates, the magnitude of the inter- bor accounts for over 40% of the total cost of pro-
ventions could be calculated to only correct tempo- duction and over two-thirds of the variable costs.
rary anomalies. The influence of planted area in the previous year
In particular, the price elasticities of supply and depends on the degree of partial adjustments pro-
demand are vital components of how much produc- ducers make with respect to changing economic
tion and consumption are affected by price policy conditions as well as fixity of factors of production
decisions. The main objective of this study is to de- and psychological inducements to continue to pro-
velop a prototype supply-and-demand model to es- duce certain basic grains. Casual observation sug-
timate the impact of changes in price and nonprice gested a high degree of tradition in the cultivation
variables across various basic grain subsectors of maize and beans and less inertia in the cultiva-
(maize, beans, rice, and sorghum). The results of tion of rice and sorghum.
this study have immediate application in policy de-
Yield Response

Model Specification Basic grain yields are mainly affected by weather

conditions throughout the production period and
Following conventional specifications of market technology over the years. After consultation with
models which include supply response, an econo- analysts from MAG, it was concluded that unlike
metric model can be specified with three behavioral some vegetable crops, yields of basic grains are not
equations to capture area cultivated, yield, and de- significantly affected by the output price or the
mand responses, plus an equation that represents price of inputs. Once a technology bundle is adopt-
market equilibrium. The same model is specified ed, there is very little farmers can do to intentional-
for each of the four basic grains. ly affect yields. It is interesting to notice that yield
risk caused by weather has diminished in rice pro-
duction as the fluctuations of yield have been re-
duced through an increasing proportion of the crop
Area Planted
being produced under irrigation.
Because basic grain production consists of two com-
ponents, namely area planted and yield, the supply
side of the market is divided into two representative Demand
equations. The rationale is that different timing and
information are used for decisions regarding Farm level demand for basic grains is derived from
acreage and yield. At planting time, growers do not consumers demand. Hence, following consumer
know with certainty what prices they will receive at choice theory, the quantity demanded of basic
harvest time. Hence, decisions on how many man- grains is stipulated to be a function of their price
zanas to plant must be based on expected rather and consumers income.
than actual output prices. The price of substitutes is not included because
The number of manzanas planted is hypothesized these grains have a unique place in the Salvadorian
to be a function of the expected price for the basic diet. White maize, which is produced in El Sal-

Grains in El Salvador

vador, goes into the production of corn derivatives postulates that producers base their expectations on
such as pupusas and tortillas. Yellow maize, which current market information. This hypothesis has
goes into animal feed and has other limited indus- been applied to agricultural problems.3 It is conceiv-
trial uses, is not a substitute (it is usually imported able and even plausible that both types of expecta-
from the United States). This study is concerned tions, using historical as well as current information,
only with white maize. Red beans (frijoles) do not may take place in the market.4 In the case of basic
have a close substitute either. Unlike other Central grains in El Salvador, it is plausible to assume behav-
American countries, El Salvador does not have a ior of a Cobweb type rather than the REH type. In
strong tradition in the consumption of rice. Its per this report, both types of price expectation hypothe-
capita consumption of rice is about one third of ses were tested based on a model proposed by
Costa Ricas or Nicaraguas. Finally, sorghum (sor- Lopez.4 It was determined that the Cobweb model
go or maicillo) is mostly used for livestock feed. was appropriate for maize, rice, and sorghum but
Demand can also be specified as being price-de- that the REH was more suitable for red beans.
pendent instead of quantity-dependent. In this
case, price is assumed to be determined by the
quantity supplied into the market (quantity pro- A Market Model for Basic Grains
duced plus quantity imported minus quantity ex-
ported) and consumers income. This specification The econometric specification of the market model
is common in perishable commodities such as fresh follows directly from the preceding discussion. The
vegetables or for very short run analysis. In prelim- behavioral equations to capture the above choices,
inary estimation, these types of specification did not are specified as follows:
perform as well as a quantity dependent models
the traditional specification. The price flexibilities ln At = 10 + ln (P *t /Lt) + 12 ln At1 + U1t (1)
obtained under price dependent demands are nev-
ertheless reported for comparison purposes, and ln Yt + 20 + 21Wt + 22 lnTt + U2t (2)
the implied price elasticities are considered upper
bounds of the true elasticities. ln Q dt = 30 + ln(Pt /Dt) + 31 ln(It /Dt) + U3t (3)

Qdi = (At Yt) + Mt Xt (4)

Price Expectations
where ln is the natural logarithm operator, t is year
Area planted is an ex ante decision based on expect- t subscript, At is area of a basic grain planted, Pt* is
ed rather than actual prices. Further, since expect- expected price of the basic grain, At-1 is area plant-
ed prices are not recorded or observed, hypotheses ed in the previous year, Lt is agricultural wage rate,
have to be based on how expectations are formed. Yt is yield per unit of land, Wt is weather condi-
Typically, agricultural economists have modeled ex- tions, Tt is a trend variable, Qdi quantity demand-
pected output prices as being determined by past ed, Dt is the consumer price index, It is consumer
prices (Cobweb behavior, distributed lags, and income, Mt is imports, Xt is exports, ij, Uit is para-
adaptive expectation models). In other words, meters and error terms, , is price elasticities of
agents are supposed to react to recent past informa- supply and demand. Equations (1) and (2) capture
tion in a naive mannerthere is no use of current the supply side of the model while equation (3) cap-
information or room for learning. For traditional tures the demand side. Equation (4) represents the
farmers, this can be justified, given the cost of ac- equilibrium condition where apparent consumption
quiring information. Furthermore, a recent study equals shipments from domestic and foreign sources
considered the Cobweb model appropriate for basic net of exports. In the case of El Salvador, imports
grains in El Salvador: the price farmers expect is predominate over exports.
the price they received in the preceding period.2 Homogeneity of degree zero is imposed in the
Alternatively, the Rational Expectations Hypothesis equation for area planted by deflating the expected

Lopez and Ramos

price with the agricultural wage rate (labor is the expected yield. Then a weather variable was mea-
main component of production costs). Homogeneity sured as the ratio of actual to expected yield. The
of degree zero is imposed in the demand equation four resulting weather variables were correlated
by dividing the basic grain price and income by the and the alternative crop whose weather was the
consumer price index. The price used is the basic most highly correlated with a given basic grain was
grain price at the producer level. Thus, demand is chosen in lieu of a grains own weather variable.
meant to represent a derived demand at that level. Red beans and sorghum weather indices were inter-
Following Lopez,4 the following model was esti- changed, as were rice and maize indices to avoid
mated to determine the nature of price expecta- spurious correlation. The main advantage of using
tions: the Stallings index instead of direct weather vari-
ables is that it is simpler to estimate. In addition,
ln At = 10 + 11 [lnPtreh + (1 )ln Pt1 this index includes not only the effects of various di-
ln Lt] + 12 ln At1 + ut (5) rect components of weather such as rainfall and
temperature, but also indirect effects such as in-
where Pt1 is the price received in the previous sects, disease, and pests.8
year, Ptreh is the REH price forecast following the Once all variables of the model were operational,
McCallum technique, ut is an error term, and is a the structural model was estimated. Ordinary Least
parameter that weights the relevance of the Cobweb Squares were used for equations (1) and (2) since
model.5 The test of interest is H0 : 0 (Cobweb they do not contain endogenous variables as ex-
model). With 19751997 data, one fails to reject planatory variables. A two-stage least squares
this hypothesis at the 95% level of confidence for (2SLS) technique was used to estimate equation (3).
maize, rice, and sorghum but not for red beans, This method was preferred over a three-stage least
where was estimated at 0.874 with a t ratio of square technique (3SLS) because it yielded more
3.452. plausible results, probably because some of the re-
quired conditions for 3SLS to be efficient were vio-
lated (such as lack of complete specification of one
The Data of the equations in the system). All estimations were
conducted with the SHAZAM software program.9
This article relied primarily on data supplied by the The results are presented in Table I.
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of El Sal-
vador, especially by the Direccin General de
Economa Agropecuaria (DGEA) and the Office of Empirical Results
Agricultural Policy Analysis (OAPA). Sources also
included International Financial Statistics of the In- The estimated coefficients of the structural model
ternational Monetary Fund (Gross Domestic Product are presented in Table I. In general, the results are
and the consumer price index), Poltica Agrcola, plausible and conform to a priori expectations of
volumes II (by Pleitez) and III (by Ramos, Worman, signs and magnitudes.
and Hugo) of the Ministerio de Agricultura y The price elasticities of supply (as measured by
Ganadera for production, yields, imports and ex- the elasticity of area planted with respect to the ex-
ports, and DGEAs reports on cost of production for pected price) are in the range of previous estimates
the agricultural wage rate.2,6,7 Production and trade for El Salvador or similar countries. For maize in
in the 1990s were obtained from computer files sup- El Salvador, Ramos, Worman and Hugo2 find a
plied by the DEA and OAPA. Annual observations short-run elasticity of area of approximately 0.0709
were collected for the 19751997 time period. (vs. 0.077 in Table I). For rice, they find a short
The effect of weather on yields was measured with run price elasticity of 0.259 (vs. 0.222 in Table I).
a Stallings index. First, expected yields for maize, Our results for red beans and sorghum, however,
beans, rice, and sorghum were obtained by regress- are quite different from theirs. They estimated a
ing yield on time and using the predicted values as price elasticity of 0.0257 for red beans (vs. 0.136

Grains in El Salvador

Table I. Estimated Parameters for Market for Basic Grains in El Salvador.

Coefficients (t Ratios)

Equation Variable Parameter Maize Red Beans Rice Sorghum

Area Intercept 10 3.876 2.606 7.134 9.607

(3.11) (2.125) (4.011) (5.168)
ln(Pt*/Lt) 0.077 0.136 0.222 0.269
(2.28) (2.163) (2.167) (4.099)
lnAt-1 11 0.693 0.7428 0.251 0.184
(7.16) (6.652) (1.407) (1.896)
R2 0.720 0.742 0.215 0.496
Yield Intercept 20 -1.774 -1.394 -6.052 -3.992
(-1.66) (-1.156) (-6.375) (-1.394)
Wt 21 0.430 0.686 0.657 2.213
(3.500) (6.605) (4.144) (6.142)
lnTt 22 1.008 0.708 2.034 1.046
(4.297) (2.646) (9.664) (1.644)
R2 0.577 0.682 0.830 0.635
Demand Intercept 30 14.884 13.659 11.211 1.393
(4.978) (2.714) (2.670) (0.183)
ln(Pt /Dt) -0.553 -0.601 -0.530 -0.394
(-4.641) (-3.275) (-5.059) (-1.621)
ln(It /Dt) 31 0.371 0.356 0.467 1.359
(1.258) (0.710) (1.169) (1.852)
R2 0.534 0.310 0.605 0.138

Notes: N = 23 (19751997). The R2 is the squared correlation coefficient between actual and predicted values. The area planted and yield
equations were estimated with OLS. The demand equations were estimated with 2SLS.

in Table I) and an elasticity of 0.017 for rice (vs. Initially, the demand model contained lagged con-
0.269 in Table I). sumption as an explanatory variable. However, this
The implied long run elasticities of supply in Table was only marginally significant in the case of maize.
I are 0.251 for maize, 0.529 for beans, 0.296 for In that case, the short-run elasticity was estimated
rice, and 0.330 for sorghum. Sullivan, Wainio, and at 0.305, the long-run elasticity at 0.571, which is
Roningen10 report consensus supply elasticities of close to that reported in Table I. Except for
0.22 for maize and 0.58 for rice for the Central sorghum, all income elasticities were less than 0.5,
American and the Caribbean region (vs. 0.251 and reflecting normal but income inelastic goods. Final-
0.296 long run price elasticities in this report). ly, the consensus demand elasticities reported by
The price elasticities of demand are approximately Sullivan, Wainio, and Roningen10 for the Central
0.553 for maize, 0.601 for beans, 0.530 for American and Caribbean region are 0.30 for corn
rice, and 0.394 for sorghum. In other words, the (vs. 0.553 in Table I) and 0.65 for rice (vs.
demand is price inelastic reflecting reluctance of 0.530 in Table I).
consumers to change the quantity purchased in The magnitude and significance of the lagged area
spite of price swings. coefficients indicate that both corn and red beans

Lopez and Ramos

Table II. Estimated Parameters for Inverse Demand Functions.

Coefficients (t ratios)

Variable Maize Beans Rice Sorghum

Intercept 8.046 -0.063 10.323 -20.424

(1.164) (-0.008) (1.073) (-3.678)
lnQDt -1.223 -0.895 -1.666 -0.403
(-4.742) (-2.986) (-5.244) (-1.923)
ln(It /Dt) 1.016 1.179 1.093 2.279
(2.970) (2.173) (1.917) (4.831)
R2 0.684 0.471 0.705 0.494
Implied Elasticities:
Price -0.817 -1.117 -0.600 -2.481
Income 0.831 1.317 0.65 5.655

Notes: N = 23 (19751997). The dependent variables are the producer prices deflated by the consumer price index.
These equations were estimated with 2SLS. The R2 is the squared correlation coeffcient between actual and predicted

are quite traditional crops with a strong tendency modeling should perhaps reflect some important
to continue to be cultivated in spite of pricecost factors capturing this aspect, such as the incorpora-
conditions. On the other hand, the areas planted tion of final output prices (e.g., meats).
with rice and sorghum tend to fluctuate much more.
Finally, it should be noted that technology in El Sal-
vador (as measured by a trend variable) has played Conclusions
a stronger role in raising rice productivity than
with any other basic grain in El Salvador. Empirical findings show that the area planted with
Table II reports the results of 2SLS estimations basic grains in El Salvador is mainly affected by the
for (real) price dependent demand equations. expected price of output, the agricultural wage
Hence, the coefficients are price flexibilities. How- rate, and partial adjustment as measured by the co-
ever, one can derive the own-price elasticities by efficient of the lagged area planted. The short-run
inverting the price flexibility coefficient with re- elasticities of areas planted with respect to the ex-
spect to total quantity reaching the market. The pected grain price were approximately 0.077 for
implied price elasticities are 0.817 for maize, maize, 0.136 for beans, 0.222 for rice, and 0.269
1.117 for beans, 0.600 for rice, and 2.481 for for sorghum. The implied long-run elasticities were
sorghum. These coefficients are slightly larger than 0.251 for maize, 0.529 for red beans, 0.296 for rice,
the direct elasticities for maize and rice (0.553 and 0.330 for sorghum. The partial adjustment co-
and 0.530, respectively), twice as large for beans efficient for both maize and beans confirm that
(0.530), and six times as large for sorghum. these are traditional crops and points out the diffi-
These can be considered upper bounds of the true culty of response of these farmers to changing eco-
elasticity estimates. nomic conditions. The results also confirm that rice
The lack of consistency of the results in Tables I has been the only grain with dramatic increases in
and II also show some of the shortcomings of the productivity due to technology.
proposed model for the case of sorghum. This grain The price elasticities of demand were estimated at
is basically used for feed and industrial uses and its approximately 0.553 for maize, 0.601 for

Grains in El Salvador

beans, 0.530 for rice, and 0.394 for sorghum. basic grains (i.e., traditional) while rice and
These results confirm the notion that the demands sorghum represent a different category. The results
for these grains are price inelastic. From a supple- also confirm inelasticities both on the demand and
mentary model involving price-dependent demands the supply side, indicating the potential for severe
and hence price flexibilities, the implied elasticities price volatility. However, an aspect that was not
were estimated at 0.817 for maize, 1.117 for emphasized in the modeling was the explicit role
beans, 0.600 for rice, and 2.481 for sorghum. played by international trade. This would be one
Although these can be considered upper bounds, promising future direction of research. Finally,
the results for sorghum seem quite unstable. Unlike with the severe declines in the terms of trade for ba-
other basic grains, sorghum is significantly trans- sic grains in relation to the consumer price index, it
formed through industrial uses, such as for animal is difficult to visualize alleviation of rural poverty if
feed. Hence, its demand may require a different current trends continue.11 Without the significant
modeling approach. gains in productivity experienced with rice, an al-
From these mainly technical results, it is difficult, ternative might be to push for high value-added
if not inappropriate, to draw policy recommenda- crops (such as vegetables) under appropriate insti-
tions. Nonetheless, the results clearly point out that tutional support. These issues, however, are beyond
maize and red beans should be in one category of the scope of this article.


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