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Black Goo- Dragons Blood

There is a lot of talk on the internet about

an Alien Black Goo. I came across this
information only a short while ago, it triggered
many memories. Had I finally found an
explanation for the strange experience I had
during a visit to America over 20 years ago? Let me tell you my experience and then we can
look at exactly what is Black Goo.

I went on a road trip with my friends, we drove from Arizona to Arkansas, and we
drove for three days. As we began the trip I felt an energy come over me , I went deep
inside myself I could not eat , sleep , drink or even speak. I had to write a note to my friends
to tell them I was going through an intense experience and I could not speak to them. I
explained I was talking with the Goddess of the Earth. Over the next days the Goddess
talked to me about history from her perspective, she talked in my mind, showed me
pictures and even showed me things in my outside reality to explain her history to me. For
those who know my work you will recognise this was the inspiration for my book Her
Perspective. (Available on my website)

Towards the end of this experience I was getting very disorientated and tired, having
not slept for days. We were driving along the freeway, at the sides of the road there were
many large black oil patches. I thought to myself did someone have an oil leak, as we
continued I began to see more and more, larger and larger oil patches. They were far too
large for it to be a car or truck oil leak. The Goddess was trying to tell me something which
was super important but I could feel the link to her fading and I was unable to hold on to
what she was telling me. All I remember was it was something to do with oil, it was not
really oil, it was liquid sentient life blood of Gaia. She told me that they were mining for her
life blood and its removal from her body would cause her ley line system to be sent into
imbalance and this would have dire consequences. She was insistent that it was not
ordinary oil even though it looked like it; she showed me rivers of this black sentient fluid
running through her body, running along the body as ley lines. She told me this liquid was
her life blood, it was her Dragon Blood.

She showed me how the planet was formed; she showed me the space where she
would manifest her planetary body. I saw coming out of the plasma field these beautiful
geometric Dragons in the colours of the elements, fire, earth, air and water. I watched as
these beings moved around and around each other, weaving this blueprint for the creation
of Gaias body. After billions of years once the blueprint was complete, the Dragons
dropped even further down in vibration, turned to this black liquid and became the ley lines
or the Dragon lines of the planet. I saw deep inside the earth, I saw wells of this magnetic
black liquid. I saw how the dragons slept in these wells, taken care of, by these strange
crystalline rock beings. She told me to remember, these were her last words to me as the
link disappeared.

I know she told me so much more but I forgot it, it faded from my memory. It bugged
me; I do not like it when I cannot retain important information. Since this time I have
searched the internet for years, I talked to anyone I could who might know what this was all
about but found absolutely nothing. It was something to do with the black oil like liquid;
Gaia told me that this was the biggest problem for her right now. You can imagine how
frustrated this made me, I wanted to help but I could not remember. Later I thought maybe
taking oil from her body was what she was talking about, but it never really resonated
because that was already common knowledge. I began my search again on the internet
many years later and I came across the work of Harald Kautz Vella, and I was amazed finally I
had found a possible explanation. So lets look at what Harald says about what is black goo.
(I enclose a link to his first video series that I watched so you have the information yourself
if you want to go more in-depth into this)

What is Black Goo?

Taken from

Black Goo is an abiotic mineral oil from the upper crust containing high amounts of
m-state gold and iridium. It has been found on Thule Island on the South Falkland Islands
and under the Gulf of Mexico. Furthermore there exists black oil schist containing this type of
oil from earlier tectonic events. These events apparently broke up the crust of the earth. M-
state gold and iridium function as the bio-photon-field attractor responsible for
interconnecting life forms with their morphogenetic field. Sea-water contains high amounts
of m-state matter. Within the life forms the superconducting m-state matter is placed inside
the DNA-strings. These mono-atomic elements are attracting the bio-photons, while the DNA
acts like a coil transforming the field energy into electromagnetic scalar potential. This m-
state-matter guided bi-directional light-exchange of the DNA defines the scalar potential
eddies who's fractal and holographic character is responsible for the form and shape of life-

Black Goo is an abiotic mineral oil, it is the abiotic oil of Gaia, and it is her Dragon
blood. What about the gold and iridium in an M state, what is M state? Were the strange
crystalline rock beings I saw, the gold and iridium in an M state? M-state materials are the
same as monoatomic or ORME materials. Science has found that these materials already
exist in every living thing on the planet, including us. We could not exist without them since
they play a vital role in all of our biological processes. When in this state, the nuclei of these
elements become deformed, and go to a high spin state and pass energy from one atom to
the next with no loss of energy. These materials, which are in each and every one of us, are
life as light and what many people perceive as the aura is actually the Meissner field of
superconductivity. The most stable m-state element is gold.

Excerpted from an Article Originally Written by Everett Karels

Classical science teaches us that the three phases of matter are gasses, liquids, and
solids (and the newer plasmas, Bose-Einstein condensates and liquid crystals). Some solids
crystallize into a lattice structure called metals. What classical science does not teach us is
that there is, in fact, another phase of matter called monatomic. These monatomic materials
have ceramic-like properties.

Nuclear physicists discovered in 1989 that the atoms of some elements exist in micro-
clusters. These are tiny groups of between two and several hundred atoms. Most of the
transition group precious metals in the center of the periodic chart exhibit a monoatomic
state. If you have more than a specific number of these atoms in a micro-cluster, the atoms
will aggregate into a lattice structure with metallic properties. If you have fewer than that
critical number of atoms, that micro-cluster will disaggregate into monatomic atoms with
ceramic properties. Monatomic atoms are not held in position by electron sharing with their
neighbouring atoms as are atoms in a classical lattice structure. The critical number of
atoms for rhodium is 9 and the critical number of atoms for gold is 2.

The significance of this is that if you have two or more gold atoms in a micro-cluster, it
will exhibit metallic characteristics. However, if you have 9 or fewer atoms in a micro-cluster
of rhodium atoms, the micro-cluster will spontaneously disaggregate to become a group of
monatomic rhodium atoms. It has been observed that the valence electrons of monatomic
elements are unavailable for chemical reactions. This means that monatomic atoms are
chemically inert and have many of the physical properties of ceramic materials. Because the
valence electrons are unavailable, it is impossible to use standard analytical chemistry
techniques to identify a monatomic element.

I had visions of elemental Dragons sleeping deep inside the earth; they were taken
care of by these strange little elemental type beings. They were no more than about 3 feet
tall, their bodies were made of rock formations, and they were a gold and brown colour.
They were cute; they had a very loving and simple consciousness. They always seemed busy
doing something, but very happy in their work. They did not speak but hummed almost
constantly, the humming would rise and fall in intensity, a most strange and melodic tune.
In the centre of the cavern deep inside the earth there lay the Dragon. He was sometimes
red, sometimes blue, maybe it was more than one Dragon I could never tell. The elemental
beings would suddenly start humming the saddest and moving tune and as they did the
Dragon would begin to cry tears of a dark black blood. Then from every pore of the Dragons
body this liquid would flow. It would run along channels which had been carved out in the
floor of the cavern and I could see this blood being channelled along all the ley or Dragon
lines. The humming would build in intensity until all the elemental beings they too would cry
these black tears. Even though it sounds like a horrible image, I was amazed to see that the
elemental beings found this experience ecstatic, they were in some sort of trance, totally
moved by the experience and were swaying in rapture. The Dragon gave of his blood
willingly, like it was his job. It did not destroy the Dragon but when it was over he would
close his eyes, I knew he was sleeping in the deepest place possible. His consciousness had
returned to the zero point, the void which lies at the heart of the atom. This sacrificial
experience really moved me and until today I was lost as to what it all meant, what was this
liquid the Dragon and elementals cried, at first I thought it was black blood. However as I
came out of this experience I heard the words, it is Black Gold.

Black gold can be used as another term for oil , because of its expensive and costly
nature however as we look deeper into the phenomenon of Black goo / Black gold, we will
see that Black gold has another meaning entirely. Black goo or Black gold has contained
within it gold, in a monoatomic state. Where have we heard this before? Monoatomic gold,
the controversial white gold powder of the Annunaki and Egyptians. Monatomic elements
are sometimes refer to as ORME (orbitally rearranged monatomic elements). According to
Jim Marrs, ORME actually means the Tree of Life in Hebrew. This is why monatomic gold
or white powder gold is thought to bring immortality. Scientists have claimed that this white
powder gold has a fluorescent-like glow and superconductive properties. According to some
historians, the Sumerians and Egyptians believed that white powder gold could encourage
spiritual transformation, and increase energy and longevity, because of its exotic healing
effects on the body, brain, and pineal gland. Certain scientists have also found that
monoatomic gold has very strange and mystical properties, because they believe it can help
alter time and space. Could this be why monatomic elements are used in superconductors?

Gaia uses her ley line system with the Dragons blood (black gold or black goo) running
through it as a communication system. Gaia communicates intercellularly with all life
through the exchange of photons or light particles contained in the Dragons blood- this is
Starfire. Gold and iridium are superconductive, and transmit the flow of photons around
Gaias body; this Dragons blood or black goo is Gaias liquid light, containing monoatomic
elements, vital to our consciousness shift.
Harald Kautz Vella - Black Goo shows a
hitherto unknown type of magnetism, much longer in
range than ferromagnetism, that seems to be
interactive in a spontaneous way, that very likely is
based on bi-directional, annihilated photon exchange
as known from m-state-matter in life-forms. Due to
this magnetism Black Goo shows the ability to
mechanically self-organize in many different ways and
has been reported to carry highly intelligent
consciousness. The Black Goo within the crust and the
m-state matter within the biosphere seem to be inter-
connected by quantum entanglement and function as a consciousness-mirror. Black Goo
thus carries an a-biotic consciousness representing the collective consciousness of the entire
bio-sphere. The form of organization is holographic, thus every portion of Black Goo is able
to interact as a fully conscious being. Looking at the mythological reception of nature it has
been described as Lucifer, Mother Earth, the Black Madonna, and is meant to be the physical
location of the collective memory of mankind, aka the akasha chronic. - Alloyas comment -
It has been described as Lucifer and also Lilith I found Lilith imprisoned within a black prison
inside the earth , I thought at the time it was made of Obsidian but maybe it was solid Black
Goo. You can read about Liliths story in my book Her Perspective. This Black Goo is self-
organising this is what the Dragons brought to earth was the ability to self-organise into
matter. (If you need to know more about self-organising read Navigators of the AbZu part
one & two for more information).

Harald Kautz Vella The quantum entanglement between life-forms and the Black Goo
inside the earth seems to lead to a very high degree of self-similarity. In result, the Goo
extracted by past geologic events carries a different type of consciousness than the Black
Goo of our days. The Black Goo with an age of about 300 million years extracted from oil
schist even today still carries a reptilian type of consciousness. This dis-connection from the
actual state of consciousness has been regarded in mythology as the fall of Lucifer. During
the evolution of life certain life forms stayed connected to the geologically marginalized
Black Goo and thus got stuck on reptilian consciousness. - Alloyas comment- A reptilian
type of consciousness, is this reference to the Dragons or does he mean the Draco type
reptilians, this is unclear. When humans are brought into contact with this type of Black
Goo, the light-transfer of the bio-field of the human body might be redirected onto the
archaic Black Goo, which might reduce the complexity of the human Chakra System to blue,
yellow and red, i.e. to mental abilities, life force and sexuality. It leads to a state of being
intelligent, but heartless and cold in appearance. It disconnects the human from the
collective consciousness of his time.- Alloyas comment is this why Gaia warned me that it
was dangerous for us to mine her Black Goo. How dangerous was this stuff, dangerous
indeed. Whilst I was writing my book Her Perspective I had many past life memories,
memories of when I was one priestess or another working for the Goddess, and working
with the serpent. I remember one past life very vividly, it was a dark memory. I worshipped
the Black serpent which resides inside the earth, and would ingest this strange black liquid
which was Dragons blood. Because of the ingestion of this blood I fell in consciousness into
a very dark state, my soul said it was the lowest I ever fell. When I started working with the
serpent again in this lifetime I had to clear massive amounts of karma due to the ingestion
of this blood, was this blood Black Goo.

Harald Kautz Vella Something like this must have happened in the event described
in the mythology as the deterioration from paradise. The effect seems to be handed over to
following generations referred to as the heritable sin mentioned in the bible by on-going
quantum entanglement transferred with the genetic information. It also refers to the
traditions of the bloodlines, who seem to try to keep this reptilian entanglement as strong as
possible. Archaic Black Goo played a major role in black magic rites, last intensively
researched by the inner core of the German SS. In the middle-ages these black stones were
utilized by black magicians to connect with archons, aka demons, archaic beings which have
developed out of early spiders who entirely live as light parasites and try to align with
humans to form a symbiosis, where the archon feeds on the bio-photons of the human and
the human profits from the mental (magical) abilities of the archons.- Alloyas comment- I
knew these stones well, I found Lilith imprisoned underneath one, it had upon it inscribed
strange symbols which looked almost Enochian. She was hexed imprisoned inside the earth,
held down by this black obsidian looking rock. This was not the first time I saw this black

Many years ago I had a very intense experience during a healing session. I was
attending a training course for transformation healing and was picked to act as a client so
the teacher could demonstrate the process to the rest of the group. Before she picked me
she said these words I am going to do a healing on someone, this will be the worst and the
most challenging process I have ever done, and you will ever see and this person has ever
experienced. As she said these words I knew for sure she would pick me and she did. As I
sat down my lower back started to ache. The people were around me in a circle, over 30 of
them, they were told to not only observe the process but to also hold me in truth to support
me through it. The teacher told me to close my eyes and take myself into the uncomfortable
feeling in my back; I heard her say to the group Alloya was taken when she was three years

I do not remember another thing of what happened in the room, I was no longer there
I seemed to have been catapulted back into some strange past life. I found myself within a
cave system I knew it was not the earth, I intuitively knew it was somewhere in Orion. I was
merged with the wall, held prisoner. I had these tubes attached to all of my chakra points.
Through these tubes black liquid was being passed directly into my body, I felt like I was
being used as some sort of recycling device to clean up this energy of this liquid as it was so
evil. It was like liquid evil; I tracked the tubes to the centre of the planet and discovered this
huge, spider, octopus like creature was the source of this black goo like liquid. This was the
most horrific experience I have ever had, not just because of the story but I could feel the
absolute disgust of having this evil liquid passed through my body. I screamed myself back
into this reality to find everyone panicking around me, they said during the healing I looked
so terrified and lost and they said they could not reach me. The other memory which came
up very strong was what happened when I was three years old. I had these terrible dreams
about these beings that were like black holes, I found out later they too came from Orion. I
dreamt they placed two black rods in my lower back to prevent me grounding to the earth
on my arrival, so I could not give Gaia, my star codes to assist the transformation.

Taken from my first book The Mission of the One Star- (available on

The D Naar come from a planetary system in Orion. They are a very dark
consciousness indeed. They actively prevented Hybrids from plugging into the matrix of the
planet. They plugged the two energy channels that run done the legs and connect hybrids to
the planetary web. They used etherical implants to block the flow, so the hybrid would
remain ungrounded and unable to pull on the energy of the planet. Many of you hybrids
have spent your entire lives very ungrounded or feeling unconnected from the planet. They
wanted to prevent his planet from accessing the information in the DNA of the hybrid. The
information codes contain instructions on how to ascend the planet.

If we look at the energy of the DNaar it is very understandable that you would fall into
judgment of them. They came to this planet many times in many different guises; some of
your peoples have worshipped them. If you look in the oldest texts of your religions you will
find them documented there. The brought an innate sense of order and control. They
brought a frequency that would allow for the further development of the human ego. Up
until this point many of the peoples of the lands lived lives directed by the instincts and the
intuition. Many people lived by the guidance of plants and animals and they were very
natural in their worship of God. They had a sense of the oneness; they could see how they
and the natural world around them were one. They worshipped beings, but rather as seeing
them as separate idols in which to give your power to, they saw them as intricate aspects of
themselves as a whole.

The DNaar brought to this planet a frequency that aided the development of the
human psyche and mind as it is today. This frequency held the people of earth in a pattern,
a manipulative pattern of control and dominance. Many of the royal families of the planet
are direct descents of these beings. They are into control, dominance and manipulation.
These DNaar beings came to this planet and created a frequency that held people in human
ego perspective. This brought fear and suspicion to the humans of other people. The
survival codes that you experience now were the direct result of the DNaars influence.
Before the energy frequency and the direct manipulation of the human DNA, the people of
earth were free in both mind and body. It was easy for the DNaar to control and dominate
these newly influenced humans, they operated from a perspective of animalistic fear and
were unable to put up much of a fight ,as the DNaar were seldom seen and controlled
things from behind the scenes. You can see their influence in many cultures and they were
very responsible for the defining of civilisations and the development of the ruling classes.
Their energy has been well masked. They are very psychic beings but they operate on such a
low frequency that it is very hard to detect. Many people of earth worshipped them as their
gods and developed massive civilisations. However these civilisations were warlike and also
carried the DNaar genes that created them as people to be warlike and to have a very
strong warrior consciousness. You should fear and hate your neighbour.

The DNaar influence created many of the early wars and conflicts between people on
your planet. The DNaar come from a dark star in the constellation of Orion. A dark star is
very dense matter, so densely compacted together that no light can escape. A dark star is
like a black hole, a star that is imploding in on itself. They are very hard to detect as they
give off no radiation to detect. They are only detected due to the movement around them
and the fact that they suck in matter. The appearance of the DNaar are an average of seven
feet tall, darker skin, their skin layers are thicker. The skin is not as soft as human skin, is
much tougher, able to withstand high levels of ultraviolet radiation. Generally, the hair of
any D'Naar is black. They are very well built and have a dark almost black aura. They have
very hard and square features and usually wear black clothes. The dark lord in your Star
Wars films, Darthvader is a classic DNaar character. They would find the atmosphere of
earth now, intolerable to their breathing and would need apparatus to breathe on earth.
That is why many of you are seeing these beings as resembling your Darthvader. They are
energy vampires. They are so dense in vibration that they cannot produce light in their
bodies. They are incapable of moving in alignment with this universe.

I remember force- ably taking the Darth Vader mask off one of these being expecting
to see a hideous face underneath instead I saw what looked like a writing mass of black
tendrils or worms, it was revolting, I now know that the black worms I saw in these beings
faces behind the masks were the same archonic parasites that I am pulling from peoples
bodies. These DNaar beings were fully infested until there was nothing of their original
consciousness left. I began to realise that this black goo which was sentient was being
infiltrated by these archonic parasites and the goo was the material of their form. From the
goo, could be made worms, snakes, octopus type beings and many more forms. I think there
are various stages to a fully formed archonic parasite. I think the octopus type being with
the many tendrils which I saw in the centre of the planet in Orion was the archon fully

The AMMACH Project reveals information on a Biomorphic "Sentient Fluid" which is an

intelligent and aware "Black Goo", found over 30 years ago on Thule Island, and taken to the UK
Defence company Marconi. As featured in AMMACH report Bases 17 with David Griffin. It exists as
physical fluid but also as intelligent "etheric" morphogenic energy. Exposed and changed by this
fluid, Alistair Martin comes forward describing this Sentient Fluid in the London sewage system, after
it was dumped as unprofitable and of no further use for Defence "SuperSoldier" development.
Alistair mentions his many military contacts during hours of interviews for Bases 18 and The
AMMACH. This Fluid is evolving and changing the DNA of life wherever it reaches a host. Found in
the sewers of West London, near Gloucester Road, and in ocean locations. Alistair's own DNA has
been changed after airborne contamination from this fluid. Alistair is telepathic and spoke for this
highly intelligent and aware fluid for this YouTube Fast Blast.

ET Falklands War ET connections, David Griffin of Exopolitics UK sets the stage for the
details of a Blue ET-Base on Thule Island south of the Falklands, the Black Goo or Gray Goo,
intelligent oil" allegedly leading to the deaths of many staff at MARCONI in the UK. The
claim is from abductees that the Argentine Government had a Blue ET base on Thule Island,
which was destroyed by a team of SBS and SAS commandoes. The problem being an
intelligent black fluidic substance, illustrated in the X-Files and Prometheus films. This
extremely dangerous "Intelligent & Aware" substance, was removed from the base, and
given to Marconi Communications Company, so it is claimed, which resulted in many deaths
and murders of Marconi scientists, computer programmers and other staff in the early

For the past two years I have been seeing many of my clients infected by these black
wormlike archonic parasites, however this is not the only place I find these entities, I also
have seen them covering mobile phone masts, TV masts, electrical stations and places of
high electricity such as school, hospitals and prisons. These entities are feeding not only off
the chi of peoples light bodies but they are also feeding off the electromagnetic energy
discharged by the mobile phone masts and electrical installations. Are they feeding off

Nuclear Accidents 22 - Black Slime Living

inside Chernobyl Reactor
22-black-slime-living-inside-chernobyl-reactor And
now for something entirely different! Today we
leave the Middle East and return to the site of the
Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Ukraine. In 1986,
a power surge triggered an emergency shutdown of the reactor. A huge spike in power to
the reactor resulted in a rupture of the reactor vessel and releases of steam. Ultimately, the
moderator rods caught fire and huge plumes of radioactive smoke were released into the
atmosphere. The plumes drifted over Europe, dropping radioactive fallout. Over half a
million workers were deployed to deal with the emergency and clean-up. At a cost of billions
of dollars, the reactor was entombed in a giant concrete shell and the surrounding cities and
countryside were abandoned. Tests at the Chernobyl site show that the level of dangerous
cesium-137 has not been dropping as rapidly as estimated. It was thought that half of the
cesium would be gone in the twenty seven years that have passed but that is not the case.
Scientists are unsure of why the site is still so radioactive.

Recently a robot was sent into the reactor to check conditions. The operators of the
robot were astonished to find black slime growing inside the reactor vessel. The level of
gamma rays (highly energetic photons) inside the reactor is very high and it had been
assumed that nothing living aside from a particularly radiation resistant bacteria could
survive and grow in such an environment. The robot brought a sample of the slime out of the
reactor for examination. The slime turned out to be composed of several types of fungi. In
the lab, the slime grew faster when the gamma radiation was raised to five hundred times
above the normal background level of gamma radiation. The reason that the slime was black
is that it contained high levels of melanin which is a dark pigment found in many animals. It
is the primary determinant of skin color in human beings. It appears that the slime is using
melanin to extract energy from the gamma radiation in a way similar to the use of
chlorophyll in plants to use the energy in visible light to power biological processes. When a
gamma ray hits a melanin molecule, its structure is altered and the slime is able to use the
energy released in the reaction.

The reactor at Chernobyl is going to be enclosed in a steel dome to prevent further

release of radiation into the environment. The slime might be able to continue to grow
because it is not dependent on sunlight for energy. There is some concern that the slime
could spread beyond the Chernobyl reactor and possibly pose a threat to plants and animals
around the reactor. Life is tenacious and some forms thrive in very hostile environments.
Even so, the discovery of this slime living in a highly radioactive environment is surprising.

Black radioactive material is being reported 100 kilometers south of Fukushima


Odd TV have made an excellent videos about Black Goo in the Media & Reality

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