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1. Travel to other planets.

2. Dive to the bottom of the sea.

3. Read other people's thoughts.
4. Burn down a building.
5. Fly a plane or a helicopter.
6. Walk on busy city street and stop time.
7. Transform into an animal of your choice.
8. Move objects with your thoughts.
9. Go into a cave, find Gollum and steal The One Ring.
10. Read a book.
11. Summon a dream character.
12. Posses a dream character.
13. Ask a dream character to tell you something about yourself which even you do
n't know.
14. Point at a car and make it explode.
15. Summon Tim and ask him to give you some LD tips.
16. change the weather
17.make your enemy's UGLY
18.tell a dream character that you control their world
19.become rich and famous and have a lot of cool stuff
20.go to the future or past
21.become a hero and save someone stuff you wouldn't or couldn't do while awake
23.make yourself prettier book characters really young or really old
26. Give yourself photoshop abilities for the world around you (change the color
s and distort the world around you)
27. Play an RTS (real time strategy) game with real people and cities
28. Create any kind of creature you can imagine
29. Produce music without any instruments
30.Have sex.
31.Create Dream characters.
32.Trying going onto the internet.
34. Face your fears.
35. Have kids.
36.Change your hair color.
37.Create your own dream home/world image
38. Travel back in time and visit dinosaurs.
39. Get drunk.
40. Jump thru a window of a tall building.
41. Stab yourself and see if it hurts.
42. Get yourself police outfit and chase criminals.
43. Meditate.
44. Try to have lucid dream while in a lucid dream.
45. Summon your dream guide.
46. Play golf.
47. Go to a hospital and tell doctor to fix you.
48. Smash a window and rewind the process.
49. Create two Dream Characters and make them build a village. Watch or help the
village to grow into a city!
50. Stand in the middle of a really huge crowd of people, start dancing and try
to make everyone else dance with you.
51. Start fishing in a "Magical Fountain" and see what you get.
52. Take a piss by the entrance to a Troll's Cave.
53. Put yourself in the role of Neo in the first Matrix movie, starting by his c
omputer in his room just like in the film. See what happens!
54. Reach down your pocket. There's a pill there? Eat it and be astounded by the
55. Can you beat a game of poker against a dog?
56. Go to a random house and demand rent.
57. Go to a TV, change the channel a few times and enter it. Yes, through the sc
58. Gather a bunch of people and make them laugh to a really, then I mean a real
ly bad joke.
59. Trip and miss the ground.
60. Ask a Dream Character what would be fun to try out in a dream.
61. Have flashy, explosive magical powers
62. Recreate mythical cities like Atlantis
63. Have angel wings and fly
64. Read a book you need for school? (I was wondering if the actual content of a
book is retained in lucid dreams)
65. Run along and climb walls
66. Summon a Council of "parts" of your mind and try to figure out things from r
eal life to see if you can.
67. Die and see if you wake up or go somewhere.
68. Win the world series.
69. Go to Disneyland!!!
70. Start kissing random members of the opposite sex and see how they react.
71. Do the above and replace kissing with doing various perverted things... why
the heck did i just say that...
72. Save the world and see if anyone notices.
73. Be your favorite superhero.
74. Do various bodily functions and try to make different things happen (that's
just me and my gross mind...)
75. Break out into a song you know by heart and see if anyone sings along.
76. Get a (dream) boombox, play caramelldansen, and see if anything special happ
ens (for those you who don't know what caramelldansen is, it's a swedish song th
at has gained alot of popularity in Japan and in America that many people find a
nnoying. Search for it on youtube.).
77. walk through walls, fly through ceilings
78. jump in Santa's sack and be a present to someone random
79. use the cement as a trampoline and laugh when you land on your face
80. turn random people into pumkins
81. have a conversation with a Mrs. Buttersworth bottle
82. walk on walls and shoot web like Spidey (personal favorite)
83. Run so fast that the world blurs around you. Much more fun than flying
84. Let the world become a white space and start creating objects one by one.
85. Create shapes by moving buildings while flying.
86. Go around manipulating temperature, like really heavy. From 0 K to infinity,
see what happens.
87. Hack the US defense system, let them attack you with an atom bomb. Wait to s
ee what happens.
88. Radiate light.
89. Play piano, bass guitar or any other cool instrument.
90. Go watch atoms.
91. Buy a goat.
92. Scare random people by coming up through them by walls.
93. Amaze people by saying: "Watch this." then fly up.
94. Turn your body into water, blood or some corrosive fluid, see what happens.
95. Turn yourself into food.
96. Make a building fly and put it on top of another building.
97. Take someone with you on a flying trip.
98. Minimize all skyscrapers (to about domino-size) and make a domino thingey fr
om them (you know, those stones which fall after eachother)
99. Grow your hair until you can cover half the world, then watch it from outsid
100. Be everything and everyone at the same time.
101. [s]buy another goat[/s] Act like you normally would, then 'accidentally' wa
lk knee-deep through the earth.
102. Build your own personal workshop. (this can include stuff like your favouri
te instrument, the goat you bought, your hobbies etc.)
103. Remove buildings that block your sight.
104.Reverse a sunset.
105. Make the sun explode and protect the world
106. Talk to people you'd like to meet. (Albert Einstein or Tim for instance)
107. Whisper and then make it sound really hard two metres around you.
108. Make the whole world echo.
109. Go say boo, boo and boo.
110. Make yourself the only person of your sex on the planet if your straight, o
r make the other sex go away.
111. Imagine how you're lying in bed right now.
112. Try to convince dream characters around you of what they are.
113. Do homework?
114. Drill to the center of the earth and see what you find.
115. Be a character from a movie.
116. Be the lead in some EPIC battle (300, Lord of the Rings, etc.).
117. Play the lottery and see what happens.
118. Try taking over the world.
119. Practice for something (an encounter, a song, lines for a play)
120. Shoot the moon down with a Sniper Rifle, aiming from earth
121. Draw a line on the ground and walk along it, then travel back in time and w
alk the opposite direction on the line facing your past self
122. Draw an island when you're awake and then try to visit it in a dream.
123. Find a poet and ask him/her to tell you a poem he/she has made.
124. Get your Dream Journal and ask a Dream Character to read a page out loud.
125. Try to solve a real problem. Memorize for instance an equation and try to s
olve it in the dream.
126. Make a school bus, or any other vehicle you're on, fly, but without being t
he driver!
127. Climb into the body and mind of a close friend/partner (somebody you know v
ery well) experience being - this other person
128. Fly with Santa on Christmas Eve!
129. Go in to a really huge building, hang on the ceiling and scare the crap out
of any dream characters walking by!
129. Create a theater out of the world
130. Ask people what the date is
131. travel to the planet of the apes
132. go to the past and make president clinton black
133. protect o.j. simpson, malcolm x and MLKjr134.
134. get into a dream-simulator that creates any environment that you want
135. direct a movie (with a very big budget)
136. meet your inner self
137. get really small and dig a hole into food
138. stop bullets
139. be a cleric (film, equilibirum)
140. be an astronaut on a mission to mars (with success!)
141. life with the simpsons
142. be the last man on earth (my favorite!)
143. paint something
144. have an idea, an idea so smart your head would explode if yu even began to
know what you're talking about.(peter, Family guy)
145. find something out and recive the nobel price.
146. fly a boeing 747 (as a pilot)
147. eat your self
148. be the president
149. do nothing
150. turn into the opposite gender
151. lose your head
152. find out what would happen if you fly up and don't stop
153. find 2 people you have and make them fight each other
154. Thinking of items too add to this list while you are sleeping
155. Fly into a black hole
156. Have a twin brother/sister /if you don't already have one /
157. Go to the center of the Earth
158. grow the opposite sex organ
159. be invisible (duh)
160. walk up walls
161. travel through time
162. cut off your body parts and re grow them
163. cause natural disasters
164. be a kid/ adult/ old guy
165. stop time and go to the girls locker room.
166. get buff
167. run around naked
168. who doesn't enjoy sex
169. Try to convince a dream character that THEY are dreaming
170. Lift yourself up by your bootstraps
171. Lick your elbow (apparently 98% of people can't do waking life)
172. Make yourself into some wierd creature by making each of your body parts fr
om a different animal.
173. Spin yourself a spider web and see what it catches.
174. Have sex underwater
175. Punch someone and then hear the cinematic sound effects and see the words p
opping up going "BAM" "ZINGGG"
176. Go sideways in time
177. Fly up to the clouds, grab some, come back down to earth and put them on st
icks and sell them as a new type of fairy floss
178.Be Famous
179.Be a Rockstar
180.Talk to someone you miss
181.Find out what all is deep in the ocean
182.Re-live missed memories
183.Go to a Night Club
184.Drive around a real nice sports car really really fast!
185.Jump off of High places
186.Climb the Eiffel tower
187.Go to Italy
188.Meet Someone Famous
189.Go on the perfect vacation
190.Be a Vampire
191.Be a Mermaid/Merman
192.Be a Zombie
193.Try to survive in a world being taken over by zombies
194.Play Sports
195.Go Shopping! (with unlimited amounts of money!)
196.Eat all your favorite foods without gaining a pound!
197.Enter a world that is in 4-D!!! (is that possible!?)
198.Ride a unicorn
199.Find the end of the rainbow
200.Be a Ghost
201. While in a house, elevate the floor up or down. (Already done! )
202. be somebody elses "tyler durden" (fight club)
203. deconstruct society and rebuild it
204. try drugs that you would never experiment with in real life
205. shrink yourself and go into an atom or experience any level of molecular si
206. try to recreate old memories
207. present new ideas to yourself via dream characters
208. fight the zombie hoards!
209. create new universes
210. lead the revolution
211. deconstruct the environment into nothingness to experience self? i'd like t
o try
212. meet jesus
213. become an ideological disease
214. enter the mind of david lynch
215. have a conversation with Schopenhauer or Nietzsche or other great minds.
216. create artwork then try to recreate it in the waking world
217. Compose your own GREAT symphony soundtrack etc.. and see what your dream gi
ves you..
218. Be jedi-knight and feel the force
219. Fight at vikings side as their God of war using different spells
220. Create your own room where is always some different suprise or "tool" or an
ything. What your dream wants you to do?
221. be avatar aang and control water, earth fire and air. (really thats fun)
222. be uri geller and bend everything in your way.
223. change your girlfriend clothes in just a second. ( you change your mind lik
e a girl changes her clothes) in front of you LOL
224. fly close above the oceon, and see the creations you made in the water swim
ming. (That is amazing to see and to experience)
225. Did u watch a film u didn't like the ending? Change it, make your own movie
or anime. Or be an actor or actress.
226. Find the meaning of Life
227. Ride a dolphin, or a shark, or even a wale, or something like that
228. Dance like Michael jackson
229. Ride in a animal half eagle, half lion like in Harry Potter and The prisone
r of Askaban
230. have a baby dragon
231. Fight against a really huge giant
232. Fly or run faster than light
233. Own a multinational and do what it takes to keep it running
233. Drink pina coladas, and get caught in the rain.
234. Become part of an italian maffia family.
235. Play with Barcelona against the great teams of Europe and win the Champions
League by scoring the winning goal.
236. Be in school while not having to do anything for it, so you can just social
ize all the time and just have fun.
237. Have a non-stop 144 hour during party with everyone you know.
238. Eat furniture
239. Live in a macdonalds (don't want to, but you could).
240. Have a meeting with the artist you hate the most of all, and kick the shit
out of him for doing what he does.
241. Be a vegetable.
242. perform a reality check
243. Eat your head off? o_O
244. Make a dream character tell you a story and rewrite it in waking life to you evil side
245 - 2.look into a crystal ball
246.summon someone from the forums (you'll be amazed!)
247 Earth bending skills (without touching the earth, its a fighting skill, use
your arms and legs to make it happen)
248. Make a big wall of earth.
249. Make a huge mountain if you are experienced enough. (try it, its not as eas
y as you think it is)
250. Surf on earth very fast, like a wave of water.
251. Float rocks in front of you and shoot it to bad guys.
252. Bend iron with your hands. Iron doors or iron cage etc. (I did not try this
253 Get inside Groucho Marx s mind to invent things like « time flies like an arrow
and fruit flies like a banana » !
254 Get inside Einstein s head and change the speed of light
255 Get inside Picasso s bed and sketch him while he s sleeping
256 Get inside George W Bush s bank account and totally f#*k it up
257 Get inside the CIA files on the MLKjr and JFK assassinations and find the wa
ys to show the world that 9/11 was an « inside job »
258 Get inside a mother again and feel what it s like to float around in intempora
l space with no desires, no intentions, no fears, no denials
259 Get inside a father s balls and become that tiny bit of life that made its way
all the way up to the top and did his thing so we could be here but as Mae said
« the kinda guy you marry just to get rid of »
260 Get inside a tip, like the tip of a pen writing a will or a will not, or a b
ill of rights for the haves and have nots, or some crazy drug-induced declaratio
n of Independent thought. Military Intelligence? Contradiction in terms (Groucho
261 Get inside the energy of a honey bee s wings
262 Get inside a heart transplantation with gratitude
263 Get inside a bud that is about to explode with new abundance
264. Fight Jackie Chan and Jet Li using kung fu.
265. Become a Jedi / Sith Lord and fight with a lightsabre.
266. Same as above, but hack up random citizens.
267. Ride on the back of a tiger.
268. Go back in time, change it, then see how it has affected the present.
269. Become Godzilla and terrorise Tokyo.
270. Completely destroy a grocery store!
271. Give yourself the power to summon and befriend animals e.g. you whistle and
all birds nearby come and perch on your shoulders
272. Be a vampire and bite someone
273. meet a cartoon character , touch him/her , see how its is gonna feel (its j
ust there is this character in street fighter i liked since i was young, i would
love to have sex with her , and wondering how is it gonna be possible
274. Instead of conquering nightmares, conquer your real life fears, like big sp
iders or if anyones afraid of heights, just jump off a cliff and stop yourself r
ight before you hit the ground.
275. Count to infinity
276. Travel around somewhere (e.g. by flying or jumping) then say "REWIND!" and
start going backwards the way you came.
277. Get inside someones TV and start dancing
278. hold both hands in front of you, close them and close your eyes. Than say f
ire loud and open your eyes and both hands. Now do the same again and say blue f
ire (whatever colour you like) You will be amazed.
279. Breath in and out and concentrate. Than breath out with all you got. Make a
huge fire that comes out of your mouth.
280. Instead of jumping and flying, your feets will do the work. They are like a
jetpack. Fire will come out of your both feets, to take you to where you want t
o go.
281. Just fire bending and fighting skills. Make it happen, make fire with your
arms and legs. Shoot the fire out of your hands and legs.
282. A high fire bending skill: make lightning (yes I know, I watch too much tv)
Make a powerfull lightning energy in both hands, now you can destroy everything
you want just by shooting it out on a distance.
(watch the last air bender, it will inspire you to do these tricks better)
283. juggle with planets
284. ask dream characters how they got there
285. walk around in a group of people and disappear, see the reactions
286. instead of flying yourself, take away gravity alltogether and see everythin
g float.
287. stop time, move things around and start time again.
288. throw balls of fire at people/objects
289. live in someones eyeball
290. go shopping
291. go to a diner and eat someone elses food
292. become the statue of liberty and kick people
293. play tennis
294. jump rope with rope made of hair.
295. freeze somebody and kick them into peices
296. create a new invention
297. Pimp out a turtle with NOS and neon lights. Ride it around town and challen
ge street racers.
298. Be Gandalf and cast awesome spells.
299. Take random people's ipods and see what song plays when you hit play.
300. Shrink yourself, then enter somebody's ear and explore.
301. Slide around like a snake in the form of a human.
302. Draw a third eye on your forehead, then open it and see what it sees.
303. Replace ugly people's heads with bowling balls.
304. Reach into your T.V. and slap Hannah Montana repeatedly as you scream "GET
305. Stick a USB cord into Bill Gate's belly button, then plug it into your comp
uter. See what sort of crazy viruses you get.
280. Turn New York into chocolate and eat it all.
281. Destroy all the major cities of the world.
282. Go inside a bank and steal all the money.
283. Crash a plane and survive.
284. Seee what happens when you shoplift.
285. Try to get the military to attack you and defeat them in a war.
286. dunno...
287. Be Your Dream Guide.
288. Jump off a cliff and think that there a trampoline at the bottom and hope f
or the best!
289. Be godzilla and destroy Toyko!
290. Go try to win the election for U.S President!
291. Run against a bunny!
292. Go on Lucidpedia in your dream and make yourself Admin
293. Eat as much food as you can until you explode.
294. Shrink and explore your house.
295. Shrink down to the size of a ant and go into a ant hole,
296. Go to the North Pole and go into Santa Workshop!
297. Hunt Bigfoot
298. Become a tree.
299. Going inside your body.
300. Blow up a nuclear power plant and brace yourself!
286 isn't a real thing you can do while lucid yet
301. Become the character Jon in the comics Watchmen
302. Turn into a godzilla and rampage around the world till every country nukes
303. Go to your ex's house and tell her off.
304. Talk to your pets, see how they feel about living with you.
305. Draw yourself a scene with chalk on the sidewalk, and jump into it like Mar
ry Poppins.
306. Change your race, and go to a busy city or grocery store or school, see if
you are treated differently or not. (this one is intense, and might change your
307. Have a wallet that has never ending $$ in it.
308. Practice something, anything! Your brain does the same thing while your dre
aming as it does when your awake, which means if your training your brain to hit
that high note in your choir music, you'll hit it much faster if you practice h
itting it while your dreaming, because the signals are the same! <--this to me i
s the most interesting and exciting thing about Lucid Dreaming...
309. Talk to God about everything you wanted to know.
310. Learn Japanese (or some other language). You might want to study in real li
fe first, so you can practice the words you vaguely know.
311. Change some laws of physics, starting the way our universe is build: with a
toms. Find a totally new way to build things. And then see if it'll succeed (or
collapse, creating a Big Bang and a new universe which you couldn't think of).
310 - 2. Grow wings
311 - 2. Go see what heaven looks like
312. Drive through a mall Blues Brothers style
313. Eat a cactus or something what is spiky and see what it feels like
314. Go into a painting
315. Be a mosquito
316. Be a baby
317. Go inside a computer
318. Go inside a soap bubble and see where it takes you
319. Get involved in a stick figure fight
320. See what it feels like to be poor
321. Create a series of reoccurring dreams and change something small each time
to see what happens
322. Have an arch-nemesis and battle with him every night
323. Eventually defeat your arch-nemesis
324. See what it's like to be blind in a dream O.o
325. Become really big and step on stuff
326. See what it's like to not have braces! (Oh I wish...)
327. Become a scarecrow and chase crows away from a pumpkin patch
328. Become a monster and bite people's heads off (what the heck?!?!?!?)
329. Make cartoon characters real! (Very Cool)
330. Make dream characters into cartoons
331. Live in the ocean
332. Take a nap
333. After your lucid dream, remember where it stopped and resume your dream nex
t time.
334-Destroy Everything with random tornados then recrate the world and everythin
g yourself.
335.Fly really really high into a place and it takes 100000000 light years
336. Be really fast so fast you can go to 1000000000000 light years in a minute
or second or EVEN HIGHER
337. Do random things with someone really h-o-t!
338. Beat world records
339.See it is like to be small as a hamster and explore your house
340. Turn your hand into a cell phone and call someone. (I did this and a screen
appeared in my palm)
341. Tear down an entire building with your bare hands
342. Swim with whales and dolphins
343. Build and design a spacecraft/machine that can do anything you can imagine
and have it become a re-occuring dream object to help you in your dreams. (Trave
l space, fly, turn into a "glitch" type thing that attatches to your wrist etc)
344. "Paint" a 3 dimensional object out of thin air with your fingers
345.Be the strongest in your dream
346. Talk to your dead pet or talk to your dead relative.
347. Pay some hobo all your stuff (IN YOUR DREAMS!!)
348.Make an island with lots of people and do whatever you want
349.Drink seawater
350.Climb the biggest mountian
351. appear on your fav TV show
352. visit a alien planet
353. bury an epmty box (in real life) then find it in your dream and open it
354. visit an art museem (soz cant spell mew-see-um) and see wat the art is like
355. slap your boss / teacher
356. change your voice
357. put a dvd or video into a tv and see what it plays
358. turn into a public item (bin, letterbox..) and scare people
359. ROLEPLAY, basicly you create your life (familey, friends, get a job) and re
turn to that dream everynight so you can have 2 famileys and 2 lifes
360. smell things
361. take a big breath and try to realize that your not even breathing
362. READ THIS! look at your hands, smell somthing, talk to someone, then rememb
er that your in your bed asleep while your doing this (spooky)
363. befriend your heros
364. simply just play a game (ps2 or PC) without cheating
365. make everyone around you get random emotions
366. save someones life
367. spawn a MP3 of Ipod and listen to a song thats stuck in your head
368. have a blow job
369. give yourself a gun and make life a game where you mist destroy monsters
370. REALLY GOOD ONE HERE....... never ending fart or burp
371. Invent a new language
372. Teleport yourself to your house. Open the front door and go to your bedroom
. Hopefully you will see yourself asleep in your bed. Wake "yourself" up and see
what happens.
373. Turn the Earth inside out.
374. Change your handedness eg if you're righthanded, become lefthanded!
375. Change someone elses name without them realising.
375. Abolish all currencies and see what happens to the world.
376. Dig a hole to the otherside of the world.
377. Turn your hair into fire.
378. See if it's possible to voluntarily remove your senses eg try and make your
self deaf, then deaf and blind etc.
379. Open a box marked "Surprise"
380. Be two people at once.
381. Be in two places at once.
382.Be your pet.
383. Become a giant and crush everything in sight!
384. become alice and explore wonderland
385. watch the earth blow up in space
386. fly to a utopian world, bring back a being to our world, and watch them fai
nt in horror
387. meditate in mid air or space
388. jump and fall down straight through earth
389. burn down your school
389. look at the universe from the outside
390. skip through town butt naked
391. watch the moon/another planet collide with the earth (from earth, or in spa
392. shrink into one of your cells and find a whole new world (a whole neewww ww
393. Create your own planet!
394. Drive something really fast, like a motorcycle or a fast car.
395. Eat glass.
396. Pretend you are in a video game, and play along
397. Punch a fat guy in the stomach in slow motion and watch the hit create ripp
398. Meet Van Halen and steal all his guitar moves.
399. Create the newest flavor of Orbit gum in a laboratory.
400. Reenact the 5 gum commercials to stimulate your senses.
401. find a termite mound or ant colony, and climb inside, see if you can find y
our way to the queen.
402. Start massive brawls at assorted public places, then defeat everyone, or wa
tch from a safe distance.
403. fly to a conflict area and disarm all of the soldiers on both sides.
404. divide an atom with your mind... kaBOOM
405. enter a gunfight, and purposefully get shot.
406. Try and kill yourself in the most bad ass way possible. (e.g. set yourself
on fire, then fly into the most explosive thing you can find at a ridiculously h
igh speed.
407. survive trying to kill yourself in the most bad ass way possible.
408. Control more than one body at once (mix it up by making one a person and on
e a bird).
409: Go into a mall full of people, flood the whole place and then laugh (underw
ater) at people drowning
410: Go show your new ferrari to your friends
411: Have your own house on the moon and invite your friends, or girlfriend...
412: Try the Stairway to Heaven (or the Highway to Hell?)
413: Go into your friend's dream and tell them they're dreaming
414: Take pictures in your dreams and store them for later use
415: Enter in your previous dream's pictures
416: Go to a Guns N' Roses show, get up on stage, steal Slash's guitar and amaze
him by doing a better solo
417: Crush the traffic on rush hour in a monster truck
418: Be pacman
419: Be the first to discover electricity
420: Be Terminator
421: Ruin the Back to the Future movie by changing the date on the Delorean's ti
me machine (a little trip to the prehistoric age?)
422: Why would you walk? Just float
423: Be God
424: Play an electric guitar with a 2km high speaker
425: Attach a reactor to your car
426: Attach a reactor to your bike
427.Make your friends do embarrassing things!
428.Go on lucidipedia!
429. Go to your dream land!
430. Throw things into the exosphere and watch it float up into orbit!
431. Mutate and morph people!
432. fly through the sky butt naked!
433. pick up any instrument and see if you can play well
434. pick up a paint brush and see if you can paint a masterpiece
435. Give yourself a blowjob
436. Eat the Sun.
437. Become all powerful and challenge everyone.
438. Lick random people and see what they taste like.
439. Try on a few cool looking clothes, tattoos or hairstyles.
440. Go to a beach and try to walk on water in front of everyone.
441. Travel back trough time and fight in WW2.
442. Try to blow yourself up.
443. Survive it.
444. Fall into the ocean from REALLY REALLY high. (From above the clouds)
445. Walk trough things.
446. Steal the car of a president and see what happens.
447. Become a ball.
448. Grab some tampons and go running on the street while shouting: "Yay! Tampon
449. Become a master snowboarder.
450. Change your skin colour on the street and see the reactions of the people.
For example: Make your skin green or yellow.
451. Be a gladiator.
452. Summon a pie and eat it. Or throw it at someone. Or both.
453. Become fat.
454. Make random things burn just by pointing at them.
455. Swim in lava.
456. Hug random people.
457. Enter a mirror
458. Make a new friend
459. Make a movie
460. Make a documentary of your lucid dream
461. moonwalk on the clouds with michael jackson
462. seperate an ocean like jebus
463. create a place where sea life flys around in air
464. see what the world would be like without money, countries and government
465. go to stonehedge, meditate in the center, and see what happens
466. turn yourself into chocholate and eat yourself - or have others eat you
467. see how long you can go without breathing - and hopefullt you wake up lol
468: Hunt for pokémon
469. Give yourself Fairy godparents
470. Give everyone a number over their head that shows how many times they've ha
d sex
471. Stick your hand in the back of someones head and make him your handpuppet
472. Turn electricity on and off by clapping your hands
473. Gather an army of minions (or bunnies. or guinea-pigs) that do everything f
or you
474. Nightvision
475. See through walls what people do inside their houses
476. Become so small that you can clothe yourself in flower petals
477. Live in a pineapple under the sea
478. Make a doorknob appear and open door everywhere (see whats' behind them)
478 - 2. Turn yourself into a speck
479. become a member of your favorite band and play a massive concert
480. shrink down onto a dog like and roam like a flea
481. summon up extraterrestrials and climb abord their ship
482. abduct random people and see what the aliens do to them
483. close your eyes and think of the afterlife - then open them
484. breast feed a baby siberian tiger ...
485. bomb the world with THC and watch as people all over the world become more
friendly, watch soldiers fighting in war put down their guns and hug each other,
and government authorities spread their massive wealth with the masses enabling
the entire human species to flourish as one big stoned race
486. bounce on a pair of two mountainous boobs - the worlds best trampoline (or
for the women, check out the crazy catapolt ride - the hike up is a little hairy
and unstable, but once you get to the main course you will awe the valleys of s
kin and be flung high up into `1the sky)
488. a. Bring back MJ and show him the world without him or b. kill MJ before he
rapes little children
489. EXTREME feckin' PARKOUR!!
490. become a sand dune, and experiance every part of yourself being drifted awa
y when the wind comes around
491. Take a holiday in Cambodia (It's tough kid, but it's life!)
492. Forget about Cambodia, go to California. California über alles!
493. Ride a speeding mattress on open sea.
494. Be in a really crazed fun house.
495. Kill people with coins... xD
496. Steal the Internet, and then enjoy the fast connection.
497. Make a game, and be famous.
498. Browse youtube, and hear some not yet invented music.
499. Draw on peoples faces xD Yay...
500. Invent a new perfume/deodorant and smell it.
501. Open a "windows media player" window and listen...
502. Behead yourself, and observe...
503. Melt someone.
504. Turn yourself into a radio, and amuse someone.
505. Invent a 500000 Terrabyte mini-usb stick
506. Go into a museum. Make everything come to life...including the little toy p
rehistoric beasts at the gift store.
507. Create another version of yourself. Ask him/her questions. Be surprised by
the answers.
508. Go outside and make time go into super fast rewind - watch as the cities sh
rink down to villages and then into nothing, and watch as the landscape changes
over millions of years of reverse erosion. (This is one I really want to do!!!)
509. Make the objects around you vibrate in such a way that they mimic a musical
instrument but without becoming one. Have them play your favorite song. Watch a
s dream characters marvel at the mysterious source of the music.
510. Summon someone that has wronged you in some way. Make them "telepathically"
re-experience the situation where they harmed you, only from your perspective t
his time.
511. Become the Earth.
512. Become the weather.
513. Enter the mind of a wild animal and experience its life for a while.
514. Touch sound.
515. Drown. Don't know why I want to do this, but I do.
516. enter world of warcraft
517. make an eternity code
518. make your own language
519. tamper with your genetic makeup such as making yourself based on boron-sili
520. fly on a griffin i have done this before and it is really fun to do dives
521: Jump into your own paintings or interesting art worlds of others.
522: Revisit the most early childhood memories, forgotten by the awake self.
523: Find a very old magical book of prophecies in the bookshelf and read about
what you are meant to do.
524: Ask your true love to appear and let him/her introduce him/her self (if you
have not find him/her yet.)
525: Jump into the world of faeries by using a magic dream box or magic dust Raz
526: Run through a huge breathtaking field of red poppies and let hummingbirds a
nd butterflies fly with you. (or some more masculine things)
527: Own the 'Golden Compass' from the movie to go to different dimensions
528: Have an animal deamon like in the Golden Compass
529: See peoples aura`s?
530: Play a FPS with yourself. But for that you must separate your mind in diffe
rent players and make them unable to read another's mind.
531: Explore a building designed by MC Esher
532: Be an atomic bomb and detonate yourslef.
533: Go to a place where only conciousness exists.
534: Suck up the dreamscape like in the ending in the movie "paprika"
535: Play billiards with the planets.
536: Create a doornob that isnt attached to anything. "attach" it to the univers
e. and open a door in the world.
537: Go to the future.
538: Have the midas touch.
539: Have a midas touch that turns things invisible
540: Be invisible and try to talk to a dream character
541: Play a video game that you have played in real life, but be the character i
nstead of controling the character.
542: Go into some random persons house and ummm well I dont know Smile.
543: Eat all the possible candy in the world withough gaining wait,or feeling th
at your stomach is full xD.
544: Meet your higher-self!
545: Summon a dark part of your mind, represented as a dream charachter, and fig
ht with him a holy battle with swords and spiritual energies, with God on your s
546: Be an alchemist, like in Fullmetal Alchemist!
547. drain the entire ocean, and run across the now empty sea bed with super spe
548. create your own race of people - aliens?
549. create a planet for this new race
550. get dressed up in an absolutley stupid costume and walk through the middle
of times square
551: Be Kira, and see if you can defeat L. And if you defeated him, create a new
world! (And get the eye of a shinigami, instead of letting Misa interfere with
her childishness!)
552: Have a shared dream! Try to meet a person, I mean the real person in your d
ream, by thinking of his/her personality, or shouting out his/her name, or both
at the same time. It's a good idea, to discuss this with him/her, when you're aw
ake, before trying this.
553.become a character from mythology
554. get one of your friends to make up a planet (in real life) then go there (i
n your dream)
555. shoot someone just to watch him die(like the song)
556 - 0. be a death knight
557 - 0.according to my brother, become the most awesome death knight ever with
awesome hair
558 - 0. shrink people you hate, add toothpicks to their heads, and play darts w
ith them.
559 - 0. forge the most awesome weapon ever
560 - 0. battle the greek gods, and win
561 - 0. summon me, see what you get then message me or put a comment on one of
my dreams
562 - 0. become an arrow of Eros'
556. enter the books eragon or "the circle of magic"
557. eat ramen
558. give a mouse a muffin
559. do synchronized roundhouse kicks with chuck norris
560. Have sex while flying.
561. clone yourself and kick yourself in the nuts (see if it hurts you)
562. find yourself and ask your inner self if killing your clone is suicide or m
563. run on all fours by making your legs shorter and your arms longer (i have d
one this in a non-lucid dream by wondering what it would be like before i went t
o bed)
564. stretch your limbs.
565. experience synesthesia, (Hear colors, see sound, feel sweetness, etc.)
566. meet an alien that your mind makes up
567. kill the alien
568. learn martial arts
569. be a vampire hunter
570. eat watermelon
571. go to hell and kick the devil's but
572. make a better mousetrap
573. ride a sea serpent
574. let a girl ride YOUR sea serpent (lol just kidding)
575. play chess with ninjas as your chess pieces
576. ride a unicorn.... of death!!!! MUAHAHAHA give it a flaming skull and a hor
n made of titanium
577. rule the world
578. get trapped in LOWES
579. drink tea
580. be Spock
581. summon zombies to kill
582. reach out and touch faith
583. Punch an atheist in the face
584. punch a religious person in the face
585. Dream that your dreaming inside a dream
586. "forge" your own dreamscape
587. brainstorm about various subjects
588. a. Improve your lousy dodge ball throwing skills
589. b. Improve your ultimate dodge ball throwing skills(if already good)
590. practice your driving skills in case you haven't gotten license yet.
591. put your zombie plan in action, and see if your "inner self" thinks it's fu
592. Make all the animals in the world perform a broadway musical
593. Clone yourself (many times) and just interact. Maybe battle, maybe talk, ma
ybe solve problems, maybe just entertain some dream characters. Smile
594. Control people as though they were your puppets, have them do your bidding.
595. Destroy whatever strikes your fancy.
596. Find someone you have no negative feelings for and beat the shit out of the
m anyway. Do you feel remorse? I did.
597. Get crazy ultimate powers and become emperor of anything you set eyes upon.
598. Sit on your pyramid (or wherever you're ruling from) with all of your desir
es at your fingertips. Whether they may be sexual, food related, entertainment,
or just satisfaction of power by pushing people around. Twisted Evil
599. If you have a friend that is lucid dreaming too, have epic battles with the
m and compare the scores.
600. Blow up planets!
601. Skim a stone endlessly around the world.
602. Fly so fast you can't see where your going.
603. Tell a friend to do a reality check, watch thier expression Cool
604. Fight thousands of enemies to the superman theme!
605. Go to the death star, have a huge rampage inside, kill stormtroopers and da
rth vader, then blow the death star up for a finale!
606. Steal the Allspark from Optimus Prime, destroy all transformers and take ov
er the galaxy!! Twisted Evil
607. Fart out a missile. Razz
608. With lucid dreaming friends, stick two people in a cage and make them fight
each other. Add up who wins every night for a week, and award them their medals
in a fantastic stadium (in a dream, of course) Wink
609. Fight sea monsters
610. Laugh manically and watch the world crumble around you
611. has sex as the opposite gender Confused
612. Commit crimes with no consequence (Ex. Murder, Robbery... rape...)
613. Use a jutsu
614. Uppercut a punk-ass
615. Strip someone of their life force MK style.
615 - 2: Make it someone unable to take off their pants when they really need to
use the restroom.
616. Become a plant and do planty things, like photosynthesis.
617. make the perfect moment and freeze it exactly as it is.
618. Make a new creature all your own and ask it it's name
619. Make everyone's thoughts register as thought bubbles and jump into someone'
s thought bubble
620. Walk into your own bedroom and punch yourself
621. try a food you have never tasted in real life
622. Summon your subconcious and see if it remembers everything that has ever ha
ppened to you.
623. Work on an essay for school and write it when you wake up
624. Act like a dog (fire hydrant and all)
625. Make an impossible sculpture
626. change what you dont like about yourself
627. Lay down and have a WILD
628. Two words, five syllables. Zero. Gravity.
629. Make a round flame
630. Kick a gnome
631. Fly an airplane (i know how to.... kind of)
632. Write the greatest story ever written and then burn it
633. Stick your tongue to a really cold pole.
634. re-wire your brain.
635. ask your subconcious how to lucid dream every night without fail
636. Multiply yourself, until there are thousands of you.
637. Dissolve everything until you are in complete nothingness
638. Try to escape from your own mind/thoughts
639. Live an entire life.
640. Find and meet god.
641. Eat before mentioned god.
642. Visit an alien race and explain to them what you are and where you're from.
643. Be an inanimate object.
644. Be an emotion.
645. Be multiple people at one time, experiencing multiple perspectives.
646. Go back into the womb.
647. Meet your children (that you don't have)
648. Meet yourself in the future.
649. Read a sacred/divine book, try to remember what it said when you wake up.
650. Telekinetically change your clothes
651. infinitely increase your room's size
652. Be a soldier in the Trojan war, beat everyone
653. Become the night angel
654. Be an angel (not the hallmark card kind)
655. Record yourself and in your dream change your breathing patterns and see if
it changes your breathing patterns in real life.(new way to communicate with th
e real world during a dream if it works)
656. Make a compass that tells you how good someone is and use it on yourself
657. Make your tongue REALLY looooong.
658. Play chess with your true self.
659. Tell someone the unadulterated, uncensored truth
660. Go swimming in zero gravity.
661. Bite someone's head off and make their neck spew candy
662. See if you healing yourself in a dream makes you heal faster in real life
663. Cure cancer.
664. Cure the common cold
665. Wonder at how i have no life
666. Wonder why 666 is the number of the beast. why not 667 or 123
667. Go to "Half-Blood Hill" from percy and the Olympians
668. Be an Oculator from the Alcatraz series
669. Use Allomancy
670. Throw your perfect birthday party.
671. Help santa claus to send the presents
672. Meet your realitives which are not alive anymore
673. Try to hear the sirenes of SilentHill and see, what will happen to the scen
674. Tell Albert Einstein about the new stuff in physics and see his reaction (o
maybe he has some new points as well?)
675. Become very very small to see the atoms
676. Try to see the big bang
677. Try to see what there was BEFORE the big bang???
678. Try to met your soulmate (which you hav not met before)
679. Go to sleep in your own bed and see what will happen
680. See how the Egyptians built the pyramides
681.Team up with link and save hyrule
682.Create a universe and destroy it
683.Go into 3rd person
684.Paint a picture telekinetically
685.Take on sephiroth
686.Call down Thor and blow up a city
687.Hang out with Abraham Lincoln
688.Build a house at the bottom of the ocean
689.Have tea with Bruce Lee
690.Go to the edge of the universe and step out
691.Get on here Cool
692. Turn yourself into the opposite gender and have sex with your real self.
693. -2. Be two people at the same time and then have sex with yourself.
695. Find a way to NOT incinerate companion cube. :' (
696. Give birth.
697. Pick your friends
698. Pick your nose.
699. Pick your friend's nose.
700. Ride a giraffe.
701. Find the one-eyed, one-horned, giant purple people eater and vanquish it.
702. Mix yourself with somebody else so that you are half you and half another p
703. Giant, crowd-sized orgy.
704. Give yourself (or your partner) ridiculously over-sized junk.
705. Have that giant crowd be all female and have them swoon over your enhanced
706. If female, change gender and read numbers 703 and 704.
707. Host a tournament where champion gets the key to your chastity belt.
708. Take a bubble bath.
709. Steal candy from a baby and laugh maniacally.
710. Be the main character in a video game. For a truly unique experience, try b
eing in Spore
711. Go try to interview dream characters and find out an easy way to induce luc
id dreams and post your findings on the forum.
712. Win the ultimate showdown!
713. have a threesome with miley cirus AND hannah montana!
714. p-p-p-poke her face!
715. break T.I out of jail
716. cook a vegetatrian meal for a dragon
717. dance with micheal jackson
718. abduct an alien
719. milk a bear
720. Visit the Lucid dreamer Castle (credit to marsmenschli)
721. spar with onazzer and jet lee
722. ride a whale
723. kill and resurrect yourself.
724. go into a familiar place, like your bedroom, and ransack it, DESTROY everyt
hing! then wake up and look at the difference
725. go up to a random DC, and tell them to teleport you somewere awsome, see we
re you go
726.shrink to the size of an ant, and do what ever
727.turn yourself into a blob of goo see what it feels like.
728.go to the cinema and try to watch a 4d movie.
729. Change yourself into water and just flow with a river
730. Go to the sun and stand on it
731. Be a sperm and race for arriving the first one
732. See how the universum was created
733. If it was Big Bang. stop it
734. turn around the sun as the planets do
735. Create a link with a plant or an animal like in AVATAR the film..feel the n
736. Live the moment.
737. Be water my friend
738. Be fire my friend
739. Live in contact with the pure nature..maybe it changes your opinion about m
740. Sit down and watch the world passing by
741. Reflect on existencial questions
742. Go into a electronic device
743. Be yourself at the same time you explore your interior
744. Do everything you always wanted to do..real things such as sky diving, base
745. Be a half demon.
746. Find your demonic parentage and defeat them
747. Be a necromancer and put ghosts at peace
748. or alternatively raise an army of zombies
749. or alternatively make an awesome thriller video with Michael Jackson's corp
se (not meaning to be insensitive)
that's all i got for that series.
750. remake a movie that you didn't like with better everything. IN 3D HI-DEF!!
751. walk inside a giant clam to get the pearl.
752. ride a giant black panther
753. travel through a forest of mile high trees
754. experiment with different combinations of super powers to see which powers
work best together
755. listen to the rhythm of life.
756. tell someone you love them. and mean it.
757. make simon cowell eat the teletubies
758. shrink yourself and flush yourself down the toilet
759. ride on the outside of a plane (ps i know its not possible in real life)
760. bite mike tysons ear
761. dye the president's / primeminister's hair bright pink
762. lead an army of ants to battle against spiders
763. cuddle with a tiger
764. Ride with a whale with the oppisite gender both naked underwater?
765. Play "Dude Looks Like A Lady" with Aerosmith
766. Make the most awesome band ever with Rob Zombie, David Mustaine, and anyone
else you can think of
767. Ride a Phoenix
768. Be a gangsta
769. Be all you can be
770. Give your girlfriend an isty-bitsy-tieny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot bikini, tha
t she will then wear for the first time
771. Make a gigantic stained glass window
772. break said window with only your voice
773. Try to talk to God
774. Make plants grow when you walk
775. For a more melodramatic version, make plants die when you walk by them
776. Go to the center of the earth and feel yourself get pulled in all direction
777. Do a dollop, do do a dollop of Daisy (stupid commercial for sour cream in A
778. Fight Sylar from the television show Heroes
779. Have tea with the Queen of England
780. Dine out at a fancy restaurant with whomever you choose
781. Ask people really awkward questions then turn invisible ("Hey, are you preg
nant?" *Vanish*
782. Walk in beauty like the night "She walks in beauuuutyyyyy liiiike the night
, of cloudless climes and stary skies....."(for the ladies)
783. Act like the people from "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon"
784. Make a poem of epic awesomeness
785. Instead of walking, glide along slowly
786. Make solid light (what would that look like?)
787. Literally PUNCH reality and see what bizarre events happen after the punch
like revivals, retcons in history etc.
788. Become an abstract concept like a plot for a story in an author's mind (is
that possible?! even within the realm of lucid dreaming?)
789. Give everyone the power to realize something upon thinking it and see how t
he goverment collapse having no control over people anymore
790. Go into North Korea and kick the crap out of the leader forcing him to abol
ish the concentration camps
791. Send a note to the Rothchilds and Rockefellers that unless they share their
fortune with the world and cease their secret oppressive goverments you will ki
ck the shit out of them and give them 7 days
792. Make the seven days past fast in your lucid dream
793. Go kick the crap out of Rocks and Roths who will have not obeyed your lette
rs thinking you were only bluffing and make them clear there is now someone more
powerful than them now, after kicking the crap out of them tell they must obey
your conditions within 7 days or you will return and turn them into puupies
794. Eat Galactus
795. Go into the Star Wars universe and become The Force, see what happens, what
does it feels
796. Become reality itself and then kill yourself, see what happens
797. Have sex with a REALLY badass and sexy girl that could kick your ass like L
ara Croft (not Angelina Jolie, but Lara Croft herself, altought she can look lik
e AJ as long as she is the character)
798. Run around in a favorite anime show and talk/interact with the characters
799. Drive a car you love, and then possibly into a wall xD
800. Jump off of a building and stop right before you hit the floor.
801. Find out where your ex boyfriend disappeared.
802. Tell some politicians exactly what you think of them without fear of conseq
803. See what your kid will look like 20 years from now.
804. Check out what the kitchens of certain restaurants in your hometown really
look like.
805. Make a really big pancake!
806. Meet a talking pig.
807. Jump off and land on a fat panda.
808. Make yourself unable to feel any emotions.
809. Make a perfect world, and a gatekeeper who decides who can enter mentioned
810. Try to enter the world and see if the gatekeeper lets you in.
811. If he lets you in, see what that world is like.
812. Teleport yourself to the top level of a gigantic castle.
813. Make mentioned castle disappear into nothingness level by level from the to
814. Try to escape the castle before it completely disappears.
815. Do the same all over again, but this time, with lots of dark monsters in ev
ery room and level. (You can't run past them. You need to defeat them one by one
in order to continue.)
816. Fight an enemy without any known weaknesses and try to defeat it.
817. Make dream characters that are representing the different sides of your inn
er personality.
818. Dive into a volcano and swim in the lava.
819. Disappear and then erase everyones memories about you, and see what the wor
ld would be like if you never existed.
820. Challenge the devil to a Rock-off.
821. Travel to a world swallowed by darkness and explore.
822. Travel back in time, and see how the world got swallowed.
823. Try to save the world.
824. Make darkness swallow earth.
825. Let yourself caught by Darkness and see what will happen.
826. Escape from earth while it's being swallowed by darkness, and then return t
o see the remains.
827. Try to find any survivors.
828. Leave earth and then use the power of darkness to create a world of your ow
n, and then fill it with dark beings as you like.
829. Continue this story on your own. Remember that you're the one controlling d
arkness and the Light is what you try to destroy.
830. After finishing the story, play it again. This time, use the powers of the
light and try to eliminate darkness.
831. Change pepole's voices to low/high voices and laugh as they speak.
832. Eat the moon
833. Fall up the stairs
834. Become pacman
835. Swim in magma
836. Throw molotov cocktails at random people
837. Hi-jack a ufo
838. play a real time strategy with real people and monsters and such build an e
pic civillization and give yourself god powers (like age of mythology)
839. turn Arrow_of_eros into a goat
840. turn Zombiebrain into a goat
841. turn Zombiebrain into Arrow_of_eros
842. Turn Arrow_of_eros into a ZOMBIE
843. turn TIM into a zombie
844. turn ME into a zombie
845.if you have good dream recall, sing something, and wen u wake up, see if it
is familliar
846. jump into a bottomless trench, falling at 2000 miles per hour
847. solve a rubiks cube in .000000000000000000000000000000003 seconds
848. video tape number 847 and play it in slow mo.
849. Log into Lucidipedia and finish this list!
850. look at this list and see if the list is the same
851. Go to, type in your name, and see what u get
852. walk through walls
853. (for americans) add a 51st state, and start an empire
854, go to a galaxy, 3452352348392784928739472364726357 lightyears away
855. drink coffee with TONS of caffeene.
856. go to school and bad mouth the teacher, and be like"you aint the boss of me
857. Rearrange the order of the planets, including the earth and sun. a pokemon trainer
859.Ride the lightning
860. throw a building
861. raid a supermarket
862. clone yourself and give each clone a different hairstyle.
863. take your eyes out and put them on your hands
864. be a giant and grab the sun between your thumb and forfinger
865. drink cohcolote milk
866. get SO drunk, that you start convulging.
867. ride the AWESOMEST water slide ever
868. ride a roller coaster
869. Become doctor who and have a great adventure through time and space!
870. Do 10 backflips of the empire state building
871. Become an assassin from assassins creed
872. Become Tim Post!
873. Own Lucidipedia
874. Be a jedi knight!
875. Fly through the time vortex
876. Become the worlds most famous person
877. Live 20 minuites in the space of 1 minute
878. turn into a fly and fly around
879.turn lucidipedia into a city and meet all the members and imagine what the l
ook like
880. sit and do nothing
882. be as bored as i am right now
883. surf a tsunami
884. break jhon gosslin's arm
885. battle Arrow_of_eros's dragon, thor
886. choke on somthing
887. go to jupiter and try not to freeze
888. shapeshift into the Question emoticon
889. throw a hammer at a car
890. video tape somthing and email it to yourself
891. ask threelettersyndrom to do your homework for you
892. send a text messege to a friend (this is a VERY interesting one) think abou
t this one, what do u think would happen? weird huh
893. change ur lucidipedia sig.
894,. play cards
894. do a reality check (alwase useful)
895.go up to a little kid with an ice cream cone and knock it out of his hand
896. give it back to him
897. make popcorn
898. make the earth stop spinning
899. log into lucidipedia and get to # 900 before me!
900. be a piece of poop
901. "dont worry, be happy"
902. try to transfer your energy into an OBE
903. stick your tounge out like this
904. meet stephan laberge and walk up to him and say "dude, Tim post is better t
han you"
905. log into lucidipedia and LOCK this forum topic
906. bring mona lisa out of her painting
907. spawn a wrapped present and open it!
908. make a youtube video and get a trillion views.
909. have charlie bite you
910. steal a unicorn's kidney
911. <
call this number! 911 the police
912. switch around the keys on a keyboard
913. say "what what, in the butt"
914. Eat a Cannibal
915. Grow your neck like a giraffe and eat the top of a tree
916. Try and influence feelings, such as being hungry, needing to use the bathro
om etc
917. Conduct an orchestra of specially trained singing monkeys
918. Lead specially trained soldier monkeys into battle against chimps
919. Ride on a turtle the size of a large Island
920. Grow your mouth and devour the turtle
921. Give yourself laser eyes then try to make a picture by burning something
922. Slowly eat yourself starting from your feet and see what happens
923. Exit the universe
924. Taste a star
925. Become a full time employee of the hello kitty factory
926. Meet Alfred E. Newman
927. Team up with him and devise a plot to destroy all magazines except MAD
928. Connect yourself to the internet and download a hot dog
929. See what freedom actually smells like
930. Pull out all your guts(or someone elses!) and see how long it really is
931. See what its like to be blind
932. See what its like to be deaf
933. Become a space shuttle mechanic
934. Give yourself cyborg features
935. Use these to fight iron man
936. Be Harry Potter Fly on his broomstick
937. BE HARRY POTTER and cast magic spells
938.create a whole new planet, and build it up from scratch (make nature grass t
rees then people.. houses etc)
939.tell your secret love how you really feel about them
940. Challenge your friends to a flying race
941.go on a killing spree.. then when done rewind the dream to the start (or man
ifest everyone back)
942. run around naked and watch how people look at you..
943. bring cartoon characters in and get up to no good with them (aka. stewie gr
iffin from family guy!)
944.speak to relatives who have passed on
945. Become James Bond and enter into one of his films.
946. Become the Captain on one of the Star Trek ships and order crew members to
phase other crew members. "THAT'S AN ORDER!"
947. Eat barbed wire and see how it feels.
948. Go back in time to when Hitler was a teenager and kill him.
949. See what the burgers used in McDonald's are really made from. Go to a facto
ry where they make this stuff and see what it looks like. There...your now cured
from ever eating fast food again.
950. Become the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland and cause all kinds of mis
chief throughout Wonderland.
951. Become a flying monkey for the Wicked Witch of the West.
952. Kiss the Wicked Witch of the West and....err.... maybe more? I wouldn't sug
gest this unless you want some serious nightmares later on.
953. Take a hammer and pound nails into your body.
954. Peel your own face off, put it inside an envelope and mail it to your mothe
955. Assemble a group of really romantic people and come up with a creative and
memorable way of how to ask your love to marry you(if you haven't already) and t
hen do this in real life(provided what they come up with is possible).
956. Chat with Buddha.
957. Tell everyone in your dream, "I lost the game"
958. Perhaps my personal favorite....DESTROY FACEBOOK!...Now watch the world cru
mble in pain and agony at the loss of it's beloved social-networking monster. Wh
at would the world do now?
959. Take every disease in the world and assemble it into one giant
en battle it and defeat it for the sake of humanity.
960. Join Bilbo Baggins on one of his adventures.
961. blast some loud music
962. two words/ 3 sylables....PORTAL GUN
963. slap Justin Bieber
964. Scam a scam artist
965. "be the crane"
966. go on facebook
967. draw a picture like they do in old cartoons....3 strokes and your done
968. look into a mirror, if you get a horrifying beast thing staring back at you
970. be 2 people at the same time
971. watch 2 'lil devils fight
972. play candyland and stargate into the game
973. try tamper with brain cells and hormones to effect your waking like. for ex
ample make yourself not hungry in waking life
974. prank phone calls
975. air hockey
976. fight bruce lee
977. just close your eyes and leave em closed
978. log into lucidipedia and click the "view more emoticons" button and use the
legendary blue smily face!!
979. relive a childhood non-lucid
980. dip a bubble blower in a deadly poison liquid and blow some mean bubbles
981. play marbles but lite them on fire
982. change lucidipedias layout/color schemes
983. jump into a tornado
984. turn all the humams into tikis and do tiki stuff
985. hop from telephone pole to telephone pole
986. dance in public
987. do a stage dive into a HUUUGE adience!
988. shrink yourself and dance on a keyboard
989. go to santa clause at the shopping mall, and rip off his fake beard.
990. get a manicure
991. get a peticure
992. if you are a guy, turn yourself into a girl and do 991 and 992
993. use thought powered musical instruments
994. trip the big kool-aid guy and watch all the kool-aid spill out of him and s
995. be a cop and arrest inocent people
996. make the earth suddenly stop spinning....just try not to BE on the earth un
less u want to die
997. draw a door and see whats on the other side, then close it and repeat
998. build an army of snowmen, fight em with ice and snow
999. turn your dream into a horrid nightmare, and try to survive as long as poss
1000. use the declairation of independence as toilet paper.
1101. Eat dog food.
1102. Fly a plane.
1103. Fly a plane and crash in the ocean, killing all on board except yourself.
1104. Get plastic surgery.
1105. Be a brilliant painter.
1106. Become Michael Jackson. *shudders*
1107. Go around, and whenever someone says, "Oh my god", reply "DON'T USE MY NAM
E IN VAIN!!!" Then make them asplode in front of other people.
1018. Become extremely small along with an empire of other people, create a colo
ny and live off of raiding ant hills.(ants should be giant to you, so humans sho
uld be like gods).
1119. Post something on Lucidipedia and see what you get for an answer
1120. Go on youtube, watch a video you are familiar with. Notice any differences
that it may have (some do, some don't)
1121. Travel to the year 12,000 CE & see the New Roman Empire
1122. Be the head architect for the Stonehenge
1123. Visit an alien art gallery
1124. Drive a quad over the rocky Martian landscape
1125. Forge a master key from a magical furnace & go have fun unlocking doors Tw
isted Evil
1126. Jump & get stuck
1127. Be a general in a great historical battle
1128. Speak in binary
1129. Absorb all the information on the Internet
1130. Travel to the time of cavemen and give them the gift of fire
1131. See what Cher would look like without plastic surgery.
1132: go to the gym and have a full workout.
1133: Fly up to heaven, find God, ask Him if He wants a break, then if He says y
es (which He will because its YOUR dream Twisted Evil ), he steps off of that g
iant throne of his, shrinks down into a mortal, and goes off to sunbathe somewhe
re, and you sit on the giant throne, grow huge, and have fun controlling the ent
ire world.
1134: Walk into the street and throw cars around (with people in them Twisted Ev
il )
1135:Be a Na'vi and shoot people with your arrows
1136: Become a Grox from Spore and blow thing up while yelling "Muhuhahahah!" in
that robot voice of the Gox's
1137: Tell Miley Cyrus she's ugly
1138: Tell Lady Gaga she is insane
1139: Tell Justin Bieber he's stupid (which he is) Twisted Evil
1140: Dive head first off a cliff and just before you hit the bottom start flyin
1141: Scream at the top of your lungs and see if anyone notices
1142: Run around kicking people in the place that you shouldn't kick people
1143:Be Annyoing Orange
1144: Be Fred
1145: Create the worlds most amazing fireworks
1146: Be a firework
1147: Be a giant dragon and set things on fire while the millitary lauches missl
es at you, or be the military and launch missles at a dragon while it sets thing
s on fire.
1148: Be repetitive.
1149: Be repetitive.
1150: Ebe reptitivd.
1151: Are you dreaming?
1152: Be Gordon Freeman and kick some Combine a**. Cool
1153: Chop down a forest. WITH YOUR FIST.
1154: Ask a dream character for a personal predicition. For instance, "what will
I do tomorrow?"
1155. Live the dream underwater and start an army to take over the "land dweller
1156: spin a spinning top and see wether or not it eventually falls over
1157: tell characters in your dream that they are dreaming, see what they do Smi
1157: swim in lava
1158: see if dream characters can swim in lava loooool
1159: do an atomic fart that destroys everything around you
1160: do a full 360 degree flip on a swing ( or even multiple flips :O )
1161: Check out the earth on December 22nd 2012 Wink
1162: Go through a randomly created dungeon.
1163: Find a giant treasure chest and open it, holding what you find inside up h
igh like in Zelda with your own "new item" theme.
1164: Fly to the top of your high-school, get attention from every kid there the
n create a tidal wave of lava to wipe everything out from under you. (I did this
unintentionally once)
1165: Ask a DC how to control your third eye.
1166: Try to see in 360 degrees.
1167: Be part of a very stealth, behind the enemy lines-mission.
1168: experience the world in "negetive" color
1169: Experience famous events e.g. Titanic, WWII etc.
1170.create a double of yourself and insult yourself(makes you feel good, and...'s fun right?)

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