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Perez Spanish 2nd-4th TEMA: Pronombes/Pronouns Semana de: 01/30/2017

TEKS 2.21A (ii) nouns (singual, plural, common, Objetivos SWBAT identify and use nouns (singular,
proper) plural, common and proper)in Spanish
74.4(c)(5)(A) learn relationships between SWBAT identify and use the appropriate
sounds and letters of the Spanish language to pronoun to replace a noun in Spanish (yo,
represent sounds when writing in Spanish
el, ella, tu, nosotros, ustedes, ellos, ellas)
ELPS N/A Assessment Noun/Pronoun exit ticket derived from
Assessment #1
Vocabulario Yo, tu el, ella, nosotros, ustedes, ellos, ellas Materiales Smart board, flipchart, do now, exit tickets

Buenos das/Buenas tardes alumnos! Comenzamos con nuestro aplauso:

T eres mi otro yo. You are my other me.
Opening Si te hago dano a ti, If I do harm to you
Me hago dao a m mismo. I do harm to myself.
Si te amo y respeto. If I love and respect you
Me amo y respeto yo. I love and respect myself

Morning/Afternoon Message (Quiz/Individual Practice)

Buenos das/Buenas tardes queridos_____________. Cmo estn?
Hoy yo me siento_____________________.
Hoy es __________________ el ___________ de ____________________ del _____________________.
Esta semana vamos a estudiar los sustantivos y pronombres.
Sonidos Iniciales

I do-Intro to Sustantivos
new -nombra una persona, lugar, cosa, o animal
Como formar un sustantivo singular o plural
+s, +es, -z +ces
Sustantivos comunes y propios
-en general v. algo especifico (comienzan con mayusulas)
We do- Practice whole group on Smart board.
-Identify nouns
-Change singular to plural, plural to singular
-generate the missing common or proper noun
You do- Individual group practice

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