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We Need Evidence More Than Ever!

As we focus on health care in the United States, one issue for her excellent contributions for many years to the journal.
is clear. We need to continue to value and seek out the best evi- Dr Bartlett and I served together on the Editorial Board of the
dence for the care we offer children and families. This evidence journal, and I am honored that she was willing to serve with me
includes research published in this and all issues of Pediatric during the past two years. Dr Bartlett has decided to step down
Physical Therapy, the expertise of expert clinicians and the chil- from her position on the journal at the end of 2017. We have
drens and families goals for their futures. We need to examine benefitted from her rigor, research excellence, and commitment
common, evidence-based approaches to the same movement to children and families and to the journal.
conditions. This will help families in determining best practices I also want to thank Careen Van Son for her contributions
for their children, better communicate with other professionals to the Editorial Board of the journal. Dr Van Son has been the
regarding best practice, and ensure best outcomes from our representative for our Swiss pediatric colleagues and served her
care. colleagues and the journal with enthusiasm. Our best wishes
In this issue, Kaplan, Dole, and Schreiber describe the use of to Dr Van Son in her retirement. I am pleased to introduce
the clinical practice guideline on congenital muscular torticollis. Dr Judith Graser as the new member of the Editorial Board. Dr
This first guideline, supported by the Academy of Pediatric Graser will represent her fellow Swiss pediatric physical thera-
Physical Therapy and published in Pediatric Physical Therapy pists. Welcome Dr Graser!
in 2013, serves as a critical guide to best practice of physical Clinical Bottom Lines (CBL) are included for each of
therapy for this condition. It is encouraging to read that phys- our Research Reports. These are typically written by a
ical therapists are using the guideline recommendations, but we research/clinician pair and sometimes with a parent as author.
need to continue to improve with more referrals of the youngest This issue includes a CBL co-authored by Catie Christensen, a
infants and follow-up. Thank you to Kaplan and colleagues for physical therapist at Nationwide Childrens Hospital, and Lori
their diligent follow-up on best practice! Fickes, a parent. I want to thank this team and Ms Fickes for
Also in this issue, Vialu and Doyle examine multiple guide- her willingness to spend time reviewing evidence and sharing
lines for school-based physical therapy across the nation. They her personal impressions with all of us. You are an inspiration!
found many common themes in the 22 guidelines they com-
pared and suggest that these common themes be used as the Linda Fetters
foundation for best practice. Editor-in-Chief
As I begin my third year as Editor-in-Chief of Pediatric Phys- Los Angeles, California
ical Therapy, I want to thank Doreen Bartlett, Associate Editor, DOI: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000000462

Pediatric Physical Therapy Editorial 287

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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