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DOI 10.1007/s12371-014-0121-0


The Colnia Impact Crater: Geological Heritage

and Natural Patrimony in the Southern Metropolitan Region
of So Paulo, Brazil
Victor F. Velzquez & Julianna Colonna & Aletha E. Martins Sallun &
Jos Maria Azevedo Sobrinho & William Sallun Filho & Paulo C. A. Paiva Jr.

Received: 16 May 2013 / Accepted: 16 May 2014

# The European Association for Conservation of the Geological Heritage 2014

Abstract The Parelheiros district, located at the extreme Introduction

southern end of the So Paulo metropolitan region, is histor-
ically famous for the occurrence of an unusual circular de- Since the early 1990s, the United Nations Educational, Scien-
pression, denominated in the geological literature as Colnia tific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Interna-
Crater. This prominent geomorphological structure, with a tional Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) have promoted
3.6-km diameter, formed by impact cratering, represents one an integrated search to catalogue geological sites with multi-
of the few records of a violent and devastating geological ple functions in different areas: scientific, academic, cultural
process that shaped the Earths surface in the past. The crater and socioeconomic. This initiative has increasingly motivated
lies within an environmental protection area and displays a the nature preservation and over the past two decades has
remarkable landscape, as well as a rich and singular fauna and gained a notable acceptance in society.
flora. With a wide geological and biological diversity, the I n B r a z i l , g e o d i v e r s i t y, g e o l o g i c a l h e r i t a g e ,
Colnia impact crater is an extraordinary natural heritage geoconservation and geotourism (Brilha 2005; Newsome
and must be rigorously preserved to: (a) conserve its excep- and Dowling 2010; Farsani et al. 2012) are terms restricted
tional natural wealth in order to provide continuity to various to a small group of professionals that dedicate their research to
scientific researches, (b) implement suitable land use and the geosciences field. Despite the notable progress in nature
occupation programmes to maintain the crater as an environ- conservation, environmental preservation policy is poorly
mental preservation area and (c) encourage the local acknowledged by governmental authorities (Alcarde 2010;
communitys participation in the development of sustainable Paiva Junior 2012). In fact, the legal precepts of preservation
tourism in the region. and conservation give often priority to biodiversity.
With the current tendency of global population growth,
sustainable development has become indispensable to our
Keywords Colnia impact crater . Geodiversity . livelihood. Geological heritage sites should play an important
Geoconservation . Geotourism . Preservation and role in society, even as cultural and archaeological heritages.
conservation However, the use of rock formations in cultural and recrea-
tional activities is quite limited. This reality is due in part to the
lack of a comprehensive database on the various benefits that
V. F. Velzquez (*) : J. Colonna : P. C. A. Paiva Jr.
these natural resources can provide.
Escola de Artes, Cincias e Humanidades, Universidade de So
Paulo, Av. Arlindo Bttio, 1000, Ermelino Matarazzo, So The Colnia impact crater is a prominent geomorphologi-
Paulo 02838-000, Brazil cal feature that has been the focus of several scientific
e-mail: studies, especially for its intriguing circular shape. Al-
A. E. M. Sallun : J. M. Azevedo Sobrinho : W. Sallun Filho
though its origin has long been attributed to impact cratering
Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente, Instituto Geolgico, Av. (Kollert et al. 1961), the evidence that confirms this hypoth-
Miguel Estefano, 3900, So Paulo, So Paulo 04301-903, Brazil esis has recently been documented by Velzquez et al. (2010,
A. E. M. Sallun 2013), which allowed to include it on the Earth Impact data-
e-mail: base (PASCC 2013).

The crater region was designated in 2005 a 'Geological approximately 1,500 km, contouring the southeastern coast of
Site' by the Brazilian Committee of Geological and Paleonto- Brazil. Among several lithostratigraphical nomenclature pro-
logical Sites (SIGEP) (Riccomini et al. 2005). Four years later, posals available in the literature, Tassinari et al. (2004) distin-
it was named a 'Geological Monument' by the Council of guish three major geological domains for the Ribeira Fold Belt
Geological Monuments of the So Paulo State (CoMGeo- in the So Paulo State: Costeiro, Embu and So Roque. The
SP) in 2009. The Colnia impact crater is favoured by the dominant unit in the study area corresponds to the Embu
following two outer laws: (1) the state law of Environmental Domain (Sadowski 1974), which is largely composed of
Protection Area of Capivari-Monos, which was enacted in metamorphic and igneous rocks of the crystalline basement
2001 and (2) the Defence Council of the Historical, Archae- (Fig. 2). The most comprehensive geological documentation
ological, Artistic and Tourism of the So Paulo State of the region was performed by Coutinho (1972). According
(CONDEPHAAT) in 2003, which promulgated the legal pro- to this author, the Colnia impact crater region is within the
tection of the region that is occupied by the crater. More Embu Domain and consists mainly of mica schist, gneiss,
recently, a small portion of the southern sector of the crater quartzite, migmatite, diorite and quartz diorite.
was declared 'Municipal Natural Park of the Colnia Crater' Deposits of tertiary sediments of the So Paulo Basin,
(SMVMA 2012). correlates with the Resende Formation (Riccomini et al.
Despite these incentives and other initiatives for preserva- 1992), are exposed discontinuously in the southwest portion
tion and conservation, specific studies have not been conduct- of the Billings hydrographical basin. These deposits also
ed to consolidate the crater region as a geoconservation and outcrop inside the crater as narrow strips, circumscribing the
geotourism site. Within this context, the present paper has as southern rim (Riccomini et al. 2005).
main goals to catalogue the geological and geomorphological Another aspect that should be highlighted is the significant
elements occurring in the Colnia impact crater, thereby thickness of the crater-fill deposits, estimated by Riccomini
emphasising its importance as a thematic park and as a possi- et al. (2011) to be at about 275 m. According to Velzquez
ble site for the development of geotourism. et al. (2013), four different lithological associations may be
recognized in these deposits (Fig. 3): (a) unshocked crystalline
basement rocks, formed mostly by mica schist, gneiss, quartz-
The Colnia Impact Crater ite and granite, (b) fractured/brecciated basement rocks with a
remarkable deformation: the brittle and ductile structures are
Geographical Location so much more intense and pervasive than those exposed along
the outer margin of the crater, (c) allochthonous crater-fill
The Colnia impact crater is located 40 km off the zero deposits, including a complex mixture of lithic fragments
referential landmark of So Paulo, centred at 23 52' 27" S and mineral clasts that are derived from crystalline basement
and 46 42' 36" W, in Parelheiros (Fig. 1). The name is due to a rocks and, more rarely, from older sedimentary rocks and (d)
small village called Colnia, near the NE rim of the structure. post-impact deposits that consist of very poorly sorted fine- to
The crater is within the conservation unit of the Environmen- coarse-grained siliciclastic sediments, including some interca-
tal Protection Area of Capivari-Monos and the Billings lations of organo-pelitic materials. In order of abundance, the
hydrographical basin, two natural reserves of vital importance terrigenous sediments include disaggregated clasts of quartz,
to the maintenance of the biodiversity and of the geological K-feldspar, mica, tourmaline and clay minerals. Other smaller
water cycle in the region. The ring-like depression, an out- constituents are zircon, epidote, biotite, corundum,
standing geomorphological feature, easily seen on satellite plagioclase, apatite, anatase and rutile, as well as lithic
imaging as a circular structure of 3.6 km in diameter, is formed fragments of igneous and metamorphic rocks.
by several flattened hills that configure a smooth bowl shape, Excluding the alluvial deposits, several superimposed
with a gentle slope of the inner walls, and a 120-m difference structures occur in the crystalline basement and sedimentary
in relief between the rim and the floor of the crater (Velzquez rocks. The deformations include a wide range of faults and
et al. 2013). The area can be accessed year-round through the fractures that exhibit a pattern of unusual orientation, a signif-
highways of Parelheiros or Colnia. icant variation of the palaeostress field and fluids percolation
along the planes (Velzquez et al. 2013).
Geological Setting

Since the earliest geological surveys, the So Paulo metropol-

itan region and, especially, the area encompassing the Billings Multidisciplinary Function
hydrographical basin were systematically mapped as part of a
complex Neoproterozoic orogenic zone denominated by In the literal sense of the word, the term 'impact cratering'
Hasui et al. (1975) the Ribeira Fold Belt, which extends for denotes the formation of a circular depression by the high-

Fig. 1 Digital elevation model displaying the circular shape of the Colnia impact crater within the Billings hydrographical basin (white dotted line)

velocity impact of an extraterrestrial body. Nevertheless, from operates on a range of spatial-temporal scales, from the
a geological viewpoint, the structure is not simply a topo- micro-scale shock deformation of individual minerals to the
graphical expression. According to Collins et al. (2012), 'im- mega-scale disruption and perturbation of planetary bodies'.
pact cratering is a complex and dynamic process that This type of event, depending on the magnitude, can put the

Fig. 2 Major lithological units in the Colnia impact crater region (Coutinho, 1980). The white dotted line indicates the boundaries of the Billings
hydrographical basin

Fig. 3 Schematic representation

of the main types of deposits that
fill the crater, based on the
geophysical data from Motta and
Flexor (1991), Neves (1998),
Riccomini et al. (2011) and the
geological cross-section from
Velzquez et al. (2013)

whole life of the planet in danger of extinction (Pierazzo and simple crater. The uplifted external ring is sustained by meta-
Artemieva 2012). Since the beginning of Earths history, morphic and igneous rocks while internally the crater is
several records of hypervelocity impact are well known. Per- slightly rippled and partly covered by swamp vegetation.
haps the most widely cited example in the literature is the The flooded area gradually increases towards the centre,
event that occurred in the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary where landscape of swamps is dominant. Seismic-reflection
(Alvarez et al. 1980; Schulte et al. 2010), which could have data suggest that the maximum depth of the crater floor in the
caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. It is currently known crystalline basement is around 275 m (Riccomini et al. 2011),
that only large asteroids (>10 km in diameter) represent a which is far superior to the elevation of the external rim with a
potential mass extinction. However, the impact of a midsize maximum height of 120 m (cf. Fig 3).
asteroid can trigger a sudden large decline of a set of services The sedimentary succession within the crater is a well-
and basic infrastructures which are essential to sustain our preserved deposit of impactite and post-impact sediments. A
civilization. careful petrographic examination conducted by Velzquez
Impact structures can also be sources of economic natural et al. (2010, 2013) on borehole samples has revealed a set of
resource deposits. The Sudbury and Vredefort structures in shock metamorphism effects, with particular emphasis to the
Canada and South Africa, respectively, are the two best ex- granular texture in zircon and the ballen texture in quartz.
amples of mineral exploration associated with terrestrial im- These two features, formed by shock-induced thermal trans-
pact structures (Reimold et al. 2005). How much the explora- formations, were reported for the first time in the Brazilian
tion of mineral resources arising from an impact crater is impact crater. Although those discoveries are important, ques-
yielding for the worldwide economy is unknown. However, tions related to the extraterrestrial components in impactites
the annual North American and South African revenues are and the crater age continue to remain unresolved. On the
estimated to be approximately 5 and 7 billion dollars (Grieve former, one of the techniques most commonly applied is the
and Masaitis 1994; Grieve 2005). identification of positive anomalies of highly siderophile ele-
A large number of the studies on the Colnia impact crater ments (e.g. Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd abundance) in suevite
have mainly been addressed to elucidate the origin of the brecchia (Morgan et al. 1979; Tagle and Hecht 2006). On the
structure, while only a few (cf. Velzquez et al. 2006; latter, the radiometric dating has been widely used to deter-
Velzquez et al.2008; Valderrama 2011; Colonna and mine the age of an impact structure, chiefly the conventional
Velzquez 2012) have looked to its multidisciplinary function. U-Pb and 40Ar-39Ar isotopic systems (Deutsch and Schrer
The following sections consider some of these aspects. 1994; Jourdan et al. 2012). There are studies in progress for
these purposes on borehole samples currently collected. The
Scientific Relevance results arising from the research should enable a comparison
with similar structures and make inferences on the negative
There are two types of impact cratering: small simple crater effects of the regional environmental changes.
and large complex crater (Grieve 1991). A simple crater Cratering by hypervelocity impact is usually considered the
displays a bowl-shaped depression and usually does not ex- most devastating geological event (Chapman and Morrison
ceed 4 km in diameter (French 1998). Therefore, the Colnia 1994). However, hypervelocity impacts were one of the most
impact crater, with 3.6 km in diameter, is a relatively small important processes in driving the creation of the planets and

were responsible for the origin and evolution of the life on are relatively rare. This is precisely the most singular aspect of
Earth (Clark et al. 1999). The roughly circular or elliptical the sediments that fill the Colnia impact crater. Preliminary
basin provoked by a hypervelocity impact has a tectonic studies on palaeoclimate performed by Ledru et al. (2005,
regime and sedimentation history that are different from its 2009) on samples collected from the shallow drill core of the
immediate surroundings. The majority of the crater-fill deposit upper part of the section revealed important events of
reveals a continuous sedimentation record, beginning imme- palaeoenvironmental changes over the last 100,000 years,
diately after the catastrophic event. The preliminary correla- which may extend to more than 3 Ma. These sediments were
tion of borehole cross sections and the geological and geo- partially generated from the exhumation of the units compris-
physical data available in the literature indicates that the ing the structure rim during the transitional phase of the crater
Colnia impact crater has the characteristics of an isolated shape change (Velzquez et al. 2012). Thus, geological re-
endorheic basin. A multidisciplinary stratigraphic research on cords present in the sediments of the crater should provide
the impactite and post-impact deposits should provide a better valuable information to compare with the global climate
understanding of the following points: (a) the spatial arrange- change data and to establish more accurate inferences on
ment of the sedimentary layers and their significance in the possible extreme climate variations in the future.
context of the crater formation, (b) the local and regional Biological diversity conservation has traditionally been a
climate changes over the last 3 Ma, (c) the occurrence of major topic of international conferences on the environment.
microbial ecology associated with intense hydrothermal ac- However, natural areas near large urban centres, including the
tivities, (d) an accurate calibration of the thermodynamic Colnia impact crater, have received very little attention.
conditions at the impact time based on systematic mineralogy Despite the various problems that result from land use for
analysis and (e) the implications for the transfer of biomole- agricultural, livestock and urban purposes, the crater still
cules from the planetary geology point of view and its impor- preserves an expressive variety of fauna and flora. The frag-
tance in the origin of the primitive life on Earth. ments of the vegetation that occur in the crater are some of the
best examples illustrating the influence of the geological
Academic and Cultural Potentialities conditions on the natural environment. The crater displays a
continuous change of vegetation cover spanning from the
The ensemble of geological features of the Colnia impact erosion areas, through the rim, to the deposition areas in the
crater region has a high scientific interest for academic works centre. The difference is markedly noticeable by the predom-
like on the following: (a) structural and metamorphic geology, inance of tall, dense trees along the slopes of the crater, where
(b) geomorphology, (c) quaternary geology and (d) ecological animals, insects, mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles are
and environmental sciences. abundant (Maron 2009). A gradual change occurs towards
The lithological units that outcrop in the region include the crater centre, where a mosaic of peatland and swamp forest
metamorphic and igneous rocks, and represent a sequence of is observed (Velzquez et al. 2006). Better understanding the
crustal growth episodes on Western Gondwana in the multiple factors that control the complex dynamic behaviour
Neoproterozoic Brasiliano Orogenic Cycle Belts of Southeast of this ecosystem is a common goal for palaeontologists,
Brazil (Brito Neves and Cordani 1991; Cordani et al. 2002). biologists and geoscientists. However, due to the continuous
The outcrops provide an exceptional opportunity to learn the anthropic pressure, the region requires special action: con-
basic concepts and the connection between the structural and serve the existing natural resources and, as much as possible,
metamorphic geology. The field observations may help in retrieve the areas that have been most severely affected
understanding the transformation of minerals and rocks fabric (Fig. 4).
by metamorphic processes caused by physical and chemical
changes in response to the dynamics of a large-scale geolog- Potential Economic Benefits
ical event. Furthermore, the students will have opportunities to
observe and compare the most common regional deformation Among the socioeconomic models that have the sustainable
patterns provoked by the hypervelocity impact of an asteroid. development as a priority, ecotourism has proven to be a
Although commonly quoted as the 'Ice Age', it was during successful strategy to encourage the democratic participation
the Quaternary that mammals and, in particular, the human of the local community in the prevention and solution of
species appeared. Likewise, alongside the countless glacia- environmental problems. Educational trails are a new tourism
tions that have taken place during this recent period of Earths segment that seeks to safeguard nature by offering economic
history, important palaeoclimatic changes were fundamental development opportunities to the surrounding community.
factors for the diversification of flora and fauna in some The Colnia crater, with its 3.6 km diameter, offers a large
regions of the Earths surface (Dawson 1992). While geolog- space for leisure (Fig. 5). The main attraction is its fascinating
ical evidence is often well-preserved over the Quaternary, circular shape, which can be appreciated from the transmis-
extensive deposits with continuous records of sedimentation sion station of the Vargem Grande Community Radio, while

Fig. 4 Circular aspect of the

Colnia impact crater from an
oblique view (Velzquez et al.
2013). The yellow dotted line
delimits the rim of the structure.
Image from Google Earth TM
Mapping Service

the most fearless visitors will have the opportunities to ob- which document extreme P-T conditions. The upper section of
serve across the trails a wide variety of native species of fauna the unconsolidated deposits present in the inner crater, which
and flora. were formed by the erosion of the rim basement rocks, pre-
serves records of different stages of palaeoclimatic evolution.
This record may help to elucidate the geological processes that
occurred in the past and to comprehend the current natural
Remarks and Final Considerations phenomena that affect humanity.
Besides the opportunity to learn about specific themes, the
The Colnia impact crater is an inexhaustible source of infor- crater is an important reference point for general knowledge
mation for the Earth sciences. The minerals derived from the acquisition. The abiotic and biotic elements provide peculiar
basement rocks display a set of shock metamorphism effects, conditions that can serve as examples to various scientific

Fig. 5 Some tourist attractions in

the Colnia impact crater. a Easily
accessible and pleasant trail to
observe various types of
vegetation. b Bromelia species
with flowers on a tree trunk. c
Trail with high biodiversity. d
Fracture spring at the end of the
trail. e Fiddleheads unwinding on
a young fern

methods usually employed on biological and geological stud- Collins GS, Melosh HJ, Osinski GR (2012) The impact-cratering process.
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our thanks to the anonymous reviewers for constructive comments. A. E. depresso circular na regio de Colnia: Santo Amaro, So Paulo.
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