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10 reasons smoking is bad for you

We all know smoking is bad for us. But do you know exactly why? Well, here are 10 reasons smoking can not
only cause a host of ailments but can also kill you.

Reason #1: Is known to cause cancer

We all have heard about the fact that cigarette smoking causes cancer. But if you thought that cigarette smoking
only led to lung cancer you are quite mistaken. Smoking leads to cancer of the nose, mouth, larynx (voice
box), trachea, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, cervix, bone marrow and blood.
Wondering how it happens? Well, when you smoke, the entire process right from when you light up your
cigarette to when you exhale leads to several drastic and disastrous effects in the body. Out of the 41,000
chemicals in cigarettes, a large percentage are known to be carcinogenic (cancer causing). These chemicals
combined with the heat of the smoke leads to mutations in your cells causing them to multiply in an
uncontrolled manner, leading to cancer. To know more, you can read about the seven thoughts that can make
quitting smoking tough

Reason #2: Leads to formation of wrinkles and premature ageing

We try a number of ways to fight the signs of ageing, right from creams to diets to even surgical treatments, but
did you know that if you quit smoking you can actually cut down the appearance of fine lines and other signs of
ageing by half? Yes, smoking leads to the appearance of fine lines(especially around the eyes and lips), age
spots, puffy eyes, dull, dry and lifeless skin. How it happens is that the chemicals present in cigarettes cause the
fine capillaries under your skin to contract and constricts the blood flow to your skin. This lack of blood and
fresh oxygen causes your skin to look dull and lifeless. So much so that the habit leads to permanent damage to
connective fibers like elastin and collagen leading to the formation of permanent lines and wrinkles. Want to
know more about how smoking affects your beauty?

Reason #3: Weakens your heart, putting you twice at risk of suffering from a heart attack and stroke

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), a smoker is two to four times likelier to suffer from
coronary artery disease and stroke than a non-smoker. Moreover, people who smoke have a 25 times greater
risk of suffering from lung cancer. Heres how; the chemicals present in cigarette smoke affects the entire
composition of your blood; making it thicker and more prone to formation of blood clots. Apart from that it also
causes the constriction of your blood vessels, increases your blood pressure (since it makes your heart beat
faster), and leads to the formation of plaque increasing your chances of suffering from cardiovascular and
heart disease. Find out more about how your smoking could give your loved ones a heart attack

Reason #4: Ruins your lungs lowering your stamina and lung capacity

Cigarettes have a large number of chemicals which leave a considerable amounts of residue in your lungs,
airways and your entire body in general. All this residue ends up clogging your lungs leading to breathing
problems and lowered lung function. This lack of fresh oxygen and blood to various parts of your body causes
fatigue and breathlessness. Research has shown that smoking can lead to COPD (Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, lung infections, asthma and increases ones
risk of suffering from TB (tuberculosis).

Reason #5: Can cause premature ejaculation and lowers libido

A condition commonly associated with older men, premature ejaculation is quite commonly seen in younger
men who smoke. That is because the habit leads to a lack of blood flow, lowered sensation in the penis, heart
disease and lack of stamina. All these factors put together lead to the lack of proper function of the male
reproductive system, causing premature ejaculation. Apart from that, research conducted at the University of
Arizona found that smoking directly impacts a mans sexual desire, stamina and overall interest in sex. And
thats not all, another study conducted at the University of Kentucky found that men who smoked had an overall
lesser desire to engage in sexual activity when compared to non-smokers as early as when they were in their
late 20s and early 30s. Heres how smoking make erections weaker or cause erectile dysfunction

Reason #6: Is a leading cause for erectile dysfunction

If you have been finding it difficult to maintain an erection of late, its probable your cigarettes are to blame.
According to a paper published by the NHS on the link between smoking and erectile dysfunction; smoking
leads to the constriction of blood vessels that directly leads to the inability to maintaining an erection (since
smoking lowers the amount of blood that flows to the penis). The chemicals present in cigarettes also alter the
way the blood vessels around your penis expand and can lead to the formation of blocks in the arteries lowering
the amount of blood that rushes to the penis when aroused. Moreover, nicotine is known to affect the blood
vessels supplying the penis directly, making it difficult for you to have and maintain an erection.

Reasons # 7: Makes your bones brittle

A large number of studies have found that smoking leads to loss in bone density by increasing the amount of
calcium leeched from the bones. This loss in bone density leads to early onset of osteroporosis (especially in
women since smoking affects the amount of oestrogen produced), joint pain and even loss of teeth due to
excessive loss of bone density in the jaws. This factor also puts you at risk of suffering from frequent fractures
and slower healing of injuries.

Reason # 8: Stains your teeth

Cigarettes contain tar, a chemical that coats your teeth lending them a yellowish tinge. This tar is difficult to
clean with brushing and usually forms permanent stains on a smokers teeth. Apart from that the habit also kills
the good bacteria in your mouth, increases the amount of saliva secreted and causes a higher amount of tartar
formation on your teeth. Read about how smoking can affect your childs health

Reason # 9: Causes bad breath

This not only relates to the commonly known smokers breath, but in some cases may lead to severe and
persistent bad breath. Apart from killing off the good bacteria in your mouth, smoking is also known to cause
problems with digestion, throat infections and build up of chemicals within the oral cavity (an unhealthy throat
and stomach are one of the key reasons for bad breath, apart from poor oral hygiene). Not only does smoking
cause conditions like oral thrush but also leads to a condition called smokers palate (where the roof of the
mouth is covered with cigarette residue, leading to formation of small red spots on the palate) which is one of
the main reasons for bad breath.

Reason # 10: Can make you go blind

Thought smoking only affects your lungs? Well, here is an eye opener for you (pun intended); smoking also
affects your vision. According to the CDC smoking increases ones risk of suffering from cataracts, age related
macular degeneration and optic nerve damage and can actually make you go blind. Still feel like lighting that
next cigarette? Read why smoking is bad for diabetics
Why Is Smoking Bad
For Your Health Smoking may be legal but that doesn't mean it's good for us! In fact, it's just the
opposite: smoking isthe only legal consumer product that kills you when you use it exactly how it's
meant to be used! That's pretty scary, isn't it? Cigarettes are made from tobacco. The tobacco plant
is the only plant ever discovered to contain the drug called nicotine. Nicotine is a very strong poison
that can kill a human in less than an hour if even a small amount is injected into the blood-stream.
Tobacco smoke contains very tiny amounts of nicotine that aren't deadly, but are still very bad for our
health. Tobacco smoke also contains many other chemicals. In fact, it contains over 4,000
chemicals, many of which are very harmful to our bodies. All of these chemicals mix together and
form a sticky tar. It's the tar that gives cigarette smoke it's smell and colour. The tar sticks to
clothing, skin, and the insides of our lungs! Tar is very dangerous inside our lungs. It sticks to the
cilia in our lungs that are responsible for sweeping out germs and dirt. If the cilia are covered in tar,
they can't work right, and germs and dirt can stay in the lungs and cause diseases.

Health risks associated with smoking

Smoking affects many different areas of the body. Below, we cover each part of the body in turn:


Smoking can increase the likelihood of having a stroke by 2 to 4 times. Strokes can cause brain damage and

One way that stroke can cause brain injury is through a brain aneurysm, which occurs when the wall of the
blood vessel weakens and creates a bulge. This bulge can then burst and lead to a serious condition called a
subarachnoid hemorrhage.


Smoking can make bones weak and brittle, which is particularly dangerous for women, who are more prone to
osteoporosis and broken bones.

Heart and circulation

Smoking causes plaque to build up in the blood. Plaque sticks to the walls of arteries (atherosclerosis), making
them narrower; this reduces blood flow and increases the risk of clotting.

Smoking also narrows the arteries, making it harder for blood to flow, as well as increasing blood pressure and
heart rate.

Also, chemicals in tobacco smoke increase the chance of heart problems and cardiovascular diseases.

Some of the most common are:

Coronary heart disease - narrow or blocked arteries around the heart. It is among the leading causes of death in
the U.S.
Heart attack - smokers are twice as likely to have a heart attack.
Heart-related chest pain.
Carbon monoxide and nicotine in cigarettes make the heart work harder and faster; this means that smokers will
find it more difficult to exercise.

Even smokers who smoke 5 or fewer cigarettes a day can have early signs of cardiovascular disease.

Immune system

The immune system protects the body against infection and disease. Smoking compromises this and can lead to
autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

Smoking has also been linked to type 2 diabetes.


Smoking can cause a variety of lung problems.

Perhaps the most obvious part of the body affected by smoking is the lungs. In fact, smoking can impact the
lungs in a number of different ways.

Primarily, smoking damages the airways and air sacs (known as alveoli) in the lungs.

Often, lung disease caused by smoking can take years to become noticeable, this means it is often not diagnosed
until it is quite advanced.

There are many lung and respiratory problems caused by smoking; below are three of the most common in the
American population:

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): This is a long-term disease that worsens over time. It
causes wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. It is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. There
is no cure.
One of the most common problems today that are killing people, all over the world, is smoking. Many people start this
horrible habit because of stress, personal issues and high blood pressure. Some people began showing off or some
people wanted to enjoy it . One cigarette can result in smoking others, which can lead to major addiction. When
someone smokes a cigarette they are not only hurting themselves, but others around them. Smoking does many
horrible things to the human body that most people are not aware of. Almost everyone knows that smoking causes
cancer, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker
thousands of dirhams a year. So, why people are still smoking? The answer is obviously, addiction. Smoking is a hard
habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. There are several effects and causes of
First of all, teenagers smoke because they want to be fit,. Teens see their friends smoke and they think it makes them
look cool or independent plus them. Feel no tension plus worries. The first cause of smoking which is Nicotine is an
addictive and harmful substance contained in cigarettes. It reduces tension and it is also believed that it can have a
calming effect on people who are anxious and worried. Although, people smoke when they are depressed, lonely or
bored and it helps them to reduce the stress. Second main cause of smoking is psychological (MENTAL) which seems
to be a very important factor for people to get the habit. In many cases, smoking is started at a young age due to high
blood pressure, tobacco. Many people who start smoking have a family member or close friend who smokes. Smoking is
like a slow death. There are various examples of smoking. Smoking leads to lung cancer, heart disease, strokes, asthma
and wide variety of other diseases. Smokers experience more coughs and colds as compared to non- smokers. Besides
affecting oneself, it also has a negative impact on others around smokers which is also known as second hand smoking.
Also any pregnant women who are exposed to cigarettes smoke will have an increased risk of having abnormal baby. Did
you ever wonder what's in the cigarette that millions of people love to smoke every day? Well, there are over 4000 toxic
substances in a cigarette. Some of these are: Arsenic (found in rat poisons), Acetic acid (found in hair dye developer),
Ammonia (found in household cleaners), Benzene (found in rubber cement), Butane (found in lighter fluid), Carbon
Monoxide (found in car fumes), Hydrazine and Methanol (both found in rocket fuel), Tar (found in roads).

Smoking is a habit which individuals find difficult to quit. Many people make preparations for months in their effort to
get rid of the habit, Many teenagers smoke because of depression and stress, but they should know by now that
smoking kills you from the inside the are many ways to solve problems like those but one of them is NOT smoking. It's
just madness and it will give you cancer. People like teenagers dont think. SMOKING is BAD for YOU!!!!!!

Always try to avoid what your friends say about smoking, just say Alhamdulillah by what Allah has given to you, So
Alhamdulillah for everything, and please stop smoking.



They blacken your lungs. They cause damage to your body. They are life threatening. And, yet, you still reach
out for another cigarette. You still reach out for fatality. A small puff may seem harmless, but trust me it isn't.
We smoke at the expense of our health. We smoke at the cost of others. When will people come to their senses?
When will people realise that smoking kills? In the past year the NHS have recorded 18,000 people have died
due to smoking. It is crucial that you are aware of the toxic substances that you are inhaling. Carbon monoxide,
tar and nicotine are only three examples of the chemicals we find in tobacco. All of these three things can cause
immense damage to the way the body functions including damage to the lungs, heart and the brain. Smoking
can honestly do excessive damage to your body and prevent it from functioning healthily. Smokers are more
likely prone to getting diseases as the substances in cigarettes smoke can confuse and deteriorate cells in the
body. more.

A concern that many people may have is that the smell is too strong for their likings and may give them
headaches. People also agree that smokers may not always have the nicest appearance: yellow skin, teeth and
fingernails. It may be social for some people though others Some smokers say that nicotine gives them the
feeling of relaxation and makes them feel calm. However, the reality is that nicotine is a stimulant and rather
than making your body slow down it speeds up your actions. This can also speed up your blood pressure. It may
make you feel chilled out although it is just affecting your body and the way you think. Nicotine makes you
addicted and therefore unfortunately it makes you become dependant on cigarettes. How long will it be before
people start spending money wisely rather than wasting it on cigarettes and ruining their health? Every year the
average smoker in the UK spends up to an extra 1000 on cigarettes. more.


Chief Medical Officer Linda Barker says, "Second hand smoking is awful. Each year 18,000, children under the
age of 5 go into hospital with complaints caused by smoke from cigarette smoke." If people are not concerned
about their own health why can't they take others into account? Other groups of people that are at risk of passive
smoking are those that are elderly, have chronic diseases or asthma. Smokers are not always aware that they are
smoking at the expense of others. Many people especially children have suffered from respiratory problems and
ill health. Cigarette smoke contributes to bad air quality and is extremely unhealthy. It was easy to start smoking
therefore why isn't easy to give up? If you are really concerned about your health and other peoples then you
would give up now. At one time I use to smoke excessively and found it difficult to give up. Though, I soon
realised that smoking kills after it took my auntie from me. I feel lucky to be alive. When will people come to
their senses? When will this all end? When will people realise that smoking kills? more.

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