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ABSTRACT and by Shirley (1938, Baton River), who were forced to

Fossiliferous Devonian strata are known from New Zealand reject most of the previous determinations (e.g., those of
in only two areas in the South Island, near Reefton and the
Baton River.
Thomson, 1913). By comparison with faunas from the
Yeringian beds in Victoria the Baton River beds had pre-
At Reefton, Devonian beds occur in fault-bounded slices in viously been considered Silurian, but Shirley's work stim-
which the structure is not known with certainty. The sequence
includes sandstones, limestones and mudstones and is probably
ulated restudy of the Yeringian faunas. This paper is a
more than 4,000 feet thick. review of past work in areas of known fossiliferous Devonian
The Devonian sediments in the Baton River area consist of at
in New Zealand. The author is very grateful to Professor
least 8,000 feet of predominantly mudstones which are probably H. W. Wellman who suggested many improvements to the
unconformable on Ordovician rocks. original manuscript.
Shelly fossils, especially brachiopods, belong to European as
well as endemic genera and have been thought to indicate affin- DISTRIBUTION
ities with the early Devonian Malvinokaffric faunal province.
The two sequences, of different lithofacies and biofacies, can- In New Zealand, Devonian fossiliferous rocks are only
not yet be correlated in detail with each other. Both appear known from the Reefton and Baton River areas (Fig. 1)
largely Lower Devonian; the Middle Devonian age suggested for
part of the Reefton sequence is unproved.
in the northern part of the South Island, west of the dextral
transcurrent Alpine Fault. In the Reefton area about 4
The Tuhua Orogeny has been proposed for the diastrophic square miles of Devonian crop out. At Baton River, about
event which concluded sedimentation in this period. 70 miles to the north, there are about 40 square miles of
INTRODUCTION Devonian outcrops made up of 15 square miles of Baton
Waterhouse (1965) has reviewed the history of investiga- Formation and 25 square miles of Ellis Formation. Hen-
tion of the two New Zealand sequences now accepted as derson (1917, p. 79) mentioned the possibility that "marble
Devonian. The first important publications were by McKay and quartzose schist" in the Grey and Maruia valleys some
(1879, Baton River; 1883, Reefton). Serious systematic 20 miles south and southeast of Reefton could be metamor-
faunal studies were commenced by Allan (1935, Reefton) phosed Devonian strata.
(1967) Intl. Symposium of the Devonian system: Papers, Volume I
2010 by the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists
GEOLOGICAL SETTING known only from river boulders. Suggate (1957) mentioned
No diagnostic Silurian or Carboniferous fossils have yet that exposures at Reefton have deteriorated since mining
been described from New Zealand. Grindley (1961) con- ceased.
sidered that Silurian strata conformably underlay the Geological efforts in both districts have been stimulated
Devonian in the Baton River-Wangapeka River area. At largely by economic reasons, as alluvial gold, coal and some
Reefton, Devonian beds are thought to occur as fault- small amounts of lode mineralization have been worked;
bounded lenses (Suggate, 1957). no significant mineralization has been recorded from the
In both areas vegetation is very dense and river and Devonian.
stream sections and road cuttings (the latter only in the No subsurface information on the Devonian of either
Reefton area) provide the main outcrops. Certain fossil area is available, except for that resulting from mining
species at Reefton have not been found in place but are operations along the contact between the Reefton and
Waiuta Groups at the Big River mine (Gage, 1948).
A minor amount of igneous intrusion into the Devonian
of both areas was noted by Gage (1948) and by Willis
Reefton Area
Because of gold and coal deposits, the Reefton area has
been mapped in considerable detail (Henderson, 1917; Gage,
1948; Suggate, 1957). Devonian rocks occur east and south
of Reefton as five discrete areas, arranged in a roughly
meridional strip. They are thought (Suggate, 1957) to
be downfaulted against the unfossiliferous Waiuta Group
which is possibly Precambrian (Wellman, 1956). Suggate
(in Hill, 1956) gave the most detailed map available of the
two largest areas of Devonian outcrop; these are herein
termed the Inangahua and the Waitahu areas, after the
rivers which cross them. A trilobite pygidium (Homalon-
otus?) in a distinctive quartzite, recorded as found in the
Nile River, is in the New Zealand Geological Survey collec-
tions. No Devonian rocks are known to crop out in the
Nile watershed, which is a minimum of 15 miles from Reef-
ton. Thus the origin and significance of this fossil are
as yet not certain.
Auriferous lodes are confined to the Waiuta Group and
have controlled the emphasis of geological mapping in the
Reefton area; they are absent from Devonian strata, which
have, accordingly, not been mapped in detail. As a result
there is doubt about the structure and stratigraphy of the
Devonian. Gage (1948, p. 8) drew attention to the possibil-
ity of folds in the Devonian. Suggate (1957, p. 29) intro-
Fig. 1. South Island of New Z e a l a n d showing the distribution of Devonian rocks. duced the possibility of a syncline, in the Inangahua area,
with an overturned southwest limb. Henderson (1917) and valves but articulated valves are common. Coral colonies
Allan (1935) dealt only with incomplete but uniformly dip- are mostly not in their living attitude but as with the
ping and apparently continuous sections such as those in brachiopods the amount of abrasion and of post-mortem
the Waitahu River or Lankeys Creek. transportation was small.
Devonian strata in this area have a complex tectonic his- Baton River Area
tory; the rocks are commonly highly cleaved and elonga- The concept of the Baton River "beds" has varied wide-
tion of the fossils is parallel to the bedding-cleavage inter- ly. Early workers, including McKay (1879) and Henderson
section (Wellman, 1962a). et al (1958), developed the concept of a broad "Baton River
In his Reefton Group (Reefton Beds of Allan, 1935, and series" unconformably overlying the calcareous Mount
Reefton Series of Gage, 1948) Suggate (1957) recognised Arthur series and cropping out from north of the Baton
four formations: River to south of the Wangapeka. Grindley (1961) recog-
Upper Reefton Quartzite (in excess of 600 ft.) nised a Baton River Group, consisting of two units, the
Reefton Limestone (80 ft.) Baton Formation underlain conformably by the Ellis
Reefton Mudstone (630 ft.) Formation. Willis (1965) recognised seven members in
Lower Reefton Quartzite (in excess of 2500 ft.) the Baton Formation from which all the Baton River fossils
Because of the structural uncertainty, the Devonian se- were derived.
quence is not established. If the above stratigraphy is cor- Following Shirley's (1938) decisive work proving the
rect a syncline must exist; if there are neither overturned Devonian age of the Baton River fossils, Grindley (1961)
beds nor significant repetition by faulting, there may be considered the whole of the Baton River Group to be Devo-
formations not recognised by Suggate. nian and to be underlain conformably by the Wangapeka
Three main lithologies, quartzite, mudstone and lime- Formation which he considered Silurian. On the other
stone, dominate the Reefton Devonian and are gradational hand, Willis thought that, in the Baton River area, the
laterally and vertically (Henderson, 1917; Allan, 1935; Baton Formation probably unconformably overlay the
Suggate, 1957). Of the recorded faunas, most of the Ellis Formation which he considered "Silurian or Ordovi-
brachiopod species occur mostly in quartzites and mud- cian," and included the Ellis Formation in the Mount
stones, but a few have been recovered from limestones, to Arthur Group (see Willis, 1965, Table 1).
which tetracorals are almost completely restricted; tabu- Grindley's Devonian age for the Ellis Formation depends
late corals occur in limestones and mudstones. Important largely on Shirley's (1938, p. 498) identification of brachio-
Reefton brachiopods range from silty beds near the top pods from quartzites at several localities near the mouth
of the Lower Reefton Quartzite, through the Reefton Mud- of the Rolling River; as these include Schizophoria,
stone to the highest fossiliferous beds in the Reefton Lime- "Eatonia bithynica" and probably Notoconchidium (Con-
stone. No fossils are recorded from the Upper Reefton chidium sp. of Shirley, pi. 43, Fig. 1), a Devonian age
Quartzite. appears correct. On the other hand no fossils have yet
Detailed data about the above formations and their fossil been described from the Ellis Formation in the type area,
content may be found in Suggate (1957). Sandy and cal- although Willis recorded graptolites. Thus Grindley ap-
careous, muddy sediments with associated sedimentary pears to have correctly assessed the Devonian distribution
structures (particularly ripple marks), together with abun- in the Wangapeka-Rolling Rivers area, but Devonian quartz-
dant brachiopods and corals, suggest deposition in a shelf ites there may not be the same as those quartzites in the
environment, very similar to the Siegen type of the Rhenish Ellis Creek-Baton River area for which Willis has sug-
facies of Shirley (1938). The dominant fossils at Reefton gested a pre-Devonian age. This may not be resolved until
are articulate brachiopods which occur in bands, generally diagnostic fossils are recovered from the Ellis Formation
dominated by one species. Most brachiopods occur as single at or near the type area.
At present the position and relationships of the base tonic history for the Devonian beds, which are much more
of the Devonian are therefore obscure. Upper Ordovician highly cleaved than the Tertiary rocks of the area.
graptolites found by Johnson et al (1965) in the Wanga- For the event which gave rise to the deformation of the
peka Formation north of Mount Owen indicate that the Devonian strata Suggate (1965) revived the term Tuhua
Silurian age suggested by Grindley can only, at best, be Orogeny (Park, 1921), but when this diastrophism ceased
true for part of the formation. A gap in the sedimentary is not clear.
record between the Ordovician and the Devonian here is
quite possible. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY
The most common rocks of the Baton Formation are At present, recognition of any major Devonian sedimen-
blue-grey calcareous mudstones; lower beds become sandy tary basins is hampered by:
to the northeast and southwest of Baton River (Grindley 1. extremely limited areas of Devonian outcrop com-
et al, 1959). Widely distributed benthonic shelly fossils pared with the probably large original area of sedi-
include articulate brachiopods and trilobites with less com- mentation.
mon gastropods, pelecypods, and corals. Because of the 2. knowledge of shelf sediments only.
highly deformed enclosing rocks, calcareous fossils are gen-
erally difficult to extract, so moulds are the most useful Gill (1952) envisaged a Lower Devonian New Zealand
form of preservation. Brachiopods generally occur as geosyncline, encompassing all of New Zealand and extend-
single valves, not extensively abraded; such fossils, in this ing around a Tasmantis Massif to link up with the Tasman
mode of preservation, together with the current bedding geosyncline of Eastern Australia; Suggate (1957, p. 34)
and ripple marks (Willis, 1965), are indicative of a shelf considered this concept unproven. Recent geophysical data
environment. Shirley (1938) likened this facies to the (Standard, 1962) do not support the Tasmantis concept.
Koneprusy type of Bohemian facies in the European Devo- The absence of Devonian rocks in the southern part of the
nian. The Devonian age of the brachiopod fauna, mostly South Island does not add weight to the idea of an exten-
apparently from Willis' Member 3, has not been seriously sive Devonian geosyncline in New Zealand; the lack of
questioned since Shirley (1938) considered a Late Siegenian lower Palaeozoic rocks beneath the Devonian at Reefton
age most likely, although previously these faunas were led Wellman (1956) to suggest the possibility of a Devo-
commonly considered Silurian (Waterhouse, 1965). Subse- nian transgression. Allan (1935, p. 33) had previously
quently slightly different Devonian ages have been sug- suggested that "the Reefton area was flooded by the Aus-
gested. As the sequence measured by Willis exceeded 8000 tralian Middle Devonian transgression, or by a sea con-
feet in thickness, the time represented by the Baton Forma- nected therewith."
tion must be considerable, assuming a moderate rate of
subsidence. Grindley (1966) introduced the idea that the Baton River
Devonian beds were deposited with volcanics and unfossil-
iferous (possibly Silurian) strata on the eastern side of an
T E C T O N I C HISTORY early Palaeozoic geosyncline. There is no published palaeo-
It is reasonably certain that the Devonian sediments current evidence suggesting directions of derivation of the
of the South Island were deformed and. probably intruded sediments in either area. However the predominantly
prior to the Permian (Grindley, 1961; Lensen, 1962; Sug- sandy Reefton sequence has long been considered to have
gate, 1965). Grindley (1961) suggested three Palaeozoic accumulated in a shallower environment than the muddy
deformations in Northwest Nelson (including the Baton Baton River sequence.
River area)one in Devonian time and two in the later
Palaeozoic. Willis (1965) stated that at Baton River the F A U N A L RELATIONS
folding of nearby Tertiary beds was at least as complex Conflicting views have been expressed on the geographic
as that of Devonian beds and also proposed a complex tec- affinities of the New Zealand Devonian faunas. Allan
(1935, p. 58) considered that the Reefton faunas closely Discrimination of precise positions in the early Devonian is
resembled those from the same facies as the Upper Siege- less simple.
nian of Western Europe but, following Shirley's work, aban- Boucot et al (1963) and Gill et al (1966) have outlined
doned this concept of world-wide faunal provinces. Shirley new arguments for the ages of the New Zealand Devonian.
(1938, p. 499) explained the resemblances of New Zealand
and European faunas by migration along a Lower Devo- The age of the Reefton deposits (Gill, Boucot and John-
nion Tethys and probably a circum-Pacific route. Al- son, 1966) is assessed as Early Emsian, mainly on the basis
though few brachiopods with marked North American affin- of Acrospirifer coxi, " . . . very close to the widely distrib-
ities are now recognized in the New Zealand Devonian, such uted Lower Emsian fossil Acrospirifer hercyniae." This
routes appear likely. estimate was said to be compatible with occurrences else-
Austral ("Malvinokaffric") elements in the Reefton fauna where of Reeftonia, Maoristrophia and Pleurothyrella, all
were listed by Allan (1935, 1942, 1945); these were sub- known from Reefton. Hill (1956) had concluded that an
sequently discounted by Gill (1952). Caster and Gill Emsian or Eifelian age was possible for the Reefton Lime-
(1957) stated that carpoids from the Devonian of Reefton stone, but an Eifelian age conflicts with the above recent
appeared to be related to Northern Hemisphere forms and opinion based on brachiopods, and with Gill's record of
not to South American and South African forms. Doumani Fascicostella (in Suggate, 1957).
et al (1965, p. 255) indicated that Tanerhynchia and Shirley's (1938) designation of the Baton River beds
Pleurothyrella from Reefton are the only New Zealand as "Upper Siegenian or Lower Coblenzian" was based on
elements related to faunas of the Malvinokaffric Province, the appearance of Fascicostella gervillei, Spirifer (Acro-
and also stated that the Reefton brachiopod fauna is more spirifer) arduennensis, Cyrtina heteroclita and Trigeria
closely related to the Malvinokaffric faunas than to Eastern gaudryi in the Siegenian. Boucot et al (1963) stated "The
Australian faunas. Boucot, Johnson and Talent (1965) absence of acrospiriferids . . . as well as the abundance of
considered that in early Emsian (i.e. Reefton) time, New Howellella and . . . Cyrtina, Fascicostella and Mutationella,
Zealand constituted a separate faunal province. suggests . . . an Upper Gedinnian assignment." Talent
(1965, p. 12) indicated an age between Siegenian and Early
Age Determinations Emsian for these beds. One of the most important forms
In estimates of the ages of the Reefton and Baton River from Baton River is Hipparionyx, not known from East
deposits made so far, emphasis has been placed on ben- Australian assemblages older than late Siegenian or early
thonic fossils, especially brachiopods. No ammonoids or Emsian. In addition, Victoria University collections from
conodonts have yet been recorded from either area.* Member 3 (of Willis), from locality V856, contain large
Correlations based on brachiopods necessarily assume the Acrospirifer-like forms which apparently confirm Shirley's
wide geographic extent of a taxonomic group over a age determination. Finally the tentative identification by
restricted time interval; completion of taxonomic studies the writer of Notoconchidium from sandstones near the
of the New Zealand Devonian faunas may reveal unsus- Wangapeka River may be significant as the genus is known
pected complications in correlations as a result of provin- as yet only from Gedinnian strata in Victoria (Talent,
cialism. 1965); if these sandstones do underlie the Baton Formation,
the latter may well contain both Gedinnian and Siegenian
Brachiopods such as Schizophoria, Fascicostella, Hippar- strata.
ionyx, Cyrtina, and terebratulids and "advanced spiriferids"
are generally accepted as undisputed Devonian indicators. CONCLUSIONS
*Dr. D. G. Jenkins, Department of Geology, University of Detailed collecting of macrofossils and, where possible,
Canterbury, Christchurch, N.Z., kindly permits me to say that extraction of conodonts should assist in establishing the
he has recently recovered conodonts from limestones of the
Reefton Group. ages of the two sequences. Some detailed mapping remains
to be done in the Reefton area; in the Baton River area HECTOR, J., 1877: On a new trilobite (Homalonotus expansus).
Trans. N.Z. Inst., 9, p. 602.
detailed biostratigraphic studies, especially of the brachio- HENDERSON, J., 1917: The geology and mineral deposits of the
pods, have been commenced. Reefton Subdivision, Westport and North Westland Divisions.
Bull. Geol. Surv. N.Z., 18, p. 1-233.
REFERENCES , et al, 1958: The geology of Motueka Subdivision. Bull.
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New Zealand. Palaeont. Bull., Wellington, 14, p. 1-72. HILL, D., 1956: The Devonian corals of Reefton. Part 1. Palaeo-
, 1939: Review of Shirley (1938) in N.Z. Jour. Sci. Tech., 20, zoic Corals from New Zealand. Palaeont. Bull., Wellington,
p. 283-4. 25, p. 5-14.
, 1942: The origin of the Lower Devonian fauna of Reefton, JOHNSON, M. R., et al, 1965: Age of Wangapeka Formation and
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, 1945: Palaeozoic and Mesozoic brachiopod faunas in New Jour. Geol. Geophys., 8, p. 854-8.
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, 1947: A revision of the Brachiopoda of the Lower Devonian of New Zealand, 1:250,000. Dept. of Sci. Ind. Res., Wellington,
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