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In Late Silurian-Early Devonian time a major uplift in Scandinavia-Greenland may have provided sediment for sinistral strike-slip basins in
Scotland, alluvial coastal plains in Wales and may have sourced the thick marine elastics with ORS tongues in southern Britain and the Ardennes. By the
Middle Devonian, lacustrine ORS in the Orcadian basin, non-sequences in central and south Scotland and Wales, carbonates in Devon and argillites in
Cornwall indicate the end of the early paroxysmic erosional cycle. In Wales and the Bristol Channel region there is evidence of more local tectonism, with
episodes of coarse clastic sedimentation. Basal volcanics show intra-plate rather than oceanic affinities. Evidence of marine transgressions, culminating
in the Frasnian, is present in Southwest England and in the subsurface of East Anglia, as in the Ardennes, and marine carbonate facies reached well north
in the North Sea in the Middle Devonian. Late tectonism is recognized in Scotland and there was a renewal of clastic sedimentation around the Bristol
Channel area. Famennian regressional facies are indicated. In Cornwall progressive obduction from the south, suggested by the Lizard ophiolite complex,
gave melange deposits and turbidites to more northerly basins: this culminated in olistostromes and gravity faults in the Early Carboniferous, thus
modifying the old view that the complex tectonics of the south resulted solely from a Late Carboniferous Armorican Orogeny.

INTRODUCTION In Wales Silurian marine sedimentation generally

The Devonian rocks of the United Kingdom were grades up conformably into alluvial deposits of the Lower
deposited in a spectacular variety of sedimentary regimes Old Red Sandstone of Early Devonian age. There is then a
and tectonic settings, and a variety of post-depositional marked hiatus: the Upper Devonian rocks are represented
processes have affected them. North of a line joining the by the local Upper Old Red Sandstone, and in southern
Bristol Channel and the Thames estuary Devonian rocks are Wales there are marine intercalations and conformity with
almost wholly in non-marine terrestrial facies that were the overlying Carboniferous. In the concealed areas of East
deposited in shelf and fault-bounded basin areas, and their Anglia and the London Basin Upper Devonian rocks simi-
relations to underlying rocks affected by the Caledonian larly transgress over Lower Devonian of Ardennes types,
orogeny can be elucidated. By contrast, to the south of this and there is similarly a Famennian regression. Marine Mid-
line deposits were laid down in the geosynclinal tract of dle Devonian is known north to the Argyll field in the
marine sedimentation which stretched from Cornwall east central North Sea graben.
to the Ardennes and Rhenisches Schiefergebirge (Figure 1), South of the line of the supposed Variscan front, from
where the relations to earlier rocks are less clear, but com- South Wales to the Boulonnais and southern Ardennes, a
monly rather conformable. This contrast in development of more complete Devonian record is preserved, with thick
the system posed problems to early geologists, some of arenitic sequences of Lower Devonian age followed by an
which were resolved when, in 1839, Sedgwick and Eifelian deeper marine facies and a Givetian carbonate shelf
Murchison proposed the Devonian System. A fascinating in South Devon, and basinal argillites in North Cornwall.
account of this early period is given full-length treatment in The maximum transgression was reached in the Frasnian
Rudwick (1985) and a briefer review (Rudwick 1979). (Figure 1). Evidence indicates that more complex regimes
associated with plate margins lie to the south.
The development of the Devonian in the area may be
summarized as follows. In Northeast Scotland and the Broad reviews of the Devonian literature are available
Shetland Islands (the Orcadian Basin) thick sequences of for the British Isles as a whole (Goldring et at., 1968, House
ORS alluvial and lacustrine rocks with rare volcanics rest et al., 1977), for Scotland (Mykura, 1983) for Wales (Allen,
with marked unconformity on earlier metamorphic and 1974a, 1979), for the concealed areas (Butler, 1981) and for
igneous complexes, but the succession is itself disjunct and Southwest England (Sellwood and Durrance, 1982). This
several depositional episodes are recognized. On the other contribution emphasizes the paleogeographical rela-
hand, in the area of the Midland Valley of Scotland and the tionships.
Cheviot Hills, or Caledonian Cuvette, while there is also a
basal unconformity, volcanics are well developed and there
is a marked unconformity representing the absence of the Scottish Devonian rocks are remarkable for both their
Middle Old Red Sandstone: the elastics of the Upper Old diversity and widespread occurrence. They include igneous
Red Sandstone grade up conformably into the Lower Car- rocks of the late Caledonian magmatitic phase, meta-
boniferous. morphic rocks of the late uplifting Moine and Dalradian,

'University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ.

University of Southampton, S09 5NH.
University of Exeter, EX4 4QE.
"Plymouth Polytechnic, PL4 8AA, U.K.

Copyright 2009 by the Canadian

305 Society of Petroleum Geologists.
Memoir 14 (1988)
306 Bluck, et al.

related to syn-orogenic processes. Metamorphic rocks in

some regions in the north of Scotland were cooling in Devo-
nian time.
The whole view that the rocks of the Old Red Sandstone
formed as a result of a major tectonic phase of the Caledo-
nian which included orogenic uplift of the adjacent base-
ment and the syn-orogenic intrusion of the ubiquitous
plutons has been challenged by Bluck (1978, 1984). Pre-
Devonian Scotland, in this view, is now considered to have
been situated on the southern (destructive) margin of the
Laurentian continent, along which a variety of terranes
were migrating. Most of these terranes are thought to have
been Laurentian in provenance, and may have migrated to
the northeast along the continental edge. The early terranes
might have included the Moine and Dalradian and if so,
these would have probably accreted in Late Proterozoic or
Early Cambrian times; the terranes south of the Highland
Boundary Fault probably accreted in Ordovician, Silurian
and possibly Devonian times. These include the terranes of
the Highland Border Complex, the Midland Valley, the
Ballantrae Complex and the Southern Uplands. The rele-
vance of the Devonian interval to this time of terrane dis-
placement is the subject of this investigation in Scotland.


The distribution of the main masses of Devonian igne-

- ous rocks (Fig. 2) clearly shows their concentration in the
region of the Midland Valley, the Grampian Highlands and
the Southern Uplands. Late Silurian to Early Devonian
granitoids are generally high-level intrusions, some with
preserved associated lavas and evidence of cauldron subsi-
dence as at, for example, Glen Coe. The chemistry of the
plutonic rocks has been the subject of much discussion
(Halliday et al., 1985). They are characterized by relatively
high abundances of Na, Sr and Ba, spacial variations in Nd
values, and a variable pattern of inherited zircons over
Figure 1. The British Isles, outlining the main structural regimes of Early
Devonian sedimentation. Scotland. On the assumption that all granitoids are gener-
ated at the same crustal level, these variations point to areal
changes in the composition of the deep lithosphere and
and varied deposits of the many sedimentary basins. It is lower crust over Scotland (Halliday et al., 1985).
significant, even to present-day interpretations, that Old Lavas are fairly abundant in the Scottish Old Red Sand-
Red Sandstone rocks of the north of Britain are charac- stone; they reach their greatest development in the Midland
terized by some of the finest exposed unconformities, two Valley, where they are thought to be 3 km thick in the Ochil-
of which were so perceptively interpreted by Hutton. Sidlaw block (Francis et al., 1970). Abundant lavas also
The relationship between Old Red Sandstone rocks and occur in the areas of metamorphic rock to the north in the
the Caledonian orogen has been discussed at some length by Lome Plateau and adjacent areas, where they range in
many workers. There has been the opinion that all the rock composition from basalts-andesites-rhyolites, are gener-
types are related in the sense that they belong to a single ally gently dipping and reach up to 800 m in thickness, but
orogenic phase, so that the sedimentary sequences are syn- are 1,200 m thick in Glen Coe. They overlie conglomerates
orogenic, having developed in the basins which formed at and breccias, and overlap them to rest on Dalradian base-
the same time as the adjacent basement terranes were being ment. These lavas are probably connected with the high
uplifted (Bryni, 1964, Allen and Crowley, 1982) and provid- level intrusions of Ben Nevis, Glen Coe and possibly Etive,
ing the source of the debris. The granites and fairly volu- and all of these intrusions have been dated as cooling at c.
minous andesitic rocks have a disputed relationship to 400 Ma (Fig. 2); the lavas have been dated at c. 410 Ma. by
subduction. Thirlwall (1981, 1983) thought them to have Thirlwall (in Clayburn et al., 1983).
formed during subduction, and they are therefore possibly The origin of the Old Red Sandstone lavas has been a
Devonian of England, Wales and Scotland 307


^ 3
I-':'-^l SEDIMEfNTARY] Upper
( w i t h a g e in M a )




0 km 50

Figure 2. Distribution of Old Red Sandstone igneous rocks in Scotland, together with the present-day outcrops of Old Red Sandstone sediments
and the Time-scale (Harland etal., 1982). MT, Moine Thrust; GGF, Great Glen Fault; HBFZ, Highland Boundary Fault Zone; SUF, Southern Upland
fault; LP, Lome Plateau Lavas; O-S, Ochil-Sidlaw Lavas; GH, Grampian Highlands; MV, Midland Valley; SU, Southern Uplands.
308 Bluck, et al.

matter of speculation. Thirlwall (1983), on the basis of to have been laterally filled with coarse conglomerate from
composition and areal variations in composition, has the northwest and axially filled from the northeast (Bluck,
related them to a subduction zone dipping to the west. 1978), however the fill is now seen to be far more complex.
Sanders et al., (1987) compare them with the lavas erupted The early conglomerates rest unconformably on the High-
after subduction had ceased along the Pacific margin in land Border Complex and were derived from a variety of
Mexico, and this interpretation fits the geological evidence directions which range from the east, and south to west;
better since subduction of Iapetus is thought to have later conglomerates along the northern belt have a dispersal
stopped by Devonian time. from the northwest (Bluck, 1984). Moreover, there is no
longer a single basin in sequence along the Strathmore Old
METAMORPHIC ROCKS Red Sandstone sequence. Haughton and Bluck (1988) have
demonstrated that at least two basins existed in the north-
Some of the basement regions of Scotland were still east, south of Stonehaven; and there are two basins recog-
cooling during Late Silurian-Devonian time. The data, nized in the southwest between Callender and the Clyde.
mainly collected from K-Ar ages (Fig. 3), range down to 385
The reversal of paleoflow which occurred along this
Ma (Middle Devonian on the time scale of Harland et al.,
north margin of these two basins may have been associated
1982). These young Caledonian ages are characteristically
with southerly migration of the basin axis during develop-
found in the Grampian Group and Moine rocks of the
ment of the basin and, possibly, the emplacement of a
northern parts of Scotland; the main southern belt of
metamorphic complex to the north. The axial flow in the
Dalradian rocks had cooled at an earlier time. It is possible
upper parts of the Strathmore basin or basins is known to be
to estimate only roughly the depth of cover that existed at
Emsian in age, but also probably extends down into the
the times shown. Given a geothermal gradient of 25 C/km
Siegenian. This axial flow almost certainly existed during
and a blocking temperature of c. 500 C for muscovite and
the earliest phase of conglomerate deposition in the south-
c. 250-350 C for biotite, then between c. 10-20 km of cover
west, when it probably flowed north of the present outcrops
existed over North Scotland during the Ludlow-Middle
exposed in the Strathmore Syncline. This is not to be seen in
Devonian interval. The nature of the detritus supplied by
the northeast Midland Valley, where both margins of an
this uplift is likely to have included some second cycle
early sub-basin are preserved (Haughton and Bluck, 1988)
material, much of which is probably quartz-rich not only
and sediments from both margins interfinger in the centre
because of the recycling but also because the rocks in the
of the basin, showing little evidence of a major fine grained
provenance area are quartz-rich in both the Moine and
axial system. Later, when there was coarse lateral fan depo-
Grampian rock assemblages.
sition from the northwest, the flow was roughly along the
axis of the present Strathmore Syncline. At this later time
there is evidence for very large river systems in the Scottish
The sedimentary basins in the Scottish sector fall into region, some depositing bars which were more than 15 m
two main areas: those resting on the old metamorphic foun- thick (Bluck, in press). These river systems are thought to
dation, which includes the southern part of the Dalradian have drained the Scandian mountains of Norway and
block, where contemporary uplift stages are not present; Greenland.
and the Moine and Grampian (i.e., Lower Dalradian in the The southern outcrops of the Lanark basin are not as
north Grampian Highlands, see Fig. 4) blocks, where con- well known as those of the northern, Strathmore region,
temporary uplift stages are present, and basins formed in and include conglomerates, sandstones and volcanic rocks,
the zone of more recent or active terrane accretion (such as the age of which are quite uncertain. They probably include
the Midland Valley and the Southern Uplands) where the some rocks of Late Silurian age. The earliest prominent
visible basement is of relatively low-grade metamorphic or phase of deposition began with a conglomerate charac-
unmetamorphosed rocks. By far the thickest sequences terized by greywacke clasts which do not appear to have
occur in the Midland Valley, where they are associated with been derived from a major local block of greywacke rocks in
abundant contemporary volcanic rocks. the Southern Uplands to the immediate south. Their disper-
sal is also confusing and is the subject of study at the present
1. Basins of the Midland Valley time. These conglomerates are followed by sandstones,
There are three sedimentary basins in Midland lavas and conglomerates with abundant lava clasts. The
Scotland; two are Late Silurian-Early Devonian in age and sandstones show, in some places at least, a prominent axial
the third is Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous (Fig. 4). flow. Deposition probably took place in small and localized
The most northerly of these older basins is the Strathmore basins, but during later intervals where prominent axial
basin, which comprises, according to Armstrong and Pat- flow dominated the record (as with the Strathmore basin).
terson (1970), up to 9 km of mainly boulder-bearing con- The dominant clast and sand grain lithology in both
glomerate. These conglomerates are interstratified with the sandstones and conglomerates is igneous, and, in particu-
lavas of the central Midland Valley, the Ochil-Sidlaw vol- lar, volcanic. From the evidence already discussed with
canic ridge. The Strathmore basin was previously thought respect to the distribution of igneous rocks, it is clear that
Devonian of England, Wales and Scotland 309

K-Ar ages in Ma






Figure 3. Distribution of metamorphic rocks which have late Silurian-Devonian cooling ages and the Old Red Sandstone sedimentary basins. See
Figure 2 tor explanation of abbreviations.
310 Bluck, et al,





|\\| MOINE


LS late Silurian
ED early ^
MD middle >Devonian
LD late J
C carboniferous

Midland Valley
Basin (UORS)

Figure 4. Distribution of sedimentary and volcanic rocks along with main paleoflow data. Abbreviations as for Figure 2. R, Reay; B, Berridale.
Devonian of England, Wales and Scotland 311

the sequences are intra-volcanic; and if these volcanic rocks basins, particularly those south of the Highland Boundary
are seen as an arc complex, then these basins are seen as Fault have influxes of very well rounded, coarse quartzite
inter-arc basins. clasts, the source of which has been enigmatic. However, a
Old Red Sandstone rocks, again of uncertain (but prob- provenance in a pre-existing conglomerate formation is
ably Late Silurian) age, rest unconformably on lower Pal- certain whatever may have been their ultimate source.
eozoic rocks of the Southern Uplands. These include Almost all of these sequences pass upwards into finer sedi-
greywacke-bearing conglomerates of the "Great Con- ments dominated by sandstones and sometimes including
glomerate" which has clasts of greywacke, quartzite and caliche deposits. They therefore indicate a decrease in local
granite and a sequence of andesitic lavas and associated relief and the development of a regional low area. In the
volcanogenic sediments. This conglomerate is cut by a series instance of Caithness, north of the Great Glen Fault, a
of dykes which have yielded A 4 0 /A 5 0 of 400 ma, thus dating widespread Middle Devonian lake developed (Fig. 6). This
the conglomerate older than this and probably 410-400 ma lacustrine area may have originally extended some way to
(Rock and Rundle, 1986). The importance of these outcrops the south, as one of its prominent fish beds (the Achanarras
principally lies in their dating of the planation of at least the Fish Bed) is thought by Westoll (1977) to occur south of the
Ordovician and Early Silurian parts of the Southern Great Glen Fault in the region south of the Moray Firth
Uplands. (Fig. 4). This same fish bed can also be used as a marker
horizon to demonstrate the lake to have been transgressive
Unconformably overlying the Pridoli-Emsian Old Red
northwards onto the local basement: at Berridale there is
Sandstone are rocks referred to as Upper Old Red Sand-
some 2500 m of sediment below the fish bed, whereas at
stone. These rocks are of uncertain age, but are known to
Reay the fish bed is almost on basement. These lacustrine
pass upwards into the Lower Carboniferous rocks of the
sediments are cyclic in lithologies, comprising carbonates,
Midland Valley. Rocks of Upper Old Red Sandstones are,
fine sandstones, siltstones and black shales; the cycles have
on the whole, finer grained and more mature than those of
been attributed to changes in lake level due to fluctuations
Lower ORS. They accumulated in a sedimentary basin (the
in climate (Donovan et al., 1974,1980). The Achanarras fish
Midland Valley Basin, Fig. 4) and are thickest and coarsest
bed has been the subject of a study by Trewin (1986).
in the northwest of the Midland Valley, where their
accumulation began with coarse grained deposits and ended One of the many paradoxes of the Old Red Sandstone is
with mature sandstones and caliche. The predominant dis- that the Orcadian basin should be dominated by fine
persal was to the east, in which direction the whole sequence grained sediment, yet lie adjacent to the basement with
fines. This Upper Old Red Sandstone basin comprises sedi- some of the youngest uplift ages (Fig. 3). The earliest sedi-
ments which are sometimes first cycle. At the top of the ments in the Orcadian basin are certainly coarse grained,
sequence these sediments had a provenance in the local but these comprise a small proportion of the total strat-
Dalradian, whereas at the base their provenance lay in a igraphic thickness. On the other hand, thick sequences of
metamorphic block of uncertain affinities. exceptionally coarse sediment occur in the Midland Valley,
yet most of the radiometric ages related to cooling in the
2. Basins on the metamorphic basement to the north adjacent metamorphic block are substantially older than
the sediments in the basin.
There are a number of small sedimentary basins in the
metamorphic regions north of the Highland Boundary
Fault (Fig. 4), together with a major lacustrine basin, the
Orcadian Basin. These rest on Late Proterozoic rocks which
have been metamorphosed to grades up to granulite facies. The Scandian event in the Norwegian Caledonides is
Since the basins uncomformably overlie this basement in now well documented (Stephens and Gee, 1985). There was
many places it is evident that they were formed either during a major collisional event which emplaced a nappe sequence
the late stages of, or post uplift. The age ranges of the onto cratonic Baltica, so that a thick crustal sequence
sediments within these basins are not precisely known in evolved which was uplifted in Late Silurian to mid-Devon-
most cases; a summary is given in Figure 4. One of the ian time. The extent of this uplift is only now being recog-
largest basins occurs in the southwest of the metamorphic nized in a series of age dates taken from the basement of the
belt at Oban. Here the lavas, which are already some dis- North Sea, Scandinavia, Greenland and Scotland. This area
tance up in the sequence, have been dated at c. 410 Ma of Scandian uplift (Fig. 5) was one where there were sub-
(Clayburn et al., 1983), thus dating conglomerates which stantial mountain chains (Cuthbert et al., 1983) which must
occur beneath them as probably Silurian in age. Deposition have yielded considerable volumes of sediment. The
in most of the other basins is thought to have begun in Early drainage pattern in the existing basins is outlined in Figure
* Devonian time, and, in some it extended through Middle 5, suggesting convergence on the axial zone of the orogen
and Late Devonian times. (although, as Torstvik et al., 1987 have pointed out, some of
The sedimentary fill of these basins is quite variable, but these basins are possibly allochthonous). Bluck (in press)
most begin with breccias and conglomerates with a prove- has recorded very large alluvial bars in the Scottish Midland
nance in the underlying and surrounding basement. Some Valley and it may well be that part of their Scottish Old Red
Bluck, et al.

be Lower Devonian in age; it rests with great unconformity

on Ordovician rocks. Somewhat similar is the Polygenic
Conglomerate on the eastern side of the Vale of Eden (Wes-
toll, 1977). In the border country with Scotland Old Red
Sandstone sedimentary facies of probably Late Devonian
age occur in the Langholm, Cheviot and St Abbs Cove
areas; these apparently overlie the Cheviot Volcanic Group
which may exceed 1000 m in thickness. The Cheviot "gra-
nite", dated as 391 Ma (Fig. 2), forms part of the widespread
Caledonian intrusive activity.
These are all the presently remaining scraps of a much
more widespread Early Devonian volcanic and alluvial fan
succession of undoubtedly considerable thickness that were
formed over Northern England and probably reduced to
base level by late Lower Devonian time. During the erosive
phase they would have contributed significantly to the
widespread alluvial plains farther south.




As might be expected from the distribution of Devonian

rocks in Wales, Devon and Cornwall on the one hand, and
the Boulonnais and Ardennes on the other (Fig. 7), Devo-
nian rocks are to be expected between these outcrop areas
and there are now many borehole records to confirm their
presence (Whittaker, 1986). However, since Mesozoic
basins were centred in the Weald and Wessex, in the south-
ern areas Devonian rocks lie at considerable depth and have
rarely been penetrated. In the area of London and East
Anglia, Devonian rocks, where present, are at most a few
hundred metres below the surface; in the area of London
and southern East Anglia, lower Paleozoic rocks are known
to underlie them. The evidence is not clear in other regions
but, following Cope (1987), a Precambrian metamorphic
basement (termed Pretannia), on which the Devonian was
deposited, may lie to the south.
Devonian successions have been elucidated especially
using palynological methods (Mortimer and Chaloner,
1972, Chaloner and Richardson, in House et al., 1977) and
macrofossils (Butler, 1981). In East Anglia geophysical
Figure 5. Axial paleoflow data in relation to the distribution of the methods combined with borehole information have enabled
Scandian uplift. the limits of the concealed Devonian to be mapped (Allsop,
1985). Some attempts have been made to interpret the over-
Sandstone sequence had a source in the uplifted areas of all structure of the Paleozoic rocks at depth (Sellwood and
Scandinavia. Scott, 1986, Allsop and Jones, 1981).
Wills (1976) produced subsurface maps showing Devo-
nian occurrences for southern England, in which a major
Red beds on Anglesey, North Wales, have generally unconformity of Upper Devonian rocks on Lower and some
been referred to the Lower Old Red Sandstone (Allen 1965) Middle Devonian levels was invoked. The unconformity
and comprise red mudstones, pebbly sandstones, intrafor- was interpreted as corresponding to the Dittonian/Breco-
mational conglomerates and dolomitized pedogenic lime- nian break in Wales.
stones not dissimilar to some facies farther south in Wales. The earliest Devonian is known from the Little Mis-
On the borders of the Lake District a 15,000 m sequence senden borehole. Middle Devonian, often in terrestrial or
forms the Mell Fell Conglomerate which has been taken to mixed facies, occurs in the Bolney, Bushey, Harmonsole,
Devonian of England, Wales and Scotland 313



Dodman Nappi

Figure 6. Generalized reconstruction of Devonian paleogeography during the Devonian, a, Lower Devonian, b, Middle Devonian, c, Upper

Figure 7. Map showing the relations of the Devonian rocks of southern Britain to the Ardennes and Rhenish Schiefergebirge.

Tatsfield and other boreholes (Fig. 7). Upper Devonian gave a Frasnian date as most probable and suggested a
records are more widespread and have been documented in Frasnian northward limit for marine facies (shown on Fig.
the Ashwell, Bolney, ?Brightling, Little Chiswell, Mere- 7). However, the Assise de Fromelennes of the Belgian
vale, Turnford and Wyboston boreholes by faunas in which sections, where Cyrtospirifer enters, is now referred to the
Cyrtospiriferis recognized. Butler (1981), in reviewing these, Middle Devonian, following decisions of the Devonian
314 Bluck, et al.

Subcommission and the transgression could have com- 1977), is complicated with many local formation names. For
menced within the varcus Zone, comparable to the situation stratigraphic details, readers are referred to Allen (1974a,
better documented in North Devon by Orchard (1979). Old 1979), Allen and Williams (1978) and House et al., (1977).
Red Sandstone facies with the fish Holoptychius and Both- The account which follows is an overview of the evolution
riolepis in the Noke Hill and Northbrook boreholes (Butler, of a complex and still incompletely understood clastic basin
1981) suggest later regressional facies, as in North Devon fill.
and the Ardennes. Old Red Sandstone deposition began in Late Silurian
(Pridoli) time with deposition of the condensed bone bed
NORTH SEA horizon at the base of the Ludlow Bone Bed. This event
marks a shallow marine transgression following latest
Boreholes associated with hydrocarbon exploration in Lulovian regression (Allen, 1985) and was followed by shal-
the central North Sea have given evidence of marine Devo- low marine, wave influenced shelf sand shoals of the Down-
nian at the latitude of Edinburgh. In the Hamilton Brothers ton Castle Sandstone and intertidal sediments of the
Well 30/24-3, in the Argyll Field 320 km southeast of Temeside Shales (Allen, 1985,1974a). These shallow marine
Aberdeen, marine Devonian was encountered below some sediments are restricted to the northwestern Welsh Bor-
140 m of "upper Old Red Sandstone" at -3038 m subsea, derland area of the basin. To the south the basal Old Red
with ostracod-bearing Middle Devonian shales below and Sandstone developed in a coastal mudflat facies. These
dolomitic limestones with corals at -3072 m subsea (Pen- mudflats were incised by sinuous channels, flowed mainly
nington 1975). Other records are shown by Ziegler (1982) in from the northwest and carried sands rich in high-grade
the Auk field and he gives a paleogeographic reconstruction metamorphic detritus. These sands were probably derived
in which a marine trough, extending in Middle Devonian from a northern British or more distant source, perhaps fed
time north-northwest from the Rhenish Basin, could have to the southern British area via the Central Scottish major
brought marine influence close to the classic Old Red Sand- fluvial network (Allen, 1974b; Simon and Bluck, 1982; Allen
stone facies of Scotland (Donovan 1980). and Crowley, 1983). In western Wales a distinct sub-basin
developed at about the same time as the early Ludlow shelf
SOUTH WALES AND W E L S H BORDERLANDS sediments extended over east and central Wales. In the
The Old Red Sandstone in Southern Britain developed Pembroke Peninsula, north of Milford Haven, between the
from Late Silurian to Early Carboniferous time as a south- Musslewick and Ritec Faults, the earliest Old Red Sand-
ward prograding clastic wedge derived largely, but not stone sediments are recorded in the muddy fluvial sediments
exclusively (Simon and Bluck, 1982; Allen and Crowley, of the Red Cliff Formation. These sands were derived from
1983; Tunbridge, 1986), from Caledonian highlands in Cen- a southerly source (Allen and Williams, 1978; Allen, 1985)
tral and North Wales, and accumulated in a rapidly subsid- and were followed by coarser, felsic-rich sands (Albion
ing basin. Within this basin sub-basins and local clastic Sands Formation). These thin northwards and were depos-
wedges developed. In particular, the Pembroke (Southwest ited by braided rivers which flowed from the southeast. The
Dyfed) subbasin shows a different evolution from the main same area subsequently received localized alluvial fan sedi-
basin. ments (Lindsway Bay Formation) which prograded from
The main control on basin subsidence was probably the north, thickening southwards over the Musslewick
Rheic or Proto-Tethyan subduction (Leeder, 1982; Barker Fault, from ?pre-Cambrian sources north of the Benton
and Gayer, 1985), but the influence of late Caledonian Fault. These localized, fault influenced clastic wedges were
strike-slip movements seems to have been important in buried by later Downtonian intertidal and coastal mudflat
generating localized, fault-related coarse elastics facies similar to those developed across the main basin. In
(Tunbridge, 1986). the Pembroke Peninsula, south of the Ritec Fault, the Red
The Old Red Sandstone in Wales and the Welsh Bor- Cliff, Albion Sands and Lindsway Bay Formation were not
derland is divisible into two major units. The Lower Old deposited. There Old Red Sandstone sedimentation proba-
Red Sandstone extends from Late Silurian to ? early Emsian bly started later, with deposition of a coarse alluvial fan
and comprises a broadly upwards coarsening clastic series, conglomerate (Freshwater East Formation (Williams, Allen
with a thickness of 2-4 km, which developed under the and Marshall, 1982)) above Wenlockian strata. Succeeding
influence of latest Caledonian tectonics. A number of sedi- sediments are of coastal mudflat facies, similar to those
mentary episodes can be recognized within the Lower Old north of the Ritec Fault, and can be satisfactorily correlated
Red Sandstone (Allen, 1979). The Upper Old Red Sandstone by the use of regionally extensive tuff horizons (Allen and
is a much thinner (usually less than 0.3 km) post-Caledo- Williams, 1981). Dunne (1983) has shown good evidence for
nian succession which developed after a period of Middle continued fault activity during much of Lower Old Red
Devonian uplift and transpressive tectonism. Sandstone sedimentation in the southwestern Welsh region.
The lithostratigraphical nomenclature of the Old Red The first episode of Old Red Sandstone sedimentation,
Sandstone across the area, although well documented dominated in most places by metamorphic rock detritus,
(Allen, 1974a, 1979; Allen and Williams, 1978; House, et al., came to an end in mid-Gedinnian time, when, in the greater
Devonian of England, Wales and Scotland 315

part of the basin a major change in facies and sandstone age (Allen, 1974a; Webby, 1966). A second episode of Upper
provenance occurred, preceded by the development of a Old Red Sandstone sedimentation was more widespread. In
series of major pedogenic carbonates, the most notable of the Pembroke Peninsula the Skrinkle Sandstones represent
which is the regionally persistent Psammosteus Limestone a late Famennian to Early Carboniferous succession (Wil-
(Allen, 1974b, 1985; Ball and Dineley, 1961; Williams, etai, liams, Allen and Marshall, 1982; Marshall, 1978). The
1982; Tunbridge, 1983b). Following this major period of Skrinkle Sandstone is fluviatile in its lower part, passing to
sediment starvation the source for the Lower Old Red an upper lagoonal and barrier beach complex. Correlatives
Sandstone changed from distant, high-grade metamorphic in central Wales and the Welsh Borders represent mainly
terranes to sources dominated by lithic sandstones, fluviatile sands, terminated by Early Carboniferous marine
quartzites and acid volcanics, probably comprising lower conditions.
Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks of Central and North
Wales (Allen, 1975; Allen and Crowley, 1983). In the area SOUTHWEST ENGLAND
north of the Ritec Fault and west of the Carreg-Cennen
Disturbance there is no trace of the Psammosteus Lime- Since the review for the last Calgary Symposium was
stone or its local correlatives; in this area sedimentation prepared (Goldring et al., 1968), great progress has been
continued across the Downtonian-Dittonian boundary made in the understanding of the Devonian system in
without a major break (Cope, 1979; Allen and Williams, Southwest Britain. Many aspects of this work have been
1978). It may be that the Carreg-Cennen and Ritec faults summarized by Dineley (1986), who quotes an extensive
acted as a partial sediment trap at that time. literature. In this paper, the authors, unable to give detailed
stratigraphic accounts, chose to introduce results within the
Following the Downtonian to Dittonian transition, sed-
framework of simple but undoubtedly incomplete models.
imentation in the main basin is marked by a major upwards
For a review of stratigraphic details readers are referred to
coarsening alluvial sequence of middle Gedinnian to middle
H o u s e d al, (1977).
Emsian age (Richardson and Rasul, 1979). The lower parts
of this succession show a sandstone:mudstone ratio of With the exception of parts of south Cornwall, it is
40:60, but in the highest parts the proportion of sandstone generally agreed that Devonian sedimentation in Southwest
increases to 80% or 90%, marking a change from sandy England was initiated on continental crust forming the
flood sediments cutting an extensive muddy floodplain to southern borderland of the Caledonian Continent. Initially,
sandy braided stream networks (Allen, 1979, 1985; thick continental sedimentation extended across the region
Tunbridge, 1981b). Within this alluvial plain local uplifts towards an ocean lying farther south. The progressive
generated a number of short-lived coarse clastic wedges northward onlap of marine sediments, which began in late
(Allen, 1975; Williams, Allen and Marshall, 1982; Siegenian time, was accompanied by differential subsidence
Tunbridge, 1986). These conglomerates are geographically of the shelf; extensional basins were developed and filled
restricted and can be related to fault lines within the basin. sequentially from south to north, ahead of an advancing
Their generation may be linked to latest Caledonian trans- deformation front.
pressive movements (Tunbridge, 1986; Woodcock, 1987). Devonian rocks in the region are currently disposed
Lower Old Red Sandstone sedimentation probably north and south of the Culm Trough (Figs. 1, 7). To the
came to an end at some time during mid to late Emsian, as north thick continental sequences, derived from the adjoin-
the youngest Lower Old Red Sandstone beds with reliable ing continental land mass, are intercalated with near-shore
biostratigraphic data yield a mid-Emsian age (Richardson marine deposits in complete sequences; to the south, off-
and Rasul, 1979). The Middle Old Red Sandstone is absent shore and basinal marine sediments appear in a much more
in South Wales, and, during this period, a number of struc- complex tectonic setting.
tures developed in the Lower Old Red Sandstone and lower
Paleozoic (Allen, 1974b). Active uplift occurred in the
Eifelian, with Lower Old Red Sandstone being reworked The oldest rocks exposed in North Devon are the Lyn-
southwards to form the Hangman Sandstone clastic wedge. ton Beds (Simpson, 1964; Scrutton, 1978; Evans, 1983;
This third episode of Old Red Sandstone sedimentation Edmunds, Whittaker and Williams, 1985). Some 400 m are
marks an end to Caledonian-related clastic sedimentation exposed and the age indicated by a brachiopod fauna is late
in South Britain. Woodcock (1987) matches late Caledonian Emsian (Evans, 1983). The rocks comprise mainly wavy and
tectonics in Central Wales to this Eifelian episode. lenticular bedded, bioturbated, heterolithic, very fine sand-
Upper Old Red Sandstone sedimentation occurred in stones and cleaved mudstones, together with wave rippled
two separate episodes. The first, represented by the Plateau and hummocky cross-bedded fine sandstones which were
Beds (Lovell, 1978) is restricted to central South Wales. deposited on a wave dominated shelf in water depths
Here the lower Plateau Beds comprise supratidal, tidal flat between storm wave and fair weather wave base. In general
and subtidal sandstones and mudstones, followed by the formation shows a deepening from its lower horizons to
aeolian and flood sands of the upper Plateau Beds. This the middle part of the succession, followed by a gradual
interval is thought to be of late Frasnian or early Famennian upwards passage to sandy shoreline conditions at the transi-
316 Bluck, et al.

tion to the overlying Hangman Sandstone Group believed to be only 600 m thick and have an impoverished
(Tunbridge, 1983a). The Lynton Beds may be regarded as a Frasnian fauna (Edmunds, Whittaker and Williams, 1985).
northern equivalent to the Meadfoot Beds of South Devon More proximal deltaic facies are preserved in the overlying
and represent part of a late Siegennian to Emsian trans- Pickwell Down Sandstone. This formation is some 1,200 m
gressive event. thick and, on the basis of a fish fauna, is deduced to be of
A matrix supported conglomerate is found within the early Famennian age (Selwood and Durrance, 1982). The
Lynton Beds, lying close to the western side of the East Lyn succession is a broadly upwards coarsening one, comprising
Fault (Edmunds, Whittaker and Williams, 1985), named the in the lower parts a series of deltaic sequences, and at higher
Lyn Conglomerate (Tunbridge, 1986). This contains clasts levels a sandy fluvial succession. The deltaic sequences
of bioturbated sandstone up to 30 cm long and was formed comprise laminated siltstones which pass upwards to thinly
by submarine debris flows produced by the sliding of sedi- bedded, very fine grained flaser bedded and wave-ripple
ment down a local fault scarp. Tunbridge (1986) regards this cross-bedded grey sandstones and then to planar cross-
syn-sedimentary fault as a splay from the important Bristol bedded and parallel laminated fine to medium grained
Channel fault system. sandstones. Such sequences are 10-15 m thick and represent
Middle Devonian, latest Caledonian uplift in South wave influenced delta front and mouth bar environments.
Wales generated a major clastic wedge in North Devon, The higher parts of the succession are cross-bedded and
recorded in the Hangman Sandstones (Tunbridge, 1983a, parallel laminated purple and green sandstones which form
1985,1986), which are over 1,500 m thick. The lowest beds stacked, upwards fining sequences, each 2-3 m thick. These
(Hollowbrook Formation) represent sandy shoreline condi- represent low sinuosity river deposits. Unlike the terrestrial
tions (Tunbridge, 1983a), followed by sandy sheetflood and elastics of the Hangman Sandstones, the Pickwell Down
clay playa facies which were derived from the reworking of Sandstone cannot at present be demonstrated to be the
Lower Old Red Sandstone sediments in South Wales product of sourceland tectonics. Instead, the sands can be
(Tunbridge, 1981a, 1985, 1986). Following a short, mud- related to early Famennian regression (House et al., 1977;
dominated interval (Tunbridge, 1980), nearby uplift to the C l a y t o n s al., 1986).
north along the line of the Bristol Channel fault system shed The Pickwell Down clastic episode is terminated at the
coarse elastics (Rawns Formation) into the area (Tunbridge, transition to the Upcott Slates, a 250 m thick series of green-
1986). Marine transgressive conditions (Sherrycombe and grey siltstones which represent coastal mudflat deposits.
Little Hangman Formations) mark an end to terrestrial The late Famennian LL biozone (Clayton et al., 1986) Baggy
conditions, as mid-Devonian rising sea levels stemmed the Sandstones follow (Goldring, 1971), representing a separate
flood of elastics, allowing deposition of barrier island and clastic pulse. The Baggy Sandstones include distributary
shoreface sands and muds. channel sandstones and a wide range of wave-worked delta
The Ufracombe Slates follow (Edmunds, Whittaker and mouth bar and delta front sandstones and mudstones.
Williams, 1985; Holwill, 1962; Holwill et al., 1969; Webby, Northward migration of the shoreline from North Devon
1966). These are of Givetian age and some 545 m thick, toward South Wales in Late Devonian to Early Car-
comprising four formations. The lowest (Wild Pear Slates) boniferous time is recorded in North Devon in the Pilton
comprise cleaved, bioturbated mudstones and thin sand- Shale LE biozone (Clayton et al., 1986) and in South Wales
stones which represent a return to deposition near to and by the development of the fluvial and barrier-beach com-
below storm wave base. The Lester Slates and Sandstones plexes of the Skrinkle Sandstone (Williams, Allen and Mar-
contain calcareous cross-bedded sandstones, siltstones and shall, 1982). Miospore data (Clayton et al., 1986) suggests
bioclastic limestones which indicate a shallowing that per- that the transgression reached the South Welsh area close to
mitted deposition between fair weather and storm wave the base of the VI biozone in the Carboniferous.
base. The overlying Combe Martin Slate comprises cleaved
wavy and lenticular bedded mudstones and hummocky
cross-bedded, very fine sandstones, together with three
limestone members (Edmunds, Whittaker and Williams,
1985; Holwill et al., 1969; Holwill, 1962). Recent studies Devonian deposits are represented here in a southerly
have shown these sediments represent the deposits of a derived nappe and thrust terrane in which it is recognized
storm-worked shelf, with sand shoals and patch reefs. Ooid that the depositional history was much influenced by early
banks developed in front of the reefs, and lagoonal lime structures and penecontemporaneous tectonism. Intrashelf
muds were deposited on the landward side of the reef net- extensional basins (South Devon Basin, Trevone Basin),
work. The highest formation of the Ufracombe Slates (Ken- probably initiated in early mid-Devonian time, have been
tisbury Slate) comprises further hummocky cross-bedded recognized which show different histories from an earlier
and bioturbated heterolithic storm deposits. basin with oceanic associations lying farther to the south.
A deepening is marked at the onset of the fine grained This Gramscatho Basin, now seen in South Cornwall, prob-
delta front deposits of the Morte Slates. These cleaved, ably originated (Holder and Leveridge, 1986) immediately
graded siltstones are mostly devoid of burrows, are now seaward of the shelf.
Devonian of England, Wales and Scotland 317

1. Lower Devonian Shelf and Thomas, 1986) as critical to the later history of the shelf;
particularly in the development of major intrashelf basins.
Across the region the shelf appears to share a common
early history which was marked initially by the southward 2. Middle and Upper Devonian Intrashelf Basins
spread of continental deposition. The Dartmouth Slate
Formation, occurring at the lowest stratigraphic level, con- Devonian shelf and intrashelf basin sediments currently
sists of red and green slate with intraformational conglome- appear in a complex tectonic setting in which broadly coeval
rates, sandstones and siltstones. In addition to fluvial cycles successions are present in an upward sequence of pro-
comparable to those of the Lower Old Red Sandstone of the gressively farther travelled nappes. Palinspastic reconstruc-
Welsh Borderland, Dineley (1966) recorded lagoonal and tions are not yet possible but it is possible to relate the major
intertidal facies. Fish faunas provide the only means of facies in a simple model (Figs. 6b, 8, 9) which serves with
correlation, but the fish are poorly preserved and the cor- modifications for much of Southwest England.
relation in need of revision. The base of the system is not The active northern basin margin is indicated by shelf-
exposed, but a report (Dineley, 1986) of traquairaspids in basin transition facies and by penecontemporaneous vol-
South Devon suggests that beds range well down into the canic activity. Since comparable facies are not observed to
Gedinnian. Taxon ranges (Althaspis leachi, Rhinopteraspis the south a half graben is illustrated, in which movements
cornubica, Dineley, 1984) appear to indicate upward pas- along deep seated faults not only allowed the development
sage through the Siegenian, possibly into lowest Emsian of the basin but also provided pathways for volcanism. The
(Blieck, 1982). thick spread of northerly derived shelf sediments that char-
acterized the Lower Devonian was interrupted by basin
By late Siegenian time much of the shelf was affected by
subsidence in early mid-Devonian time. To the north of the
a marine transgression that introduced the Meadfoot
basin active shelf sedimentation is shown to have continued
Group. The main transgression was evidently diachronous;
throughout the Devonian, but to the south the shelf was
in East Cornwall late Siegenian ages have been reported
starved of clastic sediment and extensive carbonate com-
both from a marine incursion at the top of the Dartmouth
plexes were established. There reefoid associations devel-
Slate (Evans, 1981) and from the base of the Meadfoot
oped through the greater part of the Middle Devonian and
Group (Evans, 1980a), whereas eastwards into South Devon
locally persisted into the middle Frasnian. At the same time
the Meadfoot Group is dated as mid-Siegenian to Emsian
limestone turbidites were dispersed northwards into the
(Evans, 1980b). The Meadfoot Group is a shallow water,
basin, which was also receiving thick volcaniclastic sedi-
mixed clastic sequence in which an earlier argillaceous facies
ment at its northern margin.
(Meadfoot Beds) has been distinguished from a more
arenaceous facies (Staddon Grits). In the former, sedimen- By late Frasnian time the reefs had ceased to grow,
tary features documented by Richter (1967) indicate a sub- though not obviously because of sudden submergence.
tidal high energy environment. Pound (1983) argues for a Locally reef tops stood in shallow water, sometimes even
storm dominated shelf; a view consistent with observations exposed, through much of the Late Devonian (Orchard,
in South Cornwall (Holder and Leveridge, 1986). 1975,1978). During this time topographic highs on the car-
The Staddon Grits form a lenticular development bonate complex generated condensed cephalopod lime-
towards the top of the sequence, which thickens westwards stones while former lagoons and back reefs accumulated
into Cornwall (Dineley, 1961). Thick sandstones charac- thin argillites carrying thick-shelled brachiopod and bivalve
teristic of the unit appear in late Siegenian time in Cornwall, faunas normally associated with situations much nearer
near the Siegenian/Emsian boundary about Plymouth shore. On the southern margin of the basin nodular lime-
(Evans, 1985), and in late Emsian time in equivalent stones were deposited within purple and green argillites
lithologies in Torquay (Evans, 1985). which bear evidence of reworking of conodont faunas from
The Staddon Grits of Plymouth are interpreted (Pound, the adjoining shelf. At the southern margin of the shelf
1983) as a fluvially dominated, low wave-energy deltaic there is some evidence for the northward onlap of Upper
deposit locally derived from fault blocks to the north. Devonian flyschoid and paralic sediments ahead of an
Although such an interpretation is likely to characterize the advancing deformation front.
whole outcrop of the Staddon Grits, contemporaneous Two major intrashelf basins have been quoted; the
elastics (Porthowan Formation), recognized in South South Devon Basin (Selwood and Thomas, 1986) and the
Cornwall mark rapid subsidence at the shelf margin and the Trevone Basin (Matthews, 1977); sediments from these are
onlap of deep water deposits from the Gramscatho Basin currently juxtaposed along the strike by wrench faulting.
(see below). The complex facies recognized have inevitably generated
In a regional setting Pound (1983) links the generation many local lithostratigraphic terms; these have been corre-
of ephemeral fault blocks at the close of the Lower Devo- lated with considerable success by rich faunas (conodonts,
nian to movements on east-west trending synsedimentary Austin et al., 1985; ammonoids, House, 1963, 1975; and
fault zones. The operation of such faults, first proposed by ostracods, Gooday, 1975, 1978). Generalized stratigraphic
Matthews (1977) have come to be recognized (e.g., Selwood relationships are presented in Figs. 8-10.
318 Bluck, et al.


Figure 8. Diagram illustrating possible relationships between the Devonian rocks of North Wales and North Devon with those of South Devon.

South Devon Basin sequences. Nevertheless, Scrutton and co-workers have

evolved an interpretation which is consistent with less
East of Dartmoor (Figs. 6b, 7,8) the South Devon Basin deformed Devonian reef complexes elsewhere. From
conforms closely to the facies model. The main difference mounded crinoidal limestones (e.g., Denbury Crinoidal
lies in the presence of an intrabasinal rise at Chudleigh Limestone) deposited on outershelf argillites, the carbonate
(House and Butcher, 1963) generated by a thick volcanic platform deposits built up rapidly to shallow water. Reefoid
pile. This came to support a succession of carbonates dis- structures which fringe the platform to the north are recog-
tinct from those of the carbonate platform to the south, and nized in the coastal sections about Torquay. At the lowest
a complete but much reduced Upper Devonian succession. stratigraphic levels the Eifelian Daddyhole Limestone
The adjoining basinal argillites vary from dark grey and (Goodger et al., 1984) includes intertidal, lagoonal and fully
often finely laminated (Middle Devonian) to predominantly marine facies which form the foundation for the biohermal
purple, green and homogeneous (Upper Devonian). The Walls Hill Limestone. The establishment of this barrier
influence of carbonate rises is marked by Middle Devonian generated back-reef conditions (Chercombe Bridge Lime-
limestone turbidites and Upper Devonian nodular lime- stone) in the interior platform. Regression of the barrier in
stones on the slope rises (Selwood et al., 1984). later Givetian time, marked by shell beds (Barton Lime-
stone) capping the reef, caused bioclastic limestones (East
The carbonate facies on the platform to the south of the Ogwell Limestone) to spread northwards over the platform
basin include the limestone sequences of the Newton Abbot interior. Local small bioherms were developed before final
Limestone Group (Selwood et al, 1984) and Torquay Lime- submergence in late Frasnian time. Condensed nodular
stone Group (Scrutton, 1977a, b). These occur in both limestones and thin shales complete the Upper Devonian
parautochthonous and highly disrupted allochthonous succession.
Devonian of England, Wales and Scotland 319

Within the parautochthon north of the basin only water limestone and argillite facies. The latter consists of
Upper Devonian outer shelf slates are currently exposed. thinly bedded, shelly limestones and greenish-grey argillites
These bear occasional thin, probably storm generated sand- with rich macrofossils, including thick-shelled brachiopods
stones of northern derivation. Faunas are uncommon, but and bivalves typical of the inner shelf, together with cono-
thin limestones carry a restricted brachiopod fauna proba- dont faunas belonging to the shallow water scaphignathid
bly representing opportunistic elements which colonized the biofacies. It is believed that former lagoonal areas of the
sea floor from time to time. reef supported this facies into earliest Carboniferous time,
Westwards along the strike (Fig. 8) the volcanic pile and though by mid costatus Zone time a Palmatolepis-
its associated carbonates disappear rapidly and the Bispathodus biofacies fauna indicates substantial sub-
sequence is fully argillaceous. Local thin sandstones devel- mergence.
oped within the Upper Devonian slates could well be the The northern margin of the basin, which currently
precursors of southerly derived flysch (Cotehele Forma- appears through windows in the allochthon in this area, is
tion; Isaac et al., 1983) which flooded into the basin in revealed as the same Upper Devonian outer shelf facies as
Dinantian time (Chandler and Isaac, 1982). that recognized to the east. At its northern limit it carries
The carbonate platform maintained its identity in this rise carbonates (Whitelady Formation; Isaac et al, 1983).
area, though reefoid associations carried through from the Possibly these formed on a structural bulge linked to basin
east were almost certainly discontinuous. The limestones development in the south. It was to the north of this feature
about Plymouth (Taylor, 1951; Orchard, 1975; Chandler and that the later Culm Basin developed.
McCall, 1985) have been less fully investigated than those
about Torquay, but facies are evidently closely comparable. Trevone Basin
Within the allochthon displaced across the basinal deposits Details of the Trevone Basin are best exposed on the
the Petherwin Limestone Formation (Stewart, 1981) was North Cornwall coast (Figs. 7,9). Three distinct successions
possibly detached from the upper part of the carbonate of mid to Late Devonian age have been recognized. From
complex. It includes condensed Famennian cephalopod north to south the Northern, Pentire and Trevone succes-
limestones formed on topographic highs on the reef, sions are interpreted as transitional outer shelf to fully
together with their lateral equivalent, an unusual shallow basinal facies. At the lowest level within the Northern Suc-



'^NCong I.
&A Lavas

Figure 9. Diagram illustrating the possible relationship between Devonian rocks of South Cornwall and those of North Cornwall. For details see text.
320 Bluck, et al.

cession the Jacket's Point Formation (Selwood and controversy centred on the interpretation of the melange
Thomas, 1986) is dominated by thick successions of rapidly that forms the northern boundary of the Lizard Complex
sedimented greenish-grey mudrocks identical to those rec- and Dodman phyllites. The view that the Lower Devonian
ognized on the northern shelf elsewhere. However, they are sequences disconformably overlie on Ordovician succession
distinguished by abundant sandy tempestites, slumps and (e.g., Sadler 1973) has given way to a wildflysch interpreta-
intraformational conglomerates. The last two demonstrate tion, involving thick basinal deposits that now appear in
sedimentary instability directly relating to steepening of allochthonous and parautochthonous successions.
slopes and are often associated with volcanic rocks. A posi- Within the Carrick Nappe (Fig. 9) interbedded sand-
tion high on the shelf/basin margin is indicated. stone turbidites and dark grey slates of the Gramscatho
The Pentire Succession (Gauss and House, 1972) shows Group indicate deep sea fan environments. An upward
evidence for gross tectonic instability during its accumula- progradation from outer- through mid-fan (Portscatho
tion. It is dominated by a thick succession of volcanic rocks, Formation) to inner-fan regimes (Carne Formation) was
the accumulation of which caused much soft sediment interrupted by some 500 m of hemipelagic sediments (Pen-
deformation. Penecontemporaneous deformation persisted dower Formation) including radiolarian cherts, turbidite
upwards through the sequence and is particularly marked in limestones and locally manganiferous slates. The infre-
the Gravel Caverns Conglomerate, where pebbles indicate quent appearance of sandstones at this level suggests that
considerable erosion of shallow water source rocks. The the basin was temporarily shielded from the uplifted sedi-
facies of the Pentire Succession were developed lower on the ment source that contributed overall thicknesses in excess of
shelf/basin slope than the Northern Succession. 6.7 km to the basin.
The Trevone Succession (Gauss and House, 1972) is Tectonic instability, indicated by slumping and sliding
fully basinal. In the Middle Devonian a thick sequence of in the uppermost Gramscatho G r o u p , gained full
dark grey slates with silty laminae has been interpreted expression in the Roseland Breccia Formation. Some 1.5 km
(Beese, 1982) as a facies representing inner-, outer- and off of wildflysch is developed, including extrabasinal olistoliths
turbidite fan environments in an outer basin. In early Fras- of shelf sediments of Lower Devonian, Silurian and
nian time deposition was interrupted by limestone turbidites Ordovician age, together with metamorphic and igneous
(Marble Cliff Limestone) with a southwest provenance rocks comparable to those found in the Brioverian and
(Tucker, 1969). By late Frasnian time purple and green slates Paleozoic sequences of Armorica.
(Polzeath Slates, Beese, 1984) which include finely lami- Throughout the succession paleontological data is
nated distal turbidites and rare sandy tempestites had sparce and its interpretation as olistostromic and turbiditic
appeared. Such slates are represented at the top of all suc- sequences hazardous. In dating basin deformation as Fam-
cessions in the Trevone Basin. ennian, Holder and Leveridge (1986) argue for a Frasnian
Except for the limestone turbidites in the basin there is age for the Roseland Breccia Formation; however, Frasnian
no evidence for the presence of a carbonate platform on the palynomorphs from the Portscatho Formation (Gall et al.,
shelf flanking the basin to the south. Rather, the outer shelf 1985) would suggest (if the succession is correct) a younger
argillite deposition appears to have persisted into the Lower date. Though Lower Devonian is suspected, there is no
Carboniferous. These beds, now occurring in the Tredorne positive evidence that basin-fill deposits range lower than
Nappe (Selwood and Thomas, 1986), were apparently the middle Eifelian.
stripped from the shelf, leaving behind only older parts of The end of basin extension is probably signalled by the
the succession in the parautochthon (Holder and Leveridge, onlap in mid-Devonian time of the basinal Gramscatho
1986). The provenance of these outer shelf argillites is prob- Group (Porthowan Formation) and later by the Mylor Slate
lematical; a northern source would imply that the Trevone Formation (Figs. 9,10), over the bounding outer shelf (par-
Basin was not so continuously developed as to starve this autochthonous Dartmouth Slate Formation and Meadfoot
part of the shelf of sediment. A southerly source is, how- Group) lying to the north. Wildflysch developed at the top
ever, much more likely, as paralic facies (Boscastle Nappe; of the Mylor Slate Formation is not older than Famennian
Selwood et al., 1985) of Famennian to earliest Namurian age (Turner*?/ al., 1979).
were developed to the south. These beds are syntectonic; the
northward progress of the Carrick Nappe (Holder and 4. Tectonic Setting
Leveridge, 1986) could have produced source uplands with The nature of the overall tectonic setting of the Variscan
sand escaping across a locally filled foredeep onto the rocks of Southwest Britain is disputed; this uncertainty
southern margin of the shelf (Figs. 9,10). reflects current thinking on the foldbelt as a whole. Argu-
ments have centred on the origin of the Gramscatho Basin.
3. Lower(?)-Upper Devonian Ocean Basin Development Holder and Leveridge (1986) favor classical subduction with
a south dipping subduction zone located in the English
Gramscatho Basin
Channel. They suggest that closure of a major branch of the
The evolution of South Cornwall has recently been Rhenohercynian Ocean was effected in Upper Devonian
reviewed by Holder and Leveridge (1986), who note the time and that this was accompanied by large scale piggy-
Devonian of England, Wales and Scotland 321



Early Namurian


South Devon Basin


v Shallow water Argillites Lagoonal Black Shale
& Sst.
Fluviatile & Intertidal * 1
Cephalopod Limestone Chert
SHELF TRANSITION Purple & Green Shale
Argillites Undivided Flysch

1 Carbonates
Volcanics RISE-SLOPE

ft?*^ Limestone T u r b i d i t e s
Nodular Limestone & Argillites

Figure 10. Schematic diagrams showing generalized facies relationships and development in three N-S sections prior to the first Variscan
deformation in Southwest England. Vertical and horizontal sections are not true scale. UC Upper Carboniferous; LC Lower Carboniferous; UD
Upper Devonian; MD Middle Devonian; LD Lower Devonian. The approximate settings of selected lithostratigraphic units are indicated: 1 ,
Dartmouth Slate and Meadfoot Group; 2, Nordon Slate; 3, Kingsteignton Volcanic group; 4, Newton Abbot Limestone Group; 5, Torquay Limestone
Group; 6, Chercombe Bridge Limestone & East Ogwell Limestone; 7, Luxton Nodular group; 6, Chercombe Bridge Limestone and East Ogwell
Limestone; 7, Luxton Nodular group; 8, Gurrington Slate; 9, Kate Brook Slate; 10, Plymouth Limestone Group; 11, Petehrwin Limestone; 12, Milton
Abbot Volcanic Group; 13, Brendon Formation; Cotehele Sandstone; 15, Trevose Slate; 16, Pentire pillow lavas and slates, Gravel Caverns
Conglomerate, Jacket's Point Formation; 17, Polzeath Slate; 18, Tredorn Slate; 19, Boscastle Formation; 20, Gramscatho Group Meadfoot Slate.
322 Bluck, et al.

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