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Bahan yang bersifat non-elastis adalah impression

compound, impression wax, plaster of paris dan zinc oxide eugenol impression material.
Bahan cetak elastis pula terdiri dari hidrokoloid material dan elastomer impression
material. Contoh bahan cetak elastomer adalah silikon, polieter dan polisulfida.

In addition to the hydrocolloids there is another group of elastic impression materials, they
are soft rubber like and are known as elastomers, or synthetic rubbers, or rubber base, or
rubber impression materials, or elastomeric impression materials.
They are non-aqueous elastomeric dental impression materials.
1- Polysulfide.
2- Poly ether.
3- Silicon.
a- Condensation polymerizing.
b- Addition polymerizing.
1- Light body.
2- Medium or regular body.
3- Heavy body or tray consistency.
4- Very heavy or putty consistency.

39. MUCOCOMPRESSIVE IMPRESSION TECHNIQUE Also known as definite pressure impressions. Because
denture retention is tested most during mastication, many dentists formerly considered it essential for the tissues to
remain in contact with the denture during chewing. 39
40. It was logical to them to make impressions that would press the tissues in the same manner as chewing forces,
thus ensuring contact during chewing stroke. However, dentures made from such impressions did not fit well at rest,
because tissues so distorted tend to rebound. Furthermore, these abused tissues will not be able to long maintain the
shape that they assumed on the day of impression. 40
52. MUCOSTATIC IMPRESSION TECHNIQUE Also known as minimal pressure impressions. Addison in 1944
described this technique and attributed this to Page. The main point of the mucostatic principle concerned Pascals
law, which states that which states that pressure on a confined liquid will be transmitted through the liquid in all
directions. 52
53. 53
54. Pascals Law The pressure applied on the confined liquid will be equally transmitted undiminished throughout
the liquid in all directions.
55. According to this concept, the mucosa being more than 80 percent water, will react like a liquid in a closed
vessel and thus cannot be compressed. According to the principle of mucostatics, the impression material should
record without distortion, every detail of the mucosa so that the completed denture would fit all minute elevations and
depressions. Mucostatics further demanded that a metal base be used rather than the dimensionally stable scrylics.
56. Most important of all, the mucosal topography is not static over a 24 hour period. There is a difference between
the mucosal contours just after rising in morning, and that which exist after 12 hours in the upright position. So it
would appear that all the infinite details achieved in the impression would be altered by the time the denture was
finished. 56
57. The adherents of the mucostatic principle considered interfacial surface tension as the only important retentive
mechanism in complete dentures. The mucostatic principle ignores the value of dissipating masticatory forces over
the large possible basal seat area. If for eg, patient could develop the masticatory force of 30lb, it is evident that
larger the basal seat area ,the less force will be exerted on each sq millimeter of underlying mucosa. 57
58. Mucostatic Impression Technique ADVANTAGES: 1:Tissue health is preserved and maintained. 2: Suitable to
areas where the residual ridges are sharp, thin & flat flabby ridges.
59. Disadvantages Of Mucostatic Technique 1: Inadequate support : Ridge tissues are not uniformly displaceable &
a base made from a mucostatic impression will result in the firmer areas bear greatest part of pressure & the more
displaceable areas giving little (less) support. This condition is undesirable from viewpoint of bone preservation &
60. Disadvantages of Mucostatic Technique 2 : Lack of Peripheral Seal: The impressions made by mucostatic
technique does not displaces even the soft tissues at the borders. This theory would eliminate any possibility of border
seal & result in absence of secondary retention which in many instances is even greater than the primary retention.
61. Disadvantages of Mucostatic Technique 3 : SHORT FLANGE LENGTH : The impressions made with non-
pressure technique were significantly under extended. The flanges of the dentures are shorter. Short flanges do not
support the lips and cheeks.
62. Selective pressure impressions It is an impression technique that combines pressure over certain areas and little
pressure over others. The technique utilizes a preliminary compound impression that is generously relieved over the
midline and incisive papilla areas. The final impression is taken in plaster , which acts as a wash and also records the
relieved areas with minimal pressure while the ridge areas are undergoing considerable presssure. 62
63. Thus the papilla and midline sections of the denture will not make contact with the mucosa when the denture is
not in function, but by the same token, they will not bear heavily when the patient is chewing. This principle of
impression making is based on the belief that the mucosa over the ridge is best able to withstand pressure ,whereas
covering the midline is thin and contains very little submucosal tissue.(Boucher,1951) 63
64. Demerits Some feel that It is impossible to record areas with varying pressure. Some areas still recorded under
functional load, the dentures still faces the potential danger of rebounding and loosing retention.
65. Applied aspect: Inspite of some of its apparent drawbacks all the impression techniques based on the selective
pressure technique are still popular. Final impressions using this technique are made where relief areas are provided
and pressure is distributed on the stress bearing areas.
Depending on theories of impression making Mucostatic Mucocompressive Selective pressure 39
40. The impression is made with an oversized tray. 40 The impression is made with the oral mucous membrane and
the jaws in a normal, relaxed condition. Border moulding is not done here. First proposed by Richardson and later
popularised by Harry Page.Mucostatic or Passive Impression
41. Retention is mainly due to interfacial surface tension. The mucostatic technique results in a denture, which is
closely adapted to the mucosa of the denture- bearing area but has poor peripheral seal. Impression material of
choice is impression plaster.
42. The oral soft tissues are resilient and thus tend to return to their anatomical position once the forces are relieved.
Dentures made by this technique tend to get displaced due to the tissue rebound at rest. During function, the constant
pressure exerted onto the soft tissues limit the blood circulation leading to residual ridge resorption. 42 Records the
oral tissues in a functional and displaced form. The materials used for this technique include impression compound,
waxes and soft liners.Mucocompressive Impression (Carole Jones)

Berdasarkan sifat viskositas/kekentalan, bahan cetak elastomer dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis viskositas untuk
mendukung beberapa teknik mencetak. Polisulfida dan polieter dibagi menjadi 3 jenis viskositas yaitu light (wash),
medium (regular), dan heavy. Silikon kondensasi biasanya tersedia dalam viskositas light dan putty, sedangkan silikon
adisi tersedia dalam 6 jenis viskositas yaitu extra-light (injection), light (wash), medium (regular), monophase, heavy
dan putty (extra-heavy).17,18,21
1. Bahan cetak non-elastis, terdiri dari :
a. Plaster of Paris
b. Bahan cetak kompoun
c. Malam / wax
d. Pasta Zinc Oxide Eugenol
2. Bahan cetak elastis, terdiri dari :
a. Hidrokoloid, terdiri dari :
Reversibel : Agar hidrokoloid
Irreversibel : Hidrokoloid alginat
b. Elastomer, terdiri dari :
Silikon kondensasi
Silikon adisi (Polivinil Siloksan)

f. Pencetakan Fisiologis
i. Metode fungsional: kombinasi antara metode mukostatis dan mukokompresi
ii. Hal ini dilakukan karena adanya perbedaan kompresibilitas antara jaringan mukosa dengan gigi.
iii. Teknik mukokompresi untuk daerah tidak bergigi dengan bahan cetak silikon atau polieter, dan teknik
mukostatis untuk daerah bergigi dengan bahan cetak hidrokoloid irreversible.
iv. Penggunaan teknik pencetakan mukofungsional: Dengan teknik mukokompresi yang disesuaikan
dengan kemampuan jaringan menerima beban (mukofungsional) jaringan lunak alveolaris berada di bawah
penekanan, sehingga pada waktu tekanan pengunyahan hanya sedikit terjadi pergerakan dari jaringan
lunak hingga dapat mengurangi efek torsi gigi penyangga.

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