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Adjective Assignment

1. As sooner as (1) / you reach the port (2) /

report to (3) / the desk officer.(4) / no error (5) 16. He reached home (1) / leaving aside all other
work (2) / but his father had (3) / left the home few
2. Even on the eve of an inevitable fall (1) / to minutes earlier (4) / no error (5)
everyones dismay (2) / their leader seems to be
in their elements (3) / no error (4) 17. If you inform me (1) / of yours arrival time (2)
/ I shall come to (3) / meet you at the airport (4) /
3. Originally they had planned to buy an air no error (5)
conditioner (1) / but finally settled for an air cooler
(2) / as the cost of the latter was very less (3) / no 18. All said and done (1) / it is the basic values that
error (4) (2) / are most importance and (3) / help you in the
long run (4) / no error (5)

4. It was difficult to get out (1) / because the street 19. We were very much (1) / carefully in our
was full of people (2)/ from one end to another(3) / approach (2) / and hence we would (3) / complete
no error (4) the complicated task (4) / no error (5)

5. In my opinion (1) / a pencil is always (2) / more 20. In our area (1) / the journey by bus (2) / is
preferable to a pen (3) /no error (4). quick and safe (3) / than that by train (4) / no error
6. I am going to a bed (1) / and you would be well
(2) / advised to do likely (3) / no error (4) 21. Anjalis performance in the (1) / drama was
best than (2) / Deepalis but not (3) / as good as
7. I could not (1) / remember story to tell the Vaishalis (4) / no error (5).
children (2) / so I made one up as I went along (3)
/ no error (4) 22. He ran so fastly (1) / that he reached (2) / the
destination in (3) / just two minutes (4) / no error
8. No king in that period (1) / was so intensely (5)
involved (2) / in the welfare of his people (3) /as
king Asoka (4) no error (5) 23. I am sure that (1) /all my monthly expenses
(2)/ would exceed the income (3) / if I do not
9. I asked two persons (1) / the way to the station economise (4) / no error (5)
(2) / but none of them knew it (3) no error (5)
24. The economical condition (1) / of our country
10. When it comes to comparison (1) / between the is bad (2) / and unlikely to improve (3) / in the
two (2) / quality is most (3) / important than near future. (4) / no error (5).
quantity (4) / no error (5)
25.Inspite of the rumours (1) / of an impending
11. Enough is enough (1) / cannot now (2) / take over (2) / by the government (3) / Ramlal
tolerate this mischief (3) / any much (4) / no error bought more shares of that company (4) no error
(5) (5)

12. One of them (1) / forgot to take (2) / their bag 26. The world (1) / comprises (2) / good and bad
(3) from the school (4) / no error (5) people (3) no error (4)

13. Our new playground (1) / is big (2) / and 27. Dilips performance in the (1) / film was worst
clearer (3) / than theirs (4) / no error (5) than (2) / Amits but was not (3) / as bad as
Vinods (4) / no error (5)
14. After he had read the two first chapters (1) /of
the novel (2) / he felt like reading (3) / the book at 28. When Charles was (1) / in the hospital (2) / his
one sitting (4) / no error (5) sister sent (3) / much fruit than his uncle (4) no
error (5)
15. Although he is my bosom friend (1) / I cannot
ask him for (2) / money without any (3) vividly
reason (4) no error (5)

Compiled by - Arvind Tyagi Page 1

Adjective Assignment

29. The faster he completes (1) / the work given to 43. You must realize (1) / how importance it is (2)
(2) / him, the largest (3) / will be his profit.(4) / no / to give away to the needy (3) / whatever you
error (5) possess in excess (4) / no error (5)

30. The captain declared that his ship had carried 44. Some people have (1) / generously contributed
(1) / no less than three hundred passengers (2) / on to the welfare fund (2) / but they wanted that there
the last voyage. (3) / no error (5) names (3) / should not be published (4) / no error
31. Some people get (1) / used to changes (2) /
very easily than (3) / others do (4) / no error.(5) 45. His good qualities include (1) / his ability to
take (2) / quickly and (3) / appropriate decisions.
32. The link road has (1) / now become (2) / the (4) / no error (5)
roughest road than (3) / any other road in the
city.(4) / no error (5) 46.Your over dependent on(1) /others even for(2) /
trivial matters may (3) / prove disadvantageous
33. The economical condition (1) / of our country (4) / no error (5)
is bad (2) / and unlikely to improve (3) / in the
near future. (4) / no error (5). 47. His strictly discipline (1) / had made him (2) /
very unpopular among (3) / all the employees (4) /
34. Everyone agrees that (1) / the Ganga is the no error (5)
holiest (2) / of all the other rivers (3) / of India. (4)
/ no error (5) 48. Ramesh has been both (1) / a dishonesty
person (2) / and a gambler (3) / since his childhood
35. His car is (1) / more bigger than (2) / that of (4) / no error (5)
any of us. (3) / no error. (4)
49. He was delighted (1) / by the intelligent and
36. If you look up tea in a cookery book (1) / you brightness (2) / of the scholars (3) / who used to
may find a little instructions (2)/ that give you no visit him (4) / no error (5)
help (3) / on several important points.(3) / no
error(4) 50. We were happy that (1) / the audience
responded well (2) / and gave all the speakers (3) /
37. Which (1)/ do you prefer (2) /more meat (3) / a patiently listening (4) / no error (5)
or fish? (4)/ No error. (5)

38. The new assignment is (1) / more challenging

than (2) / much of the (3) / earlier assignment. (4) /
no error (5)

39. A few word of (1) / gratitude are enough (2) /

to express your (3) / feeling sincerely (4) / no error

40. For millions of people (1) / his retirement from

(2) / cricket has been (3) / a greatest shock. (4) / no
error (5)

41. Whenever man attains fame (1) / / his person

qualities are (2) / imitated by others who (3) / are
close to him (4) / no error (5)

42. His obviously reluctance (1) / was viewed

seriously by (2) / his superiors and (3) / he was
suspended (4) / no error (5)

Compiled by - Arvind Tyagi Page 2

Adjective Assignment

8. No king in that period (1) / was so intensely

Answers involved (2) / in the welfare of his people (3) /as
king Asoka (4) no error (5)
1. As sooner as (1) / you reach the port (2) / 8. No other king in that period (1) / was so
report to (3) / the desk officer.(4) / no error (5) intensely involved (2) / in the welfare of his people
1.As soon as (1) / you reach the port (2) / report (3) / as king Asoka (4) no error (5)
to (3) / the desk officer.(4) / no error (5)
( after as we use positive degree ) 9. I asked two persons (1) / the way to the station
(2) / but none of them knew it (3) no error (5)
2. Even on the eve of an inevitable fall (1) / to 9. I asked two persons (1) / the way to the station
everyones dismay (2) / their leader seems to be (2) / but neither of them knew it (3) no error (5)
in their elements (3) / no error (4) ( we use neither for 2 person and none for more
than 2 )
2. Even on the eve of an inevitable fall (1) / to
everyones dismay (2) / his leader seems to be in 10. When it comes to comparison (1) / between the
their elements (3) / no error (4) two (2) / quality is most (3) / important than
( with every one we use possessive adj. ) quantity (4) / no error (5)
10. When it comes to comparison (1) / between the
3. Originally they had planned to buy an air two (2) / quality is more (3) / important than
conditioner (1) / but finally settled for an air cooler quantity (4) / no error (5)
(2) / as the cost of the latter was very less (3) / no ( for comparison we use comparative degree not
error (4) superlative degree )

3. Originally they had planned to buy an air 11. Enough is enough (1) / cannot now (2) /
conditioner (1) / but finally settled for an air cooler tolerate this mischief (3) / any much (4) / no error
(2) / as the cost of the latter was much less (3) / (5)
no error (4) 11. Enough is enough (1) / cannot now (2) /
(we use much in place of very in comparative tolerate this mischief (3) /any more (4) / no error
degree) (5)

4. It was difficult to get out (1) / because the street 12. One of them (1) / forgot to take (2) / their bag
was full of people (2)/ from one end to another(3) / (3) from the school (4) / no error (5)
no error (4) 12. One of them (1) / forgot to take (2) / his bag
4. It was difficult to get out (1) / because the street (3) from the school (4) / no error (5)
was full of people (2) / from one end to other (3)
/ no error (4) 13. Our new playground (1) / is big (2) / and
clearer (3) / than theirs (4) / no error (5)
5. In my opinion (1) / a pencil is always (2) / more 13. Our new playground (1) / as big as or bigger
preferable to a pen (3) /no error (4). (2) / and clearer (3) / than theirs (4) / no error (5)
5. In my opinion (1) / a pencil is always (2)
preferable to a pen (3) /no error (4). 14. After he had read the two first chapters (1) /of
the novel (2) / he felt like reading (3) / the book at
6. I am going to a bed (1) / and you would be well one sitting (4) / no error (5)
(2) / advised to do likely (3) / no error (4) 14. After he had read the first two chapters (1)
6. I am going to a bed (1) / and you would be well /of the novel (2) / he felt like reading (3) / the book
(2) / advised to do the same (3) / no error (4) at one sitting (4) / no error (5)

7. I could not (1) / remember story to tell the 15. Although he is my bosom friend (1) / I cannot
children (2) / so I made one up as I went along (3) ask him for (2) / money without any (3) vividly
/ no error (4) reason (4) no error (5)
7. I could not (1) / remember any story to tell the 15. Although he is my bosom friend (1) / I cannot
children (2) / so I made one up as I went along (3) ask him for (2) / money without any (3) vivid
/ no error (4) reason (4) no error (5)
( vividly is adverb and vivid is adj,adj we use to
qualify a noun or pronoun )

Compiled by - Arvind Tyagi Page 3

Adjective Assignment

23. I am sure that (1) / (remove all ) my monthly

16. He reached home (1) / leaving aside all other expenses (2)/ would exceed the income (3) / if I do
work (2) / but his father had (3) / left the home few not economise (4) / no error (5)
minutes earlier (4) / no error (5) ( all will not be used as in monthly expenses).
16. He reached home (1) / leaving aside all other
work (2) / but his father had (3) / left the home a 24. The economical condition (1) / of our country
few minutes earlier (4) / no error (5) is bad (2) / and unlikely to improve (3) / in the
( few means almost not and a few means near future. (4) / no error (5).
something ) 24. The economic condition (1) / of our country is
bad (2) / and unlikely to improve (3) / in the near
17. If you inform me (1) / of yours arrival time (2) future. (4) / no error (5).
/ I shall come to (3) / meet you at the airport (4) /
no error (5) 25.Inspite of the rumours (1) / of an impending
17. If you inform me (1) / of your arrival time (2) take over (2) / by the government (3) / Ramlal
/ I shall come to (3) / meet you at the airport (4) / bought more shares of that company (4) no error
no error (5) (5)
25.Inspite of the rumours (1) / of an impending
18. All said and done (1) / it is the basic values that take over (2) / by the government (3) / Ramlal
(2) / are most importance and (3) / help you in the bought many shares of that company (4) no
long run (4) / no error (5) error (5)
18. All said and done (1) / it is the basic values that
(2) / are most important and (3) / help you in the 26. The world (1) / comprises (2) / good and bad
long run (4) / no error (5) people (3) no error (4)
26. The world (1) / comprises (2) / good people
19. We were very much (1) / carefully in our and bad people (3) no error (4)
approach (2) / and hence we would (3) / complete
the complicated task (4) / no error (5) 27. Dilips performance in the (1) / film was worst
19. We were very much (1) / careful in our than (2) / Amits but was not (3) / as bad as
approach (2) / and hence we would (3) / complete Vinods (4) / no error (5)
the complicated task (4) / no error (5) 27.Dilipsperformance in the (1) / film was worse
than (2) / Amits but was not (3) / as bad as
20. In our area (1) / the journey by bus (2) / is Vinods (4) / no error (5)
quick and safe (3) / than that by train (4) / no error
(5) 28. When Charles was (1) / in the hospital (2) / his
20. In our area (1) / the journey by bus (2) / is sister sent (3) / much fruit than his uncle (4) no
quicker and safer (3) / than that by train (4) / no error (5)
error (5) 28. When Charles was (1) / in the hospital (2) / his
sister sent (3) / more fruit than his uncle (4) no
21. Anjalis performance in the (1) / drama was error (5)
best than (2) / Deepalis but not (3) / as good as
Vaishalis (4) / no error (5). 29. The faster he completes (1) / the work given to
21. Anjalis performance in the (1) / drama was (2) / him, the largest (3) / will be his profit.(4) / no
better than (2) / Deepalis but not (3) / as good as error (5)
Vaishalis (4) / no error (5). 29. The faster he completes (1) /the work given
to(2) /him, the larger (3)/will be his profit.(4)/no
22. He ran so fastly (1) / that he reached (2) / the error(5)
destination in (3) / just two minutes (4) / no error
(5) 30. The captain declared that his ship had carried
22. He ran so fast (1) / that he reached (2) / the (1) / no less than three hundred passengers (2) / on
destination in (3) / just two minutes (4) / no error the last voyage. (3) / no error (5)
(5) 30. The captain declared that his ship had carried
(1)/ no fewer than three hundred passengers (2)/
23. I am sure that (1) /all my monthly expenses on the last voyage. (3)/ no error (5)
(2)/ would exceed the income (3) / if I do not
economise (4) / no error (5)

Compiled by - Arvind Tyagi Page 4

Adjective Assignment

31. Some people get (1) / used to changes (2) / 39. A few word of (1) / gratitude are enough (2) /
very easily than (3) / others do (4) / no error.(5) to express your (3) / feeling sincerely (4) / no error
31. Some people get (1) / used to changes (2) / (5)
more easily than (3) / others do (4) / no error.(5) 39. A few words of (1) / gratitude are enough (2) /
to express your (3) / feeling sincerely (4) / no error
32. The link road has (1) / now become (2) / the (5)
roughest road than (3) / any other road in the
city.(4) / no error (5) 40. For millions of people (1) / his retirement from
32. The link road has (1) / now become (2) / (2) / cricket has been (3) / a greatest shock. (4) / no
rougher road than (3) / any other road in the error (5)
city.(4) / no error (5) 40. For millions of people (1) / his retirement from
(2) / cricket has been (3) / a great shock. (4) / no
33. The economical condition (1) / of our country error (5)
is bad (2) / and unlikely to improve (3) / in the ( with a/an we use positive degree )
near future. (4) / no error (5).
33. The economic condition (1) / of our country is 41. Whenever man attains fame (1) / / his person
bad (2) / and unlikely to improve (3) / in the near qualities are (2) / imitated by others who (3) / are
future. (4) / no error (5). close to him (4) / no error (5)
41. Whenever man attains fame (1) / his personal
34. Everyone agrees that (1) / the Ganga is the qualities are (2) / imitated by others who (3) / are
holiest (2) / of all the other rivers (3) / of India. (4) close to him (4) / no error (5)
/ no error (5)
34. Everyone agrees that (1) / the Ganga is the 42. His obviously reluctance (1) / was viewed
holiest (2) of all the rivers (3) / of India. (4) / no seriously by (2) / his superiors and (3) / he was
error (5) suspended (4) / no error (5)
( in superlative degree sentence other word is 42. His obvious reluctance (1) / was viewed
not used ) seriously by (2) / his superiors and (3) / he was
suspended (4) / no error (5)
35. His car is (1) / more bigger than (2) / that of
any of us. (3) / no error. (4) 43. You must realize (1) / how importance it is (2)
35. His car (1) / bigger than (2) / that of any of us. / to give away to the needy (3) / whatever you
(3) / no error.(4) possess in excess (4) / no error (5)
43. You must realize (1) / how important it is (2)
36. If you look up tea in a cookery book (1) / you / to give away to the needy (3) / whatever you
may find a little instructions (2)/ that give you no possess in excess (4) / no error (5)
help (3) / on several important points.(3) / no
error(4) 44. Some people have (1) / generously contributed
36. If you look up tea in a cookery book (1) / you to the welfare fund (2) / but they wanted that there
may find a few instructions (2)/ that give you no names (3) / should not be published (4) / no error
help (3) / on several important points.(3) / no (5)
error(4) 44. Some people have (1) / generously contributed
to the welfare fund (2) / but they wanted that
37. Which (1)/ do you prefer (2) /more meat (3) / their names (3) / should not be published (4) / no
or fish? (4)/ No error. (5) error (5)
37. Which (1)/ do you prefer (2) / meat (3) / or
fish? (4)/ No error. (5) 45. His good qualities include (1) / his ability to
take (2) / quickly and (3) / appropriate decisions.
38. The new assignment is (1) / more challenging (4) / no error (5)
than (2) / much of the (3) / earlier assignment. (4) / 45. His good qualities include (1) / his ability to
no error (5) take (2) / quick and (3) / appropriate decisions. (4)
38. The new assignment is (1) / more challenging / no error (5)
than (2) / most other or some other (3) / earlier
assignment. (4) / no error (5) 46.Your over dependent on(1) /others even for(2) /
trivial matters may (3) / prove disadvantageous
(4) / no error (5)

Compiled by - Arvind Tyagi Page 5

Adjective Assignment

46. Your over dependence on (1) / others even

for (2) / trivial matters may (3) / prove
disadvantageous (4) / no error (5)

47. His strictly discipline (1) / had made him (2) /

very unpopular among (3) / all the employees (4) /
no error (5)
47. His strict discipline (1) / had made him (2) /
very unpopular among (3) / all the employees (4) /
no error (5)

48. Ramesh has been both (1) / a dishonesty

person (2) / and a gambler (3) / since his childhood
(4) / no error (5)
48. Ramesh has been both (1) / a dishonest
person (2) / and a gambler (3) / since his
childhood (4) / no error (5)

49. He was delighted (1) / by the intelligent and

brightness (2) / of the scholars (3) / who used to
visit him (4) / no error (5)
49. He was delighted (1) / by the intelligence and
brightness (2) / of the scholars (3) / who used to
visit him (4) / no error (5)

50. We were happy that (1) / the audience

responded well (2) / and gave all the speakers (3) /
a patiently listening (4) / no error (5)
50. We were happy that (1) / the audience
responded well (2) / and gave all the speakers (3) /
a patient listening (4) / no error (5)

Compiled by - Arvind Tyagi Page 6

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