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Part. 2.

Exercise of Bodhidharma

Advanced level There are the advanced techniques of internal

training, where the Chi is generated in the abdomen
(called the center of the Will in esoteric).

In ancient times the hallucinogenic plants were used to change

the consciousness, but it is out of date now. Therefore
Shaolin monks use breathing techniques to change consciousness.

As discussed earlier, when the muscles are exercised, the

Chi and blood accumulate in the corresponding part of the
body. Then, when the muscles relax, the channels are opening
and allow the stored energy to emanate from this area
and circulate throughout the body. The advanced level is
performed with the concentration in the center of the
Will in the abdomen, on the center just below the navel.

In the respiratory practice the Shaolin monks use natural

breathing, in which the stomach is pulled in on the exhale
and bulges on the inhale (diaphragmatic breathing). At the
advanced level, the reverse breathing called paradoxical
breathing is used, in which the stomach bulges on the exhale
and is pulled in on the inhale. In the martial
arts it is better use paradoxical breathing.

Tips to practice breathing: It is not allowed to either

hold your breath, or enhance the process. Slowly inhale
through your nose, do it easily and smoothly, squeeze and
lift the abdomen. When the lungs are filled with air, begin
to breathe easily. Yin corresponds to the inhale, and
Jan to the exhale. They have to work together like
the Yin and Yang circle.

Both methods (natural breathing and paradoxical breathing) use the

same principle of generation of the Chi energy. The main
difference is that the coordination of movements of the
abdomen and breathing is opposite. In fact, many involved
are able to use both methods, and easily switch from
one to the other.

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