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Bibliografa relacionada con Aristteles y su libro Historia de los animales y otros estudios

que realiz sobre biologa.

- Marcos, Alfredo, Aristteles y otros animales: una lectura filosfica de la biologa

aristotlica. Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias (1996): 284

- Mieri, Marcelo, Biologa y taxonoma de las constituciones en la Politica de Aristoteles

(1987) XIII N 1: 72-85

- Mittelmann, Jorge, La biologa de Aristteles y su interpretacin contempornea Mthexis

(2002) N. 15: 97-105.

- Pajn Leyra, Irene, Ciencia y maravilla: acerca de las fuentes de Teofrasto p. 607-613

- Meijer P. A. Aristoteles en de biologie Lampas (1987) XX: 326-339

- Xavier Lpez, Luis, La mente animal: de Aristteles y el aristotelismo rabe y latino a la

filosofa contempornea (2009): 128

- Rodrigue, Louise, Bestiaire de l'thique aristotlicienne Archai (2015) N. 15 : 21-32

- Lefebvre, Ren, Aristote: zoologie et thique Archai (2013) N. 11: 101-110

- Althoff, Jochen, Aristoteles als Medizindoxograph Ancient histories of medicine p. 57-94

- Morel, Pierre-Marie, Qui a peur de l'thologie?: action humaine et action animale chez
Aristote Archai (2013) N11: 91-100

- Munzer, Stephen R, Aristotle's biology and the transplantation of organs JHB (1993) N. 26:

- Torrey H. B. ; Felin F. Was Aristotle an evolutionist? The quarterly review of biology (1937)
XII: 1-18

- Plochmann G. K. Nature and the living thing in Aristotle's biology JHI (1953) XIV : 167-

- Balme D. M. Development of biology in Aristotle and Theophrastus. Theory of spontaneous

generation Phronesis (1962) VII: 91-104

- Morsink J. Was Aristotle's biology sexist? JHB (1979) XII: 83-112

- Depew, David J. Humans and other political animals in Aristotle's History of animals
Phronesis (1995) 156-181.
- Dugr, Franois, Le rle de l'imagination dans le mouvement animal et l'action humaine chez
Aristote Dialogue (1990) XXIX: 65-78.

- Coles, Andrew, Biomedical models of reproduction in the fifth century BC and Aristotle's
Generation of Animals Phronesis (1995) 40 (1): 48-88

- Arnott, William Geoffrey, Ornithological notes on the Aristotelian History of animals

Mlanges A. Hurst. 565-572.

-Gotthelf, Allan, History of animals I 6, 490 b27-491 a 6: Aristotles very large animal kinds
Mlanges P. Pellegrin: 273-289

- Pavlopoulos, Marc, Aristotle's natural teleology and metaphysics of life OSAPh (2003) 24:

- Lennox, James G. Bios and explanatory unity in Aristotles biology. Definition in Greek
philosophy: 329-355.

- Tipton, Jason, Philosophical biology in Aristotles Parts of animals Heidelberg: Springer

(2014) XI: 207

- Witt, Charlotte, Aristotle on deformed animal kinds. OSAPh (2012) N. 43: 83-106

- Fabiola Romero

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