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Sedimentary rocks

A. Sedimentary rocks are formed through a series of processes: ________________________________________

B. Erosion
1. Erosion is the ___________________________ due to wind, water or ice. The result of erosion is
C. Deposition
1. Deposition is when the sediments from erosion ______________________________________________
and are left or deposited in a ___________________________.
D. Burial of Sediment
1. Most sediment are deposited in depressions called ___________________________that contain layers
and layers of sediment.
2. The most bottom layers are under ___________________________which cause lithification
a. Lithificationthe ______________________________________________________that
transform sediments in to sedimentary rocks.
E. Compaction (1st step of Lithification)
1. Sediments build up over time and ______________________________________________________.
This squeezes the layers so that the particles or grains ___________________________.
F. Cementation (2nd Step of Lithification)
1. Minerals that are dissolved in water ______________________________________________________.
These crystallized minerals ______________________________________________________.
G. Types of Bedding (Horizontal layering)
1. Graded Beddinglayering in which the particle sizes __________________________________________
toward the ______________________________________________________
2. Cross Beddinglayering formed in an ___________________________. Layers of sediment move
forward across a ______________________________________________________.
H. Types of Sedimentary Rocks
1. Geologist classify sedimentary rocks according to the ___________________________. There are three
major groups of sedimentary rocks: clastic, organic, and chemical.
2. Clastic Rocks
a. Clastic rocks are your ___________________________ sedimentary rock.
b. They are formed from ___________________________that were eroded and deposited a long
time ago.
c. These rock pieces were ___________________________.
d. The particles can be the ______________________________________________________. They
also have open spaces and can be classified by their level of ___________________________.
3. Organic Sedimentary Rocks
a. Organic sedimentary rocks are made from the remains of _______________________________.
b. These get deposited, compacted, and cemented just like rock sediments.
c. ______________________________________________________are two examples.
d. Sometimes limestone can have fossils in it.
4. Chemical Rocks
a. When the minerals that are ______________________________________________________,
chemical rocks are formed. Also called ___________________________.
b. One type of ___________________________ can form this way when calcite is dissolved in
lakes and becomes crystallized.
c. ___________________________ is another example of a chemical rock.
I. Uses of Sedimentary Rock
1. Building
a. White House is made of ___________________________a very popular sedimentary rock
2. Industrial use
a. Use in smelting ______________________________________________________
3. Information about Earths past ___________________________

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