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Name: Benjamin Gonzalo Soto Andrade

ID number: A00821864

Date: 22/09/2017

Formal Investigation:

Machine learning and Deep learning

Artificial intelligence, which in broad terms is intelligence displayed by machines that is

close or even equal to that of a human being, has become huge in the better part of
the last 40 years, propelled by both machine learning and more recently deep learning,
two different concepts that share a lot between each other and enable, have enabled
and will continue to enable countless services to people and humanity as a whole.
From pattern recognition, medical analyses, big data handling and so on.

In order to understand how the afore mentioned concepts allow artificial intelligence
to perform the things it does today it is crucial to first describe and conceptualize just
what exactly machine learning and deep learning are and how each one works to
enable AI, this will also allow to describe the impact that these technologies have on
people, culture, society and everything in between.

First, when it comes to machine learning, we can trace the existence of this concept to
the 1970s (the time in which its related algorithms first appeared). Machine learning is
in broad terms the use of algorithms that allow a computer to learn a way to perform a
specific task by first performing initial tasks that serve as examples the computer
learns from and then uses to repeat new tasks with data it hasnt encountered before.
In other words, the computer learns with a set of examples and uses the knowledge it
acquires to function in new but similar scenarios.

The way in in which machine learning does this is by using supervised and
unsupervised learning. In the first case, the computer is provided with data to perform
an operation and the expected output of using said data, and in the second, the
computer is only provided with the data, and its expected to get its own results using
what it has learned. In addition to this, machine learning can also be aided with the use
of artificial neural networks, this is what is known as Deep Learning.

Deep learning utilizes the many layers of ANNs (Deep learning can be defined as
building and training neural networks aided by machine learning) to get more abstract
concepts than those obtained through traditional means, this allows a computer to
perform highly impressive tasks such as automatic translation, the ability to recognize
images and much more. Opening huge new possibilities for future developments and
applications of AI.

Nowadays, machine learning and deep learning are used throughout the world in
different applications that have a vital importance in our society; their implementation
has grown so much that they now exist in basically every corner of the internet. They
are used for filtering content in web searches and social networks as well as obtaining
information from internet users. A great example of this is the immense neural
networks used by Facebook to create friend recommendations where machine
learning is employed to determine people you are likely to know, pages you might wish
to like or, ads you might be interested. The most impressive use of fakebooks AI is
facial recognition in photos. Machine learning is also starting to spread in consumer
electronics like for example the iPhone X, which uses AI to get to know your face and
use it as a mean of unlocking your phone and reacting to changes in your appearance.
Further uses include identifying objects in images, transcribing speech into text, as well
as applications in the field of robotics.

All the information stated above describes how machine learning and deep learning
work and the numerous applications that both have in the real world including the
services they provide to people. Nevertheless, in order to fully understand these
concepts in their full complexity it is also important to describe the cultural, economic,
legal and even ethical implications that they convey.

First of all, a very important thing to understand about systems built around the
methods described in this article is that although they perform numerous services that
seek to benefit people in very specific tasks, they are also becoming smarter every day
and could even in the not so distant future, perform the same tasks as a human being.
This of course has huge implications in countless areas.

AI built around machine learning and deep learning could in theory replace a great
number of jobs currently performed by humans, especially those involving repetition
and a basic level of skill such as jobs in factories, driving vehicles, work related with
sales and in the food industry and many more.

The result of this situation is logically the reduction of jobs that people depend on and
possible unemployment that would require restructuring in all sectors of society and
economy, causing people to be forced to change their mindset and pursue new
occupations. in other words, a complete overhaul of the work force.

Another possible future scenario brought by the rise of systems based on the learning
methods previously described, is the continuous increase in intelligence that artificial
intelligences possess, for an example of this, one doesnt need to go any further than
an observation of currently evolving AIs such as Siri, Alexa, chatbots or Googles own
deepmind, which are getting smarter every day through machine and deep learning
and could theoretically reach near-human capabilities in less than a century in a
phenomenon known as the singularity.

The singularity presents the possibility of artificial intelligences equating the intellect of
human beings, which toppled with the afore mentioned rise in job replacement by AIs
presents ethical dilemmas too complex to be fully discussed in this article, but which
pose serious questions that humans may have to address in the vicinity.

In conclusion, machine learning and deep learning are two applications of computer
science that allow a computer to learn and improve from experience. Both of them
have numerous applications that change the way we interact with technology, the
internet, social network, smart devices and robotics. Nevertheless, despite all the
benefits they offer, they also present complex issues related with human work force,
economics and ethics due to their continuous advance and potential to reach near-
human intellect. In the words of Stephen Hawking success in creating AI would be the
biggest event in human history but it also might be its last.


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Risks of artificial intelligence

Vincent Mu ller - Chapman & Hall 2016
Retrieved from: http://0-

Computer After Me, The: Awareness and Self-awareness in Autonomic Systems

Jeremy Pitt - Imperial College Press 2014 Retrieved

The technological singularity

Murray Shanahan - The MIT Press 2015 Retrieved

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