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Janet Xie

Photovoice/SAMR Lesson Redesign Warm-up

Previous lesson description- Before the lesson, pose the question What is a museum? Create
a KWL chart to display what students know, what they want to learn, and what they have learned
about museums. Ask: What are the best ways for you to communicate your thinking when
developing a classroom museum? Students watch a curriculum video showing elements of a
museum and how students can create their own museum. A letter was sent home explaining to
parents our objective with the heritage museum. It gave directions for parents to collect artifacts
and photos that show their familys celebrations, traditions, customs, experiences, etc.

Lesson objectives - List what students will learn/know/be able to do as a result of the lesson.
Students will be able to display their artifacts in a heritage museum.
Students will be able to write labels and captions for their artifacts.
Students will be able to view the heritage museums of their peers.
Students will be able to identify how each family is unique.
Timeframe - This lesson will last about 90 minutes over 2 days. The culminating unit will last
about 3 weeks with supplementary lessons.
Description of learning activities
Ask students to think of ideas on how to display the artifacts they have collected for their
personal museum. Record these ideas on a chart. Allow students to share their best way of
sharing their artifacts. Ask: How do decisions about displaying artifacts help communicate
information about how families are unique?
Students will display photos and artifacts that depict their family traditions, customs,
experiences, celebrations, etc. Work with students to write captions and labels for their personal
artifacts. Ask: How will you communicate your artifacts of family traditions to your peers?
Model the writing by thinking out loud the captions of my own photos and artifacts. Remind
students of the elements of a sentence (capital letters, spaces between words, complete
sentences/thoughts, and punctuation). Allow students to conduct a gallery walk to observe peers
heritage museum. Gather students after the gallery walk to discuss their observations. Have
students take a photograph or draw a picture of a family artifact to display in the family heritage
museum. Provide time for students to draw one of the photos/artifact displayed in the heritage
museum. Display the pictures and engage students in a class discussion about what can be
learned about people by looking at their special artifacts. Ask: How are peoples customs, skills,
and interests alike or different? How does sharing keepsake/artifact, skills, and interests help
people to live and work together?
Description of assessment Check for Student Understanding: Was the student able to display
and share artifacts that tell how students' families are unique. Were students able to identify a
unique skill, custom, or tradition represented through a personal artifact?

Original lesson from MCPS curriculum- (From MCPS curriculum)

Work with the class to determine the best way to display and/or create an artifact for the
classrooms family heritage museum. Provide time for students to indicate their top three choices
by contributing to a class consensogram (see MCPS, Consensogram). Allow students to bring in
a special keepsake/artifact, such as an old family photo, a trophy, an award, a special piece of
clothing, or a recipe that has been passed from one generation to another, other artifact that is
treasured, or create one for the classroom heritage museum. Provide time for students to create a
classroom display for the keepsake/artifact and use the answers from the letter to a family
member to design and produce a label that tells the story of the artifact. Ask: How does learning
about a keepsake/artifact change your thinking about what make families unique?

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