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6th Grade Science

Form A

Unit 4 Evaluation

Name: Class: Date:

Mark the correct answer with an .

1 What do these objects have in common?

A. Both are autotrophs.

B. Both are living things.
C. Both are formed by inert material.
D. Both are formed by matter.

2 Which of the following characteristics correspond to the make up of matter?

A. Matter is formed by small particles.

B. The particles do not move, they remain static.
C. Between the particles, matter in different states exists.
D. The particles do not possess attractive forces.

3 In what state of matter will the water be if it takes the shape of the vase?

A. Gas.
B. Solid.
C. Liquid.
D. Plasma.
Form A 6th Grade Science

4 Which of the three models below explain the organization of particles in liquid and gaseous states,
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

A. Models 1 and 2.
B. Models 2 and 3.
C. Models 1 and 3.
D. Model 1 only.

Using the following images, answer questions 5, 6, and 7.

State 1 State 2 State 3

5 What is the difference between state 1 and state 3?

A. The particles in state 1 are more separated than those in state 3.

B. The particles in state 1 are more united than those in state 3.
C. The particles in state 1 stay together and those in state 3 do not.
D. The particles in state 1 move around and those in state 3 do not.
Form A 6th Grade Science

6 In what state do the particles have greater kinetic energy?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 1 and 2

7 In what state is the volume is constant?

A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 3
D. 1 only

8 Why do solids have a rigid form?

A. Because the particles are very separated.

B. Because the particles possess a lot of kinetic energy.
C. Because the particles are very close together.
D. Because air in between the particles impedes their movement.

9 Which of the following solids should be used to build a safe?

A. Metal.
B. Wood.
C. Ice.
D. Paper.
Form A 6th Grade Science

Using the images, answer questions 10, 11, and 12.

1 2

10 In each beaker the same amount of food coloring was put in at the same time. Which beaker contains
water with a higher temperature?

A. Beaker 1
B. Beaker 2.
C. They will have the same temperature.
D. The temperature cannot be determined.

11 Why does the food coloring disperse more quickly in glass 2?

A. The particles in beaker 2 have greater kinetic energy than beaker 1.

B. The particles in beaker 1 have greater kinetic energy than beaker 2.
C. The particles of water in beaker 1 have greater chemical energy than those in beaker 2.
D. The particles of water in beaker 2 have greater chemical energy than those in beaker 1.

12 In relation to kinetic energy, what would happen if ice were put in beaker 2?

A. The mass would decrease.

B. The temperature would increase.
C. The kinetic energy of the particles would decrease.
D. The kinetic energy of the particles would increase.
Form A 6th Grade Science

13 What is the value of the lowest temperature matter can reach?

A. 0 C
B. 0 K
C. 0 F
D. -273 K

14 Edward and Ximena are talking about the climate. Edward says that in summer it gets very hot, and
Ximena says that this is wrong, because its correct to say that in summer the temperatures are
elevated. Who is right?

A. Ximena.
B. Edward.
C. Both.
D. Neither.

15 Why does it feel cold on a winter day, when the outside temperature is 0 C?

A. Because the environment transfers cold to a persons body.

B. Because the thermal energy is transferred from the environment to the person.
C. Because theres a transference of heat from the body to the environment.
D. B and C are correct.

Using the following information, answer questions 16, 17, and 18.
In a lab there is a glass containing 50 ml of water at 0 C, and a room temperature of 25 C.

16 If the glass stays on the lab table, what will happen to the temperature of the water after a while?

A. The water temperature will lower.

B. The temperature will not change.
C. It will reach a thermal equilibrium with the environment.
D. It will rise to 25 C (room temperature).
Form A 6th Grade Science

17 How will energy transfer take place?

A. The water will give off thermal energy to the environment.

B. The environment will capture energy from the wall of the glass.
C. The environment will give off energy to the wall of the glass and then to the water.
D. The water will transfer thermal energy to the wall of the glass and then the environment.

18 What is heat?

A. Energy in transit, transferred from one body to another.

B. The measure of kinetic energy of the particles of a body.
C. Transfer of heat between two bodies at different temperatures.
D. Transfer of heat between two bodies with the same temperature.

Using the images below, answer questions 19, 20, 21, and 22.

Metal spoon Wood spoon Plastic spoon

The images show three spoons which have the same amount of margarine on their ends. All of them have
the same amount of water at the same temperature poured on them.

19 In the experiment above, what is the process called in which the heat of the water is transferred to the

A. Conduction.
B. Convection.
C. Radiation.
D. Thermal equilibrium.
Form A 6th Grade Science

20 After observing the results, it appears that the margarine on the metal spoon melted first, then the
margarine on the plastic spoon, and, finally, the margarine on the wood spoon. How do you interpret
these results?

A. That in some types of spoons there is not heat transfer.

B. Some spoons are in thermal equilibrium with their medium.
C. Not all spoons have the same thermal conductivity.
D. That margarine melts at different temperatures.

21 Considering the results from question 20, which spoon is the best conductor of heat?

A. The plastic spoon.

B. The metal spoon.
C. The wood spoon.
D. The metal and plastic spoons are equally conductive.

22 According to the results of the experiment above, if you had to design a piece of kitchenware, like a
pot, what materials would you use to make the pot and its handles, respectively?

A. Plastic and wood.

B. Wood and metal.
C. Metal and plastic.
D. Wood only.

23 What is the mechanism of heat transfer in liquids and gases called?

A. Conduction.
B. Convection.
C. Radiation.
D. Thermal equilibrium.

24 What type of heat transfer is produced through magnetic waves?

A. Conduction.
B. Convection.
C. Radiation.
D. Thermal equilibrium.
Form A 6th Grade Science

Using the image, answer questions 25, 26, and 27.

2 3

4 5

25 What is the name of the processes labeled 1, 2, and 3, respectively?

A. Sublimation, fusion, and vaporization.

B. Fusion, condensation, and solidification.
C. Condensation, fusion, and vaporization.
D. Vaporization, condensation, and solidification.

26 Of the processes, which are regressive?

A. 1 and 3
B. 1 and 2
C. 1, 2, and 3
D. 4, 5, and 6

27 Jacob needs to make ice; which process should he use?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
Form A 6th Grade Science

28 What everyday example below corresponds to the process of vaporization?

A. Boiling water and observing the gas that is released.

B. Burning paper and observing the smoke released.
C. Opening the freezer door and seeing the water vapor.
D. Observing the water that is melted off in a glass of ice.

29 What is the process called when an ice cube is put in hot water?

A. Fusion.
B. Condensation.
C. Solidification.
D. Deposition.

30 The following shows a curve of water heating:

Temperature (C)

100 5

0 Time (min)

According to the curve, mark the correct statement.

A. In points 2, 3, and 5, an increase in water temperature can be detected.

B. In points 2 and 4, the water temperature stays constant.
C. In point 1, the water is in a gaseous state.
D. In point 5, the water is in a solid state.
Form A 6th Grade Science

31 Explain what happens in each one of the points of the cooling curve of water.

Temperature (C)

2 3

0 Time (min)
4 5

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