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Marista Mediterrnea
Colegio La Sagrada Familia


All living things are formed by tiny living units called cells.

The parts of a cell (in animal and plants):

-The nucleus (town hall): controls the functions of the cell (such as reproduction).

-The cell membrane (guards): controls what enters and leaves the cell.

-The cytoplasm (atmosphere): substance (like jelly) where chemicals reaction happens.

-The vacuoles (water tower): contain water and minerals, which the organism needs to grow.

Plants cells also have:

-A strong cell wall (city walls): projects and gives its shape.

-Chloroplasts: contain chlorophyll (needed during photosynthesis).

Unicellular organisms: the single cell perfoms all the three vital functions (paramecium).

Multicellular organisms: the different cells perform different functions (birds).

All living things perform three vital functions:

1.-Nutrition: obtain nutrients from the environment and transform them into energy to live,
grow and develop.

Plants produce their own food (photosynthesis).

Animals feed on other living things.
Decomposers feed on dead plants and animals (fungi and bacteria).

2.-Reproduction: new organisms are produced.

Asexual reproduction: only one organism is required (bateria).

Sexual reproduction: male and female are required.

3.-Interaction: a change in the enviroment (stimulus) can cause a reaction (response).

Provincia Marista Mediterrnea
Colegio La Sagrada Familia


Living things can be classified into five groups called kingdoms.

1.-Plant kingdom:

- Multicellular.
- Make their own food.
- During photosynthesis they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

2.-Protist kingdom:

- Usually unicellular, some multicellular.

- Most of them are found in water.
- Amoeba is unicellular and algae can be unicellular of multicellular.

3.-Monera kingdom:

- Unicellular.
- Can be found on land, air, water and inside other living things.
- Bacteria belong this group.
- We use some bacteria to make food (cheese and yogurt).
- Some bacteria feed on dead plants and animals.

4.-Animal kingdom:

- Multicellular.
- Feed on other living things.
- Most of them have the ability to move.

5.-Fungus kingdom:

- Can be unicellular or multicellular.

- Feed on dead plants and animals.

Provincia Marista Mediterrnea
Colegio La Sagrada Familia


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