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Anantmool, Indian Sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus Indicus)


Anantmool, Hemidesmus indicus

Description Of Plant

Anantmool is a climber found throughout India. Leaves are 2.5 inches long and alternatively arranged in
a pair. Upper part is oval in shape and it is very soft. Stem of this plant is cylindrical with thick nodes.
Woody roots are underground part and are very aromatic. Flowers of this vine is found in cluster yellow
and greenish purple in color. Fruits of this vine are divergent long follicles 2-4 inch long. This plant is used
as household remedy for various disorders. Leaves and roots have medicinal properties.

General Information

Anantmool is a great herb which has many versatile properties. It is very effective in managing gastritis
and many other pitta disorders in the body.

It is also known as "Sariva" and is used in managing disorders of the reproductive system in females. It is
a very good natural detoxification herb and helps in managing health naturally. It is a very useful plant in
the Indian system of medicine. There are two varieties of this shrub which are demarcated by the color
of their flowers, one of them is called as shveta sariva (bearing white flowers) and the other one is called
as Krishna sariva (black variety) but both of them seem to have similar medicinal value. The roots are
woody and aromatic while the stems are slender, green in color and numerous.

Special Note About Hemidesmus Indicus

It is one of the best detoxifying herb which helps in cleaning the body inside out. It has got amazing
health benefits in that it helps to purify blood and improves skin texture as well.

Apart from the above common properties, it is used for the management of many gynecological
problems in females such as menorrhagia, leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea etc.

Sariva or Anantmool is a soft, tender, twining shrub which is commonly found in most parts of India.
Commonly it is available in North Western parts of Himalaya. It is also cultivated in Punjab. It is a very
useful plant in the Indian system of medicine.


Kingdom - Plantae

Order Gentianales

Family Apocyanaceae


English name Indian Sarsaparilla.

Hindi name Anantmool, Kapuri

Sanskrit name Sariva, Ananta, Asfota, Utpal Sariva, Shyama, Canadana, Gopi, Gopavalli etc.

Marathi Name Upalsari, Uparsal.

Gujarati name Kapuri, Upalasari

Tamil name Nannari

Kannada Name Sogade beru

Ayurvedic Properties

Hindi / Sanskrit English

Rasa Kashaya, Tikta Taste Astringent, Bitter

Guna Laghu, Ruksha Physical Property Light, Dry

Virya Ushna PotencyHot

Vipaka MadhurMetabolic Property (After Digestion) Sweet

Effects On Doshas
It balances tridosha.

Charak Samhita Sushrut Samhita

Kaashara - Herbs which Relieve cough.

Hikka nigrahan - Herbs which are good for hiccups.

Mdhur Skandh - Herbs which are sweet in taste.

Practical Uses Of Hemidesmus Indicus

It is one of the best detoxifying herb which helps in cleaning the body inside out. It has got amazing
health benefits as it helps to purify blood and improve skin texture as well.

Apart from the above common properties, it is used for the management of many gynecological
problems in females such as menorrhagia, leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea etc.

Sariva has got amazing blood purifying properties. It is therefore used in the treatment of snake bite,
scorpion bites and other poisonous insect bite cases. How this herb acts to neutralize these cases is
continuously being researched so that more and more similar effects of this versatile herb can come to
the rescue of mankind.

In managing veneral diseases anatamool is very effective. Due to its detoxifying properties it helps in
clearing infections, blocks in the reproductive system of both males and females and eradicating deadly
microbial diseases like gonorrhea, leucorrhea etc.

Anantmool has cooling properties, when administered in the body it has a very stabilizing and cooling
impact which helps to neutralize abnormal acid secretions in the gut. For example, in case of severe
gastritis, stomach ulcers and ulcerative colitis, Sariva can be very useful for the patient. Sometimes
ulceration may lead to bleeding, Sariva can be a great herb in this case.

It helps to bring down high fever and also manages skin conditions due to vitiated pitta.

For oral ulcers, the skin of its woody roots can be taken and chewed to provide quick relief.

Roots can be boiled to make a sweet decoction which is very refreshing for the body and can be used
when one feels like having a cup of tea or coffee.

It is useful for treating anemia and can be taken orally in many ways for the same.

Anantmool is a general body tonic which can be taken along with milk and black pepper for improving
overall health.

It can also be used with honey to improve strength and vitality of the body.
Anantmool can act as a good brain tonic as well. It can be given to children with speech disorders, autism
etc. People struggling with depression, psychiatric disorders etc. can also benefit with the use of

Ananatamool root paste can be applied externally to treat joint pain in case of osteoarthritis and gout. It
is also helpful in curing many skin conditions as well.

It is used to pacify all three dosha i.e vata, pitta and kapha.

Part Used




Roots are the main parts used for medicinal purpose.

Root powder 1 3 g

Root paste 5 g.

Decoction 50 100ml.

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