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A. Background of study

A lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon that occurs when earth is incentral

(in a straight line) between the sun and moon. Thus, it made months

unobstructed to receive or reflecting sunlight to the earth, in the other hand

some people believe that a lunar eclipse occurs because of death or birth

someone great. The Prophet Muhammad SAW denied it. He told that death

and life a person at all not effect in the occure moon eclipse.

The eclipse is a sign of the greatness of God used to scare off human so

that they would be afraid to immoral to God and Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Basically humans are also afraid of something that can be dengerous them. If

on events of an eclipse was not there is anything that harms them. So that, the

incident is not something that my scare them.

For that, the Prophet Muhammad ordered them to do something that can

deprive of fear, such as sholat, pray, forgivenees, give alms, and freed

bondsmen, until their fear was lost. Prophet Muhammad did eclipse prayer so

long with Moslems. Thus, indirectly the incident was a warning for human to

always near to Allah SWT and lean to him, particularly in various events what

make them afraid. Based on the description above and to know a deeper

understanding of the eclipse phenomenon. Then, the writer interested to


explore it in a paper with a title THE MOON ECLIPSE ASTRONOMY IN


B. The Formulation of Problem

Based on the title of this paper the writer needs to make the formulation of

problem are follows:

1. How is the process of the month eclipse by astronomy view?

2. How are the fiqih rules when the month eclipse is occuring?

3. What are the advantages of the month eclipse in fiqih?

C. The Purpose of Study

The purpose of discussion that wants to be reached by the writer, there are:

1. To know the process of the month eclipse by knowladge astronomy

2. To know the arrangement fiqih when the month eclipse is occuring

3. To know the advantages of the month eclipse in fiqih

D. The Sources of Research

This paper is composed of library research. The writer reads some books

that have connection with the title and gather the materials to be a conclusion

for papers discussion.

E. The Methodof Collection Data

The writer uses reading methods of librarian books that has related with

this topic, and also the writer uses internet service to complete the topics


F. The Method of Analyzing Data


For finishing this paper, the writer used methods of analyzing data,


1. Deductive method, the writer analyzing data begins from generally

concept to specific conclusion.

2. Inductive methods, the writer take a specific concept then it will be

explained to general and analyzing.

G. The System of Discussion

For discussing this paper entitled: THE MOON ASTRONOMY IN FIQIH,

the writer arranged systematic of discussion as follows:


This chapter contains matters us: background of study, formulation of

study, source of research, method of collecting data, method of analyzing data,

and systematic of discussion.


This chapter explains definition of eclipse, kinds of eclipse, and

Islamic argument of eclipse.


This chapter will explain about process of the month eclipse by

astronomy view, fiqih rules when the month eclipse is occuring, and

advantage of the month.


This chapter explains conclusion, suggestion, and closing.




A. Definition of Eclipse

The eclipse in Arabic is known with kusuf or khusuf. Kusuf is better known

to call a solar eclipse, while khusuf to call a lunar eclipse. Kusuf means cover.

This illustrates the natural phenomenon that is seen from earth the moon

cover of the sun, so there is a solar eclipse. While khusuf means entering, it

describes the natural phenomenon those months of entering the shadow of the

earth, so there is a lunar eclipse. (Muhyidin Khazin, 2011:187)

B. Kinds of Eclipse

1. The solar eclipse

The solar eclipse will occur at ijtima time (conjungtions). Where

the moon and the sun are at one point a knot or nearby. A solar eclipse can

occur two to five times in a year. But who can watch it is just a few places

surface of earth. Based on the sun disk that is covered by the moon at the

lunar eclipse, so there are three kinds of a solar eclipse, namely:

a. A total solar eclipse

A total solar eclipse or perfect or kulliy is happened when the

position of the month with the earth in the near distance, so the conical

shadow (the umbra) months is being long and can touch the earth

surface, as well as eearth- month- sun in a straight line.


Picture 2.1 a Total Eclipse

b. A ring solar eclipse

A ring solar eclipse or halqiy occur when the position of the month

with the earth in the long distance, so the conical shadow (the umbra)

months is being short and cant touch the earth surface, as well as

earth- moon- sun in a straight line. When in that situation the month

diameter smaller than the sun diameter. So there is a part of the sun

side disk which can be watched in the earth.

Picture 2.2 a Ring Solar Eclipse

c. A partly solar eclipse

A partly solar eclipse or badliy occur when the position of the

month with the earth in the near distance, so the conical shadow (the

umbra) months is being long and can touch the earth surface. But

earth- moon- sun not in a straight line.


Picture 2.3 a Partly Solar Eclipse

2. The moon eclipse

The moon eclipse will occur when istiqbal (a position), when th

month is at one point knot others or nearby, while the sun is in the

longitudinal distance astronomy 1800 of the month. The moon eclipse can

occur twice or three times a year and can be seen by the entire human who

face to the month. And sometimes did not happen a moon in a year. With

regard to record months that entering the shadow nucleus of the earth, so

there are two kinds of the moon eclipse, a total lunar eclipse and a partly

lunar eclipse.

a. A total lunar eclipse

A total lunar eclipse or perfect or kulliy occurs when the position

earth- moon- sun in a straight line, so the record of the month in

shadow the earth.


Picture 2.4 a Total Lunar Eclipse

b. Partly lunar eclipse

A partly lunar eclipse or badliy occurs when the position earth-

moon- sun are not a straight line, so only partly record of month enter in

shadow nucleus of the earth. (Muhyidin khazin, 2011:188)

Picture 2.5 a Partly Lunar Eclipse

C. Islamic Argument of Eclipse

There is Islam arguments of eclipse explained in a hadis of

Rasulullah SAW, namely:

Meaning: The solar eclipse and the moon happened not caused by life or

death people. The two eclipses are a sign of the God greatness. If you

found them, so do sholat.

Aisyah ra also narrated hadis marfu

Meaning: The solar eclipse and the moon happened not caused by life

or death person, except all of them are sign of the greatness of God. He

will make His slaves afraid of the two eclipses. If you found the eclipse, so

dzikir to remember God until the shine of the sun or the month visible


Aisyah ra said:

Meaning: When you see it (eclipse), so pray to God, takbir, sholat, and

give alms.



A. The Procces of The Month Eclipse by Astronomy View

The lunar eclipse is caused by several factors. Including the month

circumference. The months circumference around of the earth form sectors

which do not a sector with ecliptic. The ecliptic is a field the earth

circumference around the sun.

The months around the earth with the tracks shaped ellips and the earth

located in one of the ellips fire point, so that in month there are part farthest

and nearest to the earth. The farthest is called apogea and the nearest is called


The months circumference and the ecliptic form an angle of 50, an ally

line between two sectors are called knot. A knot line is also not constant in

one position, but double rotation with 19 periode. If sometime the sun located

at the nodes, the sun will be come back in next half years at the nodes.

Picture 3.1 a Moon Eclipse


The lunar eclipse happens when a part or whole of cross section months

enclosed by the shadow of the earth. If occurs when the earth between the sun

and the moon in a same straight line, so the sun radiance is unable to reach

months because is closed by earth.

With this explanation, the lunar eclipse arise if the months opposition at

50. So not every opposition of months with the sun will affect the lunar

eclipse. Intersection sector of the orbit month with sector of the ecliptic will

arise two point pieces which is called node, it is a point where the moon cut

the sector of the ecliptic. The lunar eclipse will happen when the moon

opposition the nodes. The months need 29, 53 days to move from one point

opposition to other opposition.

B. The Fiqih Rules when The Month Eclipse is Occuring

People of Arab ignorance believe that the eclipse occurred because death

or birth of a great person. The Prophet Muhammad SAW denied it. He told

the death and life people did not affect the eclipse. As his hadis:

Meaning: The solar eclipse and the moon are two sign of the greatness of

God. The two happened were not caused life or death person. If you found the

solar eclipse and moon, so do sholat (eclipse).

The eclipse is the creation of Allah so that they would be afraid. Hence,

the Prophet Muhammad SAW ordered them to do something that can deprive

of fear, such as sholat, pray, forgiveness, give alms, and freed bondsmen,

until their fear was lost.

Rasulullah SAW ordered us to do shodaqoh and other praying, such as

lunar eclipse prayer or could be called khusuf prayer.

1. The law of eclipse prayer

There is who argued that the law of eclipse prayer is sunah

muakad. Imam An- Nawawi said, Ulama agreed that the law of eclipse

prayer is sunah. Meanwhile, Ibnu Qudamah ra said, The eclipse prayer

is sunah muakad. Because, the Prophet Muhammad SAW did it and also

telling him. As- Sadi said, Some ulama argued that the eclipse prayer is

wajib. Because, the Prophet Muhammad SAW did it and also telling him.

Ibnu Al- Qayyim ra in the As-Shalah book argued that the eclipse

prayer is wajib. This is strong opinion. The opinion of Ibnu Al- Qoyyim ra

is right. Because, the Prophet Muhammad SAW has ordered the prayer

and came out by a feeling of fear. Then speech with a great speech. At that

time was displayed heaven and hell to him.

2. Method khusuf prayer

The following are the methods of the eclipse prayer:

1. The number of rakaats at least are two rakaats as sunah prayer in


2. The eclipse prayer can be alone, but recommended to be together

3. In this prayer, recite Al- Fatihah followed by other surah


4. After that ruku by recite the incantation ruku as usual, then Itidal by


After that recite Al- Fatihah then ruku once again then Itidal and then

sujud twice. This is in one rakaat. Do one rakaat again for perfect into

two rakaats. So, this eclipse prayer is consisting of two rakaats with

four ruku, four standing recite Al- Fatihah, and four sujud

5. After prayer, sunah to preach. A sermon is expected containing of

suggestion or advice to jamaah about the importance doing actions or

amalan that right, such as shodaqoh, pray, and forgiveness.

C. The Advantage of The Moon Eclipse in Fiqih

The eclipse happened to bring the great of advantage. Namely:

1. Give opportunity of human to watch little parable from the doomsday.

Allah SWT said :



Mean: Months has also lost its right, then the sun and the moon are

collected. (QS. Al- Qiyamah [75]: 8- 9)

2. Give warning to human who do damage

3. Disenchant the heart to rise from flax and forget

4. Warning for us not do treason and always hope for forgiveness

5. Always glorified power of God as created the universe and its content.



A. Conclusion

Based the data that has been collected could be conclused as follows:

1. The process of the month eclipse by astronomy view

Based on explanation above, the process of the lunar eclipse

because when a part or whole of cross section months enclosed by the

shadow of the earth.

2. The fiqih rules when the month eclipse is occurring

According to a religious rule, if the lunar eclipse is happened we

will get closer to God. As shalat, pray, forgiveness, give alms, and

freed bondsmen.

3. What is the advantages of the month eclipse in fiqih

The eclipse happened to bring the great of advantages. Of them are

always glorified power of God as created the universe and its content,

give opportunity of human to watch little parable from the doomsday,

give warning to human who do damage, disenchant the heart to rise

from flax and forget, and warning for us not do treason and always

hope for forgiveness.

B. Suggestion

Writer develops some suggestions can be useful for readers, namely:


1. By this paper, should increase in sight and extensive knowledge about

the lunar eclipse

2. By knowing the meaning of truth lunar eclipse, may writers and

readers can carry

3. By knowing the advantages, may writers and readers can take the

positive of side

C. Closing

Alhamdulillah all praises presented to Allah SWT who gave mercy, help,

and guidance, so the writer had finished this paper although this paper is so far

from perfection. So that, the writer hopes critics and suggestion for this paper

in order to be better in the next generation.

The writer hopes, this paper may give advantages, for the reader and

especially for writer in order to apply her knowledge to be useful for herself in

the world and here after.



Khazin, Muhyidin. 2011. Ilmu Falaq Dalam Teori dan Praktik. Yogyakarta:
Buana Pustaka.

Dr. Said. 2008. Shalah Al-Mumin. Jakarta: Almahira.

Fikra, Rausyan. 2009. Di Balik Shalat Sunnah. Sidoarjo: Buana Pustaka.

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