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Medical Problems roleplay

Your problem is:
You are spending too much time sitting at a computer

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
My eyes hurt
Can they guess what the problem is?
Your problem is:
You have been smoking too much

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
My teeth are yellow
Can they guess what the problem is?
Your problem is:
You have been smoking too much dope (= weed = grass= marihuana)

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
I am moving very slow
Can they guess what the problem is?
Your problem is:
You have a cold

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
I keep on sneezing
Can they guess what the problem is?
Your problem is:
You have hay fever

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
I keep on sneezing
Can they guess what the problem is?
Your problem is:
You have an allergy to dust

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
I keep on sneezing
Can they guess what the problem is?
Your problem is:
You have asthma

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
I cant run
Can they guess what the problem is?
Your problem is:
You are pregnant

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
My period has stopped
Can they guess what the problem is?
Your problem is:
Your host mother has given you food poisoning

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
I have been to the toilet 5 times today
Can they guess what the problem is?
Your problem is:
You have an STD (= sexually transmitted disease)

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
I am very itchy
Can they guess what the problem is?
Your problem is:
You have head lice

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
I am very itchy
Can they guess what the problem is?
Your problem is:
You have an STD (= sexually transmitted disease)

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
I am very itchy
Can they guess what the problem is?
Your problem is:
You are a glue sniffer

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
My nose is always running
Can they guess what the problem is?
Your problem is:
You are bulimic

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
I have lost a lot of weight
Can they guess what the problem is?
Your problem is:
You have an STD (= sexually transmitted disease)

Dont tell your partner what your problem is, just tell them what the symptoms are, e.g.
I am very itchy
Can they guess what the problem is?
Non-roleplay card version
Your problem is: You are spending too much time sitting at a computer
Symptoms: My eyes hurt

Your problem is: You have been smoking too much

Symptoms: My teeth are yellow

Your problem is: You have been smoking too much dope (= weed = grass= marihuana)
Symptoms: I feel paranoid

Your problem is: You have a cold

Symptoms: I keep on sneezing

Your problem is: You have hay fever

Symptoms: I keep on sneezing

Your problem is: You have an allergy to dust

Symptoms: My eyes keep running

Your problem is: You have asthma

Symptoms: I cant run

Your problem is: You are pregnant

Symptoms: My period has stopped

Your problem is: Your host mother has given you food poisoning
Symptoms: I have the runs (= the trots = diarrhoea)

Your problem is: You have head lice

Symptoms: I am very itchy

Your problem is: You are a glue sniffer

Symptoms: My nose is always running

Your problem is: You are bulimic

Symptoms: I have lost a lot of weight
Your problem is: You snore
Symptoms: Im not sleeping very well

Your problem is: You eat too many sweet things

Symptoms: I have toothache

Your problem is: You dont clean your teeth

Symptoms: I have bad breath

Your problem is: You dont bathe very often

Symptoms: I have B.O (= body odour)

Your problem is: You have flu

Symptoms: I have a fever

Your problem is: You have a hangover

Symptoms: My head is killing me

Your problem is: You have split up with your girlfriend/ boyfriend
Symptoms: I feel depressed/ suicidal

Your problem is: You are stressed about your exams

Symptoms: I toss and turn at night

Your problem is: You are an alcoholic

Symptoms: Im putting on weight

Your problem is: You have AHD (Attention Deficit Disorder)

Symptoms: I cant sit down and relax

Your problem is: You have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

Symptoms: I feel down

Your problem is: You have dyslexia

Symptoms: I cant study
Your problem is: You have an ear infection
Symptoms: I cant understand what my lecturer is saying

Your problem is: You have high blood pressure

Symptoms: My face keeps turning red when I drink

Your problem is: You are bulimic

Symptoms: I have lost a lot of weight

Your problem is: You have sunburn

Symptoms: My skin hurts

Your problem is: You have eczema

Symptoms: I cant use normal shampoo

Your problem is: You dont have enough iron in your diet
Symptoms: I dont have any energy

Your problem is: You have diabetes

Symptoms: I cant eat the same as everyone else

Your problem is: You are taking speed (= amphetamines)

Symptoms: I cant concentrate
Persuasion version

You are only 13 but you want to go on the pill (= the contraceptive pill)

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