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6th Grade Science

Form A

Unit 5 Evaluation

Name: Class: Date:

Mark the correct answer with an .

1 Look at the following image.

Current atmospheric gases Volume (%)

Nitrogen 78.08
Oxygen 20.95
Argon 0.93
Carbon dioxide 0.03
Source: Editorial archive

Which of the gases above is the most abundant in the atmosphere?

A. Oxygen.
B. Carbon dioxide.
C. Nitrogen.
D. Argon.

2 What gas did the atmosphere not have when it originated?

A. Oxygen
B. Carbon dioxide.
C. Nitrogen.
D. Argon.

3 Which of the following layers is not part of atmosphere?

A. The troposphere.
B. The lithosphere.
C. The exosphere.
D. The thermosphere.
Form A 6th Grade Science

4 Which of the following layers of the atmosphere is furthest from the Earths surface?

A. The thermosphere.
B. The stratosphere.
C. The exosphere.
D. The troposphere.

5 In which layer of the atmosphere are meteorological phenomena produced?

A. In the thermosphere.
B. In the stratosphere.
C. In the exosphere.
D. In the troposphere.

6 Which of the following describes the importance of the atmosphere to life?

A. It maintains life due to the presence of oxygen.

B. It allows ultraviolet rays to directly enter the Earth.
C. It allows all heat generated on Earth to escape into space.
D. It allows the temperature of the Earth to vary strongly.

7 What would happen to the planet if the stratosphere didnt exist?

A. A very large amount of UV radiation would hit the surface of the planet.
B. It would affect life, because of a lack of oxygen.
C. It would affect the meteorological processes compatible with life.
D. Radio waves would not be able to be transmitted.

8 Which of the following atmospheric gases is a greenhouse gas?

A. Argon.
B. Nitrogen.
C. Oxygen.
D. Carbon dioxide.
Form A 6th Grade Science

9 Why does a hiker who climbs to the top of Mount Everest, located 8,850 meters above sea level, need
to use an oxygen tank?

A. Because at that height there is no ozone.

B. Because at that height there is no oxygen.
C. Because at that height there is no water vapor.
D. Because at that height there is no carbon dioxide.

Using the information in the table below, answer questions 10 and 11.

Location Percentage of total water

Oceans 97
Glaciers and polar caps 2 Salt water

Underground water 0.3 Fresh water

Lakes, rivers, and streams 0.009
Atmosphere 0.001

10 Where is the largest amount of water on the planet found?

A. The atmosphere.
B. The oceans.
C. Underground.
D. Lakes, rivers, and streams.

11 Where is the largest reserve of fresh water in the world found?

A. The oceans.
B. Underground water.
C. Lakes, rivers, and streams.
D. Glaciers and polar caps.
Form A 6th Grade Science

12 Which of the following characteristics demonstrates the key role water plays in life?

I. It forms the environment in which life begins.

II. It forms a part of the habitat for many living things.
III. It is a major component of living things.

A. I and II.
B. II and III.
C. I and III.
D. I, II, and III.

13 Which of the following are the layers of the Earth according to the chemical model?

A. The crust, mantle, and external nucleus.

B. The crust and internal and external nucleus.
C. The crust, mantle, and nucleus.
D. The crust, mantle, and asthenosphere.

14 Which of the following characteristics demonstrates the importance of the lithosphere for life?

I. Plants get the minerals and water necessary for photosynthesis from it.
II. Wind energy is obtained from it.
III. It is indispensable in the development of agriculture.

A. I and II.
B. II and III.
C. I and III.
D. I, II, and III.

15 Which of the following factors does not pollute the atmosphere?

A. Increase in acid rain.

B. Production of oxygen.
C. Reduction in the ozone.
D. Greenhouse effect.
Form A 6th Grade Science

Using the following information, answer questions 16, 17, and 18.

In a lab activity the following experimental setups were made, keeping temperature and luminosity constant.

Experimental Setup 1: plastic glass + cotton + seeds + drops of rain water

Experimental Setup 2: plastic glass + cotton + seeds + drops of nitrous acid

16 What is the objective of the experiment?

A. To determine the effect of humidity on germination.

B. To determine the effect of acid rain on germination.
C. To determine how light affects germination.
D. To determine how temperature affects germination.

17 In which experimental setup should there be less seed germination?

A. Only in 1.
B. Only in 2.
C. In both.
D. Neither will produce germination.

18 If the experiment wanted to determine how the greenhouse effect affects seed germination, the
experimenters should:

A. reduce the amount of oxygen in setup 2.

B. increase the water vapor in setup 2.
C. increase the temperature in setup 2.
D. reduce luminosity in setup 2.

19 Which of the following statements about pollution is incorrect?

A. It only happens as a consequence of human actions.

B. It can happen as a consequence of natural phenomena.
C. It corresponds to the loss of quality of an environment.
D. It occurs due to the accumulation of waste.
Form A 6th Grade Science

20 Which of the following claims regarding the greenhouse effect is incorrect?

A. It is caused mainly by carbon dioxide.

B. Its a phenomenon resulting from the increase in industrial activity.
C. Its a natural phenomenon of an atmosphere that has been altered.
D. It allows the temperature of the planet to vary strongly.

21 Which of the following actions helps to reduce atmospheric pollution?

A. Burning trash and fields.

B. Sweep the sidewalk without putting water on it.
C. Choosing CFC free products.
D. Using wood as a source of heat.

Using the graphs below, answer questions 22 and 23.

Variation in the concentration of carbon dioxide over the Variation in the temperature of the planet over the last
last millennium millennium

370 14.3
Carbon dioxide (ppm)

Temperature (C)


310 13.9


250 13.5















Time (years) Time (years)

22 Which of the following statements is correct?

A. The concentration of carbon dioxide has remained constant.

B. The concentration of carbon dioxide has decreased over time.
C. Since 1800, the concentration of carbon dioxide has risen.
D. Since 1800, the concentration of carbon dioxide has fallen.
Form A 6th Grade Science

23 Which of the following claims is incorrect?

A. Temperatures remained relatively constant until 1800.

B. The planets temperature has varied in the last millennium.
C. The planets temperature has significantly increased since 1900.
D. Over the last millennium the median temperature has decreased.

24 Respond using the graph below.

Composition of soil

Minerals 45 %
Air 25 %

Organic matter 5 %

Water 25 %

Which of the following is the major component of soil?

A. Air.
B. Water.
C. Minerals.
D. Organic material.

25 How are minerals formed in the soil?

A. By the progressive disintegration of rocks.

B. From the matter released by the remains of animals.
C. From the matter released by vegetable remains.
D. By the actions of earthworms.
Form A 6th Grade Science

26 In which type of soil should a plant that requires little water, like a cactus, grow?

A. Clay soil.
B. Silty soil.
C. Rocky soil.
D. Organic soil.

27 Which of the following types of soil is better for any species of vegetable to grow?

A. Rocky soil.
B. Sandy soil.
C. Clay soil.
D. Organic soil.

28 Considering the distribution of soils in Chile, in which zone do wood forests grow best?

A. Far North.
B. Near North.
C. Southern zone.
D. Far South.

29 Which of the following is an external geological phenomenon?

A. An Earthquake.
B. An excess of nutrients in the soil.
C. Prevention of forest fires.
D. Reforestation.

30 Which of the following causes soil erosion?

A. Overexploitation of the soil.

B. An excess of nutrients in the soil.
C. The prevention of forest fires.
D. Reforestation.
Forma A 6th Grade Science

31 Describe the characteristics of the hydrosphere and name the resources we can get from it.

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