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Name: ________________________________________ Date: ______________ Period: _______

Holy Orders and Marriage Unit Take-Home Test

Section One: Multiple Choice (15 questions; 2 points per question); please circle the best answer for each question. This
section is worth a 30 point test grade. Please refer to the Catechism #1536-1666, chapters 9-10 in your textbook, and your
notes for answers.

1. What is the term which describes the key element in the making of the bond of marriage during the marriage
ceremony which is the real moment of total self gift?
A. Exchange of rings
B. The Sign of Peace
C. Exchange of vows (consent)
D. None of the above: the marriage bond is not real until sexual intercourse
2. How can we describe the unity between the description of the marital relationship between man and woman found in
Genesis 2, Matthew 19, and Ephesians 5?
A. All three passages reference marriage in some way as the relationship in which two people become one flesh
B. All three passages give a firm basis for allowing divorce if a person is infertile
C. All three passages describe the ultimate dominance of men over women in the marital relationship
D. All three passages describe the point of marriage as sexual fulfillment for man and woman
3. Who has the power to confer the sacrament of Holy Orders?
A. Only Bishops
B. Bishops and priests
C. Bishops, priests, and deacons
D. Anyone in an emergency is able to confer Holy Orders
4. Who is ultimately responsible for marrying a man and woman and creating real sacrament?
A. The priest or deacon who presides over the wedding ceremony
B. The pope who issues his personal blessing of the marriage at the priests recommendation
C. The couple who give themselves freely to one another
D. The children of the couple who actually seal their marriage by their existence
5. Which of the following is a way in which the ancient Israelite priesthood in the tribe of Levi had to suffer in order to
show that they were set apart for the service of God and his people in the Old Testament?
A. One Levite son or daughter per family had to serve as a slave in the Israelite kings court
B. Levi was the only tribe of the 12 tribes of Israel who received no part of the Promised Land as their own territory
C. All Levite livestock and property was confiscated by the other tribes of Israel every 50 years
D. None of the above: the tribe of Levi was exactly the same in every respect as the other Israelite tribes
6. According to the Catechism what are the two offices or functions of the order of the episcopate (bishops)?
A. Sacrifice and Service
B. Faith and Forgiveness
C. Confessions and the Eucharist
D. Teaching and Ruling
7. According to John Paul IIs Theology of the Body, what does the nuptial meaning of the body tell us?
A. Every single human being is destined for marriage or nuptial vows
B. Sex is something meant for both those who are married and unmarried
C. The soul is the all powerful director of the human body and the only part of the human which matters
D. The body shows that the human person in its entirety is meant to unite itself in love to another and give itself as a
gift to another
8. At what exact moment during the ordination rite in the sacrament of Holy Orders does the male candidate become
officially ordained?
A. As he processes into the Church
B. When he receives his symbolic items
C. When he receives Holy Communion
D. When the bishop lays hands on his head
9. What is the term given to the family which describes its function as the first place where human beings learn how to
make a total gift of themselves and experience the joy of Christian community?
A. Mater et Magister
B. Domestic Church
C. Saint Factory
D. Order of Excellence
10. Which of the following is a main effect of the sacrament of marriage?
A. The couple is united in a permanent bond which cannot be broken until death
B. The couple is promised a lifetime of Gods grace to strengthen and perfect their unity and love
C. The couple is immediately forgiven of all un-confessed mortal sins
D. Both A and C are correct
11. Which of the following is true about the order of the deaconate?
A. Deacons are supposed to serve as extensions of the bishop in the role of teaching and celebrating the sacraments
B. Deacons must take a permanent vow of celibacy showing their allegiance to Christ and the bishop
C. Deacons originally were ordained for the purpose of assisting the poor on behalf of the bishop and proclaiming
the Gospels
D. The deaconate is the only one of the three Holy Orders completely removed from a person after ordination
12. According to the teaching of the Catechism which of the following statements is true about the relationship between
marriage and virginity?
A. Virginity is a sign of Gods coming kingdom while marriage represents the closing of the current age and the
passing away of the present world
B. Marriage is superior to virginity according to the Gospels and virginity is only used as a form of penance for sin
C. Virginity is established by God Himself in the New Testament while marriage was established by human beings
only to be blessed and approved by God later
D. All of the above are correct statements about marriage and virginitys relationship
13. Why exactly does the Church require marriage to be contracted in the ecclesial form, that is, inside of a Catholic
Church rather than at the beach, and in the presence of an ordained minister?
A. Marriage introduces people to an ecclesial order and it creates rites and duties between families and the Church
B. Marriage is raised to the dignity of being a sacrament and state of life in the Church; therefore the Church desires
certainty by witness that the marriage actually exists
C. The public character of the I do given in the Church assists the spouses in remaining faithful to their vows
D. All of the above are reasons given by the Catechism for having marriage in the ecclesial form
14. Where does the office of the priesthood find its supreme expression according to the Catechism?
A. At the Eucharistic assembly offering the sacrifice of the Mass
B. In service of the poor at soup kitchens
C. In the election of a new pope
D. When teaching the faith of the Church in Catholic schools, parishes, or homes
15. What is a shared practice between both Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches regarding the sacrament of
Holy Orders?
A. Both Eastern and Roman Churches exclude women from the priesthood
B. Both Eastern and Roman Churches exclude the possibility of marriage to those who have already receive the
sacrament of Holy Orders
C. Both Eastern and Roman Churches require that bishops be celibate and not married
D. All of the above are shared practices between Eastern and Roman Churches for the sacrament of Holy Orders
Section Two: Essay (2 questions, 10 points per question); please answer in 1-2 paragraphs in the space provided below the
following questions regarding Jesus fundamental call to disciples and Holy Orders and Marriage

1. Read Matthew 16: 24-26 and John 12: 24-26. In these passages Jesus invites his disciples to lose their lives if they
wish to find them and have eternal life. Incorporating both material , explain how the Sacrament of Holy Orders
represents a proper response to these Gospel demands from Jesus in which joy and love is found through sacrifice
and self-gift to others. Be careful to explain exactly how one makes a gift him or herself in this sacrament.

2. Read Matthew 16: 24-26 and John 12: 24-26. In these passages Jesus invites his disciples to lose their lives if they
wish to find them and have eternal life. Drawing on material covered in class, explain how the Sacrament of
Marriage represents a proper response to these Gospel demands from Jesus in which joy and love is found through
sacrifice and self-gift to others. Be careful to explain exactly how one makes a gift him or herself in this sacrament.

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