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Why would the Republicans, who control the Federal Government today - they control the

House of Representatives, the United States Senate, and now the President - why would the
Republicans say, "Hey, we have a great idea. Let's spend another trillion dollars we don't have on
infrastructure"? Like we've never done that before. That's all the Federal Government does,
redistribute wealth and give money to cities and states and themselves to build stuff, whether we
need it or not.

There's story after story about Federal funds, and state funds, and one boondoggle after another,
cost overruns endlessly, so-called public transportation that no one wants, because centralized
planning, whether its done in Moscow or Washington does not work. That's why.

Now, we need some infrastructure. Even Adam Smith, and Hayak, and Mieses, and Friedman,
understood that. You need a basic infrastructure, you need a basic tax base, you need to take care
of people who can't take care of themselves. We are way beyond that. We're in the boondoggle
area, we're in the redistributing wealth in the Marxist model not because people need help, but
because they can, that's why.

So, they have a new name. Just like the liberal names that cover up what they're doing: the New
Administration. Rather than calling it an infrastructure plan, they call it an emergency and
national security project priority. What? Emergency and national security projects and security ?

Now, what is infrastructure? Roads, bridges, tunnels, right? Now, the argument they've been
using is our roads, our bridges, and tunnels are crumbling. We've got to fix our infrastructure. It's

We got tunnels that are collapsing from within. Are thry? Oh yeah, it's all over the place, and
of course, you're annoyed if you have to drive to work. You're in traffic, there are potholes, and
most of that is your state and locality. It's not the Federal Governments job to pay for local roads
in Rhode Island. No offense, Rhode Island, but that's your problem. It's not my problem, and
same with you In Rhode Island and my state, that's up to us.

Emergency and national security projects priority a list of proposals.

$157 billion of proposals that the Trump administration has put together. They want to spend a
trillion dollars, so they have another $843 billion to go. This is just $157 billion, give or take.

The democrats are already in, Schumer announced we have our own trillion-dollar program, and
he said, "An infrastructure may not mean exactly infrastructure," The last time we did this with
the Obama stimulus program, Paul Ryan said, "9% of the so-called stimulus budget went to
roads and bridges." 9%. What percentage of this list of emergency and national security projects
priority list is going to fixing crumbling bridges and crumbling tunnels?

The Gateway Program:

Why is it costing so much? Because, the Federal Government has the Davis-Bacon Act. When
the democrats controlled the government many decades ago well before Obama and Carter and
so forth, they put in place a pay structure, and it is the local Union wage. So, even though they
could get around that, it's a payoff to Unions. That's what it is. It's not a competitive wage. You
have to pay the local going organized labor Union wage, and they have some complicated
equation to figure all that out.

President Trump signed an executive order yesterday saying, "With the pipelines, you must use
steel from America." Well, steel from America costs much more than steel from other countries
for a lot of reasons - not just labor. That's going to drive up the price of everything in the project
as a whole. You the American taxpayer are fitting the bill for the difference. You are paying for

In the private sector it would be up to competition . That's what Donald Trump did when he was
building all his skyscrapers. He didn't say, "I'm going to pay x." No, you have competition. You
don't have crony capitalism where certain industries are protected, certain labor groups are
Despite the crowing of some whove praised the president - "It's great how the administration is
persuading the Unions to support Republicans." They're not persuading the Unions to support
Republicans. They're giving them what they want. That's a hell of a persuasion.

The Brent Spence Bridge.

Why isn't Ohio and Kentucky taking care of it? That's not our responsibility.

National Research Lab for Infrastructure.

This sounds like left-wing nonsense. Liberals and Unions have wanted this forever.

So now we have a perpetual machine pushing out one infrastructure program after another. I'm
not talking about fixing old bridges. I'm talking about new ideas for public transportation, new
ideas for bridges, new ideas for overlays and all the rest of it, 2 billion bucks - 2 billion bucks.
We have a U.S. Infrastructure Commission too. I wonder who's going to sit on that. Maybe
Wilbur Ross, the current or soon-to-be Secretary of Commerce. He's made a fortune through this
kind of crony capitalism.
Next. Locks and dams, 52 and 53 in the Ohio River. It's been in development for 30 years:
addresses the choke point for all barge traffic on the Ohio-Mississippi River. Delays are up to
three days, significant -- you can read it yourself. This isn't fixing bridges, and roads, and
tunnels. This isn't fixing anything. What they're saying is we need to do this to make it more
efficient, okay? You're going to hear this throughout, because that's what the government, "Oh,
look, look, we're going to make efficiency a scale, and we're going to pour money just one time,
see look at all the jobs we're creating and everything else."

Next one. I-95 critical highway repairs, North Carolina.

This was one of the first sections of I-95 builds ranked by the Federal Highway Administration.
Let's stop right there. The Federal Highway Administration has a highway trust fund. Every time
you purchase a gallon of gasoline, you pay Federal excise tax on that gallon of gasoline, every
time you fill up your vehicle, every single time.

That money is supposed to go into a Federal highway trust fund to do exactly this. For I-95 and
other inner states, federally-built and controlled highways. So, where is it? They took all the
money out of it. For what? Oh, for pedestrian trails, parks, schools, whatever they wanted. They
just steal the money out of these trust funds.

That's why I can assure you these all sound pleasant, and most of it is going to be filled with
waste, massive wages, , and still we have to hear about, "Look at all the great jobs we've

Bridges on I-95, Philadelphia.

All 15 bridges are structurally deficient and need to be repaired or replaced. This not true. Where
does that come from? Philadelphia, has a lot of traffic. If a bridge is said to be structurally
deficient that it cannot carry the traffic, it is shut down by the National Highway Safety
Administration. None of them have been shut down.

Mississippi river shipping, channel dredging south,

Why are we doing this? Why are the Feds involved in this? Why are we paying for this?
No issue there. Falls under federal responsibility.

Planes and eastern electric transmission lines:

Why are we involved in this? Is this fixing crumbling bridges, and roads, and tunnels, and so

Project clean lake, Cleveland.

This is an environmental project. This has nothing to do with infrastructure. We're sounding like
liberals now. Now, infrastructure means what? Well, a technology center so we can have more
infrastructure, and now dredging lakes and adding more to rivers?

South Carolina dams' accelerated repairs.

Well, why doesn't South Carolina take care of that?

Hydroelectric plants operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The Corps produces $5 billion per year with hydro plants they own and operate throughout the
country. Here's a weird question. Why does the Federal Government own these? Why not sell
them? To public utilities, local public utilities? So, rather than doing that, make a profit.

Texas Central Railway,

Nearly 50,000 Texans, sometimes called "super commuters" travel back and forth between
Houston and Dallas. So, they want to build a 240-mile high-speed rail line. That's kind of Jerry
Brown stuff, isn't it? Why is the Trump Administration proposing this? This doesn't fix anything.
This is more phony public transportation that any left wing administration would burp upFOR
$12 billion.

Cotton Belt Line Rail Project.

let's have another rail project by the Federal Government. Almost 68 miles, commuter line to
provide services from Dallas' northeast suburbs to southwest Fort Worth, $1.1 billion. Why are
we doing that? Why are we doing public transportation? And it's within the state of Texas. Why
is this federalized?

Cadiz Water Conveyance Project.

I thought we were fixing bridges. Weren't we fixing bridges, and tunnels, and roads? Why are we
involved in water projects?

TransWest Express Transmission.

Why are we involved in this? Do you know what this is? Every business, every union, every
politician in every state was contacted and asked to give us a list of stuff you want. It's Christmas
time, ladies and gentlemen. It's Christmas time and every hack in America that cant make it in
the free market is getting a gift from Uncle Sam / Santa Trump. in America.

The chokecherry and Sierra Madre wind energy, Wyoming.

Why are we involved in the power company of Wyoming? What the hell does that have to do
with the nation, and the national budget, and the fed? Are we pretending we dont already have
massive debt? Why in the world are we doing this? Let Wyoming do it. No offense. I believe in

The schizophrenia among the populace nationalist and conservatives. You cant constantly
scream about state rights and then ask for $5 billion of federal spending money.You can't have it
both ways.

Second Avenue Subway phases 2 and 3.

Why are we paying for it? What the hell does this have to do with the Federal Government? Why
are they nationalizing all these local projects? By the way, once they build these things and
expand these things, you've got maintenance for the next god knows how long.

Savannah Harbor Expansion Acceleration.

Savannah Harbor? Last time I checked, that's in a state we call Georgia. That's the Georgia Port
Authority's responsibility. So, they not only want to expand it. They want to accelerate the
expansion, and you and I are now on the hook for that? This is a Republican Administration, for
crying out loud.

Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is an interstate national gas pipeline that will serve multiple public
utilities. Well then, let the public utilities pay for them. We're already paying whatever we pay
for electricity, for gas, for auto and sulfur. Why are the Federal Government --?

I'm telling you why. Because, this is the notion of populism, whether it's Bernie Sanders or
Donald Trump. $157 billion and we don't have being thrown around like its free. Its not. Thats
our money and its being misspent. If one of the advisors to Donald Trump or any high-up spoke
to me a couple months ago and he said, "You're not going to like this, Morgan, but we're actually
taking the ideas from the 1930s, Roosevelt, the New Deal." What? Roosevelt and the New Deal?
Not only was he dead wrong about what he did We were in the throes of a horrible depression
that he elongated with his massive spendingjust like this waste. What are you trying to do? Slit
our throats?

The Champlain Hudson Power Express,

New York, metro area and? why are we doing that?

Modernized union station, including surrounding rail infrastructure.

This has been a white elephant for decades, and decades on top of decades. So, here we have
union stations can be modernized and they're going to put really cool stuff in there. That's part of
our new infrastructure program because our bridges are crumbling.

Maryland Purple Line.

So, we have this metro system in the Washington D.C. area, and they just keep expanding. The
line's coming out here, coming out there, and they go to the outer suburbs. They're going 30, 40
miles outside of Washington D.C. I don't even want it. So, the richest counties in America are
going to be subsidized by you because they want a purple line in Maryland.

Now, that's not what you and I have been hearing. What you and I have been hearing, again, is
we got to fix the crumbling bridges. So, fix them. If you're the Feds and you control them, fix
them. If you're the states and you control them, fix them. That's not what's going on here. This is
everybody's grab bag of massive spending. That's what it is. Hey, you know what? We'd like to
expand the metro in Maryland, the purple line, 16 miles. Now, we can do it because we're for the
people. You know, the people.

M-1 Rail,
Detroit., The democrats are loving this, and they're going to double down on this, they're going
to find other things to throw in here, the amount of port that's going to be in here, the unions are
thrilled, the mayors are thrilled, the governors are thrilled, and you are screwed. That's the truth.

The Gordie Howe International Bridge.

Is that crumbling? It doesn't even exist yet.

Kansas City Airport.

Well, they want to expand their airport, a new terminal, a billion dollars, you're going to pay for
it.. I'm all for it but what does it have to do with me? What's happening here is a lot of these
states and cities now are going to have newfound Federal monies by you, the Federal taxpayer.
They're going to be run by the mayors and the city councils, they're going to be run through their
bureaucracies, it's going to be run through the Washington bureaucracy. The pay scale is going to
be through the roof. They're going to have to use very expensive materials because there's no
competition when it comes to that. It has to be U.S. steel that's what's happening.

That's only $157 billion. They want to spend another $843 billion. Where did this magic number
$1 trillion come from? Because some campaign aid thought it sounded cool? Because Andrew
Jackson would have done it? This is Franklin Roosevelt. This is statism, progressivism,
liberalism. There is no need for this, or most of it when the country's in the deepest kind of debt
you can possibly imagine. So, everybody's going to benefit but you.

The construction unions are going to get their big wages, states and city of bureaucrats, and
mayors, and politicians are going to be there at ribbon-cutting events, the Trump Administration
is going to say, "Look at this bipartisanship, They're spending us into oblivion, and there's
going to be cost overarch. We've gone through this over and over again. That's why we call it a
Emergency and national security projects priority. Did you see a single emergency and national
security project up there? Did you see one? Is any of this going to defense? Is any of this going
to national security? Is any of this going to our intelligence agencies? Is any of this going toward
the wall in the southern border? No, it's not going towards any of that. It's nothing to do with the
emergency and national security projects priorities.

So, why is this administration acting like liberals and giving a false name to what is just another
New Deal-type, statist-type, massive boondoggle of trillion dollars in spending on top of all the
other spending they do. Why do we believe that the Feds need to be doing all this stuff? Do we
believe in Constitutional government, do we believe in Federalism, do we believe in limits, do
we believe in sound money and fiscal conservatism, or don't we?

I am starting to believe that there is a shrinking percentage of the population that actually
believes in that word "liberty". They say they do but they don't really understand it. Because,
when you look at the depth, when you look at those yearly deficit numbers coming, when you
understand what's going on with entitlements, when you understand the centralization of
government and the endless things they want to "do for us", and how it's breaking our back, the
consequences for your children and your grandchildren that when an economy collapses, when
it's out of control, everything gets sucked down the drain with it, well if you understand that,
then you understand liberty.

But, if you think, "Hey, we need that new bridge, we need that technology center, we need this,
we need that, we need this," that's a mind of a juvenile, really. That's a Christmas Santa Claus
mind. "I want, I want, I want," despite the reality of the circumstances. So, this is not emergency
and national security projects priority list. For the most part - not all, but for the most part - it's a
boondoggle list. It's a free-for-all.

Both political parties in Washington are going to have a ball. They'll claim they're doing it for
the people that they're building up the infrastructure, it's going to create all kinds of good-paying
American jobs. You are going to pay a fortune, or your children are, or your grandchildren. If not
in direct taxes, then through debt. Somebody is going to pay for this because somebody always

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