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Since many people have asked for a list describing the numerous religions in Lux Invicta, I took

it upon myself to compile as much information as I could find about each religion in a brief,
summarizing manner (both taken from the official timeline and the real counterparts of the
religions themselves). Please note that while this is exact as possible, it is by no means to be
taken as absolute truth, as some of the religions are either inventions of Shaytana or Numahr, or
so obscure that little-to-no information could be found about it. As a result, some of the
following are inferences on my part.

If you notice something incorrect about this list, please PM futuregary on the Paradox Plaza
forum and it will be changed. This will be updated as new information surfaces or new religions
are added.


Catholic A major Christian church founded on the principles and teachings of Jesus of
Nazareth. The Church has a very complex clergy system, headed by a single person known as the
Pope. Under the pope is the College of Cardinals, which consists of priests and other clergy
appointed by the Pope. The Pope is elected from amongst the College of Cardinals when the
former Pope dies. Catholicism believes in many tenets of faith, including purgatory, Christian
sacraments, and the Pope's position as the divine spokesman for God on Earth.

Mari-Christian A hybrid-religion focusing on the belief that the Virgin Mary was the
incarnation of Mari, the goddess of the Basques. There is a heavy emphasis on her veneration -
usually more so than the Virgin Mary in Catholicism. Other than this, there is a strong adherence
to Christian beliefs and practices of this time.

Pelagian A Christian heresy with the belief that there was no original sin. Adam's sin was to
"set a bad example" and Jesus' life "set a good example" thus counteracting Adam's bad one. It is
believed by Pelagians that the original sin did not taint humanity and mankind is capable of
choosing right and wrong without need of Divine aid.

Semipelagian A Christian heresy following the belief that beginning of faith is free will, but
the growth of faith is God's work. This is contrary to the common Catholic belief at the time that
the beginning of faith requires an initiative from God, but the rest is free will. Thus, according to
Catholicism, no one can merit the initial grace of forgiveness associated with conversion, as
Semipelagians attempt to convey.

Priscillian A heretical Christian sect that emphasized a belief in the Kingdoms of Light and
Darkness. Angels and men are from the Kingdom of Light and made from matter taken from
God. Men were supposed to destroy the Kingdom of Darkness, but fell and were imprisoned in
human bodies. Thus both kingdoms were represented in men (the light by the Twelve Patriarchs
which correspond to man's powers, and the darkness by the signs of the Zodiac). Since the
Twelve Patriarchs could not free man, Jesus was sent in a mortal body to release man from the
curse of earthly matter.

Donatist A sect of Christianity with a strong sense of judgment towards those who waiver in
their faith during times of hardship. Independence from the Catholic Church is one of the main
factors of this group, as Donatists view their church as the true church, and anyone who would
surrender their Scripture during times of religious persecution should not be considered a true

Marcionist A sect of Christianity following the teachings of Marcion of Sinope, who taught
that the wroth Hebrew god of the Old Testament and the all-loving God of the New Testament
are two separate entities, and not the same god as most Christians believe.

Valentinian A Christian heresy founded on the belief that in the beginning there was a
Plemora in which there was the Father. The Father projected thirty Aeons which joined into 15
syzygies, among them being Sophia (Wisdom). Her curiosity and passion led to her fall from the
Plemora and the creation of the world and man. Man must recognize the Father as the true source
of divine power in order to achieve gnosis.

Antinomian A sect of Christianity following the belief that, under the gospel dispensation of
grace, moral law is of no use or obligation because faith alone is necessary to salvation.

Audianist A heretical sect of Christianity founded by Audian that believes God literally has a
human form (as interpreted by Genesis 1:27) and honoring the death of Christ on the eve of the
Jewish Passover.

Hibernicist A hybrid religion resulting from a mix of Catholicism with Irish mythology

Scandinist A hybrid religion resulting from a mix of Catholicism with Norse mythology

Slavic Christian A hybrid religion resulting from a mix of Catholicism with Slavid mythology

Cathar A heresy formed in response to growing corruption in the Catholic Church. In addition
to the Bible, additional Cathar sacred texts include The Gospel of the Secret Supper, Johns
Interrogation, and the Book of Two Principles. Rather than traditional sacraments, Catharism has
only one sacrament: the Consolamentum, in which a brief ceremony is performed to remove all
sin from the believer, or credentus, thus making them a perfectus. This sacrament must only be
performed once, but perfecti must maintain a strong obligation of purity (and thus, many Cathars
perform the Consolamentum on their death-bed). Sexual actions, even when sanctified by
marriage, were to be abhorred, and thus Cathars largely reject the concept of marriage.
Fraticelli Named the Little Brothers, this heretical sect of Christianity was formed in
response to corruption in the Catholic Church. Their main opposition is to that of great wealth
owned by supposed Christians, and they believe that a clergyman with wealth nulled his status.
A strong emphasis on poverty is capitalized in this sect.

Waldensian A sect of Christianity formed in response to growing corruption in the Catholic

Church, the Waldensians focus on four main tenets: oaths to anyone but God are to be forbidden,
capital punishment should not be allowed by any civil power, sacraments given by unworthy
priests are invalid, and any layman who lives a Christ-like life many consecrate the sacrament of
the altar.

Lollard A heretical sect of Christianity formed in response to growing corruption in the

Catholic Church. The main goal of Lollardy is to translate the Bible into local languages (as
opposed to just Latin) so laymen may read for themselves. There is also a strong emphasis on the
avoidance of the same corruption that plagues the Catholic Church.

Unctionist A heretical church formed by the king of Francia as a way to strengthen the
authority of the French monarchy. There is a strong belief in practice of the anointing, or
unction, of the king or queen as a symbol of their divine right to rule, hence the origin of the

Orthodox A Christian church that split off from the Catholic Church, following the decisions
made by the Ecumenical councils on practices and interpretations of the Bible. Unlike
Catholicism, there is no hierarchy as far as bishops are concerned; all bishops are equal, and no
bishop is infallible. Different regions are broken up in dioceses, headed by bishops. Practices are
different than in Catholicism; full prostration is practiced in church sermons, and the act of
crossing oneself is goes right-to-left, rather than left-to-right in Catholicism and other churches.

Miaphysite A heretical sect of Orthodox Christianity that believes that in the person of Jesus
Christ, divinity and humanity were one united nature (physis), without separation, confusion,
or alteration.

Monophysite A heretical sect of Orthodox Christianity that believes that in the person of Jesus
Christ, there was one nature and whether it was divine or a synthesis of divinity and humanity
is unknown.

Bogomilist A heretical sect of Christianity that believes the world was created by the Devil
rather than God, and that God ruled over the spiritual part of Earth while Satan ruled the material
part. All material beings are believed to be the work of Satan, but this is not to insinuate that they
worshipped Satan. Established forms of government are opposed by Bogomilists, which ties into
a form of Christian anarchism. Bogomilism also could be considered a form of both
Adoptionism and Manichaeism.
Nestorian A sect of Christianity following the doctrine focusing on the disunity of Christs
divine and human natures. The sect is named after Nestorius, the Patriarch of Constantinople.

Iconoclast A heretical sect of Orthodox Christianity focusing of the belief that the symbols and
images of the saints and Christ, or icons, fall under the category of idolatry and graven images
and should be prohibited. The name comes from the destruction of these icons.

Solomonic Christian The Oriental Orthodox Church headed in the Egypt region. Unlike
Eastern Orthodox Christianity, the Solomonic Christians only adhere to the first three
Ecumenical councils, whereas the Eastern Orthodox Christians adhere to the first seven. The
Solomonics also cross themselves in the manner of the Catholics (left-to-right).

Apollinarist A heretical sect of Orthodox Christianity following the belief taught by

Apollinaris of Laodicea that Jesus could not have had a human mind; rather, he had a human
body and a divine mind. This goes against the traditional view that Jesus had both a human body
and mind as culminated by his presence as the Son of God made flesh.

Docetist A heretical sect of Orthodox Christianity following the belief that Jesus only appeared
to be human, while in actuality he was a phantasmal projection from Heaven.

Melkite A Christian church founded in the Middle East. Melkites believe themselves to be
members of the original Christian church, as do both the Orthodox and Catholic churches.

Montanist A heretical sect of Christianity following the teachings of Montanus, an ecstatic

prophet from Phrygia. The New Prophecy asserts that New Jerusalem will appear in Phrygia,
and the adherents believe Montanus to be possessed by God.

Monothelite A sect of Orthodox Christianity that believes that Jesus had two natures (one
divine, one human) but one will. This is in contrast to the common belief that Christ had two
wills and two natures, relatively corresponding to each other.

Sethian A heretical sect of Christianity focusing on the veneration of Seth, the supposed third
son of Adam and Eve. It is believed to possibly originate before Christianity, and is largely
Judaic in practice and belief.

Arian A heretical church founded by the presbyter Arius, emphasizing on the belief that Jesus
did not always exist, but as created by God, and is therefore separate from him. There is a strong
belief in the disunity of the Trinity, and the supremacy of God over Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Sabellianist A heretical sect of Christianity founded by Sabellius, whose doctrine states that
God is one indivisible being and the forms of Jesus and the Holy Spirit were both outward
manifestations of God as he chose to appear to mankind.
Adoptionist A heretical sect of Christianity whose adherents believe that Jesus is the adopted
son of God. They believe that Jesus adoption was done either during the baptism, the
resurrection, or the ascension into Heaven.


Sunni - The largest branch of Islam, the religion founded by the prophet Muhammad. The main
doctrines are the monotheistic belief in God (Allah), the absolute value of the Qur'an as the Word
of God and Muhammad's status as the True Prophet of God, and the adherence to the Five Pillars
of Islam: shahada (belief), salat (prayer 5 times a day), zakat (voluntary charity - 2.5% to those
less fortunate), sawm (fasting during the month of Ramadan), hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). Unlike
in Shi'a Islam, there is no clerical hierarchy in Sunni Islam, although caliphates led by those
elected by the Muslim community are respected forms of theocratic authority.

'Ilm Islamic - A sect of Islam with strong emphasis on the study and scholastic lifestyle of
Islam. A very intellectual sect, many adherents are well-educated and devote their lives to the
study of the Qur'an.

Ghazi Islamic - A sect of Islam with strong emphasis on the spread of Islam by the sword, if
need be. Contrary to 'Ilm Islam, Ghazi Islam is a violent, zealous, and forced-theocratic religion.

Marabouti - A sect of Islam with the belief that true religious education and prosperity requires
the use of a marabout (a religious teacher or leader). The marabout is often an expert on Islam
and the Qur'an, and his followers adhere to him as they would to a prophet.

Zikri - A sect of Islam devoted to the teachings and admiration of Imam Mehdi, one of the
imams of Islam. Traditional practices are performed with the addition of pilgrimage to Koh-e-
Murad, the Mountain of Desire, where Imam Mehdi stayed.

Ibadi - An isolationist sect of Islam with the belief that the attitude of a true believer is expressed
in three ways: walayah (friendship with true believers, the Ibadi), bara'ah (dissociation with
sinners and nonbelievers), and wuquf (reservation towards those whose status is unclear). Ibadis
also believe that those who enter Hell remain there forever, that Muslims will not see God on the
Day of Judgment, and that the Qur'an was created by God at a certain point in time. Ibadis also
tend to reject caliphates, seeing them as corrupt beyond the first two rightful caliphs (Ab
Bakr and 'Umar ibn al-Khab).

Mu'tazili - An Islamic school of theology based on reason and rational thought. There is an
assertion that, because God is perfect and divine, the Qur'an must have been created and
therefore cannot be co-eternal with God. From this premise, the Mu'tazili school
of thought proceeds to posit that the injunctions of God are accessible to rational thought and
inquiry: because knowledge is derived from reason, reason is the "final arbiter" in distinguishing
right from wrong. It follows, in Mu'tazili reasoning; that "sacred precedent" is not an effective
means of determining what is just, as what is obligatory in religion is only obligatory by virtue of

Ash'ari - An Islamic school of thought founded by Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari, who states that
complete comprehension of the Unique Nature and Attributes of God is outside the capacity of
human beings. Furthermore, even though humans have free will, they have no power to create
inside God's domain, and knowledge of moral truths must be taught through Revelation, and is
not obtainable by sheer observation of the world.

Athari - A sect of Islam whose goal is to unite the beliefs of the first three generations of
Muslims (the Salaf) into one persistent belief. The three main principles are: there is one creator,
Allah, who is the overseer of everything that goes on in the universe; none has the right to be
worshipped in any form other than Allah; and all names for the divine and all attributes of the
divine are united and one.

Maturidi - An Islamic school of thought that broke off from the Ash'ari school, founded by Abu
Mansur Al Maturidi. The main premise is that, contrary to Ash'ari ideology, belief (iman) does
not change, but rather piety is what increases and decreases. Both the Ash'ari and Athari sects
believe that iman does increase and decrease.

Murji'i - A school of Islamic thought that focuses on the idea that only Allah has the right to
judge others, and that sin and "levels of believerhood" should not be such an important factor to
Muslims, as Muslims should regard all other Muslims as believers.

Zahiri - A school of Islamic law with a focus on jurisprudence based on Sharia law as
interpreted by the Qur'an, the sunnah (sayings and actions of the Prophet), and the ijma
(consensus of the Muslim community). Emphasis is placed on certainty rather than speculation -
in other words, if it cannot be proven by Sharia law, then it should not be acted upon as if it were

Sufi - A heretical sect of Islam following an interpretation of worship of Allah based on the
ihsan (perfection of worship) given to Gabriel by Muhammad.

Shia - Another major sect of Islam, differing from Sunni Islam in the belief that caliphates
should be led by purified members of Muhammad's direct lineage. Practices also differ, largely
in the prayer stone they use (following the belief that prayer should be closer to something
naturally from the Earth, rather than a manufactured rug).

Bektashi - A sect of Islam based off of the Sufi sect, following the belief in the need for an
experience spiritual guide (a baba) and the doctrine of the four gates: Sharia law, Tariqah
(spiritual path), Marifa (true knowledge), and Haqiqah (truth).
Druze - A heretical sect of Islam that focuses on the Monotheistic aspects of Abrahamic
religions and utter surrender to God. Some concepts are borrowed from Neoplatonism as well.

Hurufi - A heretical sect of Sufism that focuses around the letters of the Arabic alphabet and the
number 7 as being holy. There is a strong emphasis on God's incarnation in everything.

Qarmatian - A fanatical sect of Islam under the idea that a utopian Islamic republic could be
formed. Vegetarianism is also one of the major practices.

Kharijite - A sect of Islam similar to Shia, only there is a belief that any Muslim may become

Haruri - A sect of Kharijites who differ in the belief that Ali had the right to the caliphate. This
disagreement caused a schism and the two are in conflict.


satr - The polytheistic religion of the Norse people. Many gods and goddesses are
worshipped and venerated, and even though adherents may specialize their worship to a
particular god or goddess, all deities in the pantheon are believed in. Practices include ancestor
worship and remembrance, blots (rituals), and sacrifices - sometimes humans. Other
mythological creatures, such as giants, dwarves, elves, etc. are also a part of this religion. There
are also nine homeworlds which the followers believe the gods used to shape the world we live
in today: Migarr (land of the humans), sgarr (land of the sir), Vanaheimr (land of the
Vanir), Jtunheimr (land of the giants), lfheimr (land of the elves), Hel (land of the dead),
Svartlfaheimr (land of the dwarves), Niflheimr (land of ice), and Muspellsheimr (land of fire).

Ragnarkric A Norse cult focusing around the worship of Fenrir, a monstrous wolf
prophesied to consume Odin, the supreme god, and the bringing about of Ragnark, the end of
the world. Legend has it that the gods bound Fenrir with a dwarven silk strip to avoid the
prophecy. Come Ragnark, Fenrir will break his bonds and swallow the sun and Odin, and then
be killed by Viarr, Odins son.

friartrvaric An off-shooting branch of Norse mythology focusing on the veneration of the

war gods of the satr faith: Odin, Tyr, and Freya, with a strong emphasis on their roles as
mighty warriors. Adherents believe that if they worship these gods specifically, they will be
granted victory in battle.

Tunarazic A heresy of satr that follows the monotheistic worship of Thor (Tunaraz to the
Germans), with the other gods of satr either not existing or existing on a subservient level to
Sowiloic The Norse version of the worship of Sol Invictus, with the monotheistic worship of
the sun god (Sowilo) being the main tenet of this religion.

Firner Situic Literally meaning the old ways, this religion basically refers to Germanic
paganism before the influence of other religions (Christianity, Sol Invictus, Mithraism, etc.).
While German and Norse paganism share many similarities, the cultures, names, and practices
are different; thus, to say satr and Firner Situ are the same religion would be inaccurate.

Wotanist A Germanic heresy focusing on the monotheistic worship of Wotan (German version
of Odin), the All-father. No other gods but Wotan exist in this religion.

Irminsulic A Germanic religion predating Wotanism, following the worship of Irmin, the
great pillar that supports all. Symbolism includes the use of an irminsul, a giant ritualistic pillar
erected from a tree trunk.

Teiwazic A Germanic heresy following the monotheistic worship of Teiwaz (Germanic

equivalent of Tr, the god of law). All other gods either do not exist or are subservient to


Tengri A steppe religion following the monotheistic worship of Tengri, the creator of the
world. Tengri is often referred to as the Eternal Blue Sky, and there is a strong emphasis on
harmony and balance with the world around oneself.

Vattisen Yalist The traditional religion of the Chuvash people, also known as the old ways.
Technically it is considered a form of Tengriism, but it differs in the sense that it is heavily
Slavicized and has more in common with Finno-Ugric religions than it does with the steppe
religions. The main deity is Tura, a god comparable to the Estonian Taara, the Germanic/Norse
Thor, and Tengri.

Tengri-Ahrimanic A Tengriist cult worshipping the destroyer in Tengriism, Erlik Khan.

Worship is based off of the Persian-style worship of the destroyer in Zoroastrianism, Ahriman
(Angra Mainyu), and many similarities are seen between the practices of Tengri-Ahrimanism
and the worship of Ahriman/Angra Mainyu.

*It is important to note that the Huns are the only ones who begin the game following the Tengri-
Ahrimanic faith, which could be a reference to Hunnic-style Tengriism, in which Tangri Han
(Tengri) is worshipped and viewed as identical to the Persian hero Sepandiar, to whom horses
are sacrificed. Another god in the Hunnic style of Tengriism is the god Kuar, whose victims are
struck down by lightning.
Mani-Tengriist A hybrid-religion resulting from the melding of Manichaean beliefs and
Tengriism. Emphasis could be placed on the practice of oneness with nature and balance through
Tengri as an effort to reclaim good from the evil nature of the world.

Tengri-Buddhist A hybrid-religion resulting from the blending of Tengriism and Buddhism.

Emphasis could be placed on an effort to achieve balance in the world and harmony as an effort
to obtain enlightenment and break the cycle of samsara (life and death). It could also be believed
that the Buddha was the incarnation of Tengri to bring forth the message of the True Faith to the

Rod-Tengriist A Slavicized version of Tengriism in which Tengri is seen as synonymous with

Rod, the Slavic creator deity. In this religion, Rod is worshipped in a monotheistic fashion, and
cultural mixes between Slavic and Steppe cultures are featured in this religions practices and


Druidic A polytheistic religion followed by the ethnoreligious Celtic groups. The religion is
very animistic, having a strong emphasis on unity with nature and veneration of certain trees and
animals. Deities are believed to inhabit certain areas, such as streams, forests, glens, groves, etc.
Druidic adherents believe in reincarnation or some form of afterlife, which is shown by the burial
of the dead with weapons, food, ornaments, and the like. Human sacrifice is also a component on
Druidism, as well as non-sacrificial offerings, usually objects of hard-labor thrown into bogs as a
gift to the gods.

Lughite The monotheistic worship of the Celtic hero Lugh as the only god. There is a level of
sacredness about the possessions of Lugh, including his spear, his rod-sling, his horse, his magic
boat, and his hound.


Rodnoveric The polytheistic religion of the Eastern Slavs, in which Rod is seen as the creator
god and therefore the king of the gods; although in some groups, Svarog is worshipped as the
principal deity. Other deities include Perun (god of thunder), Veles (god of the underworld),
Jarilo (goddess of the moon), Dabog (god of the sun), and so forth. Rituals include festivals
throughout the year, namely seasonal festivals (fertility rites, harvest festivals, the renewal of the
sun on winter solstice, etc.).

Rodic A heretical religion broken off of Rodnovery in which Rod is worshipped in a

monotheistic fashion, with no other gods but Rod existing.
Velesic A Rodnoveric cult focused around the personality of Veles, the Slavic god of the
underworld. The religion focuses the worship and veneration of Veles and his conflicts with

*It is important to note that in Rodnoveric religion, Veles is not viewed as an evil god, rather the
antithesis of Perun. The clashes between Perun god of the heavens as well as thunder and
Veles are not seen as good vs. evil, but as natural opposition between elements of earth and
water (represented by Veles) and fire and the heavens (Perun).

Svarogan A sect of Rodnovery focused on the worship of Svarog, the god of blacksmiths and
forges, in a primary fashion. He is venerated as the father of Dabog, the god of the sun, as well
as a sort of mini-creator (equivalent, if you will, to the Greek Hephaestus).

*It would not be fair to say that Svarog is viewed in a monotheistic fashion, as much of Svarogs
position of prestige comes from his position as the father of Dabog. It would be unlikely that
Svarog, being an only god, would be important without his role in creating the sun.

Svetovidan A warrior cult following the worship of Svetovid. Svetovidans believe that
worship of Svetovid will bring them victory in battle, as with most warrior cults. Svetovid is seen
as some as another form of Perun, but is not seen as the same being (by most, anyway). Key
elements in this cult include divination, symbolism (usually involving a white horse, an image of
Svetovid with a sword or bow in one hand and a drinking horn in the other, and idolatry
involving pillars and offerings. There is also a Temple of Svetovid located on the island of
Rujan, where a statue of Svetovid with four heads is located, and a horn of abundance is filled
with fresh mead every year.

Dabogite A sun-worshipping religion in which Dabog is worshipped in a monotheistic

fashion, akin to the Sol Invictus religion of the Eastern Romans.

*Cultural differences are very likely in any sun-religion, as most of them would not necessarily
believe that their emperor or king is the sun god incarnate.

Perunic A more Western Slavic version of Rodism, instead of Rodic being worshipped as the
only god, Perun (god of thunder) is worshipped as the only god. There are likely some
differences in worship, but essentially it is the same practice only with Perun being the focus
instead of Rod.


Perkunan The polytheistic religion of the Baltic peoples (Lithuanians, Latvians, and what
would be the Estonians if they werent Finnish in this mod), with the god of thunder, Perkunas,
as the king of the gods. Dievas is also seen as a supreme god, but in the mainstream doctrine of
Baltic paganism, Perkunas has a level of admiration that Dievas does not quite reach, mostly due
to his rivalry with the devil. The devil, rather than a malevolent, all-encompassing, corrupting
evil, is seen more as a trickster, stealing cattle and weapons, and then hiding in rocks and trees.
When Perkunas comes to do battle, it is in the form of a thunder-storm, after which weapons and
cattle are returned. Perkunas is also seen as the creator of weapons, or at least the concept of

Saulic A sun-worshipping religion variant based off of Baltic paganism, in which Saule, the
sun god, is worshipped in a monotheistic fashion.

Dievasic A contrast to Perkunism, Dievasics believe that Dievas is the supreme god and
Perkunas is below him.

Peckolsic A cult worshipping the two deities of the underworld, Peckols and Patollo. The two
are actually one god, formed in two separate entities. The god(s) is/are seen as an angry, evil
spirit, known for haunting and taunting the living if the dead were not buried with proper rituals
or if the living disobeyed the pagan priests.


Suomenusko A polytheistic ethnoreligion of the Finns, in which the sky god (Ukko) is the
supreme deity. Other deities include Akka (goddess of fertility and wife of Ukko), Ahti (the sea
god), Tapio (the forest god), Nyyrikki (the god of the hunt), and so forth. There is no holy text
for Suomenusko, but the epic folk tale of Finland (the Kalevala) is regarded as a source of
information on the beliefs of the Suomenusko adherents. Many rituals common in other
ethnoreligions, including sacrifice, bonfires, sacred groves, drinking toasts to the gods, and
wooden idols are all elements of Suomenusko.

Chumbylatic An ethnoreligion of the Mari people, focusing on the veneration of the demigod
Chumbylat, or Kubrat, who formed the kingdom of Old Great Bulgaria in 632.

Voipel'ean A related religion to Suomenusko, the religion of the Komi people focusing around
the worship of Voipel, the god of the north wind, as the supreme deity. This religion is
prominent in northern areas with intense cold, such as Siberia.

Jumalanpalvoja The monotheistic worship of Jumala, the Estonian version of the sky god in
Suomenusko. All other gods do not exist, and Jumala is the one true god.

Ilmattarenpalvoja The veneration of Ilmattar, the air spirit in the Kalevala (epic of Finland).
Ilmattar is portrayed as androgynous, meaning they have both male and female elements.
Ilmattar was impregnated by the sea and wind and gave birth to Vinminen, the main character
in the Kalevala.

Pagan Assorted, miscellaneous paganism.

*This is not currently used in the mod, and likely only exists as a group header or because
nobody wanted to tweak a core religion in the vanilla game. It is useable, however, and it would
be possible if you wanted to create your own religion, to set your characters religion as Pagan
and use it as a placeholder for whatever religion your imagination can concoct.

Mand Pagan A polytheistic religion of the Mand people, in which Roog is the supreme god
and other gods and spirits are beneath him. Lesser gods and spirits are known as pangool, and act
on Roogs behalf (since he cannot enter our world). There is no concept of heaven or hell, but
when one dies they can either be accepted by long-passed ancestors or rejected by them, which is
as close to an afterlife as one can get.

Sins are regarded more in the form of wrongdoing to another person rather than to a divine
being. Adultery and murder are considered much graver than blasphemy, for example.

Roogan The worship of Roog, the Mand creator deity, as the only god (monotheistic). Other
spirits and gods are either nonexistent or exist as a manifestation of Roog.


Neoplatonist (this is a long one) A monistic religion based around the teachings of Plato.
Essentially, the beliefs include the belief in the One and Infinite, the source of all life in the
universe. Since it is beyond the level of Being, it cannot be understood or comprehended,
according to Plato. Since it is beyond Being, it is limitless, attribute-less, and magnitude-less. It
is neither good nor bad, as morality would imply limitation. The One emanates nous, the perfect
image of the One. This nous is simultaneously being and thought, and could be summarized by
pure intellect. This is the highest level obtainable by man, and the nous corresponds perfectly to
the One but is distinct and separate, as nothing reaches the level of the One.

Under the One, there are three levels of celestial hierarchy: the Hypercosmic Gods, who make
Essence, Life, and Soul; the Demiurge, known as the creator; and the Cosmic Gods, who make
Being, Nature, and Matter. The last category would include the gods known in other pantheons.

In a way, Neoplatonism is a philosophical religion with several pantheistic elements. There is no

belief in an afterlife, but salvation (perfection and happiness) could be obtained through
philosophical thought. There is no concept of evil, as it is comparable to darkness which only
exists in the absence of light. Good can be obtained through existence, which is complex in the
sense that philosophical thought is the path to Good. Evil would exist without that, so ignorance
would be Evil.
The only afterlife per se that exists in Neoplatonism is the return to the Source (the One),
essentially becoming part of the One. Impure souls would return to the Earth for a purification,
which involves being reincarnated into a new body (human or animal). When a soul reaches the
Source, they have achieved union with the universal cosmic soul and never need to return to

Porphyryan An anti-Christian sect of Neoplatonism founded by Porphyry of Tyre. Porphyry

advocated that the Gods have proclaimed Christ most pious, but the Christians are a confused
and vicious sect, and as a result there is much disdain for Christianity in this sect of
Neoplatonism. Porphyryans also practice vegetarianism on both spiritual and ethical grounds,
under the belief that animals are as sentient as human beings, as enforced by mainstream

Platonic Pythagorean A synthesis of Neoplatonism and the teachings of Pythagoras. There is

a strong emphasis on the application of mathematics to the universe, both physical and spiritual
(golden ratios, etc.)

Platonic Islamic A hybrid-religion resulting from the meld of Islam and Neoplatonist ideas.
Emphasis could be on the inconceivability of the True Nature of God, as well as Mohammeds
principles and writings in the Quran being taken as the path of the One, or even Allah being one
of the Cosmic Gods.

Platonic Christian A hybrid-religion resulting from the meld of Christianity and Neoplatonist
ideas. Emphasis could be on Jesus existence as a Cosmic God, or perhaps God as one of the
Cosmic Gods. Perhaps a similar take on Christ as featured in Porphyryanism, only more on the
divinity of Christ rather than the rejection of Christianity altogether.


Zoroastrianism A religion developed by Persian philosopher Zoroaster in an attempt to meld

the Iranian pantheon into two opposing forces: Ahura Mazda (Illuminating Wisdom) and Angra
Mainyu (Destructive Spirit). The creator (Ahura Mazda) is all good, and no evil comes from him.
Principles of creation (asha), such as truth and order, are the antithesis of concepts of chaos
(druj), such as lies and disorder. Both asha and druj are in constant conflict and everything in the
world is a part of said conflict. Good can be accomplished through daily life by doing good
deeds and avoiding evil deeds. Through this process, Ahura Mazda will slowly gain victory over
Angra Mainyu.

Ultimately, according to Zoroaster, Angra Mainyu will be defeated by Ahura Mazda and all the
dead banished to darkness will return in undead form. At the end of times, a Saoshyant (savior-
figure) will come and renovate the world, after which all the dead will be revived.
Zurvani A sect of Zoroastrianism venerating Zurvan, whom the sect believes to be the parent
of both Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu. Zurvan is regarded as neutral, neither good nor evil, as
well as the god of destiny, light, and darkness.

Mazdakist A heresy of Zoroastrianism as brought about by Mazdak, a religious prophet.

According to Mazdak, humanity should enjoy the pleasures of life and satisfy their appetite in
the highest degree in regards to eating and drinking in the spirit of equality, as well as to aim at
good deeds, abstention from causing harm to others, and practicing hospitality without

The main differences between traditional Zoroastrianism and Mazdakism is that Mazdakism
focuses more on equality and helping one another, whereas Zoroastrianism focuses more on
good deeds in the eyes of God (Ahura Mazda).

Angra Mainyui The cult worship of the Destructive Spirit of Zoroastrianism, Angra Mainyu.
Followers believe that Angra Mainyu will overcome the world in darkness and reward his
followers for their obedience.

Zoroastrian Hindu A hybrid-religion involving a mix of Zoroastrianism with Hindu tenets.

Likely possibilities are the concepts of karma (positive energy reflecting positive deeds and vice
versa), dharma (a natural law with ideas such as duty, religion vocation, moral uprightness, etc.),
as well as a polytheistic pantheon being incorporated into the ideas of Zoroastrianism. For
example, some of the gods of the Hindu pantheon (there are very many) could be considered
highly-ranked angels under either Angra Mainyu or Ahura Mazda, or perhaps even the other way
around; with concepts of light vs. darkness and reclamation being split into the different Hindu


Mandaean A gnostic (spiritually-influenced) religion with a strongly-dualistic view. In

Mandaeism, there are about nine features which are the fundamental tenets:

1) A supreme formless Entity, the expression of which in time and space is creation of
spiritual, etheric, and material worlds and beings. Production of these is delegated by It to
a creator or creators who originated in It. The cosmos is created by Archetypal Man, who
produces it in similitude to his own shape.
2) Dualism is a strong feature of Mandaeism, with opposites in the cosmic universe such as
Father and Mother, and Light and Darkness.
3) As a feature of this dualism, there are counter-types, a world of ideas.
4) The soul is portrayed as an exile, with home and origin being the supreme Entity to
which the soul eventually returns.
5) Planets and stars influence fate and human beings, and are also places of detention after
6) A savior spirit or savior spirits which assist the soul on the journey through life and after
it to 'worlds of light'.
7) A cult-language of symbol and metaphor. Ideas and qualities are personified.
8) 'Mysteries', i.e. sacraments to aid and purify the soul, to ensure rebirth into a spiritual
body, and ascent from the world of matter. These are often adaptations of existing
seasonal and traditional rites to which an esoteric interpretation is attached. In the case of
the Naoreans this interpretation is based upon the Creation story (see 1 and 2), especially
on the Divine Man, Adam, as crowned and anointed King-priest.
9) Great secrecy is enjoined upon initiates; full explanation of 1, 2, and 8 being reserved for
those considered able to understand and preserve the gnosis.
Marriage and procreation are a part of Mandaeism, and a strong emphasis on family life is
placed. There is an abstention from strong drink and red meat, however.

While Mandaeans reject Jesus of Nazareth, Abraham, and Moses, other characters from
Abrahamic religions such as Adam, Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Aram, and especially John
the Baptist are highly revered.

Yahyanism A sect of Mandaeism specifically focusing on the belief that John the Baptist
(Yahya in Arabic) was the true Messiah.

Ruha d-Qudshai The cult worship of Ruha d-Qudshai, the evil spirit allied with the Jewish
Yahweh. The cult was founded by Kawus, the brother of the Sassanid emperor Khosrau I after he
was defeated by said brother in the Zoroastrian-Mazdakite civil war in 539 CE. Ruha d-Qudshai
is regarded as the Holy Spirit in the Bible, Quran, and Torah, but in Mandaeism, she is regarded
as an evil spirit responsible for the founding of Jerusalem and, with the help of her sons, the
seven planets.


Yazdani A monotheistic Kurdish religion in which reincarnation of humans and deities plays a
key role. Human souls can be reincarnated into a man, an animal, or even a plant. Divine
reincarnations happen differently, in a possible three ways: reflection incarnation, guest
incarnation, and the most powerful, embodiment incarnation. Jesus, Ali, and the three leaders
of Yazdnism are all seen as embodiment incarnations.

The main feature of Yazdnism is the belief in seven benevolent divine beings that defend the
world from an equal number of evil spirits.
Yazidi An ethnoreligious Kurdish group that is a subsect of the Yazdani religion. They believe
that God entrusted the world in the hands of seven angels, or heft sirr, Preeminent among these
is Taws Melek, the Peacock Angel. Unlike Yazdnism, the Yazidis believe that these angels
are a direct representation of God.


Manichaean A religion based on the teachings of Mani, a prophet originally from Persia.
Similarly to Zoroastrianism (and just about every other religion in existence), Manichaeism
features a conflict between light and darkness. With Manichaeism, however, the conflict is
mainly internal, and the struggle of good vs. evil is characterized by the struggle between Primal
Man and Satan. It also plays out over the world, but things like the earth and the flesh are not
seen as inherently good or evil, but rather possessed by light or darkness.

Ahrimanic A cult worshipping the Manichaean king of darkness, Ahriman, in an effort to

bring about total darkness on the world in exchange for dark rewards.

Dragomirist A Slavic interpretation of Manichaeism, likely with capitalization on the struggle

between Perun and Veles as a representation of the struggle between good and evil.

Wulfilist A German interpretation of Manichaeism. (Seriously, where is Shaymahr pulling

these from?)

Theomachian A Manichaean sect following the belief that the entire earth is a battlefield for
the two gods of Manichaeism, with humans as the soldiers.


Solar-Imperial A monotheistic sun-worshipping religion founded by the Roman Empire.

While it was eventually discontinued in the Western Empire, the Eastern Empire remains true. It
is widely believed that the emperor and subsequent leader of the church (technically, the
Pontifex Maximus is a vassal of the Eastern emperor) is Sol Invictus in the flesh, and many
emperors have believed themselves to be Sol Invictus reincarnated.

Common practice includes human sacrifices to Sol, especially those who offend the emperor
deeply. An important artifact of Solar-Imperialism is the Sacred Heart of Sol, a black meteorite
brought to Rome to rest on Palatine Hill in 221 CE. It has been defiled in the past, thus incurring
the wrath of Sol Invictus made flesh and usually resulting in many deaths on the side of those
doing the defiling. (An important note to would-be-conquerors: dont piss off a god-king. Ever. It
ends badly.)
Apollo-Heliosan A Hellenic version of the worship of Sol Invictus, only with Apollo being the
monotheistic god in focus. Unlike with Solar-Imperialism, followers of Apollo-Helios do not
believe any emperor is Apollo-incarnate.

Apollo-Boreasean A Hellenic religion focusing on the worship of Apollo (the sun god) and
Boreas (the god of the north wind) as co-supreme gods.

Ts'hy Mahremite An Ethiopian heresy based on Solar-Imperialism, in which Mahrem, the

sun god and god of war, is worshipped in a monotheistic fashion.

Solar-Christian A heretical sect of Solar-Imperialism that believes Jesus of Nazareth was the
incarnation of Sol Invictus bringing salvation to mankind.

Al-Shams Islamic A heretical sect of Solar-Imperialism that believes Allah and Sol Invictus
are the same thing, and worships Allah as the sun god.

Solar-Manichaean A hybrid-religion that worships Sol Invictus as the God of Light in

Manichaean fashion, fighting against Ahriman, the king of darkness.

Odinn-Solar A Varangian heresy worshipping Odin as Sol Invictus, in a monotheistic fashion.

Horsic A Slavic heresy worshipping Hors, the Slavic sun god, as Sol Invictus, in a
monotheistic fashion.


Luwian An Anatolian form of paganism, in which the primary deity is Tarhunt, the god of the
sky and storms. Tarhunts main focus is the clash with the evil serpent Illuyanka.

Tarhuntite A Luwian heresy following the belief in the monotheistic worship of Tarhunt, the
god of the sky and storms. All other gods either do not exist or exist as a form of Tarhunt.

Illuyankan A cult based on the worship of the evil dragon in Luwianism, Illuyanka. The belief
in the cult (as well as in Luwianism) is that Tarhunt or his son Sarruma (varying depending on
interpretation) fought and killed Illuyanka, and the cults objective is to resurrect the fallen
dragon in order to restore him to his rightful glory. The followers hope (and believe) that if they
succeed, they will be rewarded by the dragon for their loyalty.


Graeco-Roman A polytheistic religion shared between the Hellenic culture and the Roman
culture. Names and worship rituals/practices may vary between the two, but the gods are
essentially the same for both. The primary deity is Zeus/Jupiter, the god of the heavens and
thunder. Other deities include deities for fertility, the sea, agriculture, war, and many others.
There are many other legends and demi-gods that are a result of relations between gods and
mortals. One of the key features of the Graeco-Roman pantheon is the gods human-like nature,
something that is not found in many other major religions such as Christianity, Islam, and others.

Jupiterite The monotheistic worship of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the Greatest and Most
Powerful. There is no god but Jupiter in this religion, and to declare any other is blasphemy.

Alexandros-Amonite A heretical sect of Graeco-Romanism in which Megas Alexandros

(Alexander the Great) is believed to be the incarnation of the Egyptian sun god Amon-Ra.
Veneration of Megas Alexandros is comparable to Jesus of Nazareth being venerated as a part of
God (in Trinitarian denominations); in other words, since Alexandros was the vessel of Amon-
Ra, he should be worshipped as a part of that godhead.

Cybelite The monotheistic worship of Cybele, a Western Anatolian mother goddess. Cybele
represents aspects of motherhood, fertility, and is seen as the mother of the Earth.

Imperial Cultist A religion focused around the veneration of kings, emperors, and other rulers
as gods or demigods. The fact that this is a splinter religion of Graeco-Roman implies that they
fit in the Greek pantheon, much like the hero Heracles or Perseus and the like.


Elohimi The indigenous religion of the Canaanites. Elohimi is a polytheistic religion, with
some monolastic (recognizing many gods, but worshipping one or a few) tendencies. The main
gods of the Elohimi pantheon are Baal (the king of the gods), Attar (god of the morning star),
Melqart (god of the underworld), Mawat (god of death, who is not worshipped [although it
would make a good cult idea]), and so forth.

Beelshameni The monotheistic worship of Baal (Beelshamn) as the only god. All other gods
are nonexistent, and to deny this is blasphemy.

Malakbelite A sun-worshipping religion of Malakbel, the sun god of Palmyra. It is unlikely

that this is a monotheistic religion, as Malakbel has a status as the messenger of Baal. However,
Malakbels veneration and position as a major god would likely be seen as blasphemous by
traditional Elohimis.

Agliboli The cult of Aglibl, the moon deity of Palmyra, as a major deity. As with
Malakbelism, it is unlikely that it is a monotheistic cult, but it is definitely monolastic.

'Abeed ash-Shamsi The religion of the Arabian Peninsula (the one that existed before the
Islamification which occurred in our reality). The main god of this pantheon is Hubal, the chief
of the gods. Hubal has three daughters: Al-lat (goddess of the underworld), Al-Uzza (The
Mighty One, goddess of fertility), and Manat (goddess of fate). Manat especially was venerated,
and many sacrifices (including children) were made in her honor. There are, of course, several
other deities (at one point, the Kaaba in Mecca was decorated with idols to over 150 gods), but
this is just a brief overview.

There is also a belief in minor spirits and monsters. Two major classifications of spirits (djinn)
are marid (powerful spirits of an arbitrary nature) and ifrit (typically evil beings of a chaotic
nature). Some monsters include nasnas (almost literally half a human being), ghouls
(shapeshifting demons that eat people in the desert), and bahamut (a massive fish with the head
of an elephant that supports the earth).

Almaqahi A monolastic version of Arabian paganism which venerates Almaqah, the Arabian
sun god. This is also a female counterpart (ams), who is not venerated as much. Almaqah is
also considered the patron deity of the Saba Kingdom. (Below, there is also a heresy also
worshipping the sun god(s) of the Arabian pantheon. The key difference between the two is
Almaqahi is more of a state religion for Saba, and the trait Blood of Almaqah implies that
those with that trait are revered as demigods and, in turn, worshipped (especially if they are the
king of Saba). Ash-Shamsi does not have a blood trait correlating to it, and that seems to be the
difference. Otherwise, they would be the same thing and this would be redundant.)

Al-Lati A monolastic sect worshipping Al-lat, the goddess of the underworld, as a primary

Tal'labi A monolastic sect worshipping Talab, the moon god. Since most travel was done at
night, when it was cool, the moon plays an important role in the life of the people of the Arabian
Peninsula. As such, the moon god is worshipped by this sect in a venerating way. The oracle of
Talab is also consulted with personal matters for advice.

Ash-Shamsi A sect of Arabian paganism venerating the sun deities (Almaqah and ams) in a
monolastic fashion. (See above under Almaqahi.)

Hubali A monotheistic heresy worshipping Hubal, the chief deity of Arabian paganism. Hubal
has no children, no other gods exist but Hubal, and to say otherwise is blasphemy.

'Attari A sect of Abeed ash-Shamsi venerating Attar, the god of the morning star. (This deity
also appears in the Canaanite pantheon.)

Maherite A warrior cult focusing on the worship of Maher, the Sabean/Ethiopian god of war.
Followers believe that by worshipping Maher, he will grant them victory in battle.

Amazigh The traditional paganism of the Berber people of North Africa. Practices in the
Amazigh faith include elaborate burial rites, in which the dead are buried with burial with ostrich
egg shells, weapons, and jewelry. The followers of the Amazigh faith also view the spirits of
their ancestors to be gods, and will even spent the night in their tomb after asking questions.

Amazighs also worship the sun and moon, and make regular sacrifices to them. Rocks,
mountains, caves, and rivers are also worshipped.

It is believed that there is a heavy amount of borrowing from Egyptian (Isis, Set, Osiris, Amon,
etc.), Phoenician (Baal, etc.), and Greek (Zeus, etc.) religions in the Amazigh religion.

Mastimani A heretical sect of the Amazigh faith in which Mastiman, the Berber equivalent of
the Graeco-Roman Zeus, is worshipped in a monotheistic fashion.

Gurzili A warrior cult following Gurzil, the Amazigh god of war. Believers think that by
worshipping Gurzil, he shall grant them victory in battle.

Amanaii A sect of Eastern Amazighs who worship the god of the setting sun, Amanai, in a
monolastic fashion.


Mithraic A mystery religion originating from Persia focusing on the monotheistic worship of
Mithra, the Zoroastrian divinity of covenant and oath. Mithra is also a judicial figure (deity of
law), and the all-seeing protector of Truth.

Mithraic-Christian A heretical sect of Mithraism which believes that Jesus of Nazareth was
the incarnation of Mithra in an effort to share the good news and the truth that Mithra stands for.

Eosphorist A sun-worshipping sect of Mithraism which believes that Mithra is the

Lightbringer, an equivalent of a sun god. Followers believe that Mithras light will bring
harmony to the world.


Jewish An Abrahamic religion off of which Christianity was based off of. While it has often
been said that Judaism is essentially following the Old Testament in the Bible, it is much more
complicated than that, and is considered an ethnoreligion (a religion very heavily intertwining
with Judean culture).
Yahweh Sabaothite A heretical sect of Judaism following the emphasis on the existence of
Yahweh as the Lord of Hosts, and that he shall grant his faithful victory against their enemies. It
could be seen as a Jewish warrior cult.


Indo-Hellenic A blending of Hindu beliefs into the Greek faith. Some likely proponents of this
faith include concepts of karma, dharma, and reincarnation into the Greek religion (the Gods
determine the laws of the universe and must adhere to them, karma is what causes the events that
happen to both the gods and people, and perhaps some deities from Hinduism incorporated into
the Greek pantheon.

Indo-Hellenic Hindu A hybrid-religion much like generic Indo-Hellenicism, but with the
incorporation of Greek beliefs into Hinduism.

Indo-Hellenic Buddhist A heretical hybrid-religion in which Buddhist beliefs and values are
incorporated into the already-hybrid Indo-Hellenic faith.

Pyromantic A local heresy involving the practice of primitive acts of pyromancy (sorcery
involving interpretation of shapes seen in flames to determine the will of the gods) being
incorporated into the Indo-Hellenic faith.


Zalmoxian A monotheistic religion worshipping Zalmoxis, a man who was believed to be a

disciple (or slave) of Pythagoras. After amassing wealth, he opened a school in Samos teaching
the science of the skies. After this, he returned to his native people the Getae and taught them
about the immortality of the soul. After his death, the Getae turned his teachings into a religion,
and this is Zalmoxism.

Some of the key components of Zalmoxism include the firing of arrows to the sky (honoring
Zalmoxis ascent to the heavens) and pilgrimage inside a cave (symbolic of Zalmoxis journey
inside a cave for three days, the entrance symbolizing death and the exit symbolizing rebirth

Christo-Zalmoxian A heretical sect of Zalmoxism in which believers think that Jesus of

Nazareth was an incarnation of the second coming of Zalmoxis, and his teachings should be
accepted as well as Zalmoxis.

Apogenesianist A heretical sect of Zalmoxism in which adherents believe that through valor in
battle, they shall ascend into heaven with Zalmoxis, regardless of their quality of life.

Buddhist A religion based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha, an Indian spiritual teacher
who, according to Buddhism, was the first to obtain enlightenment. The main components of
Buddhism involve the cycle of death and rebirth, the force of karma, the four noble truths
explaining suffering in life, the Noble Eightfold Path, the Four Immeasurables, the Midde Way,
natures of existence, and the obtaining of nirvana upon obtaining enlightenment.

Gandharan Buddhist A form of Graeco-Buddhism with many aspects borrowed from Greek
culture, including the image of Buddha as an "ideal man-god", the incorporation of Cynicism
into the concepts of zen and Madhyamika (a Buddhist school of thought teaching that all
phenomena are without essence because they are "co-arisen"), and the figure of Maitreya, a
future Buddha who is believed by some to be an interpretation of Mithra.

Buddhist-Zoroastrian A heretical hybrid-religion incorporating Zoroastrian beliefs of light

and darkness conflicting into Buddhism and the struggle to find the Middle Way.


Aztec The polytheistic religion of the Nahua (Mesoamericans from modern-day Mexico), in
which Huitzilopochtli, the god of war, the sun, and sacrifice, is the primary deity. Human
sacrifices are made to him daily in order for the sun to continue to rise.

Tlaloc, the god of rain, is also an important deity, and child sacrifices are made to him on a
mountaintop yearly.

Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent deity, is believed to be the god of winds, as well as a cultural
hero in Aztec myths, most notably for fighting with Tezcatlipoca.

Tezcatlipoca, the god of night, enmity and discord, and many other things, is also depicted in the
form of a jaguar very often. The main festival for Tezcatlipoca, called Toxcatl, involves a young
man being chosen by his parents and dressed up like Tezcatlipoca. The next year, he lived like a
god, with four wives and eight servants. At the end of that year, there would be a week-long
festival in his honor, at the end of which he would climb the pyramid and be worshipped before
being sacrificed by priests and eaten.

(You might think Im being snarky or overexaggerating, but this is really what goes on in Aztec
religion. Everything they do involves some form of human sacrifice. Never animals. Always
humans. If you thought the worship of Angra Mainyu, King of Darkness was bad Tezcatlipoca
gonna mess him up.)

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