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Accident Analysis and Prevention 34 (2002) 357 365

Effects of road geometry and traffic volumes

on rural roadway accident rates
Matthew G. Karlaftis *, Ioannis Golias
Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, Faculty of Ci6il Engineering, National Technical Uni6ersity of Athens,
5 Iroon Polytechnion Street, 157 93 Zografon, Athens, Greece
Received 16 May 2000; received in revised form 1 February 2001; accepted 28 February 2001


This paper revisits the question of the relationship between rural road geometric characteristics, accident rates and their
prediction, using a rigorous non-parametric statistical methodology known as hierarchical tree-based regression. The goal of this
paper is twofold; first, it develops a methodology that quantitatively assesses the effects of various highway geometric
characteristics on accident rates and, second, it provides a straightforward, yet fundamentally and mathematically sound way of
predicting accident rates on rural roads. The results show that although the importance of isolated variables differs between
two-lane and multilane roads, geometric design variables and pavement condition variables are the two most important factors
affecting accident rates. Further, the methodology used in this paper allows for the explicit prediction of accident rates for given
highway sections, as soon as the profile of a road section is given. 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Accident rates; Rural roads; Hierarchical tree based regression

1. Introduction whelming majority of previous studies have indicated

that improvements to highway design could produce
Road safety modelling has attracted considerable significant reductions in the number of crashes. Recog-
research interest in the past four decades because of its nizing this, the Federal Highway Administration
wide variety of applications and important practical (FHWA) promotes safety and accident investigation by
implications. Public agencies, such as State Depart- encouraging States to pursue the development of Safety
ments of Transportation, may be interested in identify- Management Systems (SMS). And, although SMSs are
ing accident-prone areas to promote safety treatments. not Federally required as of 1996, most States continue
Transportation engineers may be interested in identify- to work on their development, suggesting the need for
ing those factors (traffic, geometric, etc.) that influence improving on existing empirical models for accident
accident frequency and severity to improve roadway measurement.
design and provide a safer driving environment. Following a long line of studies concerned with iden-
The very high cost of highway accidents paid by tifying major factors contributing to highway accidents,
societies around the world makes highway safety im- this paper revisits the problem of the relationship be-
provement an important objective of transportation tween rural road geometric characteristics, accident
engineering. Highway safety specialists can influence rates and their prediction, using a rigorous non-para-
traffic safety either through means such as road rules, metric statistical methodology known as hierarchical
law enforcement, and education, or by applying local tree-based regression (HTBR).1 The goal of this paper
traffic control and geometry improvements. An over- is not only to develop a methodology that quantita-
tively assesses the effects of various rural road geomet-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 30-1-6711203; fax: + 30-1-
7721327. For information on the process of functional road classification
E-mail address: (M.G. Karlaftis). the reader should refer to US DOT (1969).

0001-4575/02/$ - see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 1 - 4 5 7 5 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 3 3 - 1
358 M.G. Karlaftis, I. Golias / Accident Analysis and Pre6ention 34 (2002) 357365

ric characteristics on accident rates, but also to provide In that paper, the authors also provide an extensive
a straightforward, yet fundamentally and mathemati- review of earlier findings relating accident rates and
cally sound way of predicting accident rates. The ability geometric characteristics.
to predict accident rates is very important to trans- More recently, Ivan and OMara (1997), using NB
portation planners and engineers, because it can help in regression on 1991 1993 data from the Traffic Acci-
identifying hazardous locations, sites which require dent Surveillance Report of Connecticut found that
treatment, as well as spots where deviations (either annual average daily traffic was a critical accident
higher or lower rates) from expected (predicted) war- prediction variable, while geometric design variables
rants further examination. The remainder of the paper and speed differential measures were not found to be
is organized as follows. The next section provides some effective predictors of accident rates. Karlaftis and
background necessary for the development of the Tarko (1998), based on a county accident data set from
methodology used in this paper. Following this, the Indiana, estimated macroscopic accident models that
data and methodology that were used, the estimation attempt to explicitly control for cross-section hetero-
results, and examine the effects of various geometric geneity in NB regression that may otherwise seriously
characteristics on accident rates are presented and dis- bias the resulting estimates and invalidate statistical
cussed. The final section of the paper summarizes the tests. Data collected from the States of Minnesota and
findings and offers some concluding remarks. Washington on rural two-lane highways, estimated ac-
cident models for segments and three-legged and four-
legged intersections stop- controlled on the minor legs.
2. Background Independent variables for their models included traffic,
horizontal and vertical alignments, lane and shoulder
Much literature exists that addresses the problem of widths, roadside hazard rating, channelization, and
accident rate estimation, and the identification of the number of driveways. Results imply that segment acci-
various factors affecting this rate. Joshua and Garber dents depend significantly on most of the roadway
(1990) used multiple linear and Poisson regression to variables collected, while intersection accidents depend
estimate truck accident rates using traffic and geometric primarily on traffic.
independent variables. Jones and Whitfield (1991) used This brief review of some of the existing literature
Poisson regression with data from Seattle to identify suggests that a variety of traffic and design elements
the daily characteristics (traffic, weather, etc.) that may such as AADT, cross-section design, horizontal align-
influence the number of traffic accidents. Miaou et al. ment, roadside features, access control, pavement con-
(1992) used Poisson regression on traffic data from ditions, speed limit, lane width (LW), and median
8779 miles of roadway from the Highway Safety Infor- width, affect accident rates. And, most of these results
mation System (HSIS) to establish quantitative rela- have been based on multiple linear or Poisson and NB
tionships between truck accident rates and highway regression models.
geometric characteristics. Their results indicate that sur- Much of the early work in the empirical analysis of
rogate measures for mean absolute curvature (for hori- accident data was done with the use of multiple linear
zontal alignment) and mean absolute grade (for vertical regression models. As the literature has repeatedly
alignment) are the most important variables for acci- pointed out, these models suffer from several methodo-
dent rate estimation. logical limitations and practical inconsistencies in the
In a study of approximately seven thousand miles of case of accident modelling (Lerman and Gonzales,
roadway logs in Utah, Mohamedshah et al. (1993) used 1980). To overcome these limitations, several authors
linear regression to predict truck accident involvement used Poisson regression models that are a reasonable
rate per mile per year, based on average Average alternative for events that occur randomly and indepen-
Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) and truck AADT per dently over time. Despite its advantages, Poisson re-
lane, shoulder width, horizontal curvature, and vertical gression assumes equality of the variance and mean of
gradient. The results suggest that truck involvement the dependent variable. This restriction (which, when
rate increases with AADT and truck AADT, degree of violated, leads to invalid t-tests of the parameter esti-
curvature and gradient. Hadi et al. (1993), using data mates), can be overcome with the use of NB regression
from the Florida Department of Transportations which allows the variance of the dependent variable to
Roadway Characteristics Inventory (RCI) system, esti- be larger than the mean. As a result, most of the recent
mated negative binomial (NB) regression for accident literature has used NB regression models to evaluate
rates on various types of rural and urban highways accident data.
with different traffic levels. Their results suggest that But, while NB regression has been instrumental in
higher AADT levels and the presence of intersections overcoming most of the problems associated with mod-
are associated with higher crash frequency, while wider els involving count data, it still remains a parametric
lanes and shoulders are effective in reducing crash rates. procedure requiring the functional form of the model to
M.G. Karlaftis, I. Golias / Accident Analysis and Pre6ention 34 (2002) 357365 359

be specified in advance, it is not invariant with respect The availability of such data allows for inferences to
to monotone transformation of the variables, it is easily be drawn on the effects of traffic and geometric charac-
and significantly influenced by outliers, it does not teristics on highway accidents. Further, to avoid the
handle well discrete independent variables with more possibility of heterogeneity among roads with different
than two levels, and it is adversely affected by mult- number of lanes and based on previous findings in the
collinearity among independent variables (Hadi et al., literature (Hadi et al., 1993; Mohamedshah et al., 1993;
1993; Mohamedshah et al., 1993; Tarko et al., 1996; Karlaftis and Tarko, 1998), road sections were grouped
Karlaftis and Tarko, 1998). It is likely, for example, into two main categories: rural two-lane and rural
that while the accident models have been correctly multilane. The variables available for model estimation
specified, multicollinearity has inflated the variance of appear in Table 1.
some of the independent variables coefficient estimates,
leading to lower t-statistic values and to coefficients 3.2. The methodology
that are not significant and/or are counter-intuitive.
In this paper a methodology which attempts to rec- As previously mentioned, NB regression has ac-
ognize the existence of the above mentioned problems counted for most of the theoretical issues in count data
and develop a framework to account for them is intro- research. Nevertheless, there still remain a number of
duced. This methodology, known as HTBR or as Bi- issues that have not been addressed (Hadi et al., 1993;
nary Recursive Partitioning (BRT) (Breiman et al., Mohamedshah et al., 1993; Tarko et al., 1996; Karlaftis
1984), can be of assistance in overcoming some of the and Tarko, 1998). First, NB regression, much like
problems associated with multiple linear and NB re- multiple linear and Poisson regression, is a parametric
gression. It should be noted that besides overcoming procedure requiring for the functional form of the
the above, rather theoretical problems, the proposed model to be known in advance. Second, it is easily and
methodology has three additional strengths. First, it significantly affected by outliers. Third, it cannot han-
allows for straightforward and quantitative assessment dle missing data well. Fourth, it does not treat satisfac-
of the effect of various rural road geometric character- torily discrete variables with more than two levels.
istics on accident rates; second, it allows for the quick Fifth, it does not deal well with multicollinear indepen-
estimation of predicted accident rates for a given rural dent variables.
road section; and, third, it is easily amenable to if-then HTBR is a tree-structured non-parametric data anal-
statements for incorporation in expert systems which ysis methodology that was first used in the 1960s in the
have become increasingly popular and useful in safety medical and the social sciences (Morgan and Sonquist,
management. The strengths and weaknesses of the pro- 1963). An extensive review of the methods used to
posed methodology are demonstrated using Indiana estimate the regression trees and their applications can
State Police Accident Information records and Indiana be found in Breiman et al. (1984). HTBR is technically
Department of Transportations Road Inventory data- binary, because parent nodes are always split into ex-
base. The combined database includes five years (1991 actly two child nodes, and is recursive because the
1995) of crashes on Indiana rural roads, along with the process can be repeated by treating each child node as
geometric and traffic characteristics for these roads. a parent. In essence, the HTBR algorithm proceeds by
iteratively asking the following two questions: (i) which
of the independent variables available should be se-
3. Data and methodology lected for the model to obtain the maximum reduction
in the variability of the response (dependent variable);
3.1. The data and (ii) which value of the selected independent vari-
able (discrete or continuous) results in the maximum
The data used in this paper concern rural roads and reduction in the variability of the response. These two
come from two sources: the Road Inventory database, steps are repeated using a numerical search procedure
from the Indiana Department of Transportation (IN- until a desirable end-condition is met. In mathematical
DOT), and the Accident Information Record form the terms, deviance D is initially defined as2
Indiana State Police. The first database contains a list
of road sections and various traffic and geometric
characteristics for those sections. The second database 2
In this section only the essential parts of the HTBR methodology
contains a description of the location and type of formulation that may be of interest to the reader are presented.
accidents that occurred on Indianas roads. Combining Readers interested in the details of the formulation are encouraged to
these two yields a database that contains five years refer to Breiman et al. (1984) for an in-depth treatment, or Washing-
ton and Wolf (1996) and Washington et al. (1996) for a presentation
(1991 1995) of accident data for Indiana along with of the methodology in the context of engineering applications. The
the traffic and geometric characteristics for the location discussion of HTBR presented in this paper is based on Washington
of each accident. and Wolf (1996).
360 M.G. Karlaftis, I. Golias / Accident Analysis and Pre6ention 34 (2002) 357365
Da = % (yia xa )2, (1) data sets with complex (non-homegeneous) structure; it
is extremely robust to the effects of outliers; it can use
where Da is the total deviance of a variable y at node a, any combination of categorical and qualitative (dis-
or the sum of squared error (SSE) at the node, yia is the crete) variables; and, it is not affected by multicollinear-
observation on dependent variable y in node a and is ity between the independent variables. Further, and as
the mean of L observations in node a. it pertains to this research, HTBR can straightfor-
A split of the observations can be found at node a on wardly yield predictions for the dependent variable
a value of an independent variable x1 that results in two (y), incorporating the optimal splitting rules in an
branches and corresponding nodes b and c, each con- if-then series of statements, making the incorporation
taining M and N of the original L observation (M+ of the results in an expert system rather simple.
N = L). The goal of HTBR is to find the variable x1 at
its optimum split (i ) so that the reduction in deviance
is maximized, or more formally when 4. HTBR model estimation and interpretation
Z(x) = maximum. (2)
As previously mentioned, HTBR partitions the data
The maximum reduction occurs at some x1(i ) (inde- into relatively homogeneous (low standard deviation)
pendent variable x1 at value i ). When the data are split terminal nodes, and it takes the mean value observed in
at this value of x, the remaining two samples have each node as its predicted value. In general, HTBR
much smaller variance of y than the original data set. models can be fairly complex and detailed, and there-
Numerical search procedures are employed to maximize fore difficult to illustrate mathematically. Nevertheless,
Eq. (2). the methodology lends itself to graphical tree like
The HTBR methodology has several attractive tech- representations well.
nical properties: it is non-parametric and does not The model shown in Fig. 1 is the result of the HTBR
require specification of a functional form; it does not methodology applied to crashes on rural two-lane
require variables to be selected in advance since it uses roads. Interpreting the tree, both for explanatory and
a stepwise method to determine optimal splitting rules; predictive purposes, is rather straightforward. The top
its results are invariant with respect to monotone trans- of the tree, or root node, shows that the first optimal
formations of the independent variables; it can handle split for crashes on rural two-lane roads occurs on

Table 1
Independent variables available for model estimation

Variable Symbol Type Description

Section length L Continuous Length of the road section were an accident occurred
Number of NoL Count Number of moving traffic lanes in the section
Lane widths LW Continuous Widths of the northbound, southbound, and average lane widths
Shoulder widths SW Continuous The widths of the left, right, inside, and outside shoulders
Median width MW Continuous Width of the median (or 0 if median not available)
Shoulder type ST Qualitative Dummy variables for type of shoulder (paved, earth, stabilized)
Pavement type PT Binary The variables takes the value of 1 if the road surface is bituminous concrete, sheet or rock
asphalt, and 0 otherwise
Concrete CP Binary The variable takes the value of 1 if the road surface is Portland concrete cement and 0
pavement otherwise
Median type MT Qualitative The variable takes the value of 0 if there is no median, 1 for grass or sod, 2 for bituminous
concrete, and 3 for non-mountable barrier median
Turn lanes TL Binary These variables indicate the presence of left, right, left and right, and continuous turn lanes
Number of NoC Count The number of curbs on the road section (0, 1, 2)
Number of NoPL Count The number of parking lanes on the section (0, 1, 2)
park lanes
Friction FR Continuous Coefficient of wet sliding (skidding) FR at 40 mph between a wet pavement surface and a
standard tire
Pavement SI Qualitative Takes the value of 0 for dirt and gravel roads, 1 for very poor, 2 for deteriorated, 3 for fair, 4
Serviceability for good, and 5 for very good pavements
Access control A Qualitative Takes the value of 1 for no access control, 2 for partial access control, and 3 for full access
AADT AADT Continuous Annual Average Daily Traffic
M.G. Karlaftis, I. Golias / Accident Analysis and Pre6ention 34 (2002) 357365
Fig. 1. Regression tree for accidents and geometric characteristics on rural two-lane roads.

362 M.G. Karlaftis, I. Golias / Accident Analysis and Pre6ention 34 (2002) 357365

AADT, sending cases (road sections) with less than or interesting to cross-validate the estimation results with
equal to 8020 to the left and all others to the right. In data from a different area (but from rural roads
other words, the single best variable to explain the nonetheless). In general of course, the process of ran-
variability in total crashes on rural two-lane roads is domly selecting a subsample for validation is the most
AADT. Assume for the moment the interest is in rural frequently used technique.
roads with AADT larger than 8020. Conditional on Looking closer at Fig. 1, it is clear that for lower
this, the next best explanatory variable is LW. For LW flows the parameter that seems to be more important is
less than or equal to 12.5 ft the road sections go to the the FR coefficient, while for higher flows LW seems to
left, where for LW larger than 12.5 ft the road sections have the greatest importance. This seems to be justified
go to the right forming what is called a terminal node, by the fact that lower flows are related to higher speeds,
or leaf of the tree. For these road sections the tree which render the slippery of the roads a critical
predicts an average of 32 accidents (normalized on parameter. However, when flows are high the risk for
section length). The remaining splits, for the road sec- an accident seems to stem mainly from the interaction
tions with LW less than or equal to 12.0 ft, are made on of vehicles travelling at the same or opposite direction,
Friction (FR) and Serviceability Index (SI). In general, rendering LW the more important factor.
an estimate on the number of accidents is obtained by Fig. 2 shows the results of the HTBR methodology
continuing down the branches of the tree in similar applied to crashes on multilane rural roads. Interest-
fashion until a terminal node is reached. Recall that the ingly, using again the X 2-test, the methodology yielded
estimate provided at terminal nodes is the mean of the a simpler tree. Its first optimal split occurs on AADT.
sample at the node. This means that, since there is a Thus, it seems that AADT is the best variable to
number of observations that fall within the characteris- explain crash variability in multilane roads as well.
tics of a terminal node, the expected number of acci- What may also be noted is that for lower flows the
dents is the mean of those observations. For example, existence of a median is an important factor while when
there are 37 observations with AADT\ 8020 and it comes to higher flows the existence of access control
LW \12.5, and their mean is 32 accidents. seems to be the more important factor safety wise.
More importantly, since transportation planners are Thus, vehicle interaction and vehicle maneuvering ar-
very frequently interested in predicting accident rates rangements prove again to be important factors when
for given highway sections, the profile of a road section traffic demand increases. For predicti6e purposes, the
can be examined, and the tree can be used to determine profile of a multilane road section can be examined
the prediction. For example, assume a planner wants to similar to that of a two-lane road section and the tree
predict the expected number of accidents for a rural can be used to determine the prediction. For example,
two-lane road section with AADT of 4000, FR of 0.5, assume a prediction is needed for the number of acci-
and LW of 12.0 ft. Beginning at the root node (top of dents on a rural multilane road section with AADT of
the tree), we branch left (AADT0 8020), right 8300, and No Access Control. Beginning at the root
(AADT \2751), left (FR0 0.5), right (LW\ 11.5), to node (top of the tree), we branch right (AADT\6851),
get the estimate of 17.2 crashes for that highway right (AADT\ 8075), left (A= 1), to get the estimate
section. of 27.1 crashes for that highway section.
It should be noted that, for the tree-structure, a It is interesting to note that some variables are
X 2-test was used to evaluate the accuracy of the selected more than once in the estimation process. For
predictions. Using a hold-out sample of 120 randomly instance, taking all the left branches to the terminal
selected observations, the tree structure was estimated node (leaf), AADT appears three times. Since one of
on the remaining 334 observations (for the rural two- the goals of HTBR is to develop a simple tree structure
lane road case). Then, using the if-then rules yielded for data, relatively few variables will appear explicitly
by the estimated tree, the accident rates for the 120 in the splitting criteria, and some highly important
hold-out observations were estimated. At the 90% sig- variables will appear more than once (such as AADT in
nificance level for the X 2-test, the null hypothesis that this tree structure). While this could be taken to mean
the difference between the actual and predicted rates that the other variables are not important in under-
was zero could not be rejected. standing or predicting the dependent variable, an inde-
Nevertheless, it should be noted that while the hold- pendent variable could be considered highly important
out sample method is a rather popular approach to even if it never appears as a primary node splitter. The
validating the estimates yielded by the tree approach, it software used in this paper (CART 1995) keeps track of
does have a shortcoming. Because both the estimation surrogate splits in the tree-growing process, evaluating
and validation samples are from the same general area the contribution a variable makes in prediction by both
(the State of Indiana), it is not surprising that their primary and surrogate splits. That is, while the tree-
patterns are similar and hence the results of the model structure can be used, as previously shown, for predic-
validation process are good. As such, it would be tive purposes, a different measure called variable
M.G. Karlaftis, I. Golias / Accident Analysis and Pre6ention 34 (2002) 357365
Fig. 2. Regression tree for accidents and geometric characteristics on rural multilane roads.

364 M.G. Karlaftis, I. Golias / Accident Analysis and Pre6ention 34 (2002) 357365

Table 2
Independent variable importance for crash rates (crashes normalized on highway section length)

Rural two-lane Rural multilane

Variable Relative importance (%) Variable Relative importance (%)

AADT 100 AADT 100

Lane width 72 Median width 63
Serviceability index 59 Access control 59
Friction 32 Friction 25
Pavement type 30 Lane width 24
Access control 14 Serviceability index 21
Pavement type 11

importance score should be used to estimate the impor- left turn lane, for both two-lane and multilane rural
tance of the effect of various geometric characteristics roads.
on accident rates.
To calculate a variable importance score, the soft-
ware looks at the improvement measure attributable to
5. Discussion and conclusions
each variable in its role as a surrogate to the primary
split. The values of these improvements are summed
Much interest exists in the area of accident rate
over each node and totalled, and are then scaled rela- estimation, and the identification of the various factors
tive to the best performing variable. As a result, the affecting this rate. Much of the literature in this area
variable with the highest sum of improvements is scored has concentrated in identifying the factors affecting
100, and all other variables will have lower scores accident occurrence (accident rates), and secondarily in
ranging downwards towards zero. The relative impor- predicting them. The ability to predict accident rates is
tance of the independent variables in explaining crash very important to transportation planners and engi-
rates on various types of roadways appear in Table 2 neers, because it can help in identifying hazardous
(for crashes normalized on highway section length), and locations, sites which require treatment, as well as spots
Table 3 (for crashes normalized on highway section where deviations (either higher or lower rates) from
length and AADT). expected (predicted) levels warrants further examina-
It is interesting to note the differences in the variables tion. The aim of this paper was twofold. First, it
that explain crashes on the two types of roadways. developed a methodology that quantitatively assesses
While AADT is overall the most important variable the effects of various highway characteristics on acci-
when crashes are normalized on section length (Table dent rates. Second, it provided a straightforward, yet
2), the characteristics of subsequent importance vary fundamentally and mathematically sound way of pre-
for the two types of roadway. For the rural two-lane dicting accident rates.
case, LW is the variable with the higher importance The methodology used in this paper, known as
after AADT. It is obvious that the proximity of the HTBR, has a number of both theoretical and applied
opposing traffic streams renders the width of the lane advantages over multiple linear and NB regression that
an important factor for safety. The next more impor- have been commonly used in accident rate research. It
tant variables SI, FR and pavement type are allows for the quantitative assessment of the effect of
related to the road pavement conditions. various geometric characteristics on accident rates. It
However, when it comes to multilane rural roads the allows for the quick estimation of predicted accident
variables with the higher importance after AADT are rates for a given highway section. Finally, it is easily
the existence of median width and of access control. amenable to if-then statements for incorporation in
The importance of these two factors seems to be expert systems, which have become increasingly popu-
justified mainly by the increased speeds on multilane lar and useful in safety management. The methodology
rural roads. This fact renders the above two factors was demonstrated using data from the Indiana State
more important than LW and pavement condition vari- Police Accident Information records and the INDOTs
ables, FR, SI and pavement type, which follow in Road Inventory database.
importance (Table 2). Furthermore, it should be noted The results of the investigation of the roadway char-
that when crashes are normalized on section length and acteristics that affect accident rates are of interest. It is
AADT (Table 3), the variables of importance are simi- clear that for both rural two-lane and multilane road-
lar to those of Table 2 (normalization on section ways AADT is the most important variable. However,
length), the only new variable being the existence of a the factors of subsequent importance vary for each
M.G. Karlaftis, I. Golias / Accident Analysis and Pre6ention 34 (2002) 357365 365

Table 3
Independent variable importance for crash rates (crashes normalized on highway section length and AADT)

Rural two-lane Rural multilane

Variable Relative importance (%) Variable Relative importance (%)

Lane width 100 Median width 100

Serviceability index 89 Access control 73
Pavement type 62 Friction 55
Friction 22 Lane width 25
Left turn 16 Serviceability index 19
Left turn 16

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