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Ann Hematol (2005) 84: 441446

DOI 10.1007/s00277-005-1026-4


Ashish Dixit . T. C. Chatterjee . Pravas Mishra .

Dharma R. Choudhry . M. Mahapatra . S. Tyagi .
Madhulika Kabra . Renu Saxena . V. P. Choudhry

Hydroxyurea in thalassemia intermediaa promising therapy

Received: 15 August 2004 / Accepted: 13 February 2005 / Published online: 19 April 2005
# Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Pharmacological agents such as hydroxyurea defects in -globin gene expression [1]. It is a heteroge-
(HU) have been known to cause induction of fetal hemo- neous group of disorders resulting from decreased -globin
globin and possibly may alleviate the symptoms in thal- production and a subsequent imbalance in the /-globin
assemia intermedia patients. Thirty-seven patients with chain ratio. The excess chains precipitate within red blood
-thalassemia intermedia were enrolled to assess response cells (RBCs) resulting in hemolysis and ineffective eryth-
to HU therapy. Major response was defined as transfusion ropoiesis. The phenotypic presentation varies in severity
independence or hemoglobin rise of more than 20 g/l and based upon the imbalance of the /-globin chain ratio.
minor response as rise in hemoglobin of 1020 g/l or re- Thalassemia major presents early in life with anemia and is
duction in transfusion frequency by 50%. The median age generally transfusion dependent. On the other hand, het-
was 10 years (range: 450 years) and median follow-up was erozygous cases (thalassemia minor) are asymptomatic with
12 months (range: 436 months). Twenty-six patients normal or only slightly reduced level of hemoglobin. Thal-
(70.2%) showed response to HU therapy. Seventeen pa- assemia intermedia is an intermediate condition between
tients (45.9%) were major responders, and nine patients the two extremes (10% of cases), can have a homozygous
(24.3%) showed minor response. There was no correlation or heterozygous inheritance pattern, is generally transfusion
of response with -thalassemia mutation or XmnI polymor- independent or may require infrequent transfusion, and has
phism; however, the presence of 3.7 deletion was asso- a clinically milder course than thalassemia major but severe
ciated with major response in three patients. Mean fetal enough compared to thalassemia minor [2].
hemoglobin (HbF) levels rose on HU therapy. Older age, Enhancing -globin chain synthesis within the RBC
low baseline F cell percent, and low baseline HbF levels precursors will reduce the /non- chain imbalance and
(below 10%) were predictors of poor response. Response could potentially lead to an improvement in RBC survival
was evident within 1 month of starting HU therapy in the resulting in rise of hemoglobin levels. Pharmacological
majority of responders. Thus, a short trial of HU therapy can agents that increase -globin production, as evidenced by
predict durable response. an increase in fetal hemoglobin (HbF), have been evaluated
as therapeutic agents for patients with -thalassemia [3].
Keywords Thalassemia intermedia . Hydroxyurea . HbF Response to hydroxyurea (HU) has been most promising
induction because of the oral route, relatively inexpensive cost, and
good experience with the use on a long-term basis in other
disorders [3]. Bradai et al. [8] used HU at 1520 mg/kg per
Introduction day in seven transfusion-dependent thalassemia major pa-
tients and found that six of them became transfusion inde-
Beta-thalassemia is the most commonly inherited blood pendent. The response persisted during the course of therapy
disorder in the world and results from a number of genetic with median follow-up duration of 19 months. Drugs like
HU are expected to have more beneficial effects in thal-
assemia intermedia patients as the imbalance of the /-
A. Dixit . T. C. Chatterjee . P. Mishra . D. R. Choudhry .
M. Mahapatra . S. Tyagi . M. Kabra . R. Saxena . globin chain is lesser. However, the studies published so far
V. P. Choudhry (*) have been on a limited number of patients [720]. Hoppe
Department of Haematology, et al. [16] treated five patients with thalassemia intermedia
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, with HU and found significant beneficial effect in four
New Delhi, India
e-mail: cases, three of which became transfusion independent. We
Tel.: +91-11-26594670 present our data on response to HU in 37 patients with thal-
Fax: +91-11-26588663 assemia intermedia.

Patients and methods Mean hemoglobin before starting therapy was 6512 g/l
(range: 4092 g/l). Fifteen cases (40%) were transfusion
Thirty-seven consecutive patients attending the outpatient independent, seven of which (18.9%) had never received
department (OPD) of the Department of Hematology, All any transfusion. Two cases did not require transfusion after
India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), from Decem- splenectomy, and the remaining six cases required transfu-
ber 2001 to July 2003 were enrolled for the study. Written sion at presentation only, had stable hemoglobin of >60 g/l
informed consent was obtained before the enrollment. on folic acid supplementation, and refused further transfu-
Inclusion criteria: diagnosis of thalassemia was based on sions for personal reasons. The median age at receiving
quantification of HbF and HbA2 by high-performance the first transfusion was 6 years (range: 250 years). Of
liquid chromatography (HPLC) including family studies. the transfusion-dependent patients, the median transfu-
Thalassemia intermedia included cases of homozygous or sion requirement was 4 units per year (range: 112 units)
heterozygous -thalassemia and was defined as patients with four patients requiring >10 units a year, whereas the
who were: transfusion requirement started after 5 years of age only.
The median number of transfusions received before starting
1. Transfusion independent but had persistent anemia of
therapy was 4 units (range 1100 units). Mean serum ferritin
more than 6 months duration with or without organo-
level was 694.5773.7 ng/ml (range: 803,600 ng/ml).
megaly in the absence of intercurrent illness
Three patients were on chelation therapy with oral deferi-
2. Transfusion dependent but with a transfusion require-
prone, and one patient refused chelation therapy for finan-
ment of less than four units per year to maintain hemo-
cial reasons. Six patients (16.2%) had elevated HbA2 also
globin above 80 g/l
along with HbF, and two patients (5.4%) had raised HbA2
3. Transfusion dependent and requiring more than four
alone without raised HbF (heterozygous -thalassemia).
units per year; however, the transfusions started
Red blood cell survival studies were performed in 20
after the age of 5 years and/or were associated with
patients using 99Tc-labeled RBCs. The median RBC sur-
vival was 12.5 days (range: 822 days). Three patients had
Exclusion criteria: evidence of hypersplenism by nuclear scan two of whom
were enrolled after splenectomy and one patient refused
1. Cases of thalassemia intermedia with other than -
splenectomy. Two more splenectomized patients where
thalassemia genotype (for example, -thalassemia,
RBC survival studies were not available were also enrolled.
-thalassemia heterozygous with structural hemoglo-
In all, four (10.5%) splenectomized patients entered the
2. Cases with preexisting renal or hepatic diseases
Mutation analysis for five common -thalassemia genes
3. Cases with positive serology for human immunodefi-
prevalent in the country and responsible for >90% of total
ciency virus (HIV), hepatitis B or C, or with chronic
mutations was performed in 27 cases. Three patients (11.1%)
infections (such as tuberculosis)
were negative for the five common mutations tested. Ten
The median age of the patients was 10 years (range: 4 patients (37%) were homozygous, eight (29.6%) were com-
50 years). History of an affected family member was avail- pound heterozygous, and six cases (22.2%) were heterozy-
able in nine cases (24.3%). The majority of the patients gous for these mutations. Distribution of various mutations
(17) were Punjabis of whom 14 were migrants from Pakistan and XmnI polymorphism is given in Tables 1, 2.
Sindh province. Hemolytic facies was present in 23 patients Dose: hydroxyurea (Hydrea, Sarabhai) was given at
(62%). All patients except one had some organomegaly with 10-mg/kg per day starting dose and increased by 5-mg/kg
mean palpable liver span below the costal margin of 3.0 per day increments at 4-weekly intervals to a maximum of
1.9 cm (range: 012 cm) and mean palpable spleen size 20 mg/kg per day or until the myelotoxicity appeared.
of 5.22.6 cm (range: 012 cm) palpable below the left Toxicity: myelotoxicity was defined by absolute neutro-
costal margin. phil count (ANC) less than 1.5109/l or platelet count less
than 100109/l. Hepatotoxicity and renal toxicity were de-

Table 1 Distribution of -thal- -Thalassemia mutation Patients (n=27) Major responders Minor responders Nonresponders
assemia mutations among var-
ious groups on HU (n=14) (n=7) (n=6)

IVS 1-1(G-T)/IVS 1-1(G-T) 9 (33.3%) 4 4 1

IVS 1-5(G-C)/IVS 1-5(G-C) 1 (3.7%) 1 0 0
IVS 1-1(G-T)/619-bp deletion 3 (11.1%) 3 0 0
IVS 1-1(G-T)/codon 8/9 (+G) 3 (11.1%) 2 1 0
IVS I-5(G-C)/ (5 18.5%) 1 0 4
619-bp deletion/ 1 (3.7%) 0 0 1
IVS 1-1(G-T)/IVS 1-5(G-C) 2 (7.4%) 1 1 0
No mutations identified 3 (11.1%) 2 1 0
Table 2 Distribution of XmnI polymorphism among various groups HbA2, and F cell estimation at the end of 6 months or after
on HU therapy the major response.
XmnI Patients Major Minor Nonresponders Response criteria:
polymorphism (n=24) responders responders (n=5)
Major response: transfusion independent with final Hb
(n=12) (n=7) >80 g/l in transfusion-dependent patients and a rise of
+/+ 12 (50%) 5 5 2 2 g/l in transfusion-independent patients
+/ 8 5 2 1
Minor response: transfusion independent with rise in
Hb >20 g/l but final Hb <80 g/l or >50% decrease in
/ 4 2 0 2
transfusion requirement in transfusion-dependent pa-
tients and rise in Hb between 10 and 20 g/l in trans-
fusion-independent patients
No response: rise in Hb <10 g/l in transfusion-inde-
pendent patients and decrease in transfusion require-
ment by <50% in transfusion-dependent patients
fined as more than twofold rise in alanine aminotransferase
(ALT) or aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and as a >50% Laboratory methods: hemoglobin (Hb) estimation and
increase in serum creatinine concentration, respectively. If total blood counts were done using an electronic counter
toxicity occurred, treatment was stopped until blood counts (Sysmex K-4500, Kobe, Japan). Peripheral smear exami-
returned to normal and then reintroduced at a lower dose nation was done for red cell morphology and presence of
which, if tolerated, was considered the maximum tolerated nucleated RBCs. Reticulocyte count, serum iron studies,
dose. and other hematological tests were done as per standard
Duration of follow-up: minimum of 6 months of trial methods [4]. Serum ferritin was measured by immunomet-
before considering a failure of response. Patients were ric enzyme immunoassay using a standard kit (ORG 5FE,
assessed earlier if a major response had already occurred ORGENTEC Diagnostika GmbH, Mainz, Germany). HbF
and hemoglobin had stabilized for at least 2 months. and HbA2 estimation was done by HPLC (Bio-Rad Variant,
The median follow-up duration was 12 months (range: 4 Hercules, Calif., USA). F cell estimation was done by the
36 months). Two patients required dose adjustments for method of Kleihauer-Betke et al. [4], and the percentage
myelotoxicity, and in one of them, the dose could be in- of F cells (number of F cells/100 RBCs on a smear) was
creased to 15 mg/kg per day. One patient developed mild calculated.
diarrhea, which subsided by itself after 2 weeks. The re-
maining patients tolerated the therapy well.
Laboratory monitoring: baseline hemoglobin and RBC Results
indices were derived from the mean of three to four values
over at least 6 months preceding the initiation of HU. Eval- Twenty-six patients (70.2%) showed response to HU
uation of baseline HbF, HbA2, and F cells was done at least therapy. Seventeen patients (45.9%) showed major re-
4 weeks after the last transfusion. All cases were screened for sponse, and nine patients (24.3%) showed minor response.
hepatitis B and C and HIV before starting the therapy. Other The median time to achieve first response was 2 months
studies for enzymopathies [glucose-6-phosphate dehydro- (range: 14 months), and the median time to reach peak
genase (G6PD), pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency], parox- response was 5 months (range: 28 months).
ysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, and hereditary spherocytosis
were done wherever indicated. Major responders Of the major responders (17 patients)
Follow-up: complete blood counts (CBC) at 2-weekly (45.9%), the median age was 10 years (range: 431 years).
intervals until the maximum dose was reached and then Table 3 shows the comparative parameters for the various
once in 4 weeks; renal and liver function tests once every variables before and after therapy. Mean rise in Hb was 25
4 weeks until maximum dose and then every 8 weeks; HbF, 7.1 g/l, and the difference between previous Hb and post-

Table 3 Comparative data of major responders (n=17). NRBCs/100 cell hemoglobin concentration, RDW red cell distribution width and
WBC nucleated red blood cells per 100 WBCs, Ret reticulocytes, standard deviation (SD)
MCV mean cell volume, MCHb mean cell hemoglobin, MCHC mean
Mean Hb NRBCs/100 Ret MCV MCHb MCHC RDW F cells HbF
(g/l) WBC (%) (fl) (pg) (g/l) (SD) (%) (%)

Pre- 659 14.627.7 3.12.3 71.71.7 22.12.8 31117 59.59.4 72.418.4 67.025.7
therapy (4585) (1105) (19.1) (58.990.8) (18.528.6) (284335) (46.680.6) (4592) (13.696)
Post- 9110 4.28.5 2.31.4 74.09.2 23.73.9 32118 60.99.4 81.718.2 76.022.2
therapy (80119) (036) (16) (57.588.7) (17.031.0) (290352) (42.682.5) (5599) (25.694.6)
p value <0.001 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.01 <0.05 >0.05 <0.01 <0.01
Table 4 Comparative data of minor responders (n=9). NRBCs/100 cell hemoglobin concentration, RDW red cell distribution width and
WBC nucleated red blood cells per 100 WBCs, Ret reticulocytes, standard deviation (SD)
MCV mean cell volume, MCHb mean cell hemoglobin, MCHC mean
Mean Hb (g/l) NRBCs/100 Ret (%) MCV (fl) MCHb (pg) MCHC (g/l) RDW (SD) F cells (%) HbF (%)

Pre- 6316 4.23.0 1.91.3 70.64.7 22.62.6 31631 57.112.0 74.326.1 70.228.5
therapy (4090) (110) (0.34.0) (62.779.0) (19.827.1) (248350) (41.877.2) (3599) (22.695.2)
Post- 8112 3.01.5 1.60.8 73.63.0 23.32.3 31623 60.19.0 84.017.9 78.720.6
therapy (6.310.0) (05) (13) (68.878.8) (19.026.0) (260338) (48.572.8) (58100) (30.792.7)
p value <0.001 >0.05 >0.05 <0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05

therapy Hb was statistically significant (p<0.001). Mean cell count and HbF levels rose after starting HU therapy;
cell volume (MCV), mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), and however, unlike the major responders, the difference here
mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) increased did not reach statistical significance. There was a poor cor-
on HU therapy, and this increment reached statistical sig- relation of HbF rise with total Hb rise in patients with base-
nificance. Mean reticulocyte count and nucleated red blood line HbF of >85%, similar to major responders. One of the
cell (NRBC) count also decreased significantly on therapy. patients was a major responder to begin with; however, Hb
There was a rise in HbF levels and F cell percent during decreased soon after the initial rise and was maintained
the therapy period, which was of statistical significance (p< below 80 g/l subsequently.
0.01); however, this response was not uniform, and all pa-
tients with a baseline HbF >85% showed a poor or no rise in Nonresponders Amongst the 11 nonresponders (29.7%), the
HbF value despite a rise in total Hb levels. There was no median age was 16 years (range: 450 years) with four
significant difference in serum bilirubin levels and red cell patients >30 years of age. Two patients aged 31 and 50 years,
distribution width (RDW) during therapy. respectively, had raised HbA2 levels only without rise in
Three patients had a decrease in Hb levels with infec- HbF levels at presentation; one of them was requiring
tion, and one of them required transfusion once. Response repeated transfusions. Another two patients had raised HbA2
to HU was restored after control of infection and was main- along with raised HbF. Of the 11 patients, 4 had HbF below
tained thereafter. Eight patients witnessed a regression in 10%. The comparative parameters before and after therapy
the degree of organomegaly after a median of 12 months of are depicted in Table 5.
therapy. Even in these patients, mean Hb rose from 6515 g/l
(range: 4092 g/l) to 7014 g/l, which was of statistical
Minor responders Nine patients (24.3%) were minor significance for the transfusion-independent patients only.
responders to HU therapy. Of these, two became transfusion However, it was still below the set criteria for a meaningful
independent with rise of Hb of >20 g/l; however, the Hb response and could have been a part of fluctuations in Hb in
remained below 80 g/l (73 and 75 g/l, respectively). The these patients. There was a rise in MCV in transfusion-
comparative data in this group are depicted in Table 4. independent patients, which was statistically significant.
The mean rise in Hb was 189 g/l, which was of statis- The nucleated RBCs did come down (statistically insignif-
tical significance (p<0.001). Mean nucleated RBCs and icant), but there was no change in any other parameter.
reticulocyte count decreased, and MCV and MCHb rose There was no significant difference in HbF levels and F
during the course of therapy; however, the difference reached cell count before and after therapy; however, in one of the
statistical significance for MCV only. There was no signif- patients, HbF rose from 12.2 to 27.7% without a rise in
icant change in MCHC and RDW during therapy. Mean F total Hb.

Table 5 Comparative data of nonresponders (n=11). NRBCs/100 cell hemoglobin concentration, RDW red cell distribution width and
WBC nucleated red blood cells per 100 WBCs, Ret reticulocytes, standard deviation (SD)
MCV mean cell volume, MCHb mean cell hemoglobin, MCHC mean
Mean Hb (g/l) NRBCs/100 Ret (%) MCV (fl) MCHb (pg) MCHC (g/l) RDW (SD) F cells (%) HbF (%)

Pre- 6515 7.210.1 2.81.4 68.82.5 21.52.0 31423 54.312.4 36.240.8 40.941.1
therapy (4092) (030) (1.05.0) (63.372.6) (18.925.8) (270365) (30.670.8) (290) (0.389.6)
Post- 7014 5.16.6 2.71.3 71.24.2 21.82.4 31117 53.710.7 36.240.8 41.939.3
therapy (47100) (023) (1.05.0) (65.079.4) (19.026.0) (268328) (33.367.9) (290) (0.588.5)
p value <0.05a >0.0.5 >0.0.5 <0.0.5a >0.0.5 >0.0.5 >0.0.5 >0.0.5 >0.0.5
Only in transfusion-independent patients
Table 6 - and -thalassemia Patient mutation mutation XmnI Response to Hydrea
mutations in thalassemia inter-
media on HU
1 3.7 del heterozygous IVS 1-1(G-T)/IVS 1-1(G-T) +/+ Major
2 3.7 del heterozygous IVS 1-1(G-T)/Fr 8-9(+G) +/ Major
3 3.7 del heterozygous IVS 1-1(G-T)/619 bp del +/ Major
4 triplication Negative +/ Minor
5 triplication Not done Not done Nonresponder

There was no significant difference amongst the three other effects of exuberant extramedullary erythropoiesis.
groups in terms of sex, transfusion dependence, number of Hence, the decision to start these patients on a regular trans-
transfusions, age at first transfusion, and degree of orga- fusion regimen is always difficult. Even a small rise in he-
nomegaly or RBC survival. No significant difference was moglobin would be of immense value to suppress the high
found amongst the groups for baseline average hemoglobin, turnover of erythroid tissue and provide gratifying results.
leukocyte count, nucleated RBCs, reticulocyte count, MCV, Hydroxyurea produces fetal hemoglobin production via a
MCH, MCHC, RDW, and unconjugated bilirubin either. reactivation of genes as a result of some unknown mole-
Both responding groups were comparable with regards to all cular mechanisms. The clinical benefits of using this drug in
of the parameters. However, there was a significant dif- sickle cell anemia have already been demonstrated [5]. Sig-
ference in the age of patients in responding groups when nificant benefit is also expected in severe -thalassemia
compared to the nonresponding group (p<0.05), which con- patients because the increased production of chains can
tained older patients (4 of 11 above 30 years of age). Mean balance the lack of chains, can neutralize excess of
baseline HbF and F cell count was also higher in the re- chains, and provides improvement. The beneficial results in
sponding groups (both major and minor) when compared thalassemia major patients have not been very encouraging
individually with the nonresponding group, which was sta- [611]; however, many studies have documented good
tistically significant (p<0.05). Two patients who had raised response in thalassemia intermedia patients [1219]. Most
HbA2 alone in the absence of raised HbF (heterozygous - of these studies included very small numbers of patients,
thalassemia) did not show any response to HU therapy. and there was a need for a bigger study to prove the efficacy
No mutation was predictive of positive response to HU of HU in this group of patients.
therapy. However, IVS,1-5(G-C) in a heterozygous state We studied the response to HU in 37 patients and found
was more frequently associated with the nonresponding encouraging results. Overall, 26 patients (70.2%) showed
group. Presence of XmnI polymorphism, though seen more response to HU therapy. Of these, 17 patients (45.9%)
commonly in the responding groups than the nonrespond- showed a major response. The response to HU therapy was
ing group, did not reach statistical significance. evident within 1 month of starting HU therapy in the ma-
In 14 of 46 cases, both - and -thalassemia mutations jority of patients. Only one patient had a delayed onset of
were studied: -thalassemia mutations were found in five response at 4 months, and this patient was a minor re-
cases and the remaining were negative. Three patients were sponder. Hence, response to HU can be predicted by a short
heterozygous for 3.7 deletion, and two had triplication of trial (3 months) of therapy directly. Although most of the
the gene. In one of the patients with triplication of the patients showed stabilization of hemoglobin after 6 months
gene, -thalassemia mutation was not available; however, of therapy, in some of the patients, peak effect was delayed
this was a heterozygous thalassemia (with only raised HbA2), until 8 months of therapy. There was no significant side
and the association with triplication might have been re- effect other than myelotoxicity in two patients requiring
sponsible for the intermedia phenotype. He had jaundice dose adjustments. Most of the patients maintained their Hb
with low Hb (82 g/l) but was transfusion independent and on HU therapy (maximum follow-up up to 36 months);
did not respond to HU therapy. The other patient with trip- however, in three patients, Hb decreased after suffering an
lication of the gene was negative for five common - intercurrent illness, and in all of them, the response to HU
thalassemia mutations and was a minor responder to HU was restored after controlling the infection.
therapy. Table 6 shows the interaction of these mutations.
All patients with 3.7 del were major responders to HU
therapy. All patients with a response to HU and -thalas- Table 7 Comparison of results of HU therapy with other published
semia mutations also had XmnI polymorphism either homo- series
zygous or heterozygous. Study Patients Response Response Overall
(n) (major) (minor) response
Hoppe et al. 5 2 2 4 (80.0%)
de Paula et al. 7 2 1 3 (42.8%)
Patients with thalassemia intermedia are usually well com-
pensated for their disease and pay the price in terms of in-
Present study 37 17 9 26 (70.2%)
creased morbidity from organomegaly, osteoporosis, and

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