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3 Poster Settings

N 2017-07-03 /tcb/posterset/poster={hoption listi} (style, no default)

This option can be applied inside tcbposter P. 396 and \tcbposterset P. 397 to set the
given poster hoption listi, e.g.


For the hoption listi, see the following keys.

N 2017-07-03 /tcb/poster/columns=hnumberi (no default, initially 3)
Sets the hnumberi of columns for a tcbposter.

poster = {showframe,columns=5,rows=2,spacing=1mm,height=4cm},
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5


N 2017-07-03 /tcb/poster/rows=hnumberi (no default, initially 4)

Sets the hnumberi of rows for a tcbposter.
N 2017-07-03 /tcb/poster/colspacing=hlengthi (no default, initially 4mm)
Sets hlengthi as distance between columns.
N 2017-07-03 /tcb/poster/rowspacing=hlengthi (no default, initially 4mm)
Sets hlengthi as distance between rows.
N 2017-07-03 /tcb/poster/spacing=hlengthi (style, no default, initially 4mm)
Sets hlengthi as distance between columns and rows.
N 2017-07-03 /tcb/poster/showframe=true|false (default true, initially false)
Displays a red auxiliary mesh as optical support during poster creation. Also, every
/tcb/posterloc/name P. 402 is displayed.
N 2017-07-03 /tcb/poster/width=hlengthi (no default, initially \linewidth)
Sets hlengthi as width of the poster. For a typical poster, this has not to be set manually.
N 2017-07-03 /tcb/poster/height=hlengthi (no default, initially unset)
Sets hlengthi as height of the poster. For a typical poster, this has not to be set manually,
but is set automatically to an appropriate value.
N 2017-07-03 /tcb/poster/prefix=hnamei (no default, initially TCBPOSTER@)
hnamei is set as prefix for any TikZ node which is generated automatically by the poster

library. This encompasses predefined nodes like top, bottom, . . . , and nodes defined by
using /tcb/posterloc/name P. 402 . Also, see Section 19.2 on page 396. For a typical
poster, this value can stay as it is.


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