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Name: Differences in peoples needs and wants Year Level: 6 Lesson No: 2 of 12
Subject: Humanities: Economics and Business School: Coburg Primary School Duration: 60 mins
Date: 25/09/17 Topic: Economics and Business
Learning Purpose/Rationale:

We are learning about the difference between the needs and wants and the needs and wants of Aboriginal children living in the outback and
other cultures.
The aim of this lesson is to further discuss the economic context of peoples needs and wants and to demonstrate how culture may influence the
needs and wants of different people and groups.
This activities in this lesson also allow students an opportunity to engage with Aboriginal culture and present ideas about their own culture.
This task will provide opportunities for inclusion whilst meeting the Victorian curriculum needs of Humanities- Economics and Business. Students
will apply their knowledge about needs and wants in the broader context of this unit during the design plan.

VCE focus Curriculum Focus from Victorian Curriculum

1. Describe the difference between needs and wants and explain why choices need to be made (VCEBR001).
2. Analyse how aspects of their own and others lifestyle, behaviour, attitudes and beliefs can be culturally influenced (VCICCB009)
3. Plan, create and communicate ideas, information and online collaborative projects, applying agreed ethical, social and techni cal protocols
Learning outcomes:
1. Students will identify the needs and wants of Aboriginal children living in the Outback and provide three explanations as to why they differ
to their own needs and wants.
2. Students will engage in online collaborative environment to share ideas and information and reflect on their own beliefs about Aboriginal
culture, living conditions and food production and consumption.
Teacher will use checklist to assess student learning through guided questions, close monitoring and informal observation; the teacher wil l be
able to assess students ability and understanding of the subject being introduced including:
Student demonstrates engagement with reflection task
Students offer three comparisons in needs and three comparisons in wants.
Student demonstrates understanding of needs and wants in context of Humanities- economics and Business
Students demonstrate understanding that needs may be constant across cultures while wants may vary.

Individual assessment during independent practice and reviewing during guided practice will allow the teacher will be able to assess learning

1. assess students prior knowledge and readiness for the learning in this lesson based on participation and engagement in topic.
2. assess emerging knowledge and understanding, improving skills by checking accuracy in worksheets and student discussion about reasoning.
3. feed assessment information back to the students to inform their learning by providing correction to worksheets and opportunity to discuss
incorrect responses

Timing in Procedure:
Teacher activities: Learner activities: Differentiation:

Flipped Procedural steps:

Classroom 1. Students who dont have
1. Flipped Classroom
Prior to the lesson students will have 1. Students will be provided with access access to resources in the
completed a Padlet reflection information and have received previous flipped classroom setting will
exercise. Padlet experience. An information be encouraged to participate
Padlet will be used to encourage sheet will be sent home to parents through the schools iPad loan
students to think about the topics describing the purpose of the task. scheme. If Internet connection
and express their current Students will access Padlet outside of is an issue, they will be able to
understandings. The key question on work off-line and the teacher
Padlet will be: Types of food, what do school prior to the lesson and provide will upload their information
you know about Aboriginal food and at least three responses. at the beginning of the lesson.
culture? Resources?
Students access the Padlet, at home Parents will also be provided
prior to the lesson and are required with alternative options and a
to write three things they know community resource pack,
about they know about Aboriginal containing links to libraries,
youth spaces and WIFI options
in their community.

As a last option, students will

be provided with the option of
recording their reflections in a
written journal.

Students from non-English-

speaking background will be
provided with a translated
information for their parents,
and encouraged to engage
with the task by posting
images if written
communication is a barrier.
This also applies to students
with learning difficulties.

2. I will be using will pulling of

10 mins 2. Discuss the students responses. students names at random to
engage students in discussion
2. The students will be seated at their
The teacher will display the reflection desks and will be responding listening Students A with ADHD will be
on the interactive whiteboard. and responding to the prompting allocated the task of drawing
questions as their name is drawn from the names from the hat to
Inquiry Questions about Padlet reflection
the hat. help him engage with the task.
What do we know about Aboriginal
What is similar about the student
What is different?
What do we know about Aboriginal
people living in the outback?
15 mins
3. Play ABC Splash video Outback
3. Students remain at their desks to watch 3. Students can choose to watch from
house Aboriginal food and Culture
whiteboard. their desk or sit on the floor to watch
Teacher will introduce the video and the short video as some students
ask students to consider the needs may be short sighted.
and wants of Aboriginal people in the
Teacher to play video over interactive
Engagement questions after video:

What do you think theyre needs and

wants might be?
How might these differ to the needs
and wants of the students in this
How might they differ to the needs
and wants of other cultures? (Use
students to offer examples from their
Teacher note: Use this opportunity to
promote uniqueness and diversity of cultures
and empathy for Aboriginal children in the
outback and from other cultures who may not
luxuries available to them.
20 mins
4. Independent activity
4. Students will commence activity at their 4. A teachers aide will support
Teacher advises that it is time for the desks. students with learning
students to show their knowledge of difficulties during the activity
this process. to stay on task.
Teacher to explain that students are
required to complete an activity and
describe the task.
Students will work independently to
discuss the needs and wants of
compared to Indigenous groups living
in the bush and complete a table
contrasting the needs and wants of
both groups and develop three
explanations as to why they vary.
Activity question:
Write three of your own needs
and wants and three needs and
wants of Aboriginal children in
the outback.
What is different?
What is similar?
Why do you think that is?
Teacher to pass out worksheet for
students to complete sports graph.
Students will independently on
activity sheet.
15 mins 5. Conclusion 5. Students exchange worksheets with the 5. Some students will work in a group
person next to them to read their with the teacher on this task by
Students pass their sheets to the responses. discussing their responses and the
person next to them and discuss each teacher prompted questions.
others responses.
Teachers records ideas in a table on
the whiteboard and places a place a
tick next to ideas which are
generated again.
Teacher will take a photo of
whiteboard and post it to the Padlet

Catering for inclusion:

Students who dont have access to resources in the flipped classroom setting will be encouraged to participate through the schools
iPad loan scheme. If Internet connection is an issue, they will be able to work off-line and the teacher will upload their information at
the beginning of the lesson.
Parents will also be provided with alternative options and a community resource pack, containing links to libraries, youth sp aces and
WIFI options in their community.
As a last option, students will be provided with the option of recording their reflections in a written journal.
Students from non-English-speaking background will be provided with a translated information for their parents, and encouraged to
engage with the task by posting images if written communication is a barrier. This also applies to students with learning difficulties.
I will be using will pulling of students names at random to engage students in discussion
Student A with ADHD will be allocate roles to keep him focused on the task
A teachers aide will also support students with learning difficulties during the activity.

Teachers resources: Students resources: Other resources:

l aptop Access to Padlet flipped classroom Te chnology pl an for Padlet access

Internet access or alternative Pare nts i nformation sheets Padlet
Padl et activity Humanities workbooks Transl ated parent i nformation sheets
Interactive whiteboard Pencils, pens for Padl et
Whi teboard
Whi teboard markers
Teachers phone to take photo
Acti vity sheets x 22

Learning space set-up: Students to mainly be seated at pre-allocated desks within classroom. Student A with ADHD will be seated at the back so he
can pace up and down the classroom while he collects his thoughts.


Mentors comments:
1) Padlet Brainstorming resource -
Padlet reflection
2) Resource:!/media/154684/

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