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emorroir.Jef'l;fj2.)<:Xbt:')~ ~~ M()1k)f'I C";lrn;;;3 tF.ln;;;3~<l. O~~J'OloZ;@ l.1eOo±J;;;3()rt ;fje,~~tw.g.f'I ~J'Olrn~ o:mor:Y.)f'lrn~ctl =, o:3:J~o:3:Jot:')rt ;fje,~~ ~~ e:5;;;3()Ai o:3:J~J'Ole0::3eQ~ emoe.3;) ;;;3:r.)~o. orroo o:3:J~o:S::l~ ;fje,~~ ;;;3:r.)Z;@~ctl ;;W;;;3E"t$N5 emo e~o:::J.)n~octl. -&l1k)nde ;fjO() orr oe~o AD3 o:m3 ~ o:::J.);fj emorroir.Jen~.1.

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4. C";lrn;;;3 ;fje,~~n9'~<l. ~de.3;) ;;;3;r.)~ 3:lo:3:J5J'Olrn 50r:Y.)o±J ~Qtw()n~ ~cp;;;3

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.._) M

~rnt:')o. ;fjtwE"() ;fj~E"2'i~Q6' ~o. RD 67 LGP 90 o~~ em~e.ruoo3 "It has come to the notice of Government, that at several places either there is no land made available as burial ground, or there is insufficient burial ground or the available burial ground is under unauthorised

occupation Government after studying the matter

in depth issue hereby further instructions to all the revenue authorities for strict compliance. (1) Providing land for burial places, where there is none, and providing additional land, where there is insufficient for burial purpose is the responsibility of the revenue authorities, particularly the Tahsildar of the taluk concerned and the Deputy Commissioner of the district concerned. (2) Encroachment, if any, on the land earmarked/assigned or being used for burial purpose must be removed, without any leniency. The tendency to occupy the burial ground meant for the weaker sections of society, particularly the SC & ST must be curbed and the burial grounds must be made free from encroachment. Penal grounds must be made free from encroachment. Penal against encroachers of such lands. (3) Land may be assigned uls 71 of K.L.R. Act,1964 for burial purpose or land may be alloted / granted uls 20(1) (b) of K.L.G.Rules, 1 969 for burial purpose the local representative bodies such as Mandal Panchayats, Zilla parishads, which are required by a statute and whose obligatory function it is to provide and maintain burial places. (4) Land for burial purpose may be granted under Karnataka Land Grant Rules, 1969 to the institutions of the religions Communities such as Muslims, Christians, Harijans etc., Which maintain the burial places themselves, at reasonable value for the land. C";103cE tw~J'Ol~ 2.)t:')rtJ'Ol~ mo:3:J5J'Olrn ~~ )~. 5;fj2.) (5J'Ole2.)~

o:3:JoeJJ'O)rn 1%o:3:JO ;fj;;3E'" ~o. 54 Oe'?, ~rn0:3 ~d~O ;fje.~(:J0:3~4:' crl;J.)o;to~ emq,~r;::J~,O ;fj00lE'"0t:)00 ~de3,) ~& 050;)t;S:) ~&rn~d i)octJ ;B05rno±le'?, emq ,~§)i!J ~d~O ;fje.~~0:3~~ ~~ ,GJ.l rli!Jrn 0:3 d::J~J'O)ti ~G;).ro o:3:J~ mo:3:JMrn ~~o;fjy! ;fje.~~0 ::Jt5;)OGJ.lrl QJ'O) ;;w~p~~art .:mo~rlrno;?>ctJ 00lc:ir.J~ ?0)eo 0GJ.l0 3 o:3:J GJ.lrl rn~ o.

5. ~~rt ~~~clrt ~0e3Q6" c3e36' ~eo&oj:)OO &EiictJ tJOO ~00l0 ;fjoa GfJ'O);;W.i~~~ ;Ba-03;) ~rnexJ ;;3J'O)OOrt 1995 00 2;;$o±l~o 003 .:m:ilornrn ;fj,,~~Ool-,-rl

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o::m0:3r;rn ;;w ~i!J i);:;F.L.i!J. 279/01-02 00 c3J'O)o~0:3~ ~&~J'O)o&rn~ d.

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1:;:;1" 2,;j u ...D M

41/2006-2007 05rb.g. 19-12-2006 ooa ~a erlrn~o. ~oo ~da- 11

rn 0 ~ ~O~ r;a~ 0 (;fj00l E'"a) ~ &.5 o:3:Jf'(i) GJ.l rl ;fje, ~~GJ.l rl em;B o3JOl ~rl i!J~J'O)orn ~ ~ ~~d, ~c3J'O)<t0ctJ 28 rno~ 2;;$::J:)~~ i)o;S:F.eQ6". 51/2005-06 t:)N.)0r; 23-01- 2006 ooa GfJ'O);Ba0:33E'"c3 ~&~J'O)~G;)rlo. eo~rt 0030 c5;fjoOM ;fjoove3~~eJ c5;fja~OM' ;B50:32')0:3OJ.lO ~;fjrl 0:32')~~eJ:J 2;;$::J:)~~~<t ao:3:J,,~rli!J~J'O)~,~dl, ~O ~rno::m& rn0:3 ~;fj0 ;fj~t3r; ~~;;30;:tr.)rlrn3 o. -&l

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7. mo:3:J~J'O)rn 3V~<"'IcD, ~;fjtJ <::5J'O)etJ~, ~rn;);;::).)6~...1)@0<"'l (TUDA) ;;W0:3f'"z.;s(;J~ ;fje, ~cJ o:tr.l~~Otw.g.~O, oOaan ;fje, ~cJ o:tr.l1.3~J'O)z3;)~Otw.g.~O ;fjtwf'"a z.;s~e~ tJcEeJ ~rn ~o, ~OO~ ~oacE ;;wo:tr.ltS~ ~0:3~6~3@~<l. Qr.l0dAlOO ~~, tJoO ~J'O);;w.)'~ecJaoo erooe3;)~tJ<:Xbr:Y.)d e:5tpf'"~ <::5J'O)oo;i)O ;::b;fjtS a ;;::)')cEcJ o:3:Jm

r..J M ~ ...IJ

twO~O~ ~J'O)rn (;Jo:tr.lf'"rn o:tr.lrntJ<:Xbar:il -&l tJn tS~ rn~a, ~rn;) (TUDA)

G) (l <"'I

o:3:J~ cJ~o;fjQ ;;;:h)or:Y.) ~o ~ rn ~ r:il Me ~(;Je@ ;fj 0 ~.5o:tr.l ho. -&l ~eJn

(;Je1.3rn0:3 z.;s~e~~eJ a:Je3 mo:3:J~J'O)rn


z.;s~e~~l'JVhr:il ~O ;fj" ~cJ o:tr.l1.300

G) <"'I ""

3anr:Y.)00 <Ern ero~Aloo~rna o .


;;to rl3w';) a:!f.leZJ~ ~f" .<::lil.l emf" ~Oe6m
;;tom w6d-i'tJolJ
1 ;t;)w';)3.r.lm 5~~ 35/ltJ2 8-02 ;;tu<)f"O
2 e 05 crll ;;:JiiiJcl'4 ~f.led 5 6-16 ;;tu<)f"O
.... i!i t.
3 e 05 crll ;;:JiiiJcl'4 ~f.led 6 191-29 ;;tu<)f"O
.... i!i t.
4 ed~eWc)'4 6~~ 2 83-32 n'f.le~'4
5 ed~eWc)'l1 5~~ 1 105-31 n'f.le~'4
6 60f'lOiiiJcl'l1t. 6~~ 1 281-36 n'f.le~'4
7 .!~~d 5~~ 8 8-25 n'f.le~'4
8 .!~~d 6~~ 9 5-21 n'f.le~'4
9 050~a'c;j'w'''i{, 5~~ 23 201-28 ;;tu<)f"O
10 050~a'c;j'w'''i{, 6~~ 10 17-27 ;;tu<)f"O
11 050~a'c;j'w'''i{, 5~~ 9/ltJ1 135-20 n'f.le~'4
12 w';) d'l1f.lm 6~~ 86/1 5-18 ;;tu<)f"O
13 w';) d'l1f.lm 5~~ 86/2 5-36 ;;tu<)f"O
14 w';) d'l1f.lm 6~~ 67/41:J 5-00 ;;tu<)f"O
15 dOffi)~d 5~~ 8 3-06 Q'ifln;:$ ;tf.le~
16 ed~d 6~~ 93 55-25 n'f.le~'4 17 c;10t:::l<5"i{, eru;)~nfd 18 337-32 ;;tu<)E""O
18 o;)ea;;Jdiia ff;;l~ 34/2 4-32 ;;tu<)E""O
19 ;;t;tt>~oii~ ff;;l~ 33/1 5-30 ;;tu<)E""O
c;1o;)Jepr;i ru.,e1~;;l<!Tc)r;i ;;tu<)E""O 2;:;o;)JeN'::liio,;>' ?.,~ O;)il~P';;'E""
1470 wffd -06 moe;}' -&l 2.)1 ~rn0:3 ;fjOVe() e:n::~ei5 ;fjo~5: No. RD 77 WPM 85 aN.)O~ : 01-03-1989 d e:50ei5o eroq., e gO we rt ffi e 9:l~ 0 ~ O;:Dct (:.) =, rto:3:lcJ,%


Reservation/assignment! Allotment of Govt. land for burial ground - further instructions -reg

(1.) In the Circular No. RD 131 LGP 74 dated 04.09.1974 read with the Government Order No. RD 108 LGP 83 dated 07.01.1984 instructions were issued to all the Dy. Commissioners of the Districts, to reserve Government land in villages for purposes of burial ground and also to grant further land if the existing land found inadequate for the said purpose.

(2) The Secretary, Central Wakf Council, New Delhi, has Communicated the decision of the Council to request the State Government to acquire private land for purposes of burial ground for Muslim Community in villages and to transfer the same to the Wakf Board for maintenance in case Government land is not available in particular places.

(3) The proposal of the Central Wakf Council, has been considered by Government. It is reiterated that the request for grant of Government land for burial ground may be considered on TOP PRIORITY basis and the Deputy Commissioners should allot Government land wherever available, for burial ground. In case Government land is not

available, action may be taken to acquire private land and the land so acquired may be transferred to Karnataka Board of Wakfs, for maintenance. "

8. ;;:S00lE""C) ;;:S::)"a~ed ;;:So.ro6: RDH. 82 LQM 59 -&l ees ffie9G;)ho "Lands belonging to persons who are owning larger extents should be preferred in the selection of lands for the initiation of acquisition proceedings." ;;:SoC) ~o:3:le.. ttf..r.J~ cE~O ffi~<i3C) ttf..r.J~ =e= ;:;w~~ eoz:ID<i3~r:Y.)orn o:3:l~ 00m;)~ t;$~e~ =e= C"';l~ ~o~ffi

00m;);::b r::s;)00 o:3:lID eoz:ID<i3~r:Y.)OO t;$~e~ ;:;w .. ae~ ~rno ~o:3:l" ;;:Srn

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

eoz:ID<i3~em a:JC)<i3&~ t;$~e~ ttf..r.J~ae~gu o:mor:Y.)hrn~dl ==; el!Saoo

~..r.Jl'3rn~o. ~noo o:3:lg.,2SJno~]e C"';lrn<i3 IDo:3:l~..r.Jrn 1%o:3:lgo ~eC)o ;;:S0;3E"" ~02.J0' 110 00 ~ 1 c;)~d 09 rnoe3 ;;:S00lE""C) ~n ((D.)O ?j1..r.J~2.J~goiJ.lhrnoj)dl).

( ]

a:J~oo~]e C"';lrn<i3 IDo:3:l~..r.Jrn 1%o:3:lgo ~wo ;;:S0;3E"" ~02.J0' 119 O~]~ 1 c;)~d 14 rnoe3 ;;:S00lE""C) ~n ((D.)O ?j1..r.J~2.J~goiJ.lhrno;Jjdl). a:J~oo~]e C"';lrn<i3 IDo:3:lMrn 1%o:3:lgo ~eC)o ;;:S0;3E"" ~02.J0' 22 O~]~ 3 c;)~d 00 rnoe3 ;;:S00lE""C) ~n ((D.)O ?j1..r.J~2.J~go;tr.)hrnoj)dl). a:J~oo~]e C"';lrn<i3 IDo:3:l~..r.Jrn 1%o:3:lgo ~eC)o ;;:SojE"" ~02.J0' 38 00 ~ ;::b~rn 25 c;)~d rnoe3 ;;:S00lE""C) ~n ((D.)O ?j1..r.J~2.J~goiJ.lhrno;Jjdl ).

( )

a:J~oo~]e C"';lrn<i3 IDo:3:l~..r.Jrn 1%o:3:lgo ~eC)o ;;:S0;3E"" ~02.J0' 109 O~]~ 15 c;)~d 12 rnoe3 ;;:S00lE""C) ~n ((D.)O ?j1..r.J~2.J~goiJ.lhrnoj)dl). eoen C"';l~..r.J<t ~~e~ c;)!\1'".c;).g wtJ.)t..Xl t;$~e~n~ o;tr.)o;Jjoe ~Oe~~ :;)~]o C"';lrn<i3 ;;:SOolE""Ogo ~wrn<i3 t;$~e~n~ IDo:3:l~..r.Jrn. 2.Je.3;;:::).)I'3. o:3:l09..r.Jrn. t5~~ar:fQJ o:3:la?, C"';lN<t~d 1%o:3:ln9~] C"';ldld C"';l0;3~] tb~] ~1'3~od ;:;w<i3E""t;$N~ eror:bel!Sgo ?j1..r.J;:;Wodae~o ~<i3l!S5~3oile C"';lrnoj)a~ t ;;:SoC) :;)~oo~] ~QOolO <i3nE"" B~3~00 ;::bo:3:le,Nrno;Jjdl. :;)M)OolOrn C"';lo~ffi ;;:S00lE""C) cErn <i350;:b ~1'3 ?j1..r.J~Qe~go o:mor:Y.)hrnoj)dl 00l~..r.J!\b 2SJeoO 3o:3:l;;:::).)hrn~0.

9. ~~ .. ttJolo&eem ~ e~ M) .. oiJ.l~emoO ttf..r.J;:;w)~e~ Ooloil 2.Jn ;;:So:;)~~ 2.JO oj

u ....)6 u M ~ G) fI G)

~~ 0;3 c;)0~ a:J ~~ ;:;w<i3E""t;$N~ eo3V;;:sa- ~t3E"" 2SJa- C"';lrn~ 0 ~~ .. M) .. o;tr.)~o;:b

M._)""'\.. ...D ...D U u

~M)E""e.3~ ;;:SOOolOgU' c;)G;)M tJ.)t;$t}n9 Oolo;:bE""OhE""n~n o:3:lID~ geo~ ;;:::).)rn t;$t} o:3:l~

<i3 .. <i3;:;wem o:3:l03V ~emgJ_ ~..r.Jee.3e;::b ~C) ~l'3rn~ o. ';:;w<i3E""t;$N~ eroo el!S' c;)02.J

u ....) u .» G)

a:Joo 2.Jn a:J ~~ C)~ ~O ;;:So:;)~Ml~" ~ a:J ~n~n ero~ 0 dr.ldo;:b ~ea-d.

fI ....)~ M ~....)~ ~

C"';lo~cE ;;:S~ojel!SoO ttf..r.J;:;w)~e~ Ooloil ~l'3emO a:J a- oil o:modl<i3C);::b~dl

~ M ~ G) M ....)....)

00l~..r.J~ 2.JO <i3~ •


10. ;;:SOC) ~e~uorn ttf..r.J~ae~ ~..r.Jee.3e;::b ~eoetJ.)~ aM)O~ 21-11-2007 0

2.JcE9 t5G;)<i3~emO C"';l~ 0 :;)t;$em;;:::).)rn c;)02.J a:J& gemO a:J ~e.3;;:::).)hdl ~o~ffi

M M ....) M....) G)

a:J& gemO Q..r.J;:;w .. ae~ ~eoetJ.)ID Nez:ID~dl ;;:S000lC) ;::b3..r.J ed ;; .. RD 166

._) M r..J ...D U

AQW 84 (P) Dt. 8-5-85 (C), RD 166 AQW 84 Dt. 17.9.85 (C) and RD 166 AQW 85 Dt. 31.12.85 (C) em ~eo ero~MoOV~ oiJ.lhrn~o.

11. ~~n &flt003 mG3:J5J.'Jrn ;;:m(;JAlQ:.T.)OMcm;;3rn, iiITC)h~ ~& G3:Jm...<> iiITC)h~

iiIT 0 nrnO;;3C)n ;fje, ~~ "j!jJ~ QiJT!RJ,l'\ crlJ.'J~ 'l;;$~ cm!\tJ<l_ ~J.'J~;;:m o;:).)t':) (I.) 'l;;$ T!RJ dm neJ 03~o~iiIT~d):)oO (I.)'l;;$a~oilo;:).)f'I 3o;tr.)rn o:tr.l1.3~ ;fjoC) o1r.J~'l;;$~oil!\tJ<l_ ~n(l.)ztJ;;3e)'6 ~G;).ro ~!\tJo1r.J~t':);fj~~arn~o. eoo O;l:J.)~o~ ~!\tJo1r.J~o~oil!\tJ<l_ G3:J~ G3:Jeo&cm!\tJ<l_ o1r.J~'l;;$Ml ~G;).rod):)oO G3:Jm...<> 5oLJ.lcm ~G;).rod):)oO iiITrncmo mG3:J5J.'Jrn ;;:m(;JAlQ:.T.)OMcm;;3rn mG3:J5J.'Jrn 3V~ rb ;<:W;;3E"''l;;$(;J5 'l;;$~ ;fjo.roiJ 260644 'l;;$~C)n ;fjC)oo;r.)O ;fje, ~~ "j!jJ~QiJ o:tr.l1.3 ~J.'Jrno, ;fjT!RJE"'C) 'l;;$~~(;J~~ ;fje,~~ o:tr.l1.30o ;fjoC) 113oM(;Joo ;fje,~~O~ ~!\tJ<l_ ffi~~ "j!jJ~QiJneJ!\tJ<l_ ;<:W;;3E"''l;;$(;J5 G3:Jm...<> iiITc)h~ ~& G3:J~ iiITc)h~ iiITonrno;;3d t~G3:JT!RJ-af'l (;J~rn2.JubLJ.lf'lO:l , ~0305 'l;;$~J.'J~iiITT!RJC) ~~;fjnfltn &G;)O'l;;$O o:w1.3, ;;3~oil


(;JOilo:tr.l;;3flt ero~oopl~d):)oO 3o;tr.)(I.)O iiITC)h~ ~& G3:Jm...<> iiITC)h~ iiITonrnO;;3C)n

;fje, ~~ "j!jJ~QiJT!RJ-af'l o1r.J~'l;;$~oil!\tJ<l_ ;<:W;;3E"''l;;$(;J5 eroiiITo1r.J~no ~~do;:).)f'I

;<:W;;3E"''l;;$(;J5d~~ ~oQT!RJdo~ ~rnexJ "30il&<l_~~rn~d:l T!RJ~J.'J~ QVeod

5 G3:Jo;:).) f'lrn~ o.

12. Ml~ t':)Mlo5 02-12-2006 doO:l QJ.'J~C);;33E"'~iT.)f'I ~tSE"' ;fj0 Alrn3 ~;;;3,

M -"

o:tr.l~iJ tSG;)MQT!RJC)neJ 5Q~C)cm ~o. i).i)~.i)(V6'.(M.i)o.~): 156/2006-07

dO QJ.'J iiITc);;33E"'~n i)G;) ~G;) .roneJ (;Jd~ ~iiITrn.l iiIT3 tSG;) QT!RJC)neJ 5Qwn

M M M <>Jo ~ M

Q:.T.) iiIT ~f'l0:l, ;fjoC) ~rn;;3flt~neJ ~~.,>cm 5~o 95(7) 5MlE"'e.35 QJ.'J~QVdrn T!RJcrl:l

~-" Q ~ Q

1964 ffi~fltrn;;303 "when land is permitted to be converted as per

section 95(2) proviso then Deputy Commissioner may require payment of fine." eo~n Mloj) iiITc);;33E"'~ o;l:J.)O ~~d Mloj) iiITC);;33E"'Ml

~~o;;3!\tJot Q:.T.);;3&AI~ ~Od03 iiITc);;33E"'~ Q'J.'J iiITc);;33E"'~ ~@rnE"' nJ.'Jo1.3rn~o. ;fjoC) Q'J.'J~oil d~2:le36' ~~8;;3~ iT.)f'I Ml~ ~n(l.)?tJ;;3~~ ~OT!RJd~o ~tSE"' ;fje'? ,AlO:ld ;fjoC) ~tSE"'n ero~d (;J~rno o;tr.);;3 gG3:J;;3!\tJot 'l;;$rnf'l;fjo, ~e'? ,;;3on ~G3:Je,~ ~~~J.'Jo1.3tb ~n(l.)?tJ;;3~~ ~OT!RJdo ~rn;;3flt~~ 5~O 32(8) 5MlE"'e.35

~n(l.)Q;;3~~ T!RJ~ 1987 de'?, ~G3:Je, ~tSE"'~ T!RJ~J.'J~ 2.J~o;:).)f'I

~of'l~5~3o;:).)f'lrn~O. eo T!RJdrn ~~ Q'J.'J~~ Q'J.'JiiITC)~E"'~o;tr.)f'lrn;;3

~no;:).)f'I~ -5'l ~n~o ~ot':)(:J o:tr.lrn5et ~d (;J~1.3 ;fje,~~T!RJof'l Q'J.'J;<:Wi~'/~~~ o:tr.l~~O:l 3C)nLJ.ldd 05rn ~@~exJ o:tr.l1.3003Vru~O.

13. o:tr.l~iJ 5MlE"'e.35 (I.)'l;;$iJ erott MliJo;tr.)iJ~oilo ;;:moo ~rno G3:J~ T!RJ~E"'(:J

~J.'J~-eo;:F o::f<lAlO~ ~J.'J~dM o~~rns i)O:lrn ~~e36' eo/ 5MlE"'e.35 ~orns

~O;;FE"' ~~AI~OM ffi~fltrn;;303 " When once the land was permitted to be used for non agricultural purpose in accordance with the provisions of land revenue Act and the same was not withdrawn by the competent authority or was not held to be invalid the land shall continue to be a land for the purpose for which it is diverted. (1995(6) KarLJ 46 C.) o:wnoil~ ~~J.'J<l_OO:l ~~AI~~ o:tr.l~iJ

5M)E"e,35;i) eroz& M)i)omi)~o;:bo G3:xlOO (Md Hassan Fazal vs D. C Bangalore District Bang & Others ILR 1998 Kar 3165) -&i tTo,.IcJ~ c5e~rn;;;303 " Existence of notification for acquisition of land for public purpose is no ground for refusing permission mere publication of final notification does not automatically vest title to the land in the state Govt and, therefore, the benefit of deemed conversion cannot be denied to person unless the title to the property vests with the state govt by passing an award and taking possession of the land." cJ~e. tTe'-.JcJr!? J 5~o 4(1) 0 ~JOleeJe~ ;;T.);;;3E"t:;(;J5o:::J.)h ~5e,3~ eo ~e9rt ?j1JOl~a;;;33E"~ Oo)cJJOlc:tJ tJtbo:::J.)h G3:xlht':)rn~O. eo 00)0fQ)t':) ;fjoa cJ~e. ?j1JOl~rt orra;;;3.5E"~ ~rn5et 00 o:J.);;;3.5'-.J ;fje.~cJ ~&tTJOl~oj)d:l ;fjOo)E"a 05fQ);;;3c:tJ<t ;;;3pE" o;ifle~;) ~&003 eo 00)0fQ) ;fjoa cJ~ ?j1JOl~o;:b;:D<t lM~JOlee.3~ ~rZ~etTod:l tTJOleatTJOl~~e~.

14. -&i tJrt i)d:lrnLJolOrn cJ~ etT eorrclrt ;fjO~;;;3 ero~ 0;;;3~ orrrnd:l c5Z5 cJ

fl ... I>J, M ...D... 2.;1

~~ori'Qc:tJct ~~ LJoliDOri'Q;:Dct ~O&~;;;3 ero~e;5t':)oo i)d:lrnLJolOOM)cth cJri'oo

;iFl~tifi)ri'Q;:Dct OOJOlet:;M)tJ~o:::J.)h (;JerZ~ t:;o:::J.)~a ~rn;;;3 m~5JOlrn cJri'tJ.ltfj;;;3e)~ o:J.) QOo)O ~m 3;)~5JOlrn cJri'o;fjl$ - eo;:b;)5 O~ -&i ~5tJ.lrn ~t3E"o;:bO

....J...D ...D ""'\.. M

i)d:lrnOOOM)cth ~ea;fjGVhO. ~;;;3art -&i ~5tJ.lrn Oo)~o;:b;:Dct ~ri'~;fjGVhO.

;fjoao;:b;;;3art -&i 35tJ.lrn ~t3E"o;:b;:Dct ~cJi) M)i)om~o;:b 5~'-.JtTJOl~ -&i 35tJ.lart ero3 O~ tTJOl&;fj~ ~cJ~o1r.Jot':)rt. -&i tJrt ;fjOo)E"a ~3JOl eoo;:b ~O;5;;;3~

...D ... fl...D ...

3~e,ri'~cJ,% ~O tJo;:b~~e~. ;fjo.roi) O~ RD 42 AQP 69 Dt. 4-12-1972

(C) wert c5eQGVhO "The objection petitioner should known the remarks of the acquiring body and should have an opportunity to rebut the same if he so desire. In Writ Petition No 1247 of 1969, the High Court of Mysore, held that the Department, at whose instance the land is said to be acquired, has to file its answer to the objections on or before the date fixed for enquiry and the representatives of the Department can be heard only at the said enquiry and not after. The hearing contemplated is a public hearing in the presence of both the parties. The Land Acquisition Officer is not entitled to hear or receive any representation from the Department behind the back of the objector to his

prejudice It is therefore impressed on all the Land

Acquisition Officers that they should follow the above decision of the High Court of Mysore strictly in the disposal of the Land Acquisition cases. The final enquiry should be conducted only after getting all the information necessary from the Government Departments, which are the acquiring bodies, and the objector should be informed of the remarks of the acquiring body at the time of the final hearing. In the case of acquisition of the lands in favour of local bodies, other than Government Departments, the procedure laid down in Rule 5 of the Land Acquisition Rules, 1965, should be

strictly followed and no correspondence should be entertained with the acquiring bodies subsequent to the hearing."

15. ;fjO() Q.r.f;:Jv.;1t;J~~rw.l'l ~~~ i),~,AI,1.3 ;fj~.lJrn;;;3 ~nd;fjQo;i);) =,

Q-.RJ~oil ~doil~ i)50 ~o()oilO ~()nrnAlrn~rn etJ~~ffiE" ;fjO() ~~~

..... ..., <>Jo

1.3 ~O 13 ~~ rw~O ~O i);;:3:)6"'.i).t:!. 10/07-08 t)M)05 08-06-07 d

..., ...,

ero~~2tJ.liT.)t)rw()neJ er;3~c5oo3 ~~~..5 ~rnoilUo)f"Ir;3 i)Orn c5~eJUo)f"Ir;3. ;fjO()

i);;:3:)6"'.i).t:!. 10/07-08 t)M)o5 08-06-07 d ero~~?0)iT.)t)rw()neJ er;3~c5;;;3~<l: ~~ii t:!.~, M)iiOO;J.)t)~c5d i)Qtf.M.AI 5 ~~ M)iiOO;J.)~oilo~, t)M)05 26-07-2007 d~, 131/2007 d~, 1/ ef"lrn~r;3, tJ~;::b C"';l~<l: z.;T.)o C"';lrn~r;3, uwnro;)~ i);;:3:)6"'.i).t:!. 75/07-08 t)M)o5 17-07-07 d ero~~?0)iT.)t)rw()neJ

er;3~c5;;;3~<l: ~~ii t:!.~, M)iiOO;J.)t)~c5d i)Qtf.M.AI 5 ~~ M)iiOO;J.)~oilo~, t)M)05 26-07-2007 d~, 131/2007 d~, 1/ ef"lrn~r;3, C"';loaffi ~~ eo er;3~c5neJ~<l. ~~~..5 i)Orn ~nd;fjQ ~()nrnAirnoj)rn ;;;3;J.)~ii t:!.~, M)iiOO;J.)~oilo er;3~c5;;;3~<l. ero~ O§yAlo03 erba r;3. 3:J~5-.RJrn ero~~?0)iT.)Qrw()nQ;) ;fjO() ~ 5drnoO

() Jl d ()

"3..5 o::J.)t) OO;J.)f"I rn o;?> O()OO ~o;?> ;fjO() ~ts.) do::J.)f"I 3:J3:JE" (:.) ~E"d 3nrn tJ-.RJ ~r;3

c5-.RJ~OO a~e. ~~d dr.ld~<l: wtJ ;fj~ ,;fjz.;T.)drn i)02.J.)O~<l: -&l a5(J.)rn Alod~5~..500;J.)O 15 t)~O~, ~~n O£)a dr.l~o~, ..5~;fj~ tJ-.RJ~rn~~0;3.

16. -&l 2.Jn 5M)E"e35 ;;;:m(:')AI~~ rwro;) ~1.3oilO ;<:w;;;3E"2;;S(:.)5 eror;3 ~c5~

() Q"" Q ...

Q-.RJ;<:W.;1t;J ~~ ~ 1.3 AltJ-.RJ~ ~ -&l tJeJ50rn ~:5 oil ~eJ;;;31.3 AltJ-.RJ~~~rwrb~ r;3, 5M)E"e35

;;;:m(:')AI~~ rw@ 1964 5~o 155 dO ~~;;;3_\t) .l!J.~o aOO;J.)rn ~rn2.Jub~o

Q ,.., VQ U

~t;Jrwd ;;;:m(:')AI~~ t<J%~ n C"';l~, 5~o 155(4) dO,.., O;fj~t.c5!\1'" ~"lP ~rn

~~orn~r;3. 5~o 156(1) d~~ rw!\lr.)(:.)~03 "The scheme shall provide for the acquisition of any land which will, in the opinion of the municipal council be necessary for or affected by the execution of the scheme, and also provide for relaying out all or any land including the construction and reconstruction of buildings and the formation and alteration of streets etc" ~oaffi 'a~o aOO;J.)rn ~1.3o ~oad 5~o 157 dO ~O;fj~~rwO (:.)oil~o ~ rwd ;;;:m(:')AI~OMo~

,.., w

;fj02.Jot;JAlO;;;3()n ~-.RJ~M~;::b tF.)() ~1.3 ;fjO() Q-.RJ;<:Wt;J~~ Allon a5(J.)rn euw .... (:.);fj~~orna r;3 ~oad 5~O 158 dO ~ rw~-.RJ(:.)~03 ;fjdrwdo ~~~..5

........1) ...,

~rnohl~rwf"lrna r;3. 5~o 159 dO c5~~rn;;;303 ;fjdrw() ~~ ~ dr.Joa ~~d

...1) ,.., oW

;;;:m(:')AI~~ eo;i);)~rn ~oaiE ~~~~oil~<t ;fjrwE"() ~~~..5 dr.Jda ~OO..5ro-.RJot)n ;<:w;;;3E"t$(:.)5 erort ~c5rw-Df"I Q-.RJ~t;J~~ 5~rw-Df"I ;:ir.")~ ;fjrwE"() ~t;Jrw()n~n do::J.)(:.);fj~~orn~r;3. C"';loaffi 00;J.)~r;3~ ~:5@ ~eJ;;;31.3A1tJ-.RJ~O Q-.RJ;<:W.;1t;J~~ 5~~ rw~-.RJ~ 2tJ.lood~ erb~r;3 i)Orn a~e, n~~tJ-D ad 2.Joil;::b3 ~~ .


17. -&l 2.Jrh ;fjrwE"() ;::b3-.RJ...1)~d ;fjo.rot. RDH 21 LQM 61 dated 20-02- 1961 dO,.., -&l ;;;:mOt)~03 c5~eJUo)f"Ir;3. "Initiating acquisition proceedings either (a) too pre-maturely without even obtaining

sanction wherever necessary, to the proposal, of the competent authority or even before obtaining acquisition charges in advance from acquiring bodies, such as (Local Bodies, Companies, Corporations or other autonomous bodies) or" ,................................... "Failure to indicate the source to meet the cost of acquisition. The detailed head of account (Budget Head), Major, Minor and Sub-head etc., should invariably be indicated in the body of the letter and in the Proforma" ............................ "In the case of construction of buildings, Projects, Irrigation works etc., it should be clearly stated whether competent sanction has already been accorded." ~O~<E ~t5;)OOO thicJ..r.Jc::D Q:.'k)~~ ~rZo Gf..r.JAW .... QecJ 5 G3:J~ thicJ..r.Jc::D ttJ.l000~ G3:Jm

M ~ ~ ~

r:ilrno el!$tJoo M~OO~~ rn~ 0 wor:il ~G3:J" ~G3:JcJgJ_ ~o tJotJAD'5 e~.

Q Q .» "'" u ~

18. cJG3:Je, "3.5oir.Jor:il ~5(J.)rn ~0l!$5..r.J-o ;:ir.)~ ;fjG3:JtF.)~~otJc::D<t g..r.Jern~e0;3, -5'l

~t5;)OO~ ;fjOthi() AD'5~ed ;fjom2') RDH 10 LVP 63 Dt 18-2-1963 00"" -5'l o;:motJcJO'5 c5eQUo)f'I0. "it is absolutely necessary that the Government should have before it a complete list of reasons on the basis of which each of the objections are proposed to be over-ruled. While the objections may be untenable, the recommendation for overruling each one of the objections has to be substantiated by reasons." ~O~<E ~t5;)oo~cJ thi~c::D 3G3:Je,

~G3:JcJ,% ~o tJotJAD~e~.

19. cJG3:Je, mG3:J5..r.Jrn cJ~o;fjQ -5'l 0000 600 g..r.Jee3 O..r.J~Q gdUo)~o tJzt~

G3:Jo~.'!Jm, ~OO ~~~'5 o;:mo~d..r.Jeu5~ ~~ tJrn~tf r:il(J.)rZEii~ ;fj .... ~,;;::).)rn~ O.

~ M ~~ ~

2005 00 g.~.e3 . .'!J.wry' rt <Ern 5~,Uo)~0 ;fjthie() ;fjo;:7; ~Qthi()~Q cJ~0;301Je

"" ~ ~

~etJ t;$~Q;;::)')o tJrt 3;)~ ~G3:JcJ <E();fjrjeID. 2006 00 cJ~ooO ;fj.,>~ '5 thiotJe

fl "" "" "" 2.;t

t:J0:3eooAD0:3 o;3<lOthi~e5()rt ;fjotJQ t:JerZUo)~o 6 .50~~ ;fj3~ ;;::).)1'1 o;3<lOthi~e5rn

oIT .5 tJe.3~ cJrn.'!J ~thi e.3~ ~~o tJrt 3;)~ ~G3:JcJ<E();fjrj e ID. eJ"OQ:.'k) O<E~, tJEii

~ ~ fl ~ ~

0dd,.l o;3;)e~em0;3 t:J~ern ~~~~f'1 o;:mo~o cJ~o;fjQ l!$o:frl ~oIT~o::bc::D<t

~~.'!J~~m e:500 18 g..r.Jee3 0..r.J~~ Gf..r.JAW~QecJ,% 5~rjegor:il "3~~ tJo~~ gdreO"" IDEiim g..r.Jo~rn0:3 tJ~ 3;)~ ~G3:JcJ<E();fjrjeID, cJ~o;fjQ ~o~ tJorZ;;::)')Q~~ 0 eo.~.wAF.w;;::5:j6'.e3 o1r.Jet;$~o::bO tJAF ~,o~ G3:Jm ;;::).)r@t;$ ..

M M ~ ~ u

;fjoo-erne t:J~eAD.5 rn~r:il t:Je~ ~G3:Jt:J;fjrjeID, -5'l wUo) ~t5;)0~~ mG3:JMrn

~ ""

cJ~o;fjQ e:5tpe5;;::)') 1'1 r:il.'!J .5 otJO ~rn~r:il G3:JcJ0:3()g o;tr.)rn~ O. -5'l w Uo)

~ "" ~ ""

;;::).);fj~;;::).)ol!$ Gf..r.JAW .... QecJ oIT 0- OOJ G3:Jm eJ"OO el!$~Q~ t..XlrZ;;:i)e~

~ ~ ~~ ~ Q .....

~~~ Oo;tr.)O ()OO, -5'l tJrt ;fjOthi() AD'5..r.J ed ;fjom .. : RD H 10 L VP 63 Dt

~ Q fl ~ u

18-2-1963 oO""cJ e:50el!$o z.;T.)~0:3c::D<t t:JG3:Je, ~G3:JcJg-o ~otJotJAD~e~.

"...... the Enquiry Officers should devote some attention to

the point whether the local authority concerned, will be in a position to meet the demand for compensation that may be made on it and furnish a report. "

20. -&l tJn ;;:S000lC) ;;;S:r5J<l ~d ;; .. : RDH 36 LVP 62 Dt 3-4-1962 00

n ~ u M

-&l tfe,j50rn0'5 <::5~e,jG;)hi::::t "Instructions have been issued in Circular

No. RDF 156 LQU 58 dated 13-1-1959 and RDH 35 LQM 61 dated 5-4-1961 laying down the procedure to be followed by the Corporations or Local Bodies etc., when lands are acquired on behalf of these bodies. It has been brought to the notice of Government that instructions issued in these circulars are not being followed strictly by the Municipalities and Local Bodies. This has resulted in sanctioning loans by Government to the Local Bodies to enable them to satisfy claims for compensation against them in land acquisition cases. To avoid such contingencies, it is hereby directed that all the Land Acquisition Officers and other officers concerned should not initiate acquisition proposals on behalf of the Municipalities and Local Bodies unless the cost of acquisition is deposited in advance in the Treasury." -&l tJn ~~" ~J<l~®:l -&l1k)~d~ a::i'C);;:3&E"'3 t$~~M)hrn

n = Q

;;:Sr3C) ~~o~ &~arn;;:3 50LJ.l@ ~G;).ro®:l &)J~ iJOrn ~~aAi a::i'c);;:3&E'"~

~J<l~o±l ;;:3:j:l~"h ~~ ~e,j'5 ~~a;;:so ;;:3;r.)rn~ <::5J<loe3rn;;:3 ~J<l;:;W,,~l~~~ a::i' 0- OOJ 00l~J<lc::b tiJ.)ooO~ ~m rnrno ~;5aOr3 5J<l~r303t::S..r.l erb~ 0 iJOrn

.._).._) ~ Q Q .»

3~e, ~~~g-D ~o tJ@;;b~~c3,

21. ;:;W;;:3E'"t$~5 ;;:Se.~~ ~.p;;:3 a::i'c)h~ tF.l& ~~ a::i'c)h~ a::i'o~rnr3;;:3C)n ;;:Se.~~

"ffJeJr;1fJOoloh o1r.l~t$c3o±lc;t;,<>t 3omC);;:s~. 5M)E'"e,35 ~~o ~~ i'%;;:3:).)0~0 01r.l~t$M) OolOOb 1961 0 5eJO 26. 28. 29. 32. 34 O~, ~~O o1r.l~t$c3o±lc;t;,<t iJornc3~ og&o:::J.)a®:l ~omrn ;;:3:).)rnrj~o-rn~o. ~o~iE omo;1lo~ o1r.l~t$c3o±lc;t;,<t ;;:Sr3C) ;;:SojE'" ~otJO' ~e,j~, ~om(J.)~o ~rno;1lrn ;:;W;;:3E'"t$~5 ;;:Se.~~ ~.p;;:3 a::i'c)h~ tF.l& ~~ a::i'C)h~ a::i'o~rnr3;;:3C)n ;;:Se.~~ "ffJeJyJfJOoloh yJJ<l;:;Wida~~ 5~o;?> Aio9;l;;:3eJ r3 5 ~o:::J.)hrn~ 0, ~03iE 00l~J<lc;t;, Q:.'k)eJc3 ;;:3:).)~ ~rn;;b;;:3 o1r.l~t$c3~~n

() J ~

;;:3:).)3 5eJo 70 5M)E'"e,35 ~~O ~m 1k) ;;:3:).)0~0 OOJ<J~t$M) Oolcm 1961 00

yJJ<l;:;Wi~~~ go rj~Oolr3 r;1J<l~®:l yJJ<l ~a~~ OolcmQ 1894 O~, ";:;W;;:3E'"t$~5 ero~~;5go" erb~o <::5J<lom. og~~ yJJ<l~a~~o;?> 00l~J<lc::b t;R:ooO~ ehrn~o, 5eJo 81Ai 5M)E'"e,35 ~~O ~m 1k) ;;:3:).)0~0 OOJ<l~t$M) Ooloil 1961 00 m~Mrn ~~(J.)Q;;:3~'6 ogQOoloo;1l ~o~iE o1r.l~t$c3~e,jc;t;,<>t 3omC);;:S~ Ai.~.~ ~~ ;;:3:).)~0' ~,~ OrbfJd~o:;r~ ~e,jc;t;,<>t ;;:S~a::i'E'"5o:::J.)h tF.lC);;:3:).)rn~ ~QOolo~rn;;:3 ;;:S0i.omh~ -&l ;;:Soi. @ Q:.'k)3~er ,0 iJq ,or30~, ;:;W;;:3E'"t$~5 ;;:Se.~~ ~.p;;:3 a::i'C)h~ tF.l& ~~ a::i'c)h~ a::i'o~rnr3;;:3C)n ;;:Se.~~ "ffJeJr;1fJOoloh o1r.l~t$c3o±lc;t;,<>t tF.lC);;:3:).)rn~ ~~;;:SOrn;;:3 ogO~;5;;:3c;t;,<>t t:j~ rj~o o:::J.);;:sgo ~~;;:SG;)r3 ogO~;5r3~, ;;:Se.~~ "ffJeJyJfJ ;;:3:).)~o;?>rn 00l~J<lc;t;, ?tR:ooOo:::J.)r3 OOJ<J~t$c3omhrn~o. ~03iE ~;;:3:).)E'"fQ)go yJJ<l;:;Wida~~ 5~ 00l~J<lc;t;, ?tR:ooOo;1l ~eJ oj, 5eJo 76iJO 5M)E'"e,35 ~~O ~3J 1k) ;;:3:).)030 OOJ<l~t$M)

() ~ J

Ooloil 1961 00 oo~norn <::5~e,jG;)ho "Save as provided in this Act, the

Q ('

provisions of this Act and the rules, regulations and bye-laws made there under shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained III any other

law............................... when permission for such development has not been obtained under this Act, such development shall not be deemed to be lawfully undertaken or carried out by reason only of the fact that permission, approval or sanction required under such other law for such development has been obtained." -&l()e-.5oiJ.lF\ OV~JOJ~ ?0)eoOo;:).)F\ AW03et;$N~ ;fje.~~ ~.p03 orr()h~

~-.5 ;;:3:)a?, orr()h~ orro~rn003()rt ;fje.~~ "ffJeJ'qJfJovoF\ o1r.let;$~oil~<>t ~();;::5:J.)rn~ w~orrte@ 05IDo cY:i~ 10 ~~o;fjQrt ;fjO() ~oo ~JOJet;$~iT.)F\ 'qJJOJ~ae~ 3;;:3:)0;11 .'!Jo'iP03eJ 0 ~ ;;:3:)o;:).)F\rn~ o.

(1 d Jl

22. ~~tJ.)tfj03_\a Q:.T.) Qovo ~oiJ.lrn ;;::5:J.)~rn03 .'!J.~.~. ~JOJet;$~@ orr ovO 05;)eJ

~Q ~ ~

-&l~ cY:irn03 ~;;:3:)~JOJrn ~;;::5:J.)e,N~d@ ;fjoje ~otJO': 10 ;;:3:)~ 11 OeJM(:J 2.v~ 3

w~d 13 rnOe3 AW03et;$N~ ;fje,~~O orrt!;o ;fjoje ~otJO' 8 OeJM(:J ID~o;:).)~ cY:iM)O-.5 t;$~e~ 3 w~d 15 rnOe3 orr oel!S ;fj,,~~ov-,-F\ ~e;fj~o orr oel!So;:).)F\rn

~ "" 1:J ~ Q

~o~05 t;$~e~ ov~JOJ~ tJ~o;:).)F\ GfJOJAW,.jae(:J orr~.'!J~JOJ~o. orr()03-.5R5' t;$~e~~<t

ov~JOJ~ QVeoOo;:).)F\ GfJOJ~ae(:J orr~.'!J~JOJ~~ ;;;:mor:Y.)F\rn~rn ov~JOJ~ QVeoO ~eJ;fj,% cY:ioW) Ne~OO~rn~o ;;:3:)~ AW03et;$N~ eror:t el!S,% ;;::5:J.)~0 GfJOJAW,.jQe~ e~rn worn ==, ~~tJ.)tJ.)F\rn~o. ~;;:3:)~JOJrn ~;fjt;J.). ~;;:3:)~JOJrn ~;;:3:)0 ;fjoje ~o. 299 OeJM cY:irn03 ~Oov() l.1eJO;:m03 ~u~e dd~tJ.)d eJ • .;:). ~JOJ;;::5:J.)ooilt, ~030

t;$~e~~I'JVF\rn cY:i030 ~eo GfJOJ;;::5:J.)~ oiJ.l t;$~rn ;;:3:)~ ~JOJe;;;:mo;:).)a~~

Q ~

OeJ~O~<t w~~~ ;fj0() ~JOJ;;::5:J.)OOilt,~030 t;$~eN~~ OeJ~O ;fje,~(:J03~<t

;;:t);;::5:J.)rn ZJrn w~d orr oel!SoeJ ~-.5~;;:3:)rn ;;::5:J.)~rn03 orr ;fjo~ ~;;:3:)~JOJ()~eJ

~ M ~ ~ M

w(:'P.eO'. ovoJOJeNoileJ ~rnarn~ o. ;fj0() ~-.5~;;:3:) orr ojel!S~-,- tJ.)t;$ovorn~~

M ~ ~ ~ 1:J

~JOJe;;;:mo;:).)Q~~ orrdJOJet 03edeorr~ Ne~~rn~rn 2.vOrn~rno;:tr.)od ~~o;fjQV

~Qov()~~ {;k~Orn 18 OeJ (:J 05rndeJ ~eJ ovoa:.flo~ N;;::5:J.)ern


;;::5:J.)~.'!J~JOJ~,r:Y.) d. ;fj0() t;$~eN~ orrrf,_OeJ cY:irn03 ;fjoje ~otJO' 301/4 OeJ ~ 2

0;,.,;1 Q "Q M M

w~d 22 rnOe3 t;$~e~ ejl(:'P ;;;:mN.'!JQ:.T.)eJeJrt ~e()rn (05;)eJ 05;)rt@e oveJ


cY:irn~ 0) ;fj0() t;$~eN~ orr~-,-OeJ cY:irn03 ;fjoje ~otJO' 300 OeJ 0-13 rnOe3

~ U M M

t;$~e~ ;fjove() ~ee.T.)F\~(05;)eJ 05;)rt~:,)e oveJ cY:irn~o) -&l t;$~e~~~

GfJOJ~tJ~~r:Y.)O()rt Nern~ ~cp03 Ne~. ~~o;fjQ ~e03eJ ~e:i)rn 18 05rn ~e~ ;;::5:J.)rn~ ~;;:3:)~JOJ()M)Q't,o~ OeJ~O~<t ~~t, ~-.5 Q'~e~Q GfJOJ;;::5:J.)eJe~o ~ecl W-.5 ~~, GfJOJAW.."Qe~~-,- orr@~;;:t)-.5 o. cY:ieJ ~eJ ;fjo~ .. ~O~ ;;:3:)~ ~-.5@eJ

.J) o;;,w. QV u....J...,,_.J) M Q,J u...,,_.J) M

"3tJeJ03eJM0030~<t ~~@~rn~o. =, GfJOJ~ .;:)~OO~ cY:ioe ()e-.5@~

~rnao. ~~;fjo~t,~tJ.)O ~;;:3:)rt ;fjo.;:)QVM)~e, ~o;:).)F\ 0t~ Nernl.1eID wotJ Noil;;:3:)~Q~<t iT.)~rt ~JOJ() ~JOJe;;;:mo;:).)Q tJ.)t;$ovorn~~rt ~;;:3:)e,~<t tJeJ05;)~~ <::5JOJ0e30-.50 ~;;:3:)e, ~eeJ(:J Olt;$e(:Jt,'

23. cY:i-.5e2.3(:J a~~Q~ GfJOJAW,.jQe~o .;:)~Oo;:).)F\ ;;::5:J.)~t, QVo-.5e@ ~e~

=s=== ;;:3:)~~ ;;::5:J.)~t, eroz& M)t,0;:tr.)eJ@ AW~~ eoel!S~Q~<t ;;::5:J.)~oj rtJOJeo;:).)o ~ry- ;fj(:'P ~M)eo~;;:f' .;:)rno w;;:f'.Wry-.w.~ ~e.'!J~eJ 03;r.)~.. QVo~

Q M u

eoert <::5e~~o " the state must take into

~ e~ M) .. oiJ.leJoil

~ <3 u

consideration the purpose of acquisition of private land while fixing the quantum of compensation to be awarded to the land

owner the other parameters for arriving at a just figure

for compensation are the market value, location of the land and the loss of income suffered by the land owner................. oo~rt f;;n::!~h;;:SG;)hrn0:3 ;;W5~ M)i)om~o;:bo eo~l!$~~ O:W1U &~~E"~~. mG3:JMrn ~~o;;:SQrt Q5;;:SG;)OO 05rnov~ :i)~E"!\tJ<l. N~z:ID~O. eoovorn. Q.JOl;;W,,~l~~~ orr 0- o:!;) ~n<~rn~~~odJ ~.JOl~5~.JOl~,3 ~oj.

~~ ~ ¥~

24. ;;:S05 Q.JOl;;W~Q~~ 5G3:J~ ovt;$i) ;;:SovE"od ~3~~d ;;:Somi) RD 1324 LPW 66 dt. 1-2-68 [C] 00"" Q.JOl;;W~Q~~~-a ~o~ om0:3 .;:)2.5;)O~Q~<l. orr5~rn~rt 3rtdJ ~.JOloz:ID ~Or::J.)~~~5J wodJ .;:)0:3o;;::).)h ffi~QG;)hO. ;;:S05 .;:)2.5;)O~Q!\tJ<l. orr5~rn~rt 3rtdJ~.JOl~O ~&rn0:3 Q.JOl;;W~Q~(:J "35@ ~.'!JodJ~ G3:J~ ov~!\tJ GJ.)ooo~ ehrn~o. ;;:S05 ~3.JOl~~d oo~rt ffi~~~o " Several instances have come to the notice of Government in which the omission to observe important rules of procedure relating to Land acquisition and appreciation of several factors to be taken into consideration in determining the suitability or otherwise of a particular land for acquisition, has often led to the necessity of either cancelling the preliminary notification or withdrawing the final notification. The following are some of the reasons generally adduced for cancelling/withdrawing the Land acquisition notifications already published: -

1) Among the applicant who has requested for sites in the village, none is there who does not own a site or a house. Therefore the preliminary notification be cancelled.

2) There are plenty of vacant sites in the village which can be disposed of to the persons who are really in need of sites for the construction of houses. Hence the acquisition proceedings be dropped.

3) The land already notified for the purpose of manure pits is not suitable, as the dirty water would flow into the village close by and the sanitary condition would worsen.

4) The Acquisition of land for burial eround, already notified, is close to buildine sites and Industrial Trainine Centre and Estate, and therefore unsuitable.

5) The land notified is not fit for the extension of village site, since it is a garden land and the land is hypothecated to Government in connection with Taccavi loan.

6) That the present land bearine certain S. Nos. plus land available in a particular S. No. is sufficient and therefore the present acquisition of notified land may be cancelled or dropped.

7) The notified land is being cultivated with ragi crops with mulberry and cocoanut trees standing on the lands.

8) The land notified is not liked by the party/village Panchayat for the purpose of village extension.

9) The occupants are not actually in possession or living on the lands notified for acquisition but are in possession of some other lands. Therefore the lands in actual possession will have to be notified.

10) That the lands selected is low lying and likely to become marshy during the rainy season, as the water rushes to the village which is just adjacent to the stream.

11) That the land is owned on behalf of a limited company and that conversion fme has already been paid and the acquisition would cause ereat hardship to the company if the lands are acquired.

12) That the portions to be acquired are found to vest already with the Municipality.

13) That the notification was not immediately followed by a public notice in the village.

14) That the persons to be provided with sites are few and they could be

provided with sites out of the land available with the Panchayat.

15) That the lands are very fertile.

16) That Government would have to pay heavy compensation if acquired.

17) That the concerned Village Panchayat has not credited or failed to credit the balance of cost despite sufficient opportunity given to the Village Panchayat.

18) That the proposed lands are at a distance of about a furlong from the existing colony and not continuous and therefore unsuitable for acquisition.

19) That there are khanas with valuable tamarind trees of over 2- to 25 years standing.

20) Only one person is in need of site and that such a person will be provided with a site out of the gramtana and therefore acquisition be dropped.

21) That the lands have already been acquired by private schools and buildings have also come up and in the circumstances the notification already published be withdrawn.

22) The Land Acquisition Officer has not published the substance of the notification immediately following its publication in the Gazette as required under the provisions ofthe Land Acquisition Act.

23) Owing to change in the alignment of the road, the acquisition may be dropped.

24) That a transmission line of the Electricity Board runs in the land already notified for acquisition and therefore the acquisition proceedings may be dropped.

25) The Acquiring Body has not provided the funds. Therefore the acquisition proceedings may be dropped.

It is needless to point out that if only the Acquisition Officers had examined and appreciated the state of affairs before initiating the acquisition proposals properly, the need for cancellation/withdrawal of a notification already published would not have arisen at all. In this context, it should be noted by all concerned that re-issue of land acquisition notification would entail the liability of the State, while passing the award, as the value of property on the date of preliminary notification is significant, apart from causing avoidable waste of time and labour at all levels. Government would therefore desire that the Land Acquisition Offices should thoroughly examine the position obtaining at the time of initiating the acquisition proposals in the light of 25 points cited above and scrupulously avoid such situations

enumerated at para 1 above. If instances of lapse on the part of the Land Acquisition Officers to examine the acquisition cases as above are observed, or are brought to the notice of Government, Government will be constrained to take disciplinary action against such defaulting officers under rules ill force.

25. ;;;:i'()~a:t~.5 ~~ ;;;:i'()~a:t ;;;:i'onrnO;;;3()rt ;fje,~@' ;i!jJ~QiJ'f!RJll\ oir.JeZ,;$~rt

Q.f.');;w.i~e@' ;;W;;;3E"Z,;$(;J5 erortel!$,% ~o;tJo ~~~ c::>otJ:)ogu -&l g950rn 'f!RJc:ir.J~

~ol!$;;;3~~ =, n~@'gu 3rn~rte~ " 5~o 3 (aa) ~~...o (g) Q.f.')~t;)e@' 'f!RJ03~

1894 00 ;fj ~eo±J ;;;J;) t;)'f!RJ0 c::>ooo oir.JeZ,;$M) ;;;J;) t;)'f!RJ0 ~~ CITB

M Ci}._) ._)...o

~e()rn~o. 5~o 3 (f) of Q.f.');;w~t;)e@' 'f!RJ03~ 1894 o~ ';;W;;;3E"Z,;$(;J5 erortel!$gu'

c::>ooo -&l erortel!$~ ~e()rn~O (ii) the provision of land for planned development from public funds and subsequent disposal thereof in whole or in part by lease, assignment or outright sale with the object of securing further development as planned; 5~O 3 (f) of

Q.f.');;w .... tJe@' 'f!RJcm 1894 00 ';;W;;;3E"Z,;$(;J5 eroo el!$g_,_' c::>ooo -&l eroo el!$~

~ Q M Q u Q

~eC>rn~o (iii) the provision of land for town planning or rural

planning under any law relating to such planning; 5~O 3 (f) of Q.f.');;w .... t;)e@' 'f!RJcm 1894 00 ';;W;;;3E"Z,;$(;J5 eroo el!$g_,_' c::>ooo -&l eroo el!$~

~ Q M Q u Q

~eC>rn~o (vii) the provision of land for any local authority and

subsequent disposal thereof in whole or in part by lease, assignment or outright sale with the object of securing further

development as planned; -&l c::>~ 'f!RJ@'.f.')c:tJ i!Jt:J.) o3ne.n

o:wrn ~n35n~ '03.f.')eZ,;$~o±J' ~~ 'oir.JeZ,;$M) o::35Q'f!RJOO' ;;;J;)5;;;3~4.

~~;;;:i'&;:;b~O, ~ooo ;fjO() Q.f.')~t;)e@'~ ~~5.f.')rn @'nov~;;;3e)~

;;;J;) t;)'f!RJotJoo 'f!RJc:ir.J~ tJO;;::).)F\ ~~o;ir.,etJ;fj~ ~ ,0~e&rn3 0, c-qo3ffi

._) Q <w"",...o

~~~.f.')eO~ c-q~ d @'rno;i);).5 rn;;;3 ;;;:i'()~a;J, ~.5 ~~ ;;;:i'()~a;J, ;;;:i'onrnO;;;3()rt

M ...IJ 0;,.,;1 ...IJ!;,oJ

;fje,~@' ;i!jJ~QiJ'f!RJuF\ "3~~ ~~5.f.')rn @'nov~;;;3e)~ ~t;)'f!RJotJoo 'f!RJc:ir.J~

1894 00


tJo;;::).)F\ ~~o;ir.,etJ;fj~ ~,~ 0 c-qrn~O()OO Q.f.');;w .... t;)e@' 'f!RJcm

Q <w"",M ~ Q

';;W;;;3E"Z,;$(;J5 erort el!$,%' @'~e, Q.f.')~ Q.f.');;w~t;)ec:l ~&i!Jg.f.')~~ndl.

26. Q.f.')~ ~clo::m 2005 ()OO c-q~e2.3rt ~~...o ~~5.f.')rn ~o:tr.le,(;Jgo ii3~o

Z,;$~e~ne,j0M ~rn;) (TUDA) cle2:l~ o:tr.l~~t:J.)F\ ~ea;;l~oir.)o ~ecl ;:;b~0@, Q.f.')~oil oj;)ecl tJOrn;;::)')9 ffi.f.')&g ffi~~()oo 6 ()OO 10 ;;;:i'~ o:tr.lrn5et ~cl ~~ oir.)F\rn~o. ~.f.')Ot:J.);;;3rn 5~eC>o±J ;;;:i'()~e)3 ~oii:J6'

'23:J~u'f!RJuF\ (;JntJoir.)F\rn;;;3 ~clF\o3 o:tr.lrn5et ~cl ~~ c-qrn~ogu

@'no;fjQo±J0Mo~e t:J.)iDcln~ ~QiJ;;::).)rn~o. erot:J.)ffiO~iT.)F\:- ~~M()@'

~ovrteMc:l, ;fj()oir.)o tJAf' ;i!jJ~Q .. .;:J~ 0, ;fj()oir.)o ~~Q.f.')3 ;i!jJ50ilE"n~~ 0,

u M M

o:we.n g.f.')O~o±J03 ;;;J;)~n(;Joilo F\rnn~oo ~Ot:jrn;;;3 e:J.&.c::>Af'.c::>o.M cle2:l~

@'~ 2001 OOM ~.f.')Ot:J.);;;3rn 5~e()o±J ~.f.')OOrniT.)F\ ;;;:i'()~e)3 ~cl ;;::).);fjo

~~~~@''% ~ct:Jo ~& tvoO~-a M 80=00 ~~-", ~o~ 0:3~E'"0~ o:tr.lrn~e:t tJoooon ffiov~ o:wor:Y.)n M 200 500 250 MnQ0:30n ffiovtF.)F\rna O. 2001


oe:lM ~th ;:3<l~ttfiinE;in..r.l 2007 oe:lM ~rn0:3 ;:3<l~ttfiinE;in..r.l o:3ii~ii;;:S.;:JOO ;;:S05 dd~~ @'~ -&in M 250=00 c3..r.lor:Y.)0:3rn ~e$Wo:S::l c3..r.loorni'l.)F\ iiIT5~e)3 ~d ~Ct:J 2007 oe:l @'rno tJoooon ffiovtS@'e:l M 700=00 500 M 900=00 0


0:30n ffiovtF.)F\ rna O. -&i 5~..5o:S::l ffiov ~ o:tr.l&rn0:30:3rn ~~M rn


@'no;;:S~o:S::l0:3rn. om~o~ ;$~ttfii .;:J~MO tF.)no~~ -&i 5~..5omo o:3;J.)rn~e:t ~d

~rno;:).)n, @'noo 50N' o~n c5..r.lot'l~..r.lOrn03 ~rn0:3, iiIT~-a0~ o;:).)rnt;$ii ~~ ~n<i'l.)5~ ~~ ov~,~o;t) c5r:Y.) 5 206 it c5..r.lot'l~..r.lOrn03 ~rn0:3, ;;:S E;i~o:S::l

""' -" ~ Q.. Ci}

~:leJ~..r.lNj ~rn;) (TUDA) tJrn;)0:3~n c5..r.lot'l~..r.lOrn03 ~rn0:3 =, ttf..r.l~

o;:).);;:SO eroiiITo1r.J~n~J_ iiIT50:3aE'"c3omF\ct:J, ~nt'la ~0:3Qo:S::le:l dd~~ ~Qr.l 0:30'

u Q M Q

~tSE'"n e3..r.lrn;) t'loo ;;:S~tF.)oj:).1!.! tJoo ~Ct:J 0500 ;;:S05 ei!J iiIT50:3..5E'"a

QQ -"

t;$~~M)F\~ M 1500=00 0:30n ~ct:Jo& tvoo,% o:tr.lrn~e:t ~d ~~, ~03ffi

o:tr.lrn~e:t ~d o:.T.)0:3..5i!J ~~<l.30 ~0:3~0~35n, iiIT5o:w00:3~<l. ~~rn~ @'no;;:S~ l!S~ o;:).)F\rn~o~, l!S~ o;:).)F\O M ~ct:J 35nr:Y.)00 ffirn ct:Joct:J~~ o:tr.l&003~~?

-" -" Q 'U M

27. ;;:S05 ttf..r.l~t'l~@, "3Sro:loj:)oo @'no;;:S~n &)2.3E'"n tJOtJ(Xbr:Y.)O ~oo ~&

oir.JoO~-a 1500 MnQ d% O:WoOO ttf..r.liiIT50:33~ eF\rn0:3 38 rno~ "30~l!S ~OOO 41382 ~ct:Jo ~&nE;in 6,20,73,000=00 (ern ~..r.l~e3 ~iiIT~ ~~

oW -" I>J,

w~~-,,~rn Mo:.T.)oj:)n~) o:tr.lrn~e:t ~~iiO iiIT5O:WO ~~rn ~~ovO "3~~o:S::l

tJrn~o. ~~<l. ~o 1 w~O 5 rno~ ttf..r.liiIT50:33E'"c3 eno ~rn0:3 iiIT50:33E'"c3n oir.J~niio;:).)o t;$~~~@' ~d ;:7;woo ;;bo:tr.lrn 10 ~..r.l~e3 MnQ o1r.J~t;$c3 ~r:Y.)F\~ ;;:S05 o1r.J~t;$c3 ;;:S~iiITE'"~~~? ~or:Y.)d..r.l~~c3oj:)oo ~..r.l&~ F\rn~o? wotJ tJn

Q fl

3~e, n~@' ;:7;eJo:S::l~ ;;:SovE'"5 ;;b3~~d ;;:So~ii: RDF-64-LOU-58 Dated 9-

10-1958. oo~n c5~~~0 "It has been noticed that the proposals sent by the Revenue Officers in Land Acquisition cases are not accompanied by full information in respect of the proposed acquisition. In most of the cases there is no indication whether the estimated cost of acquisition has been verified by a responsible officer with reference to the statistics of the sales and leases of lands in the locality. There have been instance where the amount of compensation as per final award had no relation at all to the estimate furnished while submitting proposals for the acquisition. This has resulted in acquisition being undertaken without a complete examination of all implications. Many cases where Government would have dropped the proceedings or selected some other lands if the estimated cost had been worked out correctly in the fist instance, have come to notice at a very late stage of the proceedings, when it was too late to withdrawn from acquisition. The initiating Departments and the Revenue Officers are therefore requested to furnish full information on

the points detailed in the Appended Forms A,B and C while submitting their proposals for acquisition. "

28. "'.t3.~ ooJ<)eu,~ 030010 ;;:SoC) ~o:3:le, u,~e(;J~ O;;~ooj c>qrn0:3 ii:.T.)~E"" o:3:l~

~do tFolnn~iT.)f'I ~e;;:SOrn0:3 u,~e~nQood- IDo:3:lr;J<)rn r;;;:s2.;J.) cEJ<)et.)~ IDo:3:lr;J<)rn ~o:tr.le,(;J~d ii3o:3:l0 ;;:SojE"" ;;:So. 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123 0 u,~e~n~ o:3:l~ IDo:3:lr;J<)rn r;;;:s2.;J.) oj:;)Qe~J<)e~ ii3o:3:l0 ;;:SojE"" ~o. 33, 34, 35 0 u,~e~n~, ~eo;;wno ii3o:3:l0 ;;:SojE"" ~o. 9 o:3:lID_D 8 0 u,~e~n~, IDo:3:lMrn r;;;:s2.;J.), =s= ii3o:3:l0 ;;:SojE"" ~o. 36, 48, 0 u,~e~n~ IDo:3:lr;J<)rn r;;;:s2.;J.) cEJ<)~e~ffi~ ii3o:3:l0 ;;:SojE"" ~o. 6, 7, 8 0 u,~e~n~, IDo:3:lr;J<)rn r;;;:s2.;J.), t.)M;;:::).)t3 iT.) o:3:l0 ;;:SojE"" ~o. 59 0 u,~e~n~, IDo:3:lr;J<)rn r;;;:s2.;J.), t.)t3 o;;~,

~ a y

iT.) o:3:l0 ;;:SojE"" ~o. 29, 30, 31, 32 0 u,~e~n~, IDo:3:lr;J<)rn r;;;:s2.;J.), no e)o;;~,

~ Q y

ii3o:3:l0 ;;:SojE"" ~o. 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23, 47, 48 0 u,~e~n~,

IDo:3:lr;J<)rn r;;;:s2.;J.), ;5~o;;~ ii3o:3:l0 ;;:SojE"" ~o. 4, 237, 90, 91 0 u,~e~n~, IDo:3:lr;J<)rn r;;;:s2.;J.), Oolii~PS ii3o:3:l0 ;;:SojE"" ~o. 28, 0 u,~e~n~, IDo:3:lMrn r;;;:s2.;J.), IDo:3:lr;J<)rn ii3o:3:l0 ;;:SojE"" ~o. 329, 299, 300, 301, 0 u,~e~n~, ;;:SoC) ;;:Se,l!h)~O erot:tel!$,% GfJ<);;w.;:lae~ iiITt3"'~J<)9t.);;IDtT.lf'l~ ~~ ;;:S00lE""00

u,~e~n90 0'D..r.J ;;:S"l!h)~ o:tr.lrZo, c>q3 00l~J<)~ ii:.T.)e)~ o:tr.lt3 o:3e)o::b

M = _D

(;Jo::bo:tr.l0:3~ 030010 ooJ<)eu,~ o:tr.lrZo GJ.)C) oj~ 30 t.)e)M =, iiITC)0:3.5E""3

GfJ<)~o::b~<l. ;;:Se,l!h)(:JOol.g.f'I GfJ<);;w.;:lae(:J~.g. ~OtT.lf'lrn0:3 ~no;;:SQo::b 0000 GfJ<) o:tr.l~om c>qrn~oe wot.) 3(;J~o::b~<l. o:tr.lrZ~ ~J<)ern~e~. c;)~ood o:tr.l~ii r;M)E""M r; dJ<) eOolo;:b:;) r; 0 ~oo t!, d o::b ~ t,) OolC)n~ GfJ<) o:tr.l~ am u,~rn ~ o:3C)n

_D M

z..,t3 rn0:3 e:530r;0:3~ cEJ<)ouworn0:3 ;;:S:;)a iiIT.5 ~o::bO o:3ot,)omf'lrn3 o. ;;:S00lE""0~

a ... Q ~ <"'I _D

cEZ5 ~ t1do::b~ ~ID om~oe ;iFle)Gf .. z..,Of'l;;:soe c>qrn0:3 t.)0~ ;;:S00lE""C) tFolnoO

~ ... _D u M

;;:Se,l!h)~ o:tr.lt3 tifJ<);;w.;:lae~o rut5'E""~<l. ;;:SoC) ;;:Se,l!h)~0 ~Q0:3e)~ o:3:lID_D cEf'@ ;;wiT.)rn~

;;:::).)o;;~~.g. t.)9;;:S~ ~J<)eC)~J<)~~e~. e:50 00l0f'@ -&l GfJ<)~t,)e~ 5o:3:l0:3~<l. ~d~rZzje~octJ ~J<)eC)~J<)~~e~.

r;;;:s2.;J.), o:3:l09J<)rn ii3o:3:l0 ;;:SojE"" ~o. 87/2, 0e'? J 2 wr;d u,~e~~<t QJ<);;wi~./~e~~ o:tr.lt3"'~J<)ot3~, -&In ~ood 2006-07 0e'? J IDo:3:lr;J<)rn 3V~ J~' zj~~ cEJ<)et.)~, ~tt.nJ<)e~ffi~ ii3o:3:l0 ;;:SojE"" ;;:So.roii 56/2, 59, 61/2, 63/1, 63/2, 60, 57/1 0e'? J~ z..,~ 42 wr;d 24 rno~ u,~e~~<t r;;;:s ~de;;:::).)C) oplMr;~<t ~~;;:s~ QJ<);;wodae~ iiITt3"'~J<)ot3rn~o. e:50 OolOf'@, o:3:l09J<)rn ii3o:3:l0 r;;;:s0 .5o;t OolOomrn0:3 ;;:S0t.)0:3 cE~rnoj)Oc)oo, ;;:SOc) IDo:3:lr;J<)rn ~no;;:SQ ;;:SOc) tFoln0:3~4. ;;W0:3E""u,(;Jr; eroiiIToir.Jef'l ~e);;:S~o t.)9;;:s:;)o;?>ctJ ~ood iiITC);;:SO ~tt o:tr.lt3 ;;W0:3E""u,(;Jr; ;;:Se,l!h)~ ~.p0:3 0030 ;;:Se,l!h)(:J o:tr.lt30d ~0C)00 o3J.)C)nJ<) ~a:t;;:::).)rnoj)a~,. ~no;;:SQo::b ;;:SoiiIT~J<)e,e)0:3~<t ero~"'oo~ e:5rn~o.

30. ;;:S00lE""C) tFoln0:3~e ;;:Se, l!h)~Ool.g.f'I (;JerZ t1e~ wot.) r;M)E""Mr; ;;:S00lE""00

;;:S:;)~J<)_Dedo::b~<l. ==, no:3:l~~.g. 30t.)o::b;;:S:;)~e~. ;;:S:;)~~ed ;;:So. G.O.NO.RD 108 LGP 83 DATED 7TH JANUARY 1984. ;;:SoC) ;;:S:;)~~edo;:b:;) ooen

c5ee,n~o. " It has come to the notice of Government that in some villages the burial grounds presently available for Muslims, Harijans, Christians and other communities are inadequate. Maintenance of burial grounds is one of the obligatory functions of the Village Panchayats under the Karnataka Village Panchayats and Local Boards Act, 1959. Further, under Rule 20(1) (b) of the Karnataka Land Grant Rules, 1969, Government lands can be granted to the Village Panchayats free of cost for their obligatory functions. Therefore, Government are pleased to direct that the Tahsildars of Taluks should verify as to whether the burial grounds presently available for Muslims, Harijans, Christians and other Communities in the Villages are adequate to meet their requirements. If the burial grounds presently available to them were to be found inadequate, they should take immediate steps to grant available Government lands to the concerned Village Panchayats as per Rules for providing and maintenance of burial grounds to the Communities mentioned above. The instructions issued in Government Letter of even No. dated 9-11-1983 in this regard are hereby withdrawn." By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, CH. Govindappa) Under Secretary to Government, Revenue Department. C"';loe ()e-.5o±lO 1997 dO ;fjtwe() ;;:,D~JOl eo ;fjom .. :

M M ...D U

eOS.~/185/c:J.5JOl2).rn~ 2) 92 dO...., ;fjtwe() t$.;:):)e~ ~Gf2') ;;)~O ;fjO()

t$.;:):)e~nQ~<l. ~n3'2) rn~GfJOl.;:):)n~rt z..,0r.;;:,D0:30~ c:J~ eroorr;;)2tJ.l1k)Qtw()n~rt eoeh;fjGVr.rn~O. C"';lo3'iJ5 t$~JOleorro1r.Jer. eoe~nQ~<l. 5rn1k)rn.l!J ~;fjr. t$.;:):)e~nQO...., ;fje.l!h)~ ~rn c5JOlde.3rn~rn ~nd;fj~ ~Qtw()neJ ~ootwd0:3~<l. o::tl~ ~0:3()rt C"';lrn0:3 tw~JOl(;Jc:l tJrtr.~ oJOledflo±l~<l. ~JOleC>;;:,D~oo±l~....,o. -&l ;;)a:;j'o;t)o~ o;)t$twdrnneJ o::tl~ ~ ~eo±l ~JOlec::h:J;;;J.)anQ rbw,~~ o::tl~ rb ~ 5~n~rt C"';lOt..XlrtJOl~,. 2tJ.l~ o::tlm ~.;:):)e5 ~~ ;fjo~ .. 3' ~-.5 ;fjf'@ o .... 3'd

w,...., "'"' ...1) o.J u E'Ol t.I

~~rt ~oo ;;:,D()o::m~rn c:lnd;fj~o±l0:3()rt om0:3 =v= ~~e ;;)~et3~ ~~().

31. ~o::tle. oe ~o ~t3 s:J.c:J.c:J"11' . ~Q tw () o::tlm...1) 003' c::h:Jru 0 rnrn eo ;;).

5rna::L~ s:J.c:J.c:J"11'((;J0:3e)~} tJoarn0:3 "Untouchability and National Integration" c:JotJ cleru~oO ~cpe n~e3';;;J.)d ;fjooe~;;)o. o03'd tJrt

M n

~0:3()r.rn0:3 twQt3 ==, C"';lOa~ ~Qtw() o:3ne~u ~do C"';l~~()oooe -&l

()e-.5omr. o03'()rt ~~~JOl~0:3 tfJ~tJ2')twur. c:JGV...., tw~JOl~ ~();;)~ twc:ir.l~

~JOlrnrb (;J.;:):)e;;:,D-.5 0 0 c:JOtJ:lO~ ~~ eOJOle2.3;fj~etwrn3' O. ~0:3d

...DQ ~ ...D

~-.5~q_,e ~e~ " When atrocities are committed against Scheduled

Caste people, the authorities find it easy to provide for example, an alternative well for drinking water and separate places for eating and separate burial grounds for Scheduled Castes without enforcing the legal rights of Scheduled Caste people as citizens of the country entitled to all the civil rights which others are enjoying. Generally, the authorities are satisfied with providing an alternative service to pacify the Scheduled Caste

people. With a view to avoiding breach of peace, they remove the points of friction which denies the enjoyment of common civil rights by the Scheduled Caste (SC) people. The very fact that they are living in a separate colony though the colonial rule was banished 45 years before, indicates that no serious attempt has been made by any Gandhian or any good Samaritan to bring the people together to live as sisters, brothers to create a sense of fraternity leading to integration. Providing separate wells for drinking water, separate burial grounds, separate place for eating, including separate glasses for tea and coffee, separate places of worship, distances and divides the people on the basis of caste and religion. Under these circumstances clamoring for national integration will be a wild cry. India lives in the villages and national integration should start from the village level. No national integration council will be able to provide this cooperative course at the village level. Well intentioned citizens who are known for their sympathy for SC, ST and other Backward castes (BC) often say that they do something for the SC's as if they are aggressors and uncivilised people. But it is the caste Hindus who practice untouchability. They need to be educated and fully made to accept the realities of life in this country. They must live as brothers and sisters. II

32. ~&-"ez5rt tJeog ;;:J~eO~ rtw~ 055wfi o:5~ocaAJ Q'~Akl,:jE.Je;:J 5~71~rt

~~;;:J zje~r:S NOJ:J0::5:J71Q;:J1_ ~Cl o::5~cao:J~-"o "Under the new policy, no project involving displacement of families beyond defined thresholds can be undertaken without a detailed 'Social Impact Assessment,' which among other things shall also take into account the impact that the project will have on public and community properties, assets and infrastructure. The new policy and the associated legislative measures aim at striking a balance between the need for land for developmental activities and protecting the interests of the land owners, and others such as the tenants, the landless, agricultural and non-ag ricultural labourers, artisans and others whose livelihood depends on the land involved. A special provision has been made for providing lifetime monthly pension to vulnerable persons, such as the disabled, destitute, orphans, widows, unmarried girls, abandoned women or persons above 50 years of age (who are not provided or cannot immediately be provided with alternative livelihood). When land acquired is transferred for a consideration, eighty per cent of any net unearned income so accruing to the transferor shall be shared with the persons from whom the lands were acquired, or their heirs, in proportion to the value of the lands acquired." ~ Cle&oJ~r:S NOJ:J0::5~0::5~ ~~;;:JD o::5~rn)0::5

Q'~;;::W}'Je;:J ~30~) ~;:J~;:J) ~&.o~71)~D.

33. ;;::5:J.)~i) t:!,~MQOolc)~9:l m;;:3:)5..r.lrn OG3rn 5MlE'"e35 ;;:SOolE'"OO ;;::5:J.)~i) ~e)<::5

~~~rt, 50LJ.)oil ~~~rt, ;;::5:J.)~i) o:m&)i)Oolo±lE'"OhE'"~~rt, ;;::5:J.)~i) o:m&)i);;:3:)0':3~eJ 5QeC)~~rt orr~ 'l.JOr.:tJ ;;:SOC) =, t;S(;::m~ cITdO ;;:SojE'". ~o. 142/6 0 z..,~ 38 rno~ "30el!S ;;:Se,l!h}c:lOoluh t,jeo~Mojor.:tJ, OJ.leJ ~rnG3 144 0 t;S~eN~ cl..r.lart 143 o 1 C::>50 20 rt..r.lO~ ;;:Se,l!h}~gu ;;T.)Oolrn~O c::>0r.:tJ -&l1k)~de orr~ G3i)G3OJ.lO

~rnA~O..r.l 5..r.lrn =, t;S~e~ Q..r.l~Qec:lgu z..,eJorr&Arn~r.:tJ ;;::5:J.)~i)

t:!,~MQOolC)~eJ~<t ~~o;;:SQo±lG3rn 3~oWLJ.)C)rt C::>Qooa e:5hrn~o. ~oe

C)e&o±l~ ~~..r.l<t ~c3e5 35tJ.>rn ~0l!S~9:l LJ.)&)d~9:l ;;:3:)~±l .;:Jt,5;)O~9:l, ;;::5:J.)~i) QVo&eo±l ~e~ Mli)crlJ.)~oil ;;:3:)m_" ;;::5:J.)~i) 5MlE'"e35 erott Mli)oiJ.l~o±lo ;;::5:J.)~E'"ohE'" &e~E'"~9:l ~~ ;;:SOC) .;:Jt,5;)O~eJ~<t =, -&l 35tJ.>rn~~rt ~~O;;:SQ

;;:3:)~ e3..r.lZF.) (TUDA) G3&0:000 ero~o 'l.JOO ~ed ;;T.)Ool~i)QVO~Q..r.lOart orr;;:t) aorr&;;:s~rn~r.:tJ. ~~~ <::5Z5 ~ .;:Jt,5;)O~eJ~ eJ§)a GJ.lO ;;:3:)ornc3 ;;::5:J.)~G3

~ _" ~ ~ ~

o:m~e~ ;;:SeJ;;:S~ <::55:J_,_ 00l0:0 c)Ag..r.lO~ -&l 35tJ.>rn ;;:SeJ;;:t)& 0 ec3.

M u Q M _"Q

-&l ~e~uorn OolOf'(i)~~1k)h Q..r.l ~Qe~ Oolo±lE'"G3~<t tfdt:j~ ~;;:3:)e, ~ed oOOJ

a..r.leC) ~;;:3:)" ;;:$.,r.)C)~ ~ed 5~ t:jeeJo OJ.lrt ~~ ;;:S0~ .. 3 g..r.le~~ ~& ;;:Sf'(i)

"" M oW u SOl

0d30..r.l OJ.lrn ;;:S;;::5:J.)t;S0 ~l!S~G3~E'"gu ;fjeC)o =, .;:Ja:;j'o±loeJM &e;;::5:J.)E'"~

artr.:tJtf..r.l~t,jegor.:tJ ;;:3:)m_" ~;;:3:)e,~<t N~E'"&50Ml<thA OJ.lrn G3;;:S& l:oe~O~hA ~30 ~l!S~ G3~E'"~eJ~<t ~e~;;:t)~eojo'l.J ~~o;;:SQo±l N~G3~<t &O~C)A, ;;T.)5:l t,jeOolo~ ;;:S00lE'"C) Q..r.l~o;:m ~~O;;:SQV GJ.l .. ~ o±leJ ;;:3:)m t,jQo;:m& rnG3 ~~oo <::5& ood e

u~ M ~ ~ ~ M

~rn~oc:±l<t ;;::5:J.)~i) m;;:3:)5..r.lrn 305AeqoC)00 3c)Ag..r.lO~ ~~ ~3i)~ OJ.lrn G3;;:S&

eroo el!Sg_,_ -&l1k)~de t:!,~ QOolc)~~OO orrc)G33E'"c3 rt..r.lo&rnG3 ;;:3:)m e3;)ZF.) &eii3:J6'

Q u M _" a

;;:3:)ot:;..,r.)tJ.>&crlJ.)hrnG3 ~;;:3:)e, Nojea:;j'~ t;S~e~~<t Oo±l;;::5:J.)& Q..r.l;;T.),.jae~ "3'sOOJO:Ooo

g .. t:jrnt,jegor.:tJ 3;;:3:)" eJ o:.T.) qlE'";;:t)a ec3.

~ o;:;::;I'M....J...D

;;:S v: m;;:3:)5..r.lrn


aMl05:- 18-12-2007

~Je) ~6 em arl ~2tJe> 1le) Q ih) oli ~ Ne)6 oSJe) e)oS~, ~ ~ 5J"e) d~ emarl ~2tJe> ri, ~ ~ 5J"e)d~

i;)~ i;) 5:lf) i;)AF eOS: 07 I 07-08 (i;)~ i;) 5:lf) i;)AF eOS: 50 I 07-08)




1. e03JJ~dJ ;3J~J5J";)dJ ~nd;;:;:;5' ~~5J";)dJ

2. e03JJ5 dJ ;3J~J5J";)dJ ~n(Y.)~~_\tJ ~QUo)d

JJ "'0 J

1. Under section 3 (aa) and (g) of Land Acquisition Act 1894 Local authority includes a town planning authority and CITB. As such municipal council is excluded under Land Acquisition act. There fore Respondent-l is not having any legal authority to ask for acquisition. Even though section 75 of The Karnataka Municipalities Act 1964 says that "Compulsory acquisition of land.-Whenever a municipal council reqUIres any immovable property for the purposes of this Act, the Government may, at the request of the municipal council procure the acquisition thereof under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894, and on payment by the municipal council of the compensation awarded under that Act and of all charges incurred by the Government in connection with the proceedings, the immovable property shall be transferred to the municipal council and shall thereafter vest in such council." Here respondent failed to note that Municipal Council can only ask for acquisition for the purpose of the Act. The power of municipality to undertake improvement schemes under Chapter VIII of Karnataka Municipalities Act 1964 is withdrawn by The Karnataka Urban Development Authorities Act 1987 under its section 76. it says that "Act to over-ride other laws.- (1) The provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any other law for the time being in force. (2) Where an Authority is constituted for

and is functioning in any Urban Area the provisions contained in Chapter VIII of the Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964 shall not be applicable to such Urban Area." Then Municipality is not entitled to ask for acquisition, only TUDA is entitled to ask for acquisition after following due procedure oflaw.

2. Under section 3 (f) of Land Acquisition Act 1894 the expression "Public Purpose" includes (ii) the provision of land for planned development from public funds and subsequent disposal thereof in whole or in part by lease, assignment or outright sale with the object of securing further development as planned; Under section 3 (f) of Land Acquisition Act 1894 the expression "Public Purpose" includes (iii) the provision of land for town planning or rural planning under any law relating to such planning; Under section 3 (f) of Land Acquisition Act 1894 the expression "Public Purpose" includes (vii) the provision of land for any local authority and subsequent disposal thereof in whole or in part by lease, assignment or outright sale with the object of securing further

development as planned; All these provisions clearly

emphasize the importance of Planning authority that is TUDA in the Tumkur that is 2nd respondent herein. The planning authority is only entitled to land acquisition for "public purpose" under Land Acquisition Act 1894 and hence not Municipality.

3. Form-D submitted by 1 st respondent in its 13th column has stated that they have taken permission from MAGCR proceedings and also further stated in letters that it is not required to take state government permission due to local self government status after constitution amendment. That is wrong assumption of Respondent-l. The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments Acts were introduced in the early 1990's in a bid to achieve democratic decentralization and provide constitutional endorsement of local self governance authorities. These amendments confer authority on legislatures of States to endow respectively Panchayats and Municipalities with such powers and functions as may be necessary to enable them to act as institutions of self - government. Articles 243W provides that, subject to the provisions of the Constitution, the legislature of any State may, by law, endow the Municipalities, with such powers and

authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as institutions of self-government and such law may contain provisions for the devolution of powers and responsibilities upon Municipalities respectively at the appropriate level. As of till today there is no amendment to Karnataka Municipalities Act or any separate state legislation to confer any such powers on the municipality to avoid procedure prescribed for taking government sanction for land acquisition.

4. Under section 155 of Karnataka Municipalities Act 1964, CMC Turnkur is having power to draw improvement scheme, this needs resolution under section 155(4) of Karnataka Municipalities Act 1964. The scheme shall provide for the acquisition of any land which will, in the opinion of the municipal council be necessary for or affected by the execution of the scheme, and also provide for relaying out all or any land including the construction and reconstruction of buildings and the formation and alteration of streets etc under section 156(1) of Karnataka Municipalities Act 1964. Upon the completion of formulating scheme there is a procedure under section 157 of Karnataka Municipalities Act 1964 calling upon municipality to serve upon interested persons calling their objections for proposed acquisitions for the scheme and thereafter Municipality shall apply for government seeking sanction under section 158 of Karnataka Municipalities Act 1964.(This procedure is not followed in the our case). As stated under section 159 of Karnataka Municipalities Act 1964 on receipt of the sanction of the Government, the Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer shall forward a declaration for notification by the Government, stating the fact of such sanction and that the land proposed to be acquired by the municipal council for the purpose of the scheme is required for a public purpose. Hence the acquisition proceedings instituted against this objectors without following above Law is illegal and liable to be dropped. The legislature made law is supreme than the administrative opinions of department officials.

5. There is no Town planning scheme provided by TUDA for formation of burial ground, by Second Respondent under section 26, 28, 29 32, 34 of Karnataka town and country planning Act 1961. If such provisions are

followed then under section 70 of Karnataka town and country planning Act 1961, Land needed for purpose of a Town Planning scheme or Master Plan shall be deemed to be land needed for a public purpose within the meaning of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. Under section 81-C of Karnataka town and country planning Act 1961, TUDA tumkur is the planning authority for Tumkur to frame such scheme for the proper implementation of CDP or Masterplan regulations. Under section 76-M of Karnataka town and country planning Act 1961 it says "Save as provided in this Act, the provisions of this Act and the rules, regulations and bye-laws made there under shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any other law............................... when permission for such development has not been obtained under this Act, such development shall not be deemed to be lawfully undertaken or carried out by reason only of the fact that permission, approval or sanction required under such other law for such development has been obtained." In total the purpose for which the acquisition is made is an illegal structure. To form such illegal usage of land no civilized society and authority will allow its process to be abused by anyone.

6. In the 1st respondent contentions it is repeatedly quoted that section 75 of Karnataka Municipalities Act has bestowed powers upon Municipal council to give administrative sanction for land acquisition. This is wrong interpretation of statute. Under section 75 it says "Whenever a municipal council requires any immovable property for the purposes of this Act, the Government may, at the request of the municipal council procure the acquisition thereof under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894, and on payment by the municipal council of the compensation awarded under that Act and of all charges incurred by the Government in connection with the proceedings, the immovable property shall be transferred to the municipal council and shall thereafter vest in such council." Here the "Government" means under section 2(10) the "state government". The Municipal Council does not becomes state Government to assume its powers to give administrative sanctions. Again for what purposes the land may be acquired is a procedure and purpose prescribed under section 155 to 159 of Karnataka Municipalities Act. If such provisions are not applicable after passing of KUDA Act, then Municipal council is not

entitled to frame such development plans only TUDA is entitled to frame such development plans. For such purposes and after fulfilment of such procedures the TUDA is having powers to require government for land acquisition. It is my duty to bring to this Hon'ble court's kind attention a para from Supreme Court Judgement in Devinder Singh & Others vs State of Punjab & Others Appeal (civil) 4843 of 2007 DATE OF JUDGMENT: 12/10/2007 . Hon'ble Justices S.B. Sinha & Harjit Singh Bedi have observed that" A provision of a statute is either mandatory or directory. Even if a provision is directory, the same should be substantially complied with. It cannot be ignored in its entirety only because the provision is held to be directory and not an imperative one."

7. The above procedures were deliberately with malicious intentions violated by 1st respondent thereby violating fundamental rights of these objection petitioners. Initially we were forced to seek judicial protection for illegal threats against these lawful owners of land. From the beginning we were looked as thugs and thieves and after we went to courts, they have initiated acquisition proceedings, is it not an autocracy, is it not a breach of oath taken by public servants, is it not a violation of human rights, is it not a mis-conduct of public servant, what not every illegal moves were made by the 1 st respondent just to illegally evict the lawful owner.

8. Under KUDA Act in section 2 (j) "development" with its grammatical variations means the carrying out of building engineering or other operations in or over or under land or the making of any material change in any building or land and includes planning and redevelopment ; In section 15. "Power of Authority to undertake works and incur expenditure for development etc.- (1) The Authority may,- (a) draw up detailed schemes (hereinafter referred to as "development scheme") for the development of the urban area; and (b) with the previous approval of the Government, undertake from time to time any works for the development of the urban area and incur expenditure therefor and also for the framing and execution of development schemes. (2) The Authority may also from time to time make and take up any new or additional development schemes,- (i) on its own initiative, if satisfied of the sufficiency of its resources, or (ii) on the recommendations of the local authority, if the

local authority places at the disposal of the Authority, the necessary funds for framing and carrying out any scheme, or (iii) otherwise. (3) Notwithstanding anything in this Act or in any other law for the time being in force, the Government may, whenever it deems it necessary require the Authority to take up any development scheme or work and execute it subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified by the Government." It can be seen that 1st Respondent herein can only ask for 2nd respondent to frame such development schemes, and r respondent themselves are not entitled to frame such schemes, unless authorised under Government notification Under Karnataka Town and Country planning act in section 81.

9. t:')M)O~ 30-11-2006 d~ o:tr.l@'2') tSUo)MQtwmi'~ o:tr.l@'2') ;;;:m~2')~0':3o±l0:3d e:5oIT two±leQ~eri'~n oIT3 2.x3ctJ ;fjO() ;fjoje @'ot.)O' 144 dO @' 0-30

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13. Oc;J.)o5 30-11-2006

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82 Oc;J.)o5 24-10-1983 d e::Jde~r;i c3ed eIUe)""ooplc3cilici:Jq_ ~e o;)?.Jc)~n ~i:iu.:>nd .wo~ o;)?.Jc)~ci:Jq_ ~e ~@,if" 3du.:>nd. ;;:j'r;io ;;:j'u<)f"O ;;:i';);t~e~cili "3~cili@':Jq_ ~e e::J~i'kl<£c3rf ~~c3 -1 do;t 05<)z;sd:J o;i~il.ld:J;t eoS.


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16. dMJf"~d ~Uc)f"O ~;t~ecl ~OIDt> eI&'.~. 1324 .wd'.oilJ.c:iw~ 66 OMJod 01-02-1968

crOM~ elde...sdo;t elde...s <e~crll o;)~crlldOM~ ~OIDt> 4, 6, 16, crci:Jot ;;;$ortro~d

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_g Q Q ..........P M ._) ......

e;;j'jTc)<s<3rt ~~M~dl~e<3. Bangalore Medical Trust vis B.S.Mudappa and

others Date of Judgement: 19-07-1991 reported in AIR 1991 SC 1902. It is observed that "When the law requires an authority to act or decide, if it appears to it necessary' or if he is 'of 0 pinion that a particular act should be done', then it is implicit that it should be done objectively, fairly and reasonably. Decisions affecting public interest or the necessity of doing it in the light of guidance provided by the Act and rules may not require intimation to person affected yet the exercise of discretion is vitiated if the action is bereft of rationality, lacks objective and purposive approach. The action or decision must not only be reached reasonably and intelligibly but it must be related to the purpose for Which power is exercised. Public interest or general good or social betterment have no doubt priority over private or individual interest but it must not be a pretext to justify the arbitrary or illegal exercise of power. It must withstand scrutiny of the legislative standard provided by the Statute itself. The authority exercising discretion must not appear to be, impervious to

legislative directions. No doubt, in modern State activity, discretion

with executive

and administrative agency is

a must

for efficient and smooth functioning. But the extent of discretion or constraints on its exercise depends on the rules and regulations under which it is exercised." ~h ~e~;;']() -9'l ~rtn;J~f";;']cro~ ~Uc) iZ~~rt() 1 <3e

'=' M M

e~ffi)<5<3rf ;;t()M~dl~e<3. Devinder Singh & Others vs State of Punjab &

Others Appeal (civil) 4843 of 2007 DATE OF JUDGMENT: 12/10/2007 . Hon'ble Justices S.B. Sinha & Harjit Singh Bedi have observed that "When an order is passed without jurisdiction it amounts to colourable exercise of power. Formation of opinion must precede application of mind. Such application of mind must be on the materials brought on records. The materials should be such which are required to be collected by the authorities entitled therefor. The authorities must act within the four-corners of the statute. An opinion formed even on the basis of an advice by an authority which is not contemplated under the statute render the decision bad in law. A statutory authority is bound by the procedure laid down in the statute and must act within the four-corners thereof." ;;'];;;i)e, ~e~c;j'~ U<);;']f.l@';) ~tioilJ-" o;);)eQ ~e~eJ Uc)c;j'f.l@';) ~drf~-,,~f.l~~o' 'dcro~rf ~o'f.Bc)ll. ~f.le;;;:m~~rto,;t <3~f.leQ'<3rf ?.,o,;tjTc)1l ;;;:moi:J::J~ocmUc)lld.

e~ffi)<5<3rf ~()M~dl~e<3. Devinder Singh & Others vs State of Punjab &

Others Appeal (civil) 4843 of 2007 DATE OF JUDGMENT: 12/10/2007 . Hon'ble Justices S.B. Sinha & Harjit Singh Bedi have observed that "A provision of a statute is either mandatory or directory. Even if a provision is directory, the same should be substantially complied with. It cannot be ignored in its entirety only because the provision is held to be directory and not an imperative one." ~e, ~e~;;']~ U<);;']f.l@';) ~tioilJ-" o;);)eQ ~e~eJ Uc);;']f.lcb ~drf~-,,~f.l~~o' 'dcro~rf

24. ;;:b~e;;;i1' ~I.lN.'lf"<\i' -&t ~o,1ffor;t ~eil.l<\i'0M MiiodJ ~eoJ<!:kllld Ardo o::J?3clDc;:i'<\i'J~ ~e, ~;;;iiTc)<5<3ii ;;l0MMi)~e<3. Kesavananda Bharati Sripadagalaveru v. State of Kerala [1973] Supp. 1 S.c.R. 1 - popularly known as Fundamental Rights case - that any law providing for acquisition of property must be for a public purpose. Whether the law of acquisition is for public purpose or not is a justifiable issue. But the decision in that regard is not to be given by any detailed inquiry or investigation of facts. The intention of the legislature has to be gathered mainly from the Statement of Objects and Reasons of the Act and its Preamble. The matter has to be examined with reference to the various provisions of the Act, its context and set up, the purpose of acquisition has to be culled out therefrom and then it has to be judged whether the acquisition is for a public purpose within the meaning of Article 31(2) and the law providing for such acquisition." ~e, ~eil.l<\i'Q Ucl<\i'I.l<\i'J ~tioilJ-"

<::lJeD ~e;;;ieJ Ucl<\i'I.l<\i'J ~dii~-,,~I.l~~o' 'ddo~ii ~o'f.Bc)ll. ~I.le;;;:m~~i1'oJ <3~I.leQ'<3ii ?." oJiTc) 11 ;;;:m 0 dJ;;;iOo;tJ<!:kl1l d •

25. ;;:b~e;;;i1' ~I.lN.'lf"<\i' -&t ~o,1ffor;t ~eil.l<\i'0M MiiodJ ~eoJ<!:kllld Ardo o::J?3clDc;:i'<\i'J~ ~e, ~;;;iiTc)<5<3ii ;;l0Mil.lm~e<3. State of Bombay v. R.S. Nanji (1956) SCR 18, the Court observed that it is impossible to precisely define the expression 'public purpose'. In each case all the facts and circumstances will require to be closely examined in order to determine whether a public purpose has been established. Prima facie, the Government is the best judge as to whether public purpose is served by issuing a requisition order, but it is not the sole judge. The courts have the jurisdiction and it is their duty to determine the matter whenever a question is raised whether a requisition order is or is not for a public purpose. In the said case, the Court observed that the phrase 'public purpose' includes a purpose, that is, an object or aim, in which the general interest of the community, as opposed to the particular interest of individuals is directly and vitally concerned. It is impossible to define precisely the expression 'public purpose'. In each case all the facts and circumstances will require to be closely examined to determine whether a public purpose has been established." <\i';;;i;)e, ~eil.l<\i'Q Ucl<\i'I.l<\i'J

;;;:)d§ol!J_., o;);)eQ ~eo;SeJ u;;;;$J<Jt& ~dii~_.,~J<J~w'w'a ~i:Jo~ii ~affidl1. ~J<Je~;;;:)d~rtoJ r3ti'J<JeQ'<3ii ~oJ1'kl11 ~oi:J::Jo;SocmUc)l1d.

26. ;;:b~e~ ~J<JeWE"";;$ ~ ~'ffiJori: ~eil.l;;$0M &oeiioi:J::J ~eoJUc)l1d ;;ti:Jo .<::l?.J.)ao:S~~ ~e eo;S1'kl<5<3ii ;;t0Mil.ldl~e<3. Bangalore Medical Trust vis B.S.Mudappa and others Date of Judgement: 19-07-1991 reported in AIR 1991 SC 1902. It is observed that "Discretion is an effective tool in administration. But wrong notions about it result in ill-conceived consequences. In law it provides an option to the authority concerned to adopt one or the other alternative. But a better, proper and legal exercise of discretion is one where the authority examines the fact, is aware of law and then decides objectively and rationally what serves the interest better. When a Statute either provides guidance or rules or regulations are framed for exercise of discretion then the action should be in accordance with it. Even where Statutes are silent and only power is conferred to act in one or the other manner, the Authority cannot act whimsically or arbitrarily. It should be guided by reasonableness and fairness. The legislature never intends its authorities to abuse the law or use it unfairly." ;;$;;;i;)e ~eil.l;;$~ u;;;;$J<J~ ;;;:)d§ol!J_.,

o;);)eo ~eo;SeJ u;;;;$J<J~ ~dii~-,,~J<J~w'w'a ~i:Jo~ii ~affidl1, ~J<Je~;;;:)d~rt'ff r3ti'J<JeQ'<3ii ~'ff1'kl11 ~oi:J::Jo;SocmUc)l1d.

27. ;;:b~e~ ~J<JeWE"";;$ ~ ~'ffiJori: ~eil.l;;$0M &oeiioi:J::J ~eoJUc)l1d ;;ti:Jo .<::l?.J.)ao:S~~ ~e eo;S1'kl<5<3ii ;;t0Mil.ldl~e<3. Devinder Singh & Others vis State of Punjab & Others DATE OF JUDGMENT: 12/10/2007 "\Vhen an order is passed without jurisdiction it amounts to colourable exercise of power. Formation of opinion must precede application of mind. Such application of mind must be on the materials brought on records. The materials should be such which are required to be collected by the authorities entitled therefor. The authorities must act within the fourcorners of the statute. An opinion formed even on the basis of an advice by an authority which is not contemplated under the statute render the decision bad in law. A statutory authority is bound by the procedure laid down in the statute and must act within the four-

corners thereof."

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Wherefore on the counts of factual aspects and legal aspects raised in objections and written argmnents the acquisition proceedings may be dropped by filing suitable report to the government in this regard in the interest of Justice.

DATE: 31-08-2008 PLACE: TUMKUR





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