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Pertemuan 1

Marketing & Consumer Value

Marketing for non profit organization

The key : have supporters because if not all of the effort will be worthless.

Pertemuan 2
Marketing Strategy Planning

finding opportunities and developing marketing strategies.

Marketing strategies specifies a target market and a related marketing mix

(what a firm will do in some market.)

Target market & Marketing Mix

1. Target marketgroup of SPESIFIC customers to whom company wishes to focus.

- Contra : Mass marketing (production oriented approach trying to sell the goods
to everyone).
- Purpose : gain competitive adventage by specified its customers.
2. Marketing mixthe controllable variables to satisfy specified group.
- Product : provide G&S that fulfill customer needs.
- Place : how to reach the target ( the product should be there when they
need it) ; correlated with channel of distribution
- Promotion : tell and sell to customer
- Price : estimating customer reaction with the price we offer.

Type of Opportunities

- Market penetration : trying to increase sales of a firms present

products in its present market
- Market development : trying to increase sales by selling present products
in new markets (searching new use for the product)
- Product development : offering new or improved products for present
- Diversification : moving into totally different line of business.

Market Environment

Competitor and Competitive Environment

To survive in market make competitor analysis ( compare strength and weakness) within
the competitive rivals ( closest rival target) but sometimes there will be : competitive
barrier (conditions that our firm difficult to fulfill)

PEST Analysis

How the business should react with PEST that may affect the business.

1. Politics factor : ex : as BUMN. Of course there will be government intervention :

cannot make a dynamic movement.
2. Economics : monetary regulation, government spending, unemployment regulation
3. Social : lifestyle of the society that may affect the business product.
4. Technological

Pertemuan 3


clustering people with similar needs into a market segment (homogeneous group of
customers who will respond to a marketing mix in a similar way)
Psychographic segmentation divides buyers into different segments based on social

class, lifestyle, or personality characteristics. People in the same demographic group can

have very different psychographic characteristics

Behavioral segmentation divides buyers into segments based on their knowledge, attitudes,
uses, or responses concerning a product.


With a smart targeting, companies become more efficient & effective by focusing on

the segments that they can satisfy best and most profitably.

1. Mass Market : focuses on what is commonin the needs of consumers rather than on
what is different.
2. Segmented Marketing : firm decides to target several market segments and designs
separate offers for each.
3. Niche Marketing
4. Micromarketing : based on the needs of spesific buyer ( ex : wedding dress designer)

Differentiation and Positioning

Beyond deciding which segments of the market it will target, the company must decide on

a value propositionhow it will create differentiated value for targeted segments and what

positions it wants to occupy in those segments.

A product position is the way a product is defined by consumers on important attributes

the place the product occupies in consumers minds relative to competing products.

a brands positioning must serve the needs and preferences of welldefined target markets.
For example, as discussed previously, although both Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks are
coffee and snack shops, they target very different customers. Yet each brand succeeds
because it creates just the right value proposition for its unique mix of customers.
Steps :

1. identifying a set of differentiating competitive advantages

competitive adv : advantage over competitors gained by offering greater customer
value, either by having lower prices or providing more benefits that justify higher
prices. The differentiation can be by the physical appearance (features,
performance, or style and design) , the service provided (speedy,
convenient, or careful delivery) , and the people (hiring
and training better people than their competitors do)
2. choosing advantages on which to build a position
3. selecting an overall positioning strategy ( value proposition maps)
choose one of winning strategy : more for more, more for
the same, the same for less, less for much less, or more for less.

Pertemuan 4 ( consumer and business buying behavior)

Consumer Behavior

buying behavior of final consumersindividuals and households that buy goods and
services for personal consumption.

Factors that affect consumer decision

Type of Consumer Buying Behavior Decision

- Complex buying behavior consumer highly involved to the purchase and

significant perceived difference among brands. (car)
- Dissonance-reducing buying behavior highly involved but not significant
perceived difference among brands. (carpet)
- Habitual buying behavior low involvement & little significant brand difference.
(ex : beli garam. Kalo consumer beli garam yang sama terus menerus bukan
berarti itu loyal sama brand nya, tapi lebih ke habit beli garam)
- variety-seeking buying behavior low involvement but significant brand
difference. (Cirinya : dia gampang pindah ke brand lain)

Consumer decision making process

1. Need Recognition buy on behalf of needs/problems

2. Information search stage when consumer motivated to reach more information
3. alternative evaluation consumer uses the information to evaluate any alternative
4. purchase decision
5. postpurchase decision related to dissatisfaction / satisfaction with the product.

Stages in Business Buying Behavior

Pertemuan 5
Product vs Services

Product Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or
consumption that might satisfy a want or need.

Level of Product :

1. Core Customer Value : the use of the product

2. Actual Consumer Value : feature
3. augmented product : additional consumer benefit such like warranty

Consumer Product Classes :

- Convenience : A consumer product with minimal comparison and buying effort

(ex : garam)
- Shopping : A consumer product that in the process of selecting usually follow by
comparison in price,quality,etc.
- Speciality : A consumer product with unique characteristics, need extra effort to
buy (prada, michael kors)
- Unsought : A consumer product that the consumer either does not know about
or knows about but does not normally consider buying ( ex : insurance)

Services activity, benefit, or satisfaction offered for sale (intangible) and does not result
in the ownership of anything.

Product and Service Decision

Marketers make product and service decisions at three levels: individual product decisions,

product line decisions, and product mix decisions.

1. Individual Product Decision

- Product attributes :
its about how to communicate the benefit of the product to the consumers. They
tell it with : quality, features, and style and design provided by the
- Branding
name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these, that identifies
the products or services of seller and differentiates them from those of
- packaging
- labeling
- product support services.

2. Product Line Decision

group of products that are closely related because they function in a similar manner,
are sold to the same customer groups, are marketed through the same types of
outlets, or fall within given price ranges.
Expanding the products By : line filling or line stretching.
Line filling : adding more items in the current line
Line stretching : increase the number of line.

3. Product Mix Decision

consists of all the product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale.

has four important dimensions: width (numbers of product line), length (number of
products carry between a product line), depth(number of versions offered for each
product in the line), and consistency (how closely related the various product lines
are in end use, production requirements, distribution channels, or some other

Product Life Cycle

The PLC has five distinct stages:

1. Product development : begins when the company finds and develops a new product idea.
sales are zero, and the companys investment costs mount.

2. Introduction : slow sales growth as the product is introduced in the market. Profits are
nonexistent in this stage because of the heavy expenses of product introduction.

3. Growth : rapid market acceptance and increasing profits.

4. Maturity: is a period of slowdown in sales growth because the product has achieved

acceptance by most potential buyers. Profits level off or decline because of increased

marketing outlays to defend the product against competition.

5. Decline : is the period when sales fall off and profits drop.

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