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Sarai Ponce

Art 133
Unit 4: Play
For this unit the big idea we discussed and read about in class was play. In Daniel Pinks

book he discussed play as being a crucial part of ones life. With play you are using the right side

of the brain which is the side that has to do with creativity and artistic abilities. Play is important

in regards to children and how they develop because with play they can experience things in a

much more hands on approach way that can make it easier for them to understand. Play allows

the child to have an outlet where he or she can express themselves without the pressures of them

doing things correctly or not. When children are able to express themselves they feel better about

their overall sense of being. This can also relate to the world of video games, while many

generations before us dont understand why kids play video games a lot we can now say that

children learn from playing games. Video games have now become a way for children and

teenagers to problem solve and it can help them with their own self-expression as well as their

own self exploration (Pink, D.H. 2006 pg. 193). Play and humor should be more valuable when

it comes to work because it reduces hostility and relives tension. Another main topic of

discussion in this unit was choice based education. Choice based education had to do with how

much or how little choice we give the students when it comes to art making. Do we have a more

teacher directed approach or a student centered approach. Douglas and Jaquith spoke on the roles

and practices a teacher or student can have. Their reading had approaches to classroom context,

pedagogy, and assessments. The core of their pedagogy was teaching for artistic behavior and for

students to honor their ideas of art making (Douglas K.M. & Jaquith D.B.).
With all the class discussion we had on play and on choice based learning I feel like I got

an insightful view on the ways of allowing students acquire art. Personally I love the modified

approach when art making. I feel as if it gives the students just enough direction to be expressive

and free but also staying within certain guidelines. I am a very free flowing person when it

comes to art and I would rarely censor my students however it would all break down to the age

of students and the context of the work. When working within a curriculum you would possibly

have to run your ideas by a principle or send out letters to parents to make sure they are okay

with the type of art you will be showing the children. I would give them guidelines but ultimately

not censor there work entirely. I love the vision children have when they are free with their art

and incorporating play it makes it feel fun and less complicated.

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