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A Reality doesnt exist anymore or,

BOA maybe, out of an almost officially

T accepted convention it is not anymore

Just One. It is not ubiquitous, nor
perfect, nor logical, nor continuous,
Playful portrait of a group of men
nor finished. We know nothing about
trying to build an impossible object.
reality except, perhaps, that it is
multiple and subjective, but not
anymore polarized between observer
and observed: they seem, more often
The film comes out as a free-form,
than not, to be smashed in some sort
openly manipulated and misguided
of polymorphic tuxedo that no one is
observation of a polish shipyard,
wearing, dismantling the whole
playing with the opposition between
Western metaphysical project. To this
a group of people and the gigantic,
extent, the classical idea of realism
elusive object they have been
or neorealism in cinema is today
entrusted to build (ungraspable by
unthinkable (films that are primarily
the mere sum of its parts), gliding
concerned with their inherent
between a twilight zone episode and
responsibility of representation of
a tatiesque observational
reality) and the nearest might be in
documentary .
work of the likes of Apichatpong All of this slowly builds up into some
Weerazeetakul, Carlos Reygadas, or kind of dadaist sacrality,
metafantasies like the Act of Killing, all onomatopoeic, that through
of them trying to respond to this something as a subsidiary
polymorphic reality (self-referential but consciousness, an informed
free of judgment), making an effort to naivety, tries to create a
link it together through associations, mythological body for perception, to
parallelisms, and by materializing the restore an assembly of imaginary
subjective into the objective and back. beings (if it really is that God must
They often turn, therefore, come back, he shall do it in the shape
mythological in more than one sense. of a small and colorful plastic toy, a
Mythologies that, though initially might cheap miniature racing car or a
be rooted in the cultural grounding of poorly fabricated plastic velociraptor).
each film, tend to overcome that
The present project is a lighthearted,
relative identity films using similar
dadaist comment, on this new deities
devices from radically different cultural
that artistic practice must build in
backgrounds, like anthropological
order to keep an actual relation with
documentaries that come out as
reality, something to glue it together,
mystical cowboy road-movies or
to make it domestic and common-
sensory-horror documentaries on a
fishing boat, for example
(Sweetgrass and Leviathan from
Lucien-Castaing Taylor, US).
Cast & Crew

Cast Workers from the

Shipyard of Gdynia.
Script & Directing Gabriel Herrera

Cinematography Michal Dymek

Production Hania Drewek.

Montage Kacper Plawgo

& Gabriel Herrera
Sound design Gabriel Herrera

Produced by PWSFTviT & Black Maria

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