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Leccin Evaluativa (Unidades 1-7)

Dear student

This is the Evaluative Lesson Units 1- 7. It has one part and it is specially prepared for
you, in order to evaluate your knowledge about the general topics developed in these
units. You must answer the correct option according to the text or situations

Punctuation 10

Date: August 9th to September 8th

To begin this activity you need to click on the bottom bar where it says Continue.

Good luck!!!

The Old Woman

When she died she was quite old - 89 to be precise.She lived her whole life alone in a
newly-remodeled condo with low-rise ceilings in the centre of London. She had very
little furniture. She didn't have a television or a radio.

The old lady didn't have any friends or relatives, and she didn't belong to any clubs or
associations, so she didn't have any friends. In fact nobody knew her in the community,
not even her neighbors.

She went out of her house, twice a week - early in the morning to go shopping and to
have a cup of coffee and a piece of apple cake in her local cafeteria which was one of
the most popular of the city. She never caught a bus or a train. She always walked.

After her death, Teresa Brown, 40, says, "Once a month she used to come into the
hairdresser's in order to cut her hair. She never talked to me, the only words she said
were, 'my usual please', and then she would read some of the magazines. She loved
reading 'Hello' magazine. It was her favorite!" Most of time, she was reading the
magazine while I was cutting her hair.
The irony of the story is that this old lady, who lived alone and hated talking to people,
was one of the richest ladies in her neighborhood!
According to the Reading answer the following questions:

1. Who did the old woman live with?

Su respuesta :

She lived alone

O.K. Your answer is correct. Continue please!

2. The combination for creating the compound adjective Newly remodeled is:
Su respuesta :

Adverb + past participle.

O.K. Your answer is correct. Continue please

3. How many times did the old woman go out of her house?
Su respuesta :

She went out two days in the week.

Your answer is correct

4. A wrong idea about the text is:

Su respuesta :

The old woman belonged to many clubs and associations

Excellent. Continue please!

5. Choose the correct ideas about the text:

1.The old lady hated talking to people

2.The old woman always caught a bus or a train

3.The old woman liked to read some magazines

4. The old lady had many relatives

Su respuesta :
1 and 3 are correct

Your answer is correct. Congratulations!

6. The expression: she was reading the magazine while I was cutting her hair,
Su respuesta :

Two continuous actions in the past

Its Good. Continue please!

7. The relative clauses are used to join two ideas or concepts to avoid repetition. In
the expression: The irony of the story is that this old lady, who lived alone and
hated talking to people The relative clause Who replaces to:
Su respuesta :

The old lady

O.K. your answer is correct

8. In the following text:She went out of her house, twice a week - early in the
morning to go shopping and to have a cup of coffee and a piece of apple cake in her
local cafeteria which was one of the most popular of the city.Which refers to?
Su respuesta :

The cafeteria

O.K. Your answer is correct. Continue please!

9. According to the reading, the old woman was:

Su respuesta :

A solitary and rich person.

O.K. Your answer is correct. Continue please!!

10. The expression low-rise ceilings means:
Su respuesta :

Ceilings that arent too high

Your answer is correct. Congratulations!

Su puntuacin es 10 (sobre 10).

Su calificacin actual es 10.0 sobre 10

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