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Research Proposal on Consumer Decision Analysis

for Purchase of Fruit Drinks


This project aims to find out the various factors influencing the consumer
decision while making a purchase of a fruit drink in the age group of 19-30 in
the city of Pune. Background talks about various factors that have led us to
undertake this study and how and to whom this report will benefit. Objectives
talks of types of data the research project will generate and how these data is
relevant. A statement of value of information is also included in this section.
Research approach gives a non technical description of the data collection
method, measurement instrument, sample and analytical techniques.

Due to the changes in the beverage market there is a need to identify and
evaluate the reasons for the shift in the consumer purchasing pattern. This
study aims to determine the factors influencing the consumer decision while
buying fruit drinks in the age group 19-30 in the city of Pune.

There is also need to study the factors that are now driving the consumer’s
purchasing decision. Also, due to the increase in the competition there is a need
to determine the awareness levels for the various brands amongst the
consumers. With the availability of a number of channels of distribution for the
beverages in India, will also try to identify the most preferred shopping channel
of beverages for a consumer.

Primary research objective

To determine the factors influencing the consumer decision while buying fruit
drinks in the age group 19-30 in the city of Pune.

Secondary research objective

1. To determine the product attributes influencing purchase decision of fruit

drink brands.

2. To determine the reasons for consuming various fruit drink brands.

3. To determine the most preferred SKU(quantity) in fruit drink category.

4. To determine the most preferred channel in the fruit drink category.

Data which research plans to generate

1. Factors influencing the choice of fruit drinks over other beverages.

2. Factors influencing choice of a particular fruit drink brand.

3. Factors influencing the choice of a particular channel in fruit drink


Value of Information to Management

This report aims to generate information on various factors influencing

consumer decision while purchasing a fruit drink. Companies can utilise this
information for identifying the awareness levels of their respective brands in the
fruit drink category. Also companies can evaluate their positioning and
promotion strategies based on the factors influencing the choice of a particular
fruit drink brand. Companies can also utilise the factors influencing the choice
of SKU for managing their portfolio of different SKUs in the fruit drink category.
The information on factors influencing the choice of a channel can be used to
focus on the growing channels and also in managing existing channels. This
report also contains broad based trends on consumer profile, awareness levels,
usage patterns and fruit drink category as a whole which can be utilised to
make inferences about the future.
Research Approach

Data collection methods

1. Secondary Research
External secondary data has been generated to obtain volume of sales
regarding beverage markets, fruit drinks, each of the brands and the positioning
of each of the brands.

Measurement Instruments:

1. The measurement instrument in the questionnaire was a five point Likert

2. Apart from details regarding their choice of drink for refreshment, their
frequency of visits and the channels they choose, their spending patterns
will also be mapped.
3. The data was extracted and put in MS Excel. All the further analysis was
then carried out using SPSS.
4. The measurement was designed to get a fair idea about the various
attributes and conducted factorial analysis of the important attributes.

The data was collected from 100 samples for the analysis. The main
demographics targeted were the younger age group as they are more health
conscious and aware of such health drinks. Also tried to focus more on the
college going crowd and young professionals as they would be more interested
in trying out new products and were more conscious.

Buyers who have been consuming fruit drinks were better able to answer the
questions regarding the influencing factors and the reasons for their
consumption and purchase. The samples collected from internet have also been
very valuable in the research.

Analysis Techniques

1. The analysis techniques used have been on SPSS and the tests were
performed to ascertain the factors influencing the consumer decision
while buying fruit drinks.
2. Factor analysis was conducted to discern out of the 13 factors mainly
which factors influence the buying habits of the consumers. Ultimately I
identified 5 factors which mainly have an influence.

3. Also conducted correlation tests to find out the various reasons for
purchasing any particular brand of fruit drink.


1. The main limitation is the sampling conducted. It was done in a random

manner and no particular technique followed. In the first survey a greater
number of college students have been surveyed. The data might not be
representative of the entire population.
2. Various statistical techniques as learned have been implemented and
conclusions as best possible have been drawn making few assumptions as
and when required.
3. Since no data was on interval or ratio scale it was not feasible to conduct
Regression and ANOVA.
Factor Analysis

The Perceptual mapping for various factor recognized:

Rotated Component Matrix(a)

health and media convenience product package
hygiene influence features design
range_flavours 0.112 -0.069 0.847 -0.056 0.033
availability 0.011 0.001 0.82 0.009 0.042
brandambassad 0.633 -0.072 -0.253 -0.118 0.3
visual_packg 0.084 0.072 0.062 -0.023 0.872
price -0.14 0.003 0.088 0.691 0.438
quantityavailabl 0.108 0.643 0.041 -0.181 0.06
promotionsche -0.08 0.856 -0.039 0.172 -0.032
packetcleanline 0.926 0.004 0.152 -0.013 -0.014
brandvalue -0.116 0.794 -0.159 0.125 -0.028
nutritionvalue 0.778 -0.074 -0.043 0.067 -0.088
flavour 0.147 0.118 -0.113 0.779 -0.261
adfreq -0.065 0.8 0.052 0.046 0.066
expirydate 0.805 -0.009 0.244 0.04 0.043
Extraction Method: Principal
Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with
Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 6

The factors recognized after the factor analysis are as under:

Factor 1: Health and Hygiene

1. Packet cleanliness
2. Nutrition Value
3. Expiry Date

Factor 2: Media Influence

1. Promotion Schemes
2. Brand Value
3. AD Frequency
Factor 3: Convenience

1. Range of flavors
2. Availability
Factor 4: Product Features
1. Price
2. Flavor
Factor 5: Package Design

1. Visual Packaging
Attributes those were not important:

1. Brand Ambassador
2. Quantity Available

1. The perceptual maps show the mapping of different factors in the minds
of the customers and the association between them. The data was
reduced from many attributes to 5 factors that have similar attributes.

2. The various factors mapped according to the rotated results of factor

analysis. The factors were given names based on the attributes in them.
These factors were used to form the factor analysis where two factors
were mapped on X and Y axis to know the relation between them.

3. The factors help the company to know how the product is currently
mapped in the customer’s mind. If a target consumer is focused upon
then the factors can be changed and a different map can be formed.
4. The attribute brand ambassador and package sizes available are
not a major attribute in any of the factors. This justifies the fact that
almost all the major fruit drinks are not endorsed by any of the big brand
ambassador barring a few such as minute maid pulpy orange (Nikhil
Chinappa ) . Also the variety of the package sizes available is not affecting
the consumer decision while making a purchase for fruit drinks.



200 ml 300 ml 500 ml litre Total
purchasefrequen 1-3 times 25 2 5 2 34
cy 4-6 times 15 6 6 0 27
more than 6
7 1 4 4 16
rarely 11 1 5 6 23
Total 58 10 20 12 100

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-
19.117a 9 .024
Likelihood Ratio 20.380 9 .016
8.109 1 .004
N of Valid Cases 100
Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-
19.117a 9 .024
Likelihood Ratio 20.380 9 .016
8.109 1 .004
1. 10 cells (62.5%) have expected count less
than 5. The minimum expected count is

Since p value is less than alpha i.e. .05 (95% confidence level), therefore h0 is
rejected. This shows that there is high association between purchase frequency
and SKU or quantity packs. This is an indication of the fact that people
preferring smaller SKUs usually purchase more as compared to others. Thus
high association between purchase frequency and SKU (pack sizes ) is
established .


male female Total
purchasefrequ 1-3 times 19 15 34
ency 4-6 times 18 9 27
more than 6
12 4 16
rarely 17 6 23
Total 66 34 100
Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-
2.776a 3 .428
Likelihood Ratio 2.776 3 .427
2.387 1 .122
N of Valid Cases 100
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than
5. The minimum expected count is 5.44.

Since p value is greater than alpha i.e. o.05 (95% confidence level), therefore
there is no association between purchase frequency and gender.


Reason for channel
Ambien Nearne Servic Reputati Occasi
Pricing ce ss e Display on on Total
chann Retail
4 8 23 0 13 0 6 54
el store
4 6 6 0 6 1 0 23
Cineplex 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 5
1 3 1 1 3 0 0 9
Travel 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 5
Pan shops 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
Others 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
Total 12 21 31 1 25 3 7 100
Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 68.211 a
36 .001
Likelihood Ratio 50.165 36 .059
1.108 1 .293
N of Valid Cases 100
a. 43 cells (87.8%) have expected count less than
5. The minimum expected count is .02.
Here p value is less than alpha i.e. 0.05 (95% confidence level) therefore Ho
is rejected. This shows that there is high association between choice of channel
and factors affecting the choice of channel. This gives an indication such that
those people who consider availability and nearness as their factor affecting the
choice of channel might prefer buying fruit drink from retail stores or grocery
stores. Thus a high association is established.



I conducted crosstabs of purchase frequency with the scores /ranking given by

various respondents to the various reasons for drinking fruit drinks such as
socialisation, refreshment, enjoyment, mental lift, attitude, basic thirst, taste
etc. out of all these crosstabs association was found between two cases. The
two cases have been given below:


strongly disagre agree nor strongly
disagree e disagree agree agree Total
purchasefreq 1-3 times 20 7 5 2 0 34
uency 4-6 times 18 6 0 1 2 27
more than
9 7 0 0 0 16
6 times
rarely 8 12 2 1 0 23
Total 55 32 7 4 2 100
Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 20.628a 12 .056
Likelihood Ratio 23.332 12 .025
.108 1 .742
N of Valid Cases 100
a. 12 cells (60.0%) have expected count less than
5. The minimum expected count is .32.
Since p value is less than alpha (95% confidence level) thus there is high
association between refreshment purpose and purchase frequency. This might
be an indication of the fact that people drinking fruit drinks for refreshment
purpose generally buy more as compared to others.
Basic thirst
strongly disagre agree nor strongly
disagree e disagree agree agree Total
Purchase 1-3 times 6 15 7 5 1 34
frequency 4-6 times 11 6 6 4 0 27
than 6 3 9 0 4 0 16
rarely 11 9 2 0 1 23
Total 31 39 15 13 2 100

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 20.262 a
12 .062
Likelihood Ratio 26.177 12 .010
4.223 1 .040
N of Valid Cases 100
a. 12 cells (60.0%) have expected count less than
5. The minimum expected count is .32.

Since p value is less than alpha (95%) therefore there is high association
between purchase frequency and basic thirst /filling purpose. This might be an
indication of the fact that people drinking fruit drinks for basic thirst / filling
purpose generally buy more as compared to others.


On the basis of the data collected and the tests conducted I have arrived at
the following conclusions:
• With the help of correlation I was able to identify the attributes that
consumers associate with the various fruit drinks and which in turn drive
their purchase decision for the same.

• The crosstab between purchase frequency and SKU showed that those
purchasing smaller SKU’s purchase more frequently as compared to those
who purchased a 500ml or 1litre. On the other hand there is no impact of
gender on purchasing frequency for fruit drinks.

• There is a high association between the channels preferred and the

factors affecting these channels. The most important factor came out to
be location or nearness of the channel.

• There is also a high association between purchase frequency and reasons

for consuming fruit drinks such as refreshment and fulfilling basic thirst.

• In factor analysis I found out 5 factors which mainly have an impact on

the purchase of a fruit drink. There were two factors which did not have
any significant impact.

• Also, I found out that the most preferred channel for purchase in retail
stores. The most preferred SKU is 200ml packs which could be due to

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