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Peer Leader Training in Mathematics Galib F.

MEDU 2901 Section 694 10 / 17 / 2017

Assignment 005
In my most recent workshop, the students were analyzing parallel circuits and the
properties of components that are placed in such configuration. The module in which they were
working on was structured such that the problems increased in difficulty. Thus, most of the
students were capable of working independently in the beginning of the workshop. Eventually,
as they progressed into the module, students began to ask questions in regards to questions that
required some knowledge of algebra and various rules. During this duration, I guided the
students by re-reading the problem with them and underlined the key components of the
problem. I asked the student to label the corresponding values next to each component, such that
the individual was able to visualize and relate the values. Next, I asked the student to write down
all the given quantities under the word Given and list all the
quantities that were unknown. Afterwards, I asked the student,
what formulas he knew that he could apply to a circuit in
parallel configuration. Then, I asked the student to utilize
the formula he deemed to be a suitable application (which
was a valid execution in this scenario). The student was
then successful in replacing the numerical values within
the equation, but struggled to deduce the value of a
single variable, as there were two unknowns in the
equation. I then redirected the student to look at the given
information he listed and asked whether he could use any
of the data to simplify said equation such that it consisted of
one variable. Within several seconds, he was successful in
replacing some variables such that there was only one unknown.
However, he still struggled in isolating the variable due to the lack of
knowledge in application of factoring expressions. To satisfy the necessary mathematical
foundation to solve such a problem, I demonstrated how one could factor simple expressions and
add like terms. I also hinted him in replacing the fractional coefficients into decimals such that
there was no need in determining a common denominator. Eventually, as other students took part
in assisting him, the student I was assisting reached his ZPD and was able to solve said problem.
The scaffolding techniques that I used during this specific case, was predominately
prompts that led the student to realize methods that he could use to find unknown values. In other
cases during the workshop I used the think-aloud modelling to demonstrate how one would solve
a problem consisting of resistors placed in various locations within a circuit to assist students in
visualizing the concept of a node and the distinguishing characteristics one must use to verify
whether the electrical component is placed in parallel or series. This technique was most useful,
in enabling students to work more autonomously, since they observed an approach which proved
to be effective in tackling such problems.
Peer Leader Training in Mathematics Galib F. Rahman
MEDU 2901 Section 694 10 / 17 / 2017

Assignment 006
In my efforts to motivate students intrinsically, I would start of by asking students to
write down what their goals were in regards to the course. Then, I would explain the difference
between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Afterwards, I would ask the students to categorize the
goals by the motivation of said goal as extrinsic or intrinsic. By writing these goals, the students
have a list of things they hope to achieve. I would then ask these students to make small goals
that would lead to the (intrinsically motivated) goal they wrote- and commit to it.
Another activity I would use to boost intrinsic motivation is to encourage the active
participation of group members. For each session, I could ask the group to reiterate the concepts
that the learned within the week verbally- serving as a quick refresher. This provides a
foundation for the students to work on and discuss amongst each other, encouraging students to
take an active approach in the learning process.
Additionally, as a peer leader, I would provide feedback in regards to any issues they
may potentially experience throughout the duration of the workshop or overall course. I could
provide a customized guide (containing suggestive tasks they could execute) such that the
student could reach the desired understanding of the course.

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